Flash Point (Kilgore Fire Book 2) (15 page)

She moaned and looped her arms around my neck as I kept moving.

We were both in sync when I felt her start to tip over the edge.

She became a little more frantic, and I broke away from her kiss with a gasp as I took the pad of my thumb and pressed down on that little bundle of nerves.

She detonated, clamping down on my dick so hard that I could’ve sworn I saw stars.

Growling low in my throat, I pulled out before I could release into her like I wanted to do, and yanked the condom that I’d managed to get onto my cock before I’d woken her up.

She helped take my cock, jacking it quickly against the soft skin of her thigh until I exploded.

Hard spurts of semen shot from my dick, coating the inside of her thigh, running down to the sheets underneath her body.

I moaned as I saw it.

I liked her coated in my seed.

It was very caveman of me, but I liked that she was covered in my scent.

“You’re so smart,” she panted, squeezing my dick one last time, milking one last drop of come out of the head of my cock and wiping it on her thigh before letting it go.

I looked up at her eyes.

“What?” I asked.

“I forgot about the whole antibiotic thing. I’m glad you remembered,” she indicated the condom.

I nodded.

“The doctor said it last night,” I said. “Speaking of pills,” I said, picking up the antibiotics that I’d gotten last night and placed them into her hand.

“You think I could wipe your come off my thigh before I take these,” she asked dryly.

I shrugged.

“Sure,” I said, taking the bottle back from her and offering her my hand.

She took it and walked to the bathroom, the soft sway of her hips drawing my attention to her ass…and my come sliding further down her leg.

I took a hold of my cock and squeezed it harshly, willing it down.

I couldn’t take her again.

I had to get to a continuing ED class that the fire department was making mandatory, and for some stupid reason Masen was going to work.

“Are you going
to work?” I asked in exasperation
, when she kept looking at her watch.

She looked up from where she was wiping the come off her leg and nodded.

“I am,” she said. “I need to get paid. And to get paid, I have to work. I have to pay off my credit card bill. Although they pinch, there’s no reason not to work. It was my fat, not muscle. There’s no logical reason I can’t.”

I blinked.

“Your credit card bill is high?” I licked my lips worriedly.

Her family had always had a lower income than mine, and I’d felt bad constantly that she couldn’t come out because she didn’t have any money to get to me.

Now she didn’t even have a vehicle to drive.

“Not really, no,” she said, dropping the rag she’d used into my hamper and walking towards me.

I stopped her before she could wrap her arms around me, and I carefully bent down and examined her skin.

She’d peeled off the bandage as well, revealing the wound in her abdomen that had twelve stitches in it to keep it closed.

“Not too bad,” I observed while looking at it.

She worked her hands into my hair and pulled until I was looking up at her.

“You down on your knees like that is giving me ideas,” her eyes were lit with the possibilities. “How about you get up and let me get dressed so you can take me by my place?”

I narrowed my eyes at her and stood, allowing her to walk around me.

She picked up the shirt I’d put her in last night, slipping it on over her head and taking a seat on the bed, looking for the panties that I’d taken off her this morning.

“Where’d you throw them?” She looked around the room.

I took a cursory glance around my room.

“No clue,” I said. “Just slip on my boxers and we’ll drive to your place. You can get new ones.”

She rolled her eyes but did what I said, and I took the time to slip into jeans and a long sleeved Henley.

I came out of my closet to find her wearing a pair of my socks and her shoes that she’d had on the night before.

They were stained slightly with blood, but not bad enough that anyone but her and me knew what it was.

It looked like mud if you didn’t know what you were looking at.

“You look cute,” I said on a smile.

She winked at me.

“Your clothes were always comfier than mine,” she agreed. “I’m ready when you are.”

I nodded as I grabbed my keys and wallet off the table, stuffed them into my pockets, and grabbed her pills as I walked out of my bedroom door.

I found her in the kitchen with a glass of orange juice in her hands.

She held out her hand for the bottle, then walked to the counter where her purse was.

