Fated for the Alphas: The Complete Collection (Nine Book Paranormal Romance Box Set) (22 page)

He ran his tongue over her lips, and the heat of it scorched her. If he was trying to drive her mad with desire, he was succeeding. She let her hand drop to his waist, curled her fingers around his stiffening cock. It throbbed against her palm. He was hungry for her.

Ronan drew back, his breaths shallow. “Are you sure you want to—”

Lia pushed him onto the furs, and he sank down without resistance. Climbing on top of him, she pinned him.

“I’m ready,” she whispered. “Are you?”

He could only moan in response.

She pressed herself against him, reveling in the warmth of his skin, the hardness of his muscles. Lia kissed his jaw, his chest. She brushed her lips down over his taut stomach, until she reached the base of his shaft.

“Don’t tease me,” he gasped. “Let me have you.”

Smiling, she settled onto him, his thick cock pressed beneath her folds. It pulsed wildly, so close to its target and yet so far.

“I wouldn’t dream of teasing you, Ronan.”

Growling, he reached up and flipped her over. “Get on your hands and knees,” he said. “Your Alpha is going to claim you a second time.”

She obeyed, raising her ass in the air. He was hers now. He couldn’t resist her curves.

He put his hands on her hips, his fingers clutching her like she was his only hope of survival. Pressing his hard cock against her flesh, he ground it into her. She arched her back, begging him to enter her. But he was the one teasing her now. With one hand, he guided his cock up and down between her legs, pressing the tip to her, but no more.

Lia moaned in agony. Could he not feel how slick she was for him? How much she needed him? She pushed back against him, trying to force him to enter her, but he seemed content to let her smolder. It was such wonderful torture. Her arms and legs shook, until she wasn’t sure if she would be able to keep supporting herself.

“You see these?” Ronan stroked the three bands of clay around her arm. “These mean that you’re mine. And I must take care of you.”

Pressing his tip to her opening, he slid into her. It was almost enough to make Lia come undone. He felt so good inside her, so right. And she had missed him there. This was where he belonged, completing her.

Ronan let out a long breath. “You feel so good. How do you always feel so good?”

She pushed backward until he filled her, feeling his fingers twitch against her skin.

“Oh, Lia.” His voice was strained. “You’re making me want to Bite you again.”

She looked back at him, letting her hair fall and exposing her neck. Ronan groaned, a shudder running through his body. Closing his eyes, he seemed to lose control. He thrust, harder and faster until he was crashing into her. His flesh slapped against hers, and she gasped as the sounds and scents of their sex mingled in the air. It was intoxicating.

Ronan plunged into her over and over, each time sending shockwaves of pleasure through her. She wouldn’t ever be able to resist him. He was inside her now, as close as he could be, and she still wanted more of him.

Ronan growled, pulling her hips toward him. He wanted all of her, too. He was greedy for her. Her knees burned as they slid over the furs, but she didn’t care. The pain barely registered anyway. She could only think about his cock inside her, plunging, thrusting, aching with need. Lia lowered her head to the furs, arched her spine to give him everything she had. Everything she was, he could take and claim.

He thrust faster now, his breath hot against her back. His cock hit her at an angle that made her moan with pleasure, one long, satisfied cry that had no beginning and no end. It was like being struck by lightning. Electricity roared through her, leaving showers of sparks in its wake. She never wanted to be free from the storm.

Lia looked up, her lips parted. Kane was standing in the doorway, watching them.

She froze. Ronan was too entranced to be distracted. He kept plunging into her, his movements making her lurch forward.

She braced herself with her hands, wondering if they were in danger. Kane had the strangest expression on his face. Lia couldn’t tell if he was upset or aroused. Her eyes flickered to the place where his legs met, and she saw his cock stir.

“Kane.” She beckoned him toward her.

He approached her, eyeing both of them warily. Ronan still hadn’t noticed his presence, though he clutched Lia tighter. If Kane wanted to attack Ronan, this would be the perfect time. His lips rose, as if he were about to snarl.

Lia took his cock in her hand, stroking it gently. He turned to her, locking eyes, as if he’d already forgotten Ronan entirely. In her palm, he swelled.

“I want you too, Kane.” Opening her mouth, Lia guided him in.

