Forever in Blue Jeans (21 page)

Read Forever in Blue Jeans Online

Authors: Lissa Matthews

Tags: #General Fiction

She laid a hand on top of his which was still wrapped around her waist and squeezed. "Come on," she said, sliding from under his hold and out of the bed.


"Just come on."

"Okay. Let me get my jeans."

"No. Trust me, and come on."

She walked around end of the bed and waited for him. When he got up and joined her, she laced her fingers through his and led him down the hall to the front door. They walked along the path from her porch to the back of the mansion.

"I feel kind of ridiculous walking naked through the yard. What are we doing?" he whispered as she continued ahead of him.

"It's not ridiculous. It's sexy. And it's a surprise."

The backdoor creaked on it's hinges when she opened it. She needed to get the WD-40 out, but then again, the creaking meant it was used often, just as some of the steps did when they were stepped on in certain spots, and she loved that..

Once inside the house, she led him through the kitchen to the foyer.

"You'll need to watch your footing. The steps are kind of shallow," she said as they started up the staircase.

"Would a light be too much to ask for?" he mumbled.

She knew the layout of the house as well as she knew her own body, but after he stumbled a little, after they almost fell backward, and after he stubbed his toe, she was reminded that no one else knew it as well as she did.

He sucked his breath in, then hissed it out, stopping on the center step. "Goddamn, that hurt."

"I'm sorry." She turned and found his face with her hands, luckily without poking him in the eyes. "I thought it would be kind of romantic, but I guess not. Next time, I promise, I'll grab a flashlight," she said as she leaned forward to kiss him. He sighed into her mouth and opened for her, meeting her tongue in the middle for a little duel. "Does that make up for it?" she asked, pulling back.

"A little," he offered grudgingly but not without a smile in his voice.

"Okay, well, I'll make it up to you even more once we get to our destination."

"Is it close?"

She nipped at his lips. "Just about seven more steps up and about fifty steps down the hall.

I'll go slower."

"Thank you."

True to her word, she did slow down to give him a chance to step sure. At the top of the landing, she took a left and led him to the front bedroom she'd been in with Neil earlier in the day putting sheets on the bed. She tugged him forward and left him standing beside the bed while she went to the French doors and opened them to let in the night air. The sheers she'd already hung blew gently as a light breeze swirled in.

She turned, and he was there, his hand in her hair, his mouth claiming hers. She responded immediately, sucking on his tongue as it entered. He tightened his hold in her hair and walked her backward onto the balcony, stopping only because she was now pressed to the railing. He bent her back until the ends of her hair brushed against her ass and his cock nudged at the junction of her thighs.

She shifted her stance to accommodate them both, and he moaned his encouragement, bending against the front of her body, his chest hair scraping against her nipples, his cock finding its home against her wetness.

"Close your legs now," he muttered into her mouth.

"But," she protested, angling her hips forward, trying to nudge him inside.

"Trust me."

She did. Completely. She closed her legs, and it forced the length of him up high between the lips of her sex. He thrust and slid smoothly against her wetness.

Blue whimpered as he lifted her a few inches until she was balanced on the balls of her feet.

From this position she found with the slightest thrust of her hips, she was able to glide along his cock. "Oh God, Cort."

"See? Now aren't you glad you trusted me?"

"Oh... yeah..." Her voice broke as a breeze blew between their bodies, tightening her nipples to prickling points. She gripped the railing at her back for balance and bracing while he kept them connected to one another.

"How sturdy is the rail?"

She tried to wiggle it but knew it wouldn't budge at all. "Very. Just...reinforced."

"Good. You want to come for me?"


"You waiting on something then?"

"Permission?" Hell, she didn't know what she was waiting for. That was the first word that popped into her head. But she did want to come,
to come. The smooth slide, the heat, the sweat beginning to mingle on their bodies, the friction between them... She was so damn turned on. Sex. Outside with him. Naked. And in her most favorite place...

"You've always got it," he murmured before sucking her on her bottom lip and lifting her until her bottom rested on the edge of the balcony. He thrust with her, pushed forward through her slick heat and drank her cry when she came all over him.

The kiss was ravenous, and her legs would have given out had he not held her up, had he not pushed upward, entering her, seating her fully on the rail. She gripped his hips with her knees and held on as he fucked her, pulling her completely into his arms, his weight. His cock slipped and slid inside her as he turned and walked with her until she was pressed against the wall. She started to say she was too heavy for him, too much weight for him to carry, but she didn't. She wouldn't question him when his muscles weren't even quivering beneath her. His lean appearance belied a strength that turned her on more.

"Fuck, baby," he gasped.

"Fuck, baby"
was right. Her original idea had been sex in the bed, but this was so much better, raw and devastatingly hot. She nodded against his shoulder and nipped lightly before biting down as another orgasm worked its way through her body.

She whimpered and tensed as it crashed into her, squeezing him and fluttering along her nerve endings. Her toes tingled, and she couldn't do anything but let it take her, let
take her.

He had her braced hard against the wall, still thrusting, still fucking.

He stopped suddenly, and laid his forehead against the wall.

"No, Cort, please..."

"C'mon, baby. We're not done," he whispered, nuzzling her ear.

He gathered her weight against him again and rounded the doorframe to get them back into the bedroom. He sat down on the edge of the high top bed, and for once she was glad that the thing stood a few feet off the ground. It was the perfect height for him as he held her on his lap.

She shifted her legs until she was straddling him. She used her knees to push herself up, then slowly lowered herself down, taking him back inside. Inch by inch, she took him, wiggling and writhing as she settled against his thighs.

"You can do better than that," Cort said, laying back on the bed, and pulling her with him.

