Framed (13 page)

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Authors: C.P. Smith

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #War, #Military, #Suspense

“I can assure you I paid attention to every detail. From the curve of your sweet ass to the way your nose tips up slightly on the end.”

She tried to guard her reaction, but the slight twitch of her lips told him she liked what he said.

“How about you pay attention to walking Buck in a circle so I can—“

“—Check out my ass?” Kade grinned.

He watched with interest as her eyes brightened and she bit her lip to keep from laughing. When she ducked her head, he knew she’d lost the battle.

“Exactly, Mr. Kingston,” she choked out.


“In here it’s Mr. Kingston, remember. Now take Buck in a circle so I can watch.”

Kade reached out his hand for Buck’s lead. When she placed it in his hand, he ran his finger across her palm and grinned when she jumped.

“You’re relentless,” she grumbled as she took a step back.

“Where you’re concerned, always,” Kade chuckled before taking a lap around the room.

Harley watched as he took Buck through sit, down, and stay. When he told Buck to hold the stay and backed away until there was twenty feet between them, she raised a brow. He looked at her and winked, then gave the command for break and Buck took off at a run, jumping into his arms.

As both of them were unaware they were being watched closely, Drum kept his eyes on the dog trainer as she kept her eyes on Kingston. A casual observer might have missed the exchange, but he didn’t. There was definitely something going on between the two.

For the next hour, she tried to keep her distance from Kingston, but he’d kept count and she’d approached the SEAL three times more often than the other inmates. That might not have been anything if he hadn’t noted that the dog Kingston was training had already passed the other dogs in obedience. By all accounts, Kingston could have taught the class with how well his dog was responding to him, so there was no need for her constant instruction—or the smile that pulled across her mouth whenever Kingston spoke.

“You’ve all come a long way this past week. On Wednesday, we’ll work further on staying your dogs and walking with them off-lead. Any questions?”

“I’d like a word after class if you have time. I’m concerned about Buck’s sleeping habits.”

“I can answer your questions,” Michelle Reed, one of Harley’s co-volunteers, blurted out. Michelle, Harley noticed for the first time, was a curvy brunette with big boobs, shiny hair, and a spring in her step as she approached Kade.

“I’ve got this,” Harley returned, moving towards Kade. He tried to keep from grinning as both women moved in his direction. When Harley reached him first, then turned back and glared at the other woman, Kade held in a chuckle.

“Subtle, baby,” Kade whispered when she turned back to him. Harley’s breath hitched when he called her baby and her eyes melted a little, softening around the edges. He took a step closer automatically, wanting more than anything to take her in his arms and turn those eyes from melted chocolate to lazy with lust.

“What’s wrong with Buck’s sleeping habits?”

“He doesn’t sleep well when he’s in bed with me.”

“Why is that?”

“Because I toss and turn all night.”

“Why do you toss and turn all night?”

“Because a sexy dog trainer invades my dreams.”

“Maybe you should put him in his crate at night if you’re going to be dreaming about women,” she husked out.

“Not women, just one. The same one who’s visited me on and off since I was seventeen.”

Harley looked back over her shoulder and saw Ian Drum watching them, so she bent at the knees and began petting Buck.

“Was the dream the same each time?” she whispered.


“What happened?”

“We end up naked in my bed and I make love to every inch of her,” Kade admitted in a raw voice.

Harley ducked her head to cover the blush rising up her cheeks, then rushed out, “Lucky woman,” so quickly that Kade would have missed it if he hadn’t been so intent on her reaction.

“When I get out, I’m gonna make that dream a reality,” Kade replied as he bent at the waist and retrieved Buck’s lead. “Hard and fast the first time since I’ll have no control after all these years of wanting, then slowly until we can’t move . . . See you Wednesday, dream weaver,” he whispered before he headed for Drum and cellblock C. When he turned back and looked at her one last time, she was still kneeling on the ground, staring after him with a dazzled look on her face.

“You get your questions answered?” Drum asked.


“I’ll bet,” he mumbled to himself, then led Kingston back towards the cellblock.

Time for a phone call,
Drum thought, as he escorted Kingston back to his block. When they entered, he caught Fat Bastard’s eye and jerked his chin up to let the man know that he agreed the SEAL and dog trainer were involved and would be passing along his information. The sooner Kingston’s friends were contained and out of the picture, the sooner he could get the hell out of the prison. Ever since he and Raff had been hired by Jared White to keep an eye on Sutton, he’d been living this nightmare. He’d washed out of the Army, but he’d gained enough skills to be useful as a mercenary. Now he was a soldier for hire, one who was hired to watch a man, not kill him. But just like the rest of his life, that had gone south the minute White pulled out a knife and plunged it deep into Sutton’s chest.

They’d trailed him for two days when White called and asked where he was. When White arrived, he told Drum to go through the front door and flush him out to the back while he and Raff waited. Sutton, being paranoid, had made their tail the first day. He knew what they looked like and White was correct that he would bolt if Drum went inside the bar. Sutton ran right out the back into Raff and White’s waiting hands when he saw Drum open the door of the bar. Drum made it around back just as Kingston came running down the alley shouting for them to stop. Drum kept a baseball bat in his car for intimidation purposes and had thankfully grabbed it on his way to the alley. When White plunged his knife into Sutton, a move Drum hadn’t seen coming, he’d gone into survival mode. He took out Kingston quickly with a blow to the back of the head before he’d been seen by him. They’d been lucky no one had been around and Sutton and Kingston’s bodies were lying in the shadows at the opposite end where no one would find them unless they walked right up on them.

After checking the area for witnesses, they’d clocked the security camera on the retirement home and White had sent them in search of the video before he left. They’d gotten lucky again and slipped in the back door when a janitor came out to empty the trash as they were heading for the front. They’d slipped in unnoticed and he and Raff had found the surveillance room and erased the footage that showed them in the alley about the time the cops arrived. They’d left out the side door and headed down the street before doubling back for Drum’s car and leaving. Since he’d parked on the street and not in the bar parking lot, they looked like they had just come from another restaurant on the street and the cops didn’t even look in their direction.

He and Raff thought they could lie low until the smoke cleared, but Raff got jumpy and threatened White with exposure. Now Raff was at the bottom of the ocean and Drum was at White’s disposal if he wanted to stay alive or out of prison.

Drum walked into the break room, pulled out his cell, and called White. “We need to meet,” he mumbled when White answered. “I’