He didn’t need any encouraging. He reared back, then sank into her. His thickness filled her throat. Tilting her head, Lia took him deeper. It was hard to breathe, but she didn’t care. She wanted to please him. The skin of his cock was silky smooth on her tongue. She could drown in the taste of him.

Kane’s eyes rolled back. He closed his eyes, letting out a strangled cry. Behind her, Ronan paused. He seemed to take stock of the situation for a moment before losing himself in her again. He reached around to caress her breasts, his cock reaching deeper. His strokes became more languid, more tender.

Grabbing Lia’s hair near the roots, Kane held her head steady. He plunged into her, taking his pleasure from her. Lia sucked on him, trying to make him harder, make him mad with desire. More than anything, she wanted him to give her an order.

It was like he had read her thoughts. “Moan for me, Lia,” he said, an edge to his voice. “I want to hear you moan.”

She did, right into his cock. The sound was muffled, but somehow sexier because of it. Behind her, Ronan put more force into his thrusts. Kane tightened his grip on her hair, his hand overcome by a small spasm. She had them both now, under her spell. And they had her. She would do anything they wanted, anything to stay in this paradise with them one more moment.

They were both rocking her at once, both of them filling her with a special kind of ecstasy. The two of them were thrusting in time, and when they slid in together it was almost more than she could bear. It was like they both knew just how to sweep her away, to take her to dizzying heights until she gasped for air.

She keenly felt the bands of clay on her arms. Though they would eventually wash away, they might as well have been branded on her soul. She was, and would always be, theirs. Who else could do such things to her?

They brought her higher still, until her mind burned and she couldn’t remember where she ended and they began. It didn’t really matter. They were one. Mates.

Ronan dug his nails into her flesh. Kane twisted her hair. They both went deeper. It was too good, too much, and Lia let out a cry that was stifled by Kane’s cock. The vibrations made him groan, made him thrust harder. She moaned again, and felt his fingers trembling against her. She wanted to push him over the edge. She wanted to make him spurt into her so she could taste him.

He was so hot in her mouth. His cock was like a brand, burning the back of her throat and claiming her lips as his own. Lia tightened her lips around him. He was hers, as well.

Kane plunged into her more and more frantically. Lia held still, gladly taking all he had to give. She looked up to find his eyes closed, but his eyelashes fluttering. This was it. Groaning, he thrust his hips forward and came.

He was warm, deliciously salty, and she drank all of him in. He plunged again and again, until he was empty. She relaxed her lips, feeling him soften in her mouth. He gazed at her until his eyes came back into focus. Blinking for a moment, he shuddered like he’d just been released from a spell.

Stepping back, he removed himself from her mouth. Lia looked up at him, hoping for a kiss or at least a soft touch on the cheek, but he turned and walked from the room without a word.

If Ronan knew what had just happened, he gave no sign, but he did begin thrusting harder. He pulled Lia’s hips higher, until her knees left the furs. The angle and force of his cock had her gasping for air. She forgot about Kane as Ronan’s cock slammed into her, punishing her in the most wonderful way.

He pulled her onto him over and over, demanding her, consuming her. It was too much. She let out a long, ragged cry as he brought her to the brink, and they tumbled over together. Her muscles spasmed as heat and wetness filled her. She was swept away with him, down a river of need and lust.

They lay together, limbs entwined, until their breathing slowed. Lia ran a hand through Ronan’s hair, now slick with sweat.

“Wow,” he said. “I would say more, but I’m at a loss for words right now.”

She set her thumb on his jaw, tracing the hard line of it. “It was good, then?”

“Don’t make me describe it. I’m not a poet. ‘Good’ is a bit of an understatement, though.”

Lia grinned. “Fair enough.”

Ronan looked at the doorway. “Kane was here too, wasn’t he? I didn’t just imagine that?”

She covered herself with one of the furs. “He was. You didn’t mind me inviting him over, did you?”

“No. We’ve always shared everything. You’re our mate. We can share you, too.” He rubbed her bare shoulder. “But he left right after, didn’t he? I didn’t imagine that, either?”

Lia nodded. “I don’t know why. I must have done something wrong.”

“Hey.” Putting his fingers under her chin, he made her meet his eyes. “It’s not your fault. It probably won’t ever be, not with Kane.”

“Should I ask him what happened?”