He angled his to the side, lifting one of her breasts with his hand before wrapping his lips around the nipple.

"Mmm." Sensation swirled in her belly and down to her clit. The harder he sucked, nipped, and teased, the more she ground against him in an effort to ease the clawing ache.

She pressed her hands into his chest, leverage to lift and lower herself. There was no finesse to this round of sex anymore than there had been through any other round. She wanted him, and she wanted him this way: frenzied and frantic.

He switched breasts, positioning her other nipple at his mouth. He took the tip between his teeth and bit down. Pain made her gasp. Pleasure made her sigh He bit harder, and each time he did, he'd tease the offended area with soothing strokes of his tongue.

When he grabbed hold of her ass and started guiding her into the rhythm he needed, she followed his lead. He surged upward, taking her breath away with each thrust. She lurched forward until her arms were planted on either side of his head, her tits swaying above his face, her back arching as another orgasm, this one smaller but no less powerful let loose.

Cort grunted and stilled, his fingers gripping the flesh of her behind, his cock jerking as he filled her. She collapsed, her legs bracketing his hips, her arms now wrapped under his shoulders, her face buried in his neck.

On top of him is where she liked to be. Hell, she liked being under him too. Okay, so she liked being in any position with him, as long as they were together, naked or at least very close to naked. She licked at the salt of his skin before lifting off him to curl against his side. "These sheets are going to have to be washed again," she said, exhausted.

"Probably," he said through a yawn.

She stretched like a contented cat. "But it was worth getting them dirty."

"Is this part of your renovation?"

"Is what part of it?"

"Having sex in all the rooms."

Blue laughed and pinched his nipple before crawling up the bed to get under the top sheet.

Cort joined her and she snuggled into his side again. "It hadn't been part of the original plan but as long as you're around and willing, I think it would be a wonderful idea. Most of these rooms haven't seen any action in more than fifty years."

"We should definitely remedy that, then."

He yawned again and kissed the top of her head. She'd wondered if he was going to comment further but she soon heard his breathing even out and the slight snore that she'd been hearing in her dreams for the last five years.

She lazily swirled her fingers through the smattering of his chest hair and closed her eyes, willing sleep to take her.

Chapter Eleven

"What are you doing here?" Rosie pounced with the question as soon as Blue walked through the diner door. "I'd have thought you wouldn't surface until tomorrow at the earliest when Cort is supposed to start on your house, and even then I wasn't sure."

"I need pie," Blue grumped, walking past the counter, heading straight for her favorite booth: the one in the back corner.

"Uh-oh. That's not a good sign. Dare I ask what kind?" she asked, following close on Blue's heels.

She slid into the seat and pulled her baseball cap down low over her eyes and buried her face in her hands. "Blackberry?"

"That bad?"

"'Fraid so." She always chose blackberry when it was man trouble. And it was big man trouble this time.

"With or without whipped cream?"

She never had whipped cream unless it had to do with a man and sex. She was turning into her own cliché. "With. But on the side."

Rosie sighed but had already turned toward the pie case behind the counter. "Don't move. I'll be right back."

Blue nodded. The only time she ever ate pie was when she was hurting, sad, confused, or frustrated. It was also the only time she ever drank herself into a stupor.
Like she'd done a couple
of nights ago.
Instead of turning to the wine this time, she'd headed to the diner for Rosie's blackberry pie. It wasn't too sweet, wasn't too tart, and Rosie's pie crust was the best pie crust ever.

She wasn't hurting or sad really, but she was confused and frustrated. She knew it wasn't the best thing or the wisest thing to eat or drink emotionally. It was one of those gluttonous things people were always warned against, but sometimes the situation called for alcohol or pie. Heck, sometimes the situation called for both at the same time.

She looked around. The dining room was nearly empty for a Sunday afternoon, but the clouds in the sky might've had something to do with it. They were due for another rainstorm, much as they'd had yesterday morning, much as they were predicted to have for the next few days. She wasn't sure how the electrical work on her house would go if there was a possibility of thunder and lightning.

Though given that he was gone when she'd woken up this morning, she didn't know if that meant...well, she didn't know what it meant.

She looked up when Rosie set the pie down in front of her, then took the seat across the table from her. "You didn't have to bring the whole thing. One slice would be fine."

"Yes, and then it would be another slice and another until the pie was all gone. It's better this way."

“True. Blue picked up the fork and dug into the center. "Thanks," she said around the mouthful of sticky, fruity goodness.

"Eh. I'll make more." Rosie dug into the pie as well. "So, out with it. What happened? You were with Cort last night, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Cause Decker said Cort's bed had been slept in, but he wasn't there this morning when he went by to pick him up."

"Yeah. He showed up in the middle of the night." Fork halfway to her mouth, Blue latched onto Rosie’s last statement. "Pick him up? He’s with Decker?"

Rosie nodded, confusion clouding her eyes. "Buck too. You didn’t know?"


"Oh. How about some coffee?"

Blue nodded, another forkful of pie headed toward her mouth. Cort could've told her he was leaving. He could've said something. The feeling she'd had when she woke up and found him gone, the side of the bed he'd slept on, cold… Was that how he'd felt? Panic? Uncertainty? The knowledge that you'd touched on something special and then…nothing?

"What's going through your head? Rosie asked. She'd returned with a fresh pot of coffee, two cups, and a pitcher of half and half.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well that's a load of crap. You wouldn't have come here if you didn't want to talk."

Blue huffed and shook her head. "You know how when something is bothering you, I just kind of stand back and let you talk when you're ready? Why can't you do that?"

"Because I'm the impatient one, and if I don't badger you to talk, you'll keep it all to yourself, just like you did for five freakin' years about Cort."

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