Falling for Him (15 page)

Read Falling for Him Online

Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

Tags: #Romance, #Healing Hearts 1

“Compromised?” Ethan’s eyebrows rose. “How so?”

“The little girl I told you about—”

“The one that pushed you into medicine? My God, Liam, please tell me she isn’t the one on the table.”

Liam looked up, knowing Ethan wouldn’t like the answer.

Ethan sighed stridently and began to scrub up. “We’ll discuss this in detail once the procedure is complete. You’ve crossed a line here.”

“I waited twenty years to make this right.”

“We’ll discuss this after. Now, pull up the scans for me and scrub in. You can assist since you’re more familiar with her injury.”

* * * *

Ethan walked out before Liam and told Olivia’s parents the good news. Mr. and Mrs. Owens looked surprised, their eyes going to him as Ethan spoke.

“Liam, I’ll see you in my office in ten minutes.”

Liam watched Ethan walk away as he felt the undivided attention of Olivia’s parents.

“Did Dr. Peterson perform her surgery?” Mrs. Owens asked.

“Yes. I assisted.”

“But … why? You waited so long.”

“A case of nerves. My hands didn’t want to work. I was afraid I’d hurt her more and I couldn’t live with that, even if it means I’ve lost my chance at redemption.”

He couldn’t live with the look of pity that crossed Mrs. Owens face.

“There’s no need for redemption. It wasn’t your fault, Liam. Even if it was, bringing us news of this surgery and making sure it all went smoothly is more than enough to move that weight off your shoulders.”

He had expected to mend her with his
two hands, not someone else’s, but there was no point in arguing with Mrs. Owens. She’d spent years trying to sway him from his course. “Perhaps you’re right.” He smiled. “I’ve got to meet with Dr. Peterson. Olivia should be wheeled out of recovery within an hour or two, so why don’t you go grab a bite to eat before you meet her back in her room.”

Liam shook Mr. Owens’ hand and smiled as the man grumbled a thank-you, knowing he was worried over his little girl. Fortunately, everything had gone right with the surgery, so Liam’s hopes were high for a speedy recovery. Olivia, with physical therapy, should be walking with little to no pain in a few weeks. At least, that was the hope.

As he rounded the corner into the cluster of offices his practice used in the hospital, he knew he was about to get the lecture of his life. Ethan would take him to task, and rightfully so. He
crossed a line, but it was one he’d clearly stated he would for years. His mentor knew more about his past and what Olivia meant to him than anyone else, except perhaps Olivia herself.

“Sit down, Liam.”

Liam slumped into one of Ethan’s big leather chairs and waited for the inevitable speech.

“I know how much it meant for you to correct this mistake you thought was your own, but there’s an ethical code in this hospital that states you aren’t allowed to perform surgery on family and close friends.”

“I know the rules and you’ve known my plans since I was in residency.”

“And I told you then it wasn’t a good idea. Your emotions are too close on this one. The case of nerves you had is proof positive. Luckily, you had the good sense to call me in. You could’ve done more harm than good on that girl.”

“I know all that, which is why I called you, even when I really didn’t want to.”

“If any of the board members get wind of this, we could get reprimanded. I don’t need this practice falling in the dark shadow of your attempt to play the hero. Pull this shit again, and you’re going to have a very long vacation. Do I make myself clear?”

“Very.” Liam rose from the chair. “A question before I go?”


“There’s never been a time when you’ve needed to mend someone you love?”

Liam watched as a dark cloud crossed Ethan’s face. “We’re talking about you here, not me.”

Liam nodded, unsure of the answer he got. There was a story there, but he knew now was not the time to touch it. Ethan was in a foul mood and Liam wasn’t stupid enough to stick a fork in a tiger’s ass. Yet, the flicker of recognition in Ethan’s eyes told Liam the man could understand and quite possibly had been in his very shoes.

“And Liam, are you checking on her post-op or am I?”

Liam froze, realizing he’d have to face Olivia and tell her he’d failed. He wasn’t quite sure he was prepared to do that just yet. He’d hounded her, told her that he would protect her and ensure the surgery was a complete success, by his own hand.

Fortunately, it had been successful, just as he’d imagined. She had been a prime candidate for the procedure.