“I’ll talk to him later.”

Lia wrapped the fur around her until she was cocooned. “You’re not upset with me though, right?”

“Never.” He planted a gentle kiss on her lips. Lia wished she could be happy, but all she could think about was how much she had wanted a kiss from Kane.

Chapter Four

Ronan found him by the sycamore. Kane leaned against the tree, his forehead pressed to the bark.

“Go away.” He didn’t even bother turning around.

Ronan sighed. “You won’t talk to me about what happened back there? Lia’s our mate, and we need to keep her happy. You don’t want her to leave us, do you?”

Kane growled. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

“Well, you’ll have to talk to someone, some time. You can’t keep everything bottled up forever.”

“Watch me.” Shifting to his white wolf, Kane sat between two roots.

“I hate when you use your wolf to avoid difficult conversations.” Disgusted, Ronan walked away. “Your work isn’t done once you’ve claimed your mate, you know. It’s only just begun.”

Behind him, Kane stared into the forest, giving no indication that he was listening.




Lia hadn’t been worried the first day, or the day after that. But now it was three days after the failed hunt, and her magic hadn’t returned. She tried changing the color of leaves, lighting candles, and evaporating dew. Nothing happened. While too much power had been terrifying, none was somehow far worse.

She crouched in the meadow, holding a tiny seed. “Please sprout,” she said. “
. I’ll do anything.”

“That sounds like an unwise bargain, chickpea.”

Lia whirled to find Della standing behind her. “How long have you been here?”

“Long enough.” She sat beside Lia. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

Lia’s shoulders slumped. “My magic isn’t working. It’s the only thing that’s always been with me.” She focused on the seed, willing it to sprout, but it remained cold and lifeless. She let it fall back into the grass. “Now it’s gone.”

“Of course it’s not working.”

Lia stared at her, stunned. “What do you mean?”

“Look up there.” Della pointed at the bright blue sky. “You see the moon about to set? It’s less than half full, and waning.”


“So, you were Bitten. Turned. Bound to the Alphas. At this point, you’re more wolf than witch. You’re going to deal with moon magic now.”

“Moon magic?”

Della nodded. “Your powers will wax and wane with the moon. They’ll build as the moon gets brighter, and fade when it darkens in the sky.”

“Does that mean I can’t do anything now?”

“You’ll need to learn patience. ‘Now’ is not always the best time to act. Would a merman go to war without the tide at his back? No. Turning must have disturbed your magic, but that doesn’t mean it’s gone forever. I have a feeling it will be back by the next full moon, if not sooner. Try not to worry until then.”

Lia didn’t know if that was possible, but she’d try. “How do you know all this?”

“I used to be dazzled by magic. I chased it, even though I could never have it myself. I caught it, or so I thought. It was wild, frightening. There was another side to it I hadn’t known.”

“What happened?” Lia asked.

“I ran away. I was a coward. I tried to learn more of magic, in case I had to face it again one day. I’m glad I did. The wheel of fate has turned back around, and magic’s in my life again.”

“Did it scare you when you dreamed the prophecy?” Lia asked.

“Oh, yes, the prophecy. Fate has a crooked sense of humor. But I was thinking of you. I’ll try to help you, Lia, as much as I can.”

“You don’t need to help me.”

Della gave her a tight smile. “That’s where you’re wrong, chickpea. I’m wiser now, though I’m not sure I find magic any less dangerous. Keep control of your magic, don’t let it control you. Terrible things have happened to those who take it too far. It has consumed people.” Her expression twisted, like she had seen it happen.

“But it’s all in how you use it,” she continued. “I don’t know if you want much more of my advice, but if I were you, I’d stick to little magics.”

Della patted her on the shoulder, then headed back toward the den. She left Lia with many things to think about.




That afternoon, dark clouds rolled over the meadow. Thunder rumbled in the distance, promising rain. No one was keen to linger outside.

Some of the shifters napped. Others played some kind of game of chance with animal bones, groaning when they lost prized hunting knives or choice scraps of meat. Sequoia had dragged Flint to one corner, where she was deep into a list of complaints and grievances. When Flint’s eyes weren’t glazing over, they were roaming the room, begging for someone to rescue him. Unfortunately for him, no one seemed willing to tangle with Sequoia.

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