She took out a pink compact, popped out what I suspected were her birth control pills, and threw it into her mouth before chasing it down with a sip of juice.

“That’s a horse pill,” she muttered as she opened the bottle of antibiotics.

“Not that bad,” I confided, taking a travel mug out of my sink, rinsing it out, and stuffing it under the coffee pot.

Once I had it situated, I filled it up with coffee, popped the lid on and turned to face Masen.

She looked hilarious in my old gray Pepsi t-shirt, boxer shorts that I hadn’t worn in well over ten years and long socks that came up to her knees.

The grey heel of the sock was up against her calf, making it more than obvious that the socks weren’t hers.

“You ready?” I tilted my head

She looked at me, then downed the rest of her drink before tossing it into the sink.

“Yep,” she said. “I like your house.”

I looked at the empty place

The only thing I had was a recliner, TV and dishes in the main room.

I didn’t even own a pot.

I took my laundry to my mom’s house once a week and she washed it for me.

The bedroom had my clothes in a dresser, one set of sheets, and a single pillow.

It wasn’t much, but I’d never needed much.

And the one thing I wanted to have wasn’t here, so why bother to make it pretty when I didn’t have to?

“It could be better,” I admitted, holding open the door for her to exit.

She went ahead of me, giving me a whiff of my shampoo on her hair.

“You smell like me,” I growled at her back.

She looked at me over her shoulder.

“You wanted that, or you wouldn’t have brought me here,” she said.

I shrugged. “Yep.”

She grinned and walked to the bike.

I stopped her with my hand. “You can take the truck,” I pointed at truck that Aaron had helped me restore.

Her eyes widened.

“Is it finished?” She asked with awe.

I nodded.

She’d helped me work on a lot of it.

Had helped me pick out the colors of the outside and the interior.

Had gone with me to junkyard after junkyard.

She’d helped me take seats out of old, broken trucks and then put them into mine.

Had observed as Aaron and I had removed the engine out of another and dropped it into mine.

The only thing she’d never witnessed before was me starting it up.

And I hadn’t either.

“How long have you had it fixed?” She whispered excitedly.

“Aaron put the finishing touches on it a year or so ago,” I hooked my finger in my pocket. “I’ve never even heard it started up.”

She blinked. “Why not?”

I shrugged. “It felt like something we should’ve done together. I didn’t want to experience it without you with me.”

Her face melted and she walked to me, being careful of both her stomach and her hand.

“You’re going to trust me with your baby?” She whispered softly.

I smiled.

“I trust you with my heart. Why wouldn’t I trust you with my truck?” I asked, dropping a kiss down onto her upturned lips before I ushered her to the driver’s side door.

“Now you get to start it up, just like you made me promise you ten years ago when we started working on it,” I said.

It’d been idle.

She’d said it as a joke.

Don’t you dare start it up without me here to witness it.

And I hadn’t.

I’d waited for her…and now we were both going to hear it together.

She squealed in excitement as she jumped into the seat, then put on her seatbelt, not being careful in the least of her belly.

That didn’t stop her excited bouncing, however, it just made her look funnier while doing it.

She patted the steering column for the keys, didn’t find them, and started searching for them.

She found them the first place she looked, the tape deck, and shoved them into the ignition.

It didn’t do anything.

I laughed.

“Battery’s probably dead on it,” I said. “You’re gonna have to pop the clutch.”

She looked at me like I’d spoken something foreign to her.

I laughed.

“You can do it. I know you know how,” I pointed out, going around to the front of the truck.

Her eyes were huge as she looked at me through the windshield.

“Get it in second,” I ordered her.

I heard, more than saw, her follow my directions.

“Now you’re already on a pretty good hill, but go ahead and keep trying until it goes,” I instructed.

She nodded.

“I’ll give you a push,” I placed my hands on the tailgate. “Now take the parking break off.”

She did and she started rolling backwards almost immediately.

I gave it a good shove, and she popped the clutch with ease.

It didn’t start.

