For Love & Bourbon (35 page)

Read For Love & Bourbon Online

Authors: Katie Jennings

His own were afire with emotion. “Tell me right now, darlin’. Is this what you want? Because if it isn’t, I’ll leave you alone.”

She chewed on her lip and backed away, uncertain how to answer him. Of course it was what she wanted. But how could she ever trust him not to walk away?

Understanding there was no reward without some risk, she blew out a breath and asked the question she should have asked him ages ago. “Do you want to be with me? Not just for one night and not just because you’re hurting, but because you want me more than anybody else?”

Adam nodded, knowing he had been a fool for far too long. “I’ve done nothing to deserve it, Brandy, and very little to prove myself worthy. But here’s the thing—it’s always been you. Maybe I was too stupid to realize it or too drunk to notice how I hurt you, but my eyes are open now. And all I can see is you.”

For a moment she said nothing, and he wondered if she even believed him. He could have kicked himself for ruining his last chance, but then a single tear fell down her cheek and her lips curved into that beautiful smile.

“What took you so long?” she asked. She cut off his reply with a kiss, joy and relief surging through her all at once.

He melted into her, certain of what he wanted for the first time in his life. A feeling of hope filled him, blending with the desire for her that had always been there, burning beneath the surface.

Brandy slipped out of his arms and unbelted her robe, hoping he couldn’t see her hands tremble. It wasn’t out of anxiety or fear, but out of an anticipation as old as time. Her eyes held his as the robe tumbled down her back and to the floor, leaving only the sky blue cotton camisole beneath.

She took his hand and brought him into her bedroom. He took in the lacy, snow white bedspread, blue floral wallpaper, and charming pastoral paintings. It was all so very Brandy that he felt a smile tug at the corners of his lips. Then she turned to face him and shakily lifted up his T-shirt.

He let her help him out of it, then watched curiously as her eyes traced over the planes of his bare chest. She bit back a shy smile and moved to unbutton his jeans, only to have him stop her.

“Easy, darlin’. One thing at a time.” He leaned in to run his mouth over her neck, sending a shiver down to her very toes. Her hands skimmed along his chest, then dove into his hair as her head fell back.

“Can I tell you something?” she asked, thinking her heart might beat out of her chest. She curved into him, lost in the sensation of his tongue tracing along her skin.

“Of course.”

“I’ve never done this before.”

He paused, then eased back to look into her eyes. “You haven’t?”

She blushed, though she knew it was nothing to be ashamed of. “There was never anyone…I just never felt comfortable enough with a guy to…to do it.”

A slow smile crept over his face. “You were waiting for me.”

One of her eyebrows rose. “Not exactly.”

“What about that asshole Jeremy?”

She smiled at the memory of how jealous Adam had been when she went on a few dates with the star quarterback from their high school. He was a nice enough guy, but they hadn’t clicked. The breakup had been mutual and a relief to them both.

“Nope. Not even him.” She angled her face up to his, humor in her eyes. “And he was an awful kisser. You’re much better.”

Adam’s gaze lowered to her mouth, his pulse quickening. “Damn right.”

As if to prove it, he pulled her in for a kiss that stole her breath away. His hands dove under her nightgown and roamed over her back, drawing her in close. She shivered against him, her fingers fumbling for the clasp on his jeans. He slipped out of them and drew her camisole over her head, taking in the sight of her soft curves and ivory skin before lifting her onto the bed.

She spread out as he covered her body with his, kissing every inch of her as he went. Her fingers tightened in his hair as a low moan escaped her lips, overcome by the heat. Need coursed through her, steady and rich like velvet. When his hand dipped between her legs she cried out for him, her hips bucking as new and incredible sensations rolled over her, stealing the very breath from her lungs.

The heat built from low within, then swelled until she thought her heart might explode from the pressure. “Adam. Adam, wait, I—”

He watched the first rising wave overtake her, bringing a flush to her cheeks and a stunned awareness to her eyes as they locked on his. At the edges of his control, he captured her mouth again and ranged over her, aching to take her. He trembled with it, fighting back the beast knowing she deserved the gentleman. He broke the kiss and caressed her face, a love like he had never felt before washing over him.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

She nodded, breathless. He slid inside of her, holding back as best as he could. He saw the brief flicker of discomfort and pain cross her face, then marveled at the desire that replaced it. She held his gaze, her lips curving in a warm, contented smile.

The words tumbled out of him before he could even think, as if they had always longed to break free. “I love you, Brandy.”

Relief and joy danced in her eyes the second before she kissed him. She brought her mouth to his ear and whispered, “Just let go.”

The dam broke inside of him and he thrust into her again, taking care to be as gentle as he could. She moved with him, pressing soft kisses along his neck and the slope of his shoulder as her hands trailed over his back.

He buried his face in her hair, lost in her. Lost to her. He sank into the warmth she offered, the love he had always resisted setting his heart brilliantly aflame.




