Falling Sweetly (Starling Falls #2) (17 page)

“Tell me you took care of this idiot, so I don’t have to find him and run him over with my car.”

“I think he got the message to stay away.”

“Okay, good. One idiot taken care of, another one to go.”

Before I could ask her what she meant, Liya had stood up and pinched the lobe of my left ear.

“Ow. Liya! Let go!” I was forced to follow her when she started walking with my ear still in her death grip. I was hunched over as we walked past the reception and I saw the nurse trying not to laugh.

Liya lead us to an empty staff room and only let go of my ear when we were inside.

Rubbing my sore ear, I glared at her. “What the hell, Liya? Are you always this violent? Should I be worried for my brother’s safety?”

Liya crossed her arms over her chest. Brown eyes similar to the ones that had been haunting me for months stared back at me annoyed.

“Jacob Jameson, what the fuck are you waiting for?”

I frowned at her. “What are you talking about?”

“With my sister. What are you waiting for?” she asked sounding both confused and exasperated. “Why haven’t you asked her out yet? Are you just going to just sit by and watch forever as she goes on date after date with these losers?”

I swallowed hard before replying. “You know I like Niki?”

She rolled her eyes. “At this point, the only person who doesn’t know about your feelings for Niki,

“She was always so damn shy. I didn’t want to push her into anything she wasn’t ready for,” I sighed as I sat in a chair, and Liya took the seat next to me.

“Okay.  A piece of advice. Niki needs to be pushed from time to time. I love my sister, but she has the most warped self-image. Most of the time, she doubts and criticises everything about herself.

You know she almost didn’t even go to pastry school because she thought she wouldn’t be good enough. I literally had to fill out the forms for her, shove her in the car and force her to go to the interview.

When she told me she wanted to start dating again, I thought it would be a good thing; that it might help bring her out of her shell. But turns out she makes some horrible choices. None of the men she’s been on dates with deserved her,” Liya said, shaking her head.

Feeling frustrated, I exhaled loudly and ran my hands through my hair again.

“I didn’t even know she’d been dating these assholes until today. I’ve wanted to spend more time with her and ease her into the idea of a relationship, though that’s been impossible with the way she’s been avoiding me, and I’ve been so busy at work which hasn’t helped either.”

“She thinks you’re a great guy, Jake, but a great guy who likes her as nothing more than a friend. I’m pretty sure she’s attracted to you, but in her head you could never possibly have those same feelings for her. Niki would have probably perceived you spending time with her as a nothing more than a platonic act of friendship.” Liya sighed softly.

I rubbed my hand across my temple. “That makes no sense. I’ve been sending out all the right signals… at least I thought I was. Apparently not.”

She shrugged and leant back into the chair.

“I’ve known the girl her whole life, and even I don’t understand the complicated inner workings of Niki’s mind. You’ve experienced her awkwardness first hand. She practically hid behind the bloody trees whenever she saw you around town.”

“I don’t know what happened between the both of you on New Year’s Eve, but trust me on this, Jake. If you want my sister, subtlety is not the way to do it. She won’t believe you want her unless you make it completely clear. When you tell her, leave no room for uncertainty.”

Fuck, I’ve been going about this all wrong.

“Does this mean I have your seal of approval?” I asked hopefully.

Liya peered at me curiously. “What is it that you like about my sister?”

I chuckled, “What, do you want a list?” Liya didn’t respond but merely stared at me with a deadpan expression.

Oh, you actually want a list. Okay. Well, she’s generous and caring. She goes out of her way to help people, and she’s kind hearted. I don’t think she has a malicious bone in her body.

Of course it doesn’t hurt that she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. And when she smiles at me, I feel like I could do anything.”

The silence that followed my declaration was painful. “Was that too sappy? Probably was. If Addie was here she would have thrown something at me.”

A wide grin appeared on Liya’s face and her eyes became bright and I panicked.

“Oh, shit. No tears. Please, no tears. Caleb will break my nose if he knows I made you cry. I’m trying to win over your sister, I can’t afford to have my good looks blemished.”