There was no way he would lie to her, but he wasn’t ready to face her yet. “I’ll get her physical therapy lined up while you do the post-op check.”

Liam backed out of the office, trying to ignore Ethan’s raised brow.

Chapter 14

“Your surgery was smooth, completely textbook. I have no doubt you’ll be up and walking in no time.”

Olivia listened to Dr. Peterson with half her brain; the rest of her was focused on trying to figure out where Liam was. He should be the one here to congratulate her on a successful surgery, not this stranger.

“I want you up and on your feet at—”

“I-I’m sorry to interrupt, Doctor, but where’s Dr. Palmer?”

“He’s setting up your therapy sessions.”

“Did he perform the surgery … or did you?”

Dr. Peterson looked at her a moment before answering her, his expression vague, yet she instinctively knew the answer. “I did your procedure. Liam assisted.”


“Yes, but I’m sure you can discuss that with him at a later date. Like I was saying, you need to begin slowly over the next few days…”

Olivia tuned the doctor out, her mind going in twenty different directions. Not only had Liam not completed her surgery, but he hadn’t even come to the room to check on her. After all his pushing and prodding, he couldn’t even be bothered to come see how she was doing after the surgery? She looked at her mother, who was engrossed in what Dr. Peterson was saying, which she was thankful for since she wasn’t listening to a word. Her father sat by her mother, also riveted by the surgeon’s information.

Olivia had wondered if Liam would walk away once the surgery was over, once his tie to her was severed. She’d believed in his passion, his need to assuage his guilt, so much so she’d become wrapped up in the fantasy he’d woven about her. Olivia had been a fool to believe him. After all the years of wanting him, she’d been blinded by raw need.

Surrounded by three people, yet she’d never felt so alone in her life.

* * * *

“Dr. York, do you have a second?” Liam had gone on the hunt for the practice’s resident physical therapist in his attempt to avoid Olivia.

Bastian York nodded while raising one finger asking for a minute and gave his assistant instruction on the exercises their patient would need to get started.

“Hey, Liam, what’s up?” Bastian sauntered up, out of earshot of the patient.

“I have a special case I need you to oversee.”

“I oversee all the cases that come through PT.”

“No, I mean really oversee. I’m asking a huge favor, one I’ll owe you for. I want you to personally direct this patient’s PT. She’s had back surgery after falling twenty years ago. She’s a close personal family friend and I want to make sure her PT is right.”

“My staff is top-notch. Any of my assistants will ensure her care is done right.”

“I’m not saying they are anything but highly professional. This just needs to work. I won’t be able to live with myself unless she’s right.”

“You know I oversee anywhere from twenty to fifty patients’ rehab at any one time.”

“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

Bastian ran a hand through his hair. “I’ll do the best I can, Liam, but there may be a few times I’ll have to partner her up with one of my assistants. My hands are full as it is.”

“Good enough.”

“Is there something I should know about this patient?”

Liam understood the subtle hint, but refused to delve into his personal life with Bastian York. The two had been rivals when they’d been in grade school, yet a friendship, though still on shaky ground, had formed when Bastian had merged his business with the practice a year before. Bastian was one of the best physical therapists in the state, maybe even the region. Who better to entrust his Olivia to?

His Olivia?
The thought gave him pause, but he saw the intent look on Bastian’s face and pulled back. “It’s Olivia Owens.”

“Wow.” Bastian looked taken aback. “I haven’t seen her in ages, not that I knew her all that well. She didn’t let people get too close.”

“She can still be reserved but she’s coming into her own.”

“The surgery was a success?”

“I’m confident. She should be ready to get started right after Thanksgiving.”

“Send over her scans and I’ll take a look.” Bastian began walking back to his patient.

“I owe you one,” Liam said to Bastian’s back.

“I’ll hold you to it,” came from over his shoulder.

* * * *

Olivia lay in her hospital bed, a light rain pattering against the large window. Gray clouds outside mirrored her mood inside. The television on the wall flickered, but she’d turned off the sound, the noise giving her a headache. She’d dozed in and out most of the day.

She’d finally convinced both of her parents to return home, blaming fatigue. Her mother had driven her nuts, asking her to wiggle her toes every few minutes to ensure that her legs were still in working order.