She popped the clutch again and the truck started with a loud roar.

I grinned as the motor caught.

The rumbling growl of the truck thundered in my ears.

What had my smile widening was the look of glee on Masen’s face.

“It works!” She yelled loudly through the open window.

I nodded and walked to her. She’d stopped at the bottom of the driveway, bouncing in her seat once again.

“You okay to drive it?” I questioned her.

She nodded quickly.

“Yes!” She cried. “A thousand times yes!”

“Good,” I said, leaning in and pressing my lips to hers. “I’ll meet you at your place.”

She drove like a bat out of hell, and I enjoyed the heck out of it as she did.

Mostly, it was the look on her face, the way the excitement practically radiated from her as she moved through traffic.

I moved right along behind her, following in her wake.

She’d gotten almost all the way to her house when my eyes met those of a very pissed off man watching Masen drive down the street in my truck.

I watched him watch her, worry spreading through me.

Pulling up behind her in her driveway, I got off and turned around, but the man was gone.

“What are you looking at?” Masen asked.

I pointed to the house.

“Ugh,” she said. “That’s Dash, and he thinks he owns the street. He gives me the creeps.”

Brows furrowing, I turned to her.

“What does he do that give you the creeps?” I asked.

She shrugged.

“Watches me. And I swear to God, he times it so that he’s always coming out of his house at the same time I come out of mine. I think he knows my schedule better than I do,” she scrunched up her nose, bringing her hands up to rub on her arms.

I pulled her into my side.

“You’re moving in with me,” I ordered, allowing no room for argument.

She glanced up at me and rolled her eyes.

“Don’t you think that’s a little fast?” She patted my belly.

“No,” I said.

She snorted and tried to turn, but I held her closer, placing her back to my front.

Placing one hand under her chin, I forced her to look up at me.

“Say ‘yes, sir’,” I commanded her.

I knew that’d get a reaction out of her, and it did.

She narrowed her eyes and bared her teeth at me, something she used to do so long ago that I’d forgotten the look on her face as she did it.

“Alright, tiger,” I said. “You can have a day to contemplate it. And while you’re contemplating it, I’ll get some help to move your shit into my house.”

She laughed, and it was one of the most beautiful sounds I’d ever heard.

“You’re full of shit,” she said, patting my hand.

I shrugged.

“Shit happens,” I agreed, dropping a kiss onto her lips and letting her go.

She hurried up the pavement to her house, and I followed closely behind.

“You own this place?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “I rent it from my Grammy.”

“Your grammy owns this?” I looked at the house.

She nodded. “It was the house she used to live in, can’t you tell?” She pushed.

I gave her a look.

“I knew that she lived here,” I added. “I just didn’t realize she owned it. If she owned it, why’d she live with y’all?”

She cleared her throat. “Daniela.”

And then I felt like shit for bringing it up.

I watched her as she dressed, throwing her hair up into a sloppy ponytail on the top of her head, and then leaving the bathroom without any makeup.

“What happened to princess Masen who never left the house without makeup?” I queried, putting my foot into my mouth once again.

She smiled sadly at me and placed a kiss on my cheek before she shoved her feet into shoes, sockless.

“She’s no longer here,” Masen frowned. “She died with Daniela…and left with you.”

I didn’t have anything else to say to that.

Chapter 16

I walk around like everything is fine, but deep down inside, my sock is slipping further and further into my shoe.



“Now,” I instructed, holding the mask up against the baby’s face. “This is a breathing machine,” I said. “When you give this breathing treatment to her, just hold it in front of her face, it’s easier than actually strapping it on.”

I showed them how to do it, then turned the machine on and held it over the infant’s face.

The infant slept on peacefully in her mother’s arms as I showed them.

“Now you try it,” I handed the mask to the dad who looked ready to bolt.

Today I’d volunteered for the free clinic that the hospital put on every Monday morning. It lasted for about four hours; not only did I get to help the less fortunate, but I also got points that added up to a bonus at the end of the year.

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