Fear and Aggression (45 page)

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Authors: Dane Bagley

Tags: #religion, #lds, #space opera, #aliens, #space, #philosophy, #philosophy of science, #space exploration, #space ship, #religion and politics, #space adventure galaxy spaceship, #philosophy and learning, #space bacteria, #space adventure, #religion and science, #religion and violence, #religion and spirituality, #religion and society, #fourth dimension, #space adventures, #space mining, #lds novel, #space action, #philosophy of war, #religion and life, #space opera science fiction, #philosophy and religion, #space fighter, #religion and belief, #lds author, #mormon author, #space pilot, #space virus, #religion and language, #aliens adventure, #philosophy of religion, #aliens beings intelligence, #space opera novel, #philosophy of human life, #space ships and planets, #space alien, #philosophy coming of age family inbetweeners, #space military, #space action scifi, #aliens sci fi, #religion and man, #philosophy and man, #religion and aliens, #religion and abortion, #space opera adventure romance, #philosophy and inspiration, #lds beliefs

Danny, you just need to
make sure that everyone is in the galley, except for Bob. I will
come in and get Aspiria. You keep everyone eating and
entertained—keep the conversation going. Make sure that no one
leaves, until I return. When I get back, she will be safely home,
and we will be on our way back to the space station. I don’t think
that anyone will suspect you for anything at all. But, I need to
make sure that I am not interrupted as I get her out the door, and
onto her world.”

No problem, Captain,”
said Danny reassuringly.

How long until dinner is
ready?” asked Steve as he considered their plan.

She probably has it done
by now,” Danny answered.

Great, then let’s get
going. Danny I will take Bob to the deck now, and get him oriented.
Get everyone in for dinner. I’ll be in for Aspiria as soon as I
can. Gentlemen, she deserves this, come what may. Should anything
happen, it has been a pleasure serving with you.”

We’ve got this, Captain,
everything will be fine.”



Tammy rummaged through the medicine cabinet,
and found the vial that she was looking for. She took a syringe and
filled it with air, and then emptied the air into the vial; she
then withdrew exactly fifty milliliters, and replaced the cap on
the needle. She placed the syringe on the counter near two chairs,
and walked back toward her office. She pulled out some papers, and
then sat down, crossing her legs, and wrote several notes. She
looked over at the syringe and then at Aspiria’s cell. She sat
there for a few minutes and tapped her leg nervously on the floor,
then uncrossed her legs, got up, and walked out of the lab.

She nearly walked into Danny who was walking
into the lab. “Sorry, Tammy, I was just letting you know that it is
time for dinner.”

I was just on my way to
the galley,” said Tammy in a brisk tone.

Great, I’ll see you there
in a minute; I’ve just got to let James know.”

Tammy walked into the Galley. Already seated
were Kenny and Mike. Aspiria was putting the meal on the dishes.
“Aspiria, I’ve got some bad news for you,” Tammy said with some
nervousness in her voice. Kenny and Mike turned around with very
uncomfortable expressions. Aspiria looked up, and prepared to
listen. “I just looked at some of my reports, and you have another
infection coming on. This one looks like it could be a bad

I don’t feel sick at

That’s good, but it’s
coming. I want to give you a quick antibiotic injection to make
sure that it doesn’t become a problem for you.”

Thank you,” Aspiria said
as she looked Tammy in the eye and nodded.

We need to go right now;
it will only take a second.”

Can’t we finish up dinner
first? It won’t come on that quickly, will it?” asked

No, we really need to do
it now.”

Tammy,” interjected
Kenny. “Really, let’s finish up the meal. Captain Jenners will be
here with Danny and James in just a minute. Nothing comes on that

Kenny, would I tell you
how to fly this thing? It really will only take a minute. We’ll
probably be back before everyone else is here.”

Aspiria looked at her with
a questioning expression, knowing that something was going on. As
they walked toward the lab, and out of earshot of the galley,
Aspiria asked, “What is
going on?”

Just like I said, I need
to get you this antibiotic injection quick. If I do, I will save
you a lot of problems, later.”

They entered the lab, and Tammy brought her
to the chair nearest to the syringe. Tammy sat beside her, and
picked up the syringe.