Liya snorted. “I was just giving you shit, but that list was so sweet, I’m glad I asked you.”

“I’ve seen how you look at her.” She smiled at me fondly. “It’s how Jeremy looks at Debbie, and how Caleb looks at me. There’s no one else I would trust more with Niki’s happiness.”

“Thanks, Liya. That means a lot.”

“But just know, if you ever hurt her, there will be no place on earth for you to hide where I won’t find you. I will introduce you to a whole new meaning of the word pain. Seriously, by the time I’m done, you will be begging for death,” Liya said with a big smile as she left the room.

I have a whole new respect for Caleb.


* * * * *


I followed Liya out of the staff room and back to the waiting area, just as Niki walked out holding some forms.

Liya reached her first and threw her arms around her. “Little bug, you had me worried! What did Dr Turner say?” She walked around Niki to look at the back of her head. “Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m fine, Liya. It’s nothing. I may have a nasty headache, but there’s no concussion. And the cut wasn’t even deep enough to need stitches,” she said, her gaze fixed on the floor.

“Okay, but I still don’t want you to be alone tonight. Jake, will you drive Niki home and stay with her? Just to make sure she’s okay?” Liya asked as she sent me a meaningful look.

“Sure,” I said immediately, though I had already decided that there was no way I was leaving her by herself tonight.

“No,” Niki replied immediately, shaking her head. “Stop fussing, Liya. I’ll be fine.”

Liya rolled her eyes. “Go home and get some rest, Niki. You’re not working tomorrow, are you? I’ll come and see you on my way home. Call me if you wake up feeling worse during the night, okay?”

She kissed her sister on the forehead and walked towards the elevators.

The walk back to the car was painfully tense. After we’d climbed into the car and fastened our seat belts, Niki finally broke the awkward silence between us.

“Thank you for driving me home, Jake,” she said quietly.

“No problem.”

“I still don’t understand why you were at The Whiskey Jar.”

I glanced at her briefly, before looking away. “I didn’t like the idea of you being alone with a stranger, so I decided to make a trip to the bar tonight.”

A small frown appeared between her brows. “I was hardly alone, Jake. We were meeting in a crowded public place.”

“Do I need to remind you how the night ended?” I said roughly.

“I could have handled it,” she said softly, staring out the window.

I decided not to answer, and merely grunted unhappily in response.

The whole night had me wound up, and the image of that fucker trying to kiss my girl still had pissed me off.

Niki had dozed off as we neared her house. I woke her gently after I’d parked in the driveway. After sleepily rummaging through her purse, she found her keys and unlocked the door. I walked in after her before she had a chance to protest.

“No arguments, Niki. I’m staying.”

She sighed. “I’ll get you a pillow and blanket and you can have the couch.”

“I’m sleeping upstairs tonight. That way I’ll be able to make sure you’re okay. I don’t think you would come downstairs and wake me if your headache gets worse,” I told her with a raised eyebrow.

“Liya’s room has been empty and not cleaned since she moved out. I’ve been meaning to get a guest bed to put in there, but I haven’t gotten round to it,” she said as we stood at base of the stairs. “We’ve only got an old air mattress that I’m pretty sure has a leak. I’m sure you’d be more comfortable in your own bed at home.”

I snorted at her attempt to get rid of me. “The air mattress will do. It’s only for one night, just so I know you’re okay.”

She flushed and looked like she was going to argue, but she changed her mind.

“Fine,” she said with another heavy sigh as she began to climb the stairs. “I’m too tired to argue with you. But don’t sleep on the broken air mattress. That’s ridiculous.”

We reached the landing, and the flush on her cheeks deepened. “The bed in my room is big enough for both of us.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning as the blood in my body headed south again at the thought of being in her bed with her.

Pervert. Control yourself.

As we entered her room, Niki looked between me and the bed and winced at the pain caused by the sudden movement.

I was going to ask if she wanted to take any painkillers but was distracted when a small, black cat slinked into the room.

“Hello, handsome. How’s your day been?” Niki picked it up and nuzzled its’ fur.