Whiskey, like a beautiful woman, demands appreciation.

You gaze first, then it’s time to drink.


~ Haruki Murakami ~






va curled up with a wool blanket on the front porch swing, listening to the crickets with a glass of bourbon in one hand and a Remington 1911 pistol in the other. The moon peeked through the cloud cover, casting a hazy white glow across her family’s land. A cold breeze blew past her face and rustled the remaining leaves clinging to a nearby maple tree, shaking a few to the ground.

In the peaceful quiet of night, she almost forgot the turmoil she faced. The men who lay in wait somewhere in Fox Hills might as well of been part of a nightmare she had just awoken from. But she knew they weren’t, and that this was no dream. It was real, and the danger she faced wasn’t going away. Until Ned and his sons were in custody, this surreal horror would remain her reality.

Headlights cut through the darkness as a car approached the house, tires crunching over the gravel road. She held her breath until she could make out the outline of Cooper’s black sedan, then released it on a relieved sigh. Tucking the pistol away, she sipped her drink and waited for him to park.

He climbed out of his car and walked up the steps, then leaned back against the railing. “Well, we didn’t see anything. My guess is Ned’s not staying in Fox Hills, but somewhere nearby.”

“Probably. Where’s our little Italian friend?”

“We saw Adam’s truck parked outside Brandy’s place, so Marco headed back to the hotel to get some sleep,” he told her, attempting a smile. “He’s been running on empty.”

Ava nodded and rose to her feet. She hugged him, resting her cheek against his chest. “We all have. I’m so glad you’re here.”

He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

She held him tighter, at that moment content to never let go. They fell into a comfortable silence, joined only by the sounds of the night.

When she spoke again, dread settled into the pit of her stomach. “We need to use Adam to get to Ned.”

Cooper shifted as she looked up at him, regret coming into his eyes. “Are you okay with that?”

“He can do it,” she said confidently. “It was his idea. He knows what’s at stake.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t volunteer.” He stroked her face, curious to hear her reasons.

Her mouth twisted in a sneer. “I can’t guarantee I could sit there long enough without beating the guy’s face in. The Brannons aren’t known for bein’ patient people, but Adam has a bit more of it than I do.”

A subtle smile softened his expression. “I’m going to fit Adam with a wire so we can record the conversation and hopefully Killian will tell us Ned’s whereabouts. Then we’ll come in and arrest him. As long as Adam stays put, he won’t be in any danger. I promise you.”

“God, I hope you’re right.” She drew back and hugged herself, sick with worry. “I wish I could do this. Maybe I should. I can hang around the distillery tomorrow and see if Rhys turns up again—”

“He won’t.”

Ava frowned. “How do you know?”

“Because they’re looking for the weak link, and it isn’t you.” He avoided her eyes, wondering if the time had come to tell her the truth about her father being an informant. “I believe Ned wants a replacement for your father. He still needs Lucky Fox money.”

“You think
what he’s after? That he’d risk getting picked up by the Feds just to talk Adam and I into giving him more money? After he
our mother?”

“As far as he knows, her death has been attributed to a robbery,” Cooper explained. “That was done on purpose so he would think he’d gotten away with it and come to Fox Hills.”

She straightened, a line forming between her brows. “Well, it worked. He’s here. Now if I could just get my father to stop avoiding me, maybe I could get him to help.”

Cooper tensed. “He is helping, Ava. More than you think.”

“What do you mean?”

His eyes held hers, dark and somber. “He’s an FBI informant. He always has been. I didn’t even find out myself until a week ago.”

Disbelief hit her like a slap to the face. “You’re lying.”

“Would I lie?”

She stood there in shock for a moment, unsure what to make of it. Finally she shook her head, fury taking over. “I don’t think so, but then again you kept this from me for an entire week. What the hell else do you know that you’re not telling me?”

Despite wanting to console her, he knew better than to touch her and kept his hands at his sides. “You know there are things I can’t tell you. Classified information. I shouldn’t even be telling you this.”

“Then why are you?”

“Because you deserve to know who the real villains are. Your father wants to take Ned down just as badly as you do.” He eyed her in that serious, honest way he had and it only fueled her temper further.

“I can’t believe this.” She turned away, her hands diving into her hair. Knowing the truth suddenly gave everything a different perspective. She faced him again, disgust in her eyes. “So all of this has been one giant ruse, then, huh? They sent you down here to investigate my father for show, damaging our reputation and wreaking havoc on our lives in the process. All for what? To fool Ned?”

“I didn’t know any of this until a week ago, I promise you,” he defended, hating to see her look at him like that. He edged closer to her, needing to make his case. “Hate me all you want, but this is the truth.”

She backed away, her body shaking with rage. “Any hate I feel for you is nothing compared to what I feel for my father right now.”

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