Feros and the Underworld Prince (40 page)

Read Feros and the Underworld Prince Online

Authors: A.L. Bridges

Tags: #humor, #gods and goddesses, #paranormal, #contemporary, #romance, #fantasy, #supernatural, #action, #supernatural abilities, #mythology

Mrs. Parker told us to tell our parents about Parent’s Day next week and I just wanted to see Daddy!” Addie cries into my shirt.

She has already apologized and promised to never do it again.” I tell Sara with a tone that implies that she should lay up a bit. Sara’s expression softens as she moves closer and attempts to hug Addie while I’m still holding her.

I was so worried about you.” Sara tells Addie with a slight crack in her voice.

I’m sorry Auntie Sara!” Addie cries as she turns around in my arms to hug Sara.

Now that that is settled, let’s all sit down and spend some quality time in front of the TV.” Tia suggests.

We take that suggestion and all sit down on the couch. Addie squirms into what appears to be her favorite spot: my lap.

Are you going to be coming to Parent’s Day, Daddy?” Addie asks about ten minutes later as she bends her head backwards to look up at me.

I, uh… I—” I start to answer, not seeing any reason why I wouldn’t be able to now that my cover is blown, when Cheza interrupts me.

Of course Daddy and I will be coming!” Cheza decides for us.

Why do I get the feeling that this is going to turn out horribly? I picture mass panic as a bunch of people run around like spontaneously combusting bunnies, but I doubt that will happen.





Chapter 35: Parent’s Day

The next week goes by rather quickly. The majority of the student body continued to ignore me as rumors of my status spread, but Stacy, Sarah, and Kacey continued to warm up to me after seeing Addie. On Friday, Stacy waves me over to join her and the other girls in cardio kickboxing; their acceptance of me feels a little strange, but not unpleasant. The fight club members generally avoid me so I end up sparring solely with Nagi.

Cheza and I spend a lot of time together; every night I’d port us to the food court to grab dinner before returning to one of our rooms. We’ve started sleeping together on a regular basis, but haven’t really done that much in the way of sex. On Saturday, Cheza suggests that we take Addie out to lunch again. We go to the same café, at Cheza’s suggestion, and I realize that this is a test. Jessica acts somewhat flirtatious, but I act coldly in response. Jessica brings out a free cup of gelato for Addie after our meal and I respond by paying the check without another word. I suppose I passed the test because Cheza looked pleased with me as we took Addie home.

On Sunday, I notice that she’d started wearing my wedding ring, the ice blue and lotus-shaped one, on her left ring finger.

I’ve decided that we’re getting married again.” Cheza informs me when she notices my attention on the ring. She sounds confident, but uncertainty breaks through a little bit at the end. I’m a little choked up, so I just nod in response.

Technically, our five year engagement is still in effect. And while I’ve made great strides with my part by both getting shot in the leg with an arrow and by sleeping with my college professor, I have yet to see you attempt to grow mutton chops or go deer hunting!” I joke and she laughs.

I’ll get right on that!” Cheza replies with a smile and softly kisses me.

After our conversation, I started wearing my ring over the bandages on my left hand since it wasn’t getting any use on the right and to signify to Cheza that I’m matching her commitment.

Something interesting happens on the following Wednesday.

You’re Feros, right?” a girl asks behind me in the food court as I’m in the process of deciding what to have for dinner.

Umm… yes?” I reply while turning around to see an attractive blonde with an aura that looks like a blue river running through a dark space. Based on her aura and facial features, I conclude that she is most likely a nixie, a German river sprite.

How about you come back to my room and we have a little fun?” the nixie seductively asks.

Um, thanks for the offer, but no thank you.” I reply.

Oh, come on!” she says as she takes a step closer and runs her hand down my chest.

I really need to be going now!” I exclaim, sounding slightly panicked as I jump back and touch my triskele.

Where’s dinner?” Cheza asks as I reappear in my room.

You know, I think we should go have dinner at the house with Addie tonight.” I reply while trying to sound casual.

That sounds like a good idea… let’s go!” Cheza says while eyeing me suspiciously before resigning and grabbing my hand.

I port us to the house and we have dinner while I’m still slightly shaken up by the whole thing. It’s strange to be somehow seen as attractive for being Feros.

[October 10th]

Parent’s Day finally comes on the following Friday. Cheza dresses me in khaki slacks, which she went out and bought me, a blue polo shirt, and a tie. Cheza is dressed in a knee-length black skirt and a white button-up shirt that reveals a modest amount of cleavage.

Hurry up or we’re going to be late!” Cheza complains. I grab her hand and port us to the house.

You two do know that it starts at 11am, right?” Sara asks when she sees us.

Yeah, so which direction do we start walking?” I ask, seeing that it is already 10:54am.

Take a right out of the door and go straight. It’s only about a ten minute walk so you won’t be too late.” Sara says.

We wouldn’t have to worry about that at all had Cole been able to get over his irrational fear of slacks!” Cheza says accusingly.