Steve turned the corner and headed toward
the galley. He saw Danny and James walking toward the door from the
other direction. “The report is complete, Captain. We are ready
whenever you are.” James said with a grave expression on his face,
and looked almost angry, for the first time.

Steve nodded and continued toward the
galley. Danny and James entered first. Steve could hear Danny ask,
“Where is Aspiria?” A feeling of dread overcame him. He hustled up
to the door in time to hear Kenny explain that Tammy had taken her
to the lab for a quick antibiotic injection. Steve took off at a

As he entered the lab, he saw the two women
at the counter, both facing him. Aspiria looked up and smiled.
Tammy did not look up. She was holding a syringe in Aspiria’s arm.
It had already been emptied and she was pulling it out of her


Chapter 48






A loud and quick rap at the door woke him
instantly from his sleep. Though sleep had not come easily this
night, he had finally been in the depth of it. He could see that
the sun was just coming up, and went quickly to the door.

Mayor Palador, I am sorry
to interrupt you so early this morning, but I’m afraid that I have
terribly bad news.” Roloff motioned Seryen to come in and sit down.
He was only half awake, and wanted a second to recover his
faculties before hearing what Seryen had to say. He was also
feeling a bit light headed, getting up so quickly, and his heart
was beating rapidly.

After seating themselves on the couch,
Roloff asked, “Is everything alright with the boys? Is something
going on with Bastian?"

I haven’t seen Bastian,
since last night, and the boys were all sleeping when I left them.
But, we have been given word this morning of terrible destruction
in the city. They sent a messenger to warn us. The visitors have
destroyed all of the electrical stations and substations throughout
the city. There is no power left, anywhere.” Roloff sat up
straight, and put his hand on his mouth and chin, while shaking his
head slightly.

They have also destroyed
the city hall. Mayor Tinron is dead, as are many other workers
there. I am very sorry to say that this is not all. They have also
destroyed the science center. Many are dead there, and I know that
you have family that works there. The messenger did not know any of
the names of people who have died, other than Mayor Tinron. I am so
sorry to bring you this news this morning. I know that the town
will be frightened, as are the people in the city. I now have the
boys to look after, and I hoped that you could continue to care for
the town, as Mayor. Are you able to, Mayor Palador?”

Roloff was staring out into space. His heart
was beating heavily, and he took several deep breaths and sighed.
“I will get ready, and be in the town center shortly. Go home to
Prianna and your boys. They are in as much need as anyone, and this
is your responsibility now. Thank you for getting me this report so
quickly.” Both men got up, and as Seryen began to leave Roloff
offered him his hand. He shook it and looked into his eyes. “You
are a great friend. I thank you deeply for all that you have done
for me and my family. I only hope that I can be of as much
assistance to you and your family now.” He gave Seryen an embrace.
Seryen nodded and walked out the door.

Roloff stood at the door for a moment. His
thoughts turned to Aspiria. What had become of her? Who were these
people? He felt anguish for Bellerie, Mayor Tinron, and he worried
that more of his family may be lost. For a few moments he began to
feel the depression that so recently had overcome him, begin to
enter again into his heart. The weight that he felt on his
shoulders seemed unbearable. But he remembered his son’s expression
from the night before, and he thought again of Aspiria. He would do
what needed to be done. They were a great strength to him, and he
would give everything he had now. He would not let this, or
anything else stop him.

He walked toward his son’s room, and stopped
in the doorway. Caryell had the sweetest expression on his face. He
remembered, so often, looking in on him with Aspiria by his side.
They would often comment on what an angel he was, sleeping there so
peacefully. He did not want to wake his angel, and bring him up to
speed about the world that he now lived in. Still, he would have to
do many things that he did not want to do this day. This was only
the first. He walked toward his bed and placed his hand lightly on
his son’s shoulder.



As he looked on at the two women, he stared
directly at Aspiria. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Tammy
flinch once she had looked over and saw Steve there. Then he saw
Aspiria’s smile fade and her eyes roll up in her head. She began to
fall forward, and in an instant she had slumped forward onto the
counter hitting her forehead hard against the counter top. She lay

out of him like the fierce roar of a lion; his eyes now burning
with fire.

Tammy had backed away a little from the
counter, still in her chair. Her face began to look frightened. “I
didn’t want to. I was obeying my command. They told me that you
knew. They said that you had already agreed. They said to not wait,
but to do it immediately. I didn’t have a choice. They said that
you already knew.” The frightened expression on her face had now
magnified as she saw that her words were having no affect in
squelching Steve’s reaction. He had walked up closer now, and was
on the other side of the counter from Tammy and Aspiria’s limp

At that moment every feeling of love or
tenderness that Steve had ever felt for Tammy was now putrefied. He
looked away from Aspiria and looked directly at Tammy. What he saw
was the vilest creature that he had ever looked upon in his life.
He glared at her with utter disgust and hatred. His menacing glare
was not lost upon Tammy. She felt his judgment, and every ounce of
his indignation, betrayal, and scorn. She was a strong woman and
had never been in a position such as this. Her natural reaction
would be to fight back, to counter, and to take control. But so
strong was his presence that she cowered under it. She felt crushed
under the weight of his glare. When she could take no more, and was
completely broken, she dropped her eyes; she hid, as it were, her
face from the judgment that she could no longer bare.

Can she be revived?” The
words came out calmly, but there was no question as to the emotion
behind them. Tammy shook her head slowly, still looking down and
away from his eyes; though they penetrated just as deeply and had
not let up. “Is there any way? Can she be revived?” This time he
spoke more loudly and with a greater urgency. She, still unable to
withstand his glare, looked away and shook her head.

She is dead; there is no
antidote.” She spoke quietly, and felt as though all was lost in
her world.

Steve made his way around the counter. Tammy
was startled and stood up quickly. She looked at Steve with the
look of a small animal, who cowered, knowing that a beating was
coming, and could only beg for pity. Steve did not make it around
to Tammy. He picked up Aspiria’s body into his strong arms. He had
held her like this, once before. With no further hesitation or even
a glimpse at Tammy, he made his way quickly out of the lab.

What…are…you…doing?” were
Tammy’s last words to him. Each word coming out softer and more
quietly, with the last word hardly more than a whisper. She stood
there looking at the door for a moment, and then feeling so weak,
that she could not stand, she sat back down and leaned forward on
the counter with her arms stretched out, providing a pillow for her
head. It would be quite some time before she would move from that



Steve moved quickly toward the exit room. He
did not know if Tammy would follow. His mind was both clouded and
clear. He felt as alert as he had ever been, but he also felt
emotions gnawing at him from all directions. He reached the room
and did not hear anything behind him. The light was red; they had
not yet landed. “Come on Bob,” he muttered under his breath. It
flicked to green and he made his way to the door. He hit the button
with his elbow, Aspiria’s feet hitting the wall. The door began to
open and the brilliant rays of this world’s early dawn sun began to
filter into the ship. The door seemed to open so slowly.

He did not look back, but made his way
toward the door. When it had opened completely he hit the button
again, effectively starting the closing process, and made his way
out of the ship, and onto the planet. Once again, he did not look
back. He began to run, just like he had done the last time he was
on this planet’s surface, but this time in the opposite direction.
After about twenty yards he did look back. He had not heard a
sound, but the ship was gone. He was now alone on this planet, with
the body of the only being he had ever known from this world, limp
in his arms. His ship was already tens of thousands of miles

Steve turned back toward the direction that
he was running in, still full steam ahead. His eyes were struggling
with the brightness of the daylight. He had not experienced
daylight in several months, but he wondered if this world’s star
was even brighter than earth’s sun. The last time he had set foot
upon this world, he was in his suit, protected from all of the
elements. This time he was fully exposed. He could smell the fresh
air, and he was now breathing it in deeply as his legs ran, and his
heart pounded. There was a fresh, outdoorsy sweetness—not unlike
what he had experienced on earth before, but still
different—sweeter and more pronounced. As he approached the woods,
he began to slow down. It occurred to him that he was no longer
running away from anything—he was running towards something; this
led him to slow his pace to a walk as he entered the woods. It was
significantly dimmer in the woods, and his eyes, that were somewhat
watery due to being dazzled by the daylight, felt much more
comfortable. The scent had increased, and was lovely. He was still
drinking in the air deeply, and rapidly.

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