Liam still hadn’t come to see her and it felt like a slap to the face. He’d abandoned her when she’d needed him most. He’d dragged her into this decision kicking and screaming and then handed over the tools of her repair to another doctor. Perhaps this had been the plan all along? Instead of following through on his supposed lifetime calling to save her, he’d bailed.

She hadn’t meant anything to him, just as she’d expected. Had it all been a lie to get her to fall for him and say yes to surgery? She had so many questions, needed so many answers, but she was afraid hearing the truth might hurt more than being in the dark did.

Olivia had known her relationship with Liam was going to be a short-lived experience. Once the surgery was complete, he’d no longer feel burdened by guilt. She had expected their romance to fade after it was over, but she hadn’t expected it to end so bluntly. Apparently, he couldn’t wait to rush off. Maybe it was for the best, ending it now before they became too serious.

Oh, who am I kidding? This is the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through.

A knock brought her out of her reverie. Bunches of roses were held up above a white lab coat. Liam shifted them to the side, a smile widening his mouth. “How’s my patient?”

patient?” Ire filled her, the need to lash out at him brewing within but she needed to rein it in. There was no point in letting him know just how much pain he’d caused. It wouldn’t bother him and would only let him see how much he’d gotten to her. Plus, there was no point in letting him ramble on and on when she knew it was over between them. It was just time to end things before he had the chance to hurt her any more than he already had.

“Dr. Peterson already stopped by to check on me, so I’m fine.

Liam flinched as he carried the roses in and set the vase on the cabinet across from her. “So, you’ve already heard the news, hmm?”

“That you handed over the knife? Yep. Dr. Peterson seems fairly confident that everything went well and I should heal in no time. I’m glad you picked a replacement that was such a good surgeon.”

“There’s more to this story than you’re assuming.”

It was too little, too late. Olivia was tired and wanted to rest. Arguing with Liam was too much energy. “So, we’re square now, right? I wouldn’t want to keep you from all your other patients.”

“What’s with the anger, Olivia?”

“I’m tired. Please leave.”

Liam stalked to the edge of the bed and leaned down until he was nose to nose with her. “Don’t think for one second this is over. I’ll go, only because you need rest, but we
discuss this.”

Olivia’s body trembled at his nearness. When his gaze roamed to her lips, she shuddered slightly, turning her face away to prevent him from affecting her further. She heard his quiet sigh and listened to his footsteps as he left the room. Tears burned behind her eyelids, but she refused to let them drop. She was tired of feeling weak and being ignored. It was time she showed everyone what she was capable of.

After she got out of the damned hospital bed, of course.

* * * *

“Good morning, Olivia. I’m Dr. York.” Bastian reached out to grasp Olivia’s hand and was bowled over with how attractive she was. Before entering her hospital room, he’d been unable to picture her in his mind, other than a riot of golden curls hiding her face.

“Dr. York, you look very familiar.”

“My mother is friends of your parents. I’m sure we’ve bumped into one another at least once over the years.” Bastian chose to omit the fact he knew exactly who she was. He’d noticed her years before at a holiday ball at the country club and thought she looked so lonely. He’d considered offering her a dance, but seconds before he’d gotten to her, her father had whisked her onto the dance floor. That evening, he’d been a witness to one of her smiles and he’d never forgotten it.

“Of course. Who doesn’t my mother know?” Olivia rolled her eyes and attempted to look indignant, but ended up giggling instead. Her smile was vibrant, exactly as he remembered it.

“I’d say there are few people in the Charlottesville area that Maria Owens doesn’t know.” Bastian chuckled. “I’ll be in charge of your post-op physical therapy and I’ve been asked to take special care of you, so I thought it best to come say hello.”

“I can guess who’s twisted your arm into this.” Her frown made him interested in what that lay behind it. Bastian’s interest was already high since Liam had come pleading for his help.

He’d get to the bottom of the story during PT. Something told him he’d thoroughly enjoy spending time with the woman before him. Perhaps he owed Liam instead of the other way around. “I’ve reviewed your chart, and we should be able to get started in two weeks, starting that Monday morning if you’re up to it.”

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