Hey, I’m still convinced that they’re pure evil. Now let’s get going!” I exclaim and grab her hand as I head for the door.

Have fun you two!” Sara shouts as we exit the house.

Cheza and I walk to the school rather slowly because Cheza is wearing heels for whatever stupid reason. We arrive at the school, check in with the front office, adorn our visitor’s badges, and arrive at Addie’s classroom at 11:06am.

Sorry we’re late; we’re Adelaide’s parents.” Cheza announces to the eight kids and twelve parents in the room as she opens the door.

That is no problem! Why don’t you two introduce yourselves?” Mrs. Parker says cheerfully.

I quickly scan her and guess that she is part water nymph, based on the watery aspect of her aura mixed with her Mediterranean features. She appears to be in her late twenties, and is slightly on the heavier side.

Hello, I’m Adelaide’s mother, Chezarei Treyfair. I’m currently attending classes at the university.” Cheza says; my heart skips a slight beat upon hearing how she addresses herself.

Hi, I’m Cole, Adelaide’s father, and based on how my wife dressed me, I’d say that I work at Best Buy.” I say, getting some laughs from the four other men in the room.

Cheza and I take our seats next to Addie and Parent’s Day commences. The kids show us what they’ve been learning and we have arts and crafts time together. One of the mother’s reads a book to the kids before snack time that consists of animal crackers and Capri Sun.

Mrs. Treyfair? Would you mind helping me out with the puppet show for the kids? Usually my TA helps me, but she’s been out sick for the past two days.” Mrs. Parker comes over and asks during snack time.

Sure, I would love to help.” Cheza says and follows Mrs. Parker over to the puppet theater. Mrs. Parker hands Cheza a puppet, which she slips on her hand and inspects it as she tries to work it.

(The scariest three-way is when there are only two people)

I choke on my strawberry-kiwi Capri Sun as I start cracking up. Cheza glares at me and I excuse myself from the room for a moment. I head to the bathroom in this wing of the school and I squat down to relieve myself into the urinals built for small children, the tops of which only come up to my knees. I wash my hands, return to the classroom, and quietly enter so as not to interrupt the show. I have to bite my tongue to keep from laughing at the irony when I see that this skit is about conflict resolution that doesn’t involve violence; Cheza, the woman who stabbed me, is playing the advocate of non-violent resolution. After the puppet show, Parent’s Day concludes.

Thank you all for coming and I look forward to seeing you all again at parent-teacher conferences in a few months.” Mrs. Parker says as everyone shuffles out of the classroom.

Cheza, Addie, and I walk back to the house, Addie smiling cheerfully as she walks between Cheza and I while grasping our hands.

So how did things go?” Sara asks when we walk through the front door.

They went well; there weren’t even any people that started running around whilst screaming!” I tell her.

Now I have to get back because, despite missing all of my classes today, I still have club practice. Are you coming Cheza?” I ask.

Yeah, but only because I don’t want to walk back in heels.” Cheza replies.

Alright, we’ll see you later. I love you, sweetie!” I tell Addie as I give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, which I still feel slightly uncomfortable about, but it feels fatherly to show your daughter some affection.

I love you too, Daddy!” Addie exclaims.

Bye Ada, I love you.” Cheza says while bending down to hug her.

I love you, Mommy! Bye!” Addie says and waves as I grab Cheza’s hand and touch my triskele.

Alright, I need to go get ready so I’ll see you later.” I tell Cheza when we appear in her room.

Okay, let me know when you get back and we’ll go grab dinner.” Cheza says while giving me a kiss goodbye. I walk upstairs to my room, change into my standard training clothes, and port to the woods outside the cabin.

Hey everyone, what’s up?” I say as I enter the training room.

Hey Cole, where were you today?” Nagi asks.

I told you yesterday that I was going to Parent’s Day at Addie’s school.” I reply.

Oh, right.” Nagi says as recognition dawns on her face.

Alright people, gather around.” Jeremy says.

As some of you who were paying attention know, today is my last day here; starting tomorrow, Travis will be in charge as captain. Just continue training like you have been and you’ll be ready for the tournament coming up in a few weeks.” Jeremy announces and gestures to Travis.

Let’s get to work!” Travis says and we get to it.

Nagi and I are walking back to the dorm after practice when my phone starts ringing.

Hello?” I answer.

Cole! Adelaide’s gone!” Sara exclaims.

Shit, again?” I reply.

No, she was kidnapped!” Sara clarifies. I stop dead in my tracks.

What happened?” I ask, trying to remain calm and I hear Sara take several deep breaths to calm herself.

Adelaide and I were walking back from the grocery store when a woman, who seemed to know Adelaide, called out to us and invited us into a café for free gelato. I had a cup of tea that must have been drugged because I woke up and Adelaide was gone! I went into the back and found the owner unconscious on the floor!” Sara exclaims, sounding panicked again by the end.

Well that answers the who and the how, but I can’t find any motive for why Jessica would do this.

Don’t worry Sara; I’ll get to the bottom of this.” I reply and hang up.

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