Nice. I’ve reached a new low point in my life. I’m jealous of a fucking cat.

“Jake, you remember Shadow?”

“Sure I do. Hey there, Shadow,” I said to the little feline, who meowed softly and bumped his head against Niki’s ankles when she placed him back on the floor.

“Shadow, Jake is staying here tonight, so be nice.” She walked into the small bathroom that adjoined her bedroom, leaving me and cat alone in the room.

I bent down to scratch Shadow behind his ears, when the cat’s demeanour changed. Its eyes flashed, he hissed loudly and swiped a sharp clawed paw at me. I quickly jerked my hand back to avoid becoming kitty chow.

“What the fuck, cat?” I whispered loudly at the volatile creature. “Niki said be nice.”

The cat hissed at me again, baring his sharp little teeth and padded over to the bathroom door, where he sat and waited for Niki to come out.

I took off my jacket and tossed it on an armchair as I looked around Niki’s room. The style of the room fitted her personality perfectly.

The bedspread on the four poster bed was floral and pastel coloured as were the curtains. The dresser, nightstand, bookshelf and large armchair in the corner of the room were all a pale cream.

Walking over to the bookshelf, I browsed through her book collection. As I expected, Niki appeared to be a fan of romance novels and memoirs.

I picked up a framed picture of a young Niki and Liya from the dresser. The two of them were sitting on a beach and smiling into the camera, though I noticed that neither of their smiles seemed to reach their eyes.

Niki emerged in heavy flannel pyjamas, which I thought seemed like an odd choice of clothing for a warm summer’s night.

Picking up her cat, she walked over to the bed. When she noticed the picture in my hand, her expression softened.

“That was taken the summer after our parents passed away. It was the first year we had gone on a holiday without them,” she said quietly.

I hated the sadness that shadowed her face and wanted nothing more than to kiss it away.
Not the right time, Jacob.

“I’m sorry. It must have been hard losing them when you were so young.”

I put the frame back and picked up the picture of a family portrait next to it. Niki looked about four or five years old and was grinning widely in her mother’s arms, while her father was carrying Liya. They were all making silly faces into the camera.

“You were a cute kid, Niki. You look like your mom, but you have the same smile as your dad.”

“You think so?” Her eyes lit up at my comment. “He was always laughing. He always made us laugh by telling the worst jokes.”

“I wish I could have met them,” I said as I carefully placed the picture on the dresser.

“They would have liked you a lot,” she murmured, looking once more at the picture before pulling back the bedspread.

“I hope you don’t mind. He usually sleeps at the foot of the bed with me.” She gently placed the cat on the mattress.

Is she fucking serious?

I looked warily at the cat that seemed to be watching me with an evil glint. I glanced back at Niki, who seemed oblivious to the murderous stare her cat was directing at me.

Dear God, please let me wake up with all my toes still attached.

I waited for her to get into bed before I took off my shirt.

“What are you doing?” Niki asked, sounding alarmed. Her eyes widened comically as I took off my shirt.

“It’s warm in here,” I said simply while my fingers went to unbutton my jeans, and I pushed them off my hips. “I usually don’t sleep with anything on at all.”

I grinned as her cheeks flushed, and she averted her eyes from the sight of me wearing only my boxers.

The cat moved over to the right side of the bed and settled itself near Niki’s feet.

After I’d slid under the covers, Niki turned to switch off the lamp on the bedside table. I swallowed hard when I felt her warm body shift next to mine.



“I got an appointment at the bank at 10 tomorrow morning, but before I, go we need to talk.”

“I’m not in the mood to be lectured about my dating life, Jake,” she sighed.

“That’s not what we have to talk about.”

“Oh. Okay. Is it serious? We can talk now.” Niki sounded understandably confused and wary.

“Tomorrow. Get some rest. It’s been a long night,” I said wearily.

“Fine. Goodnight, Jake,” she replied softly into the darkness.

I resisted the urge to press a kiss to her soft lips and draw her closer to me. “Night, Niki.”

Tomorrow morning.

I’ll talk to her about everything tomorrow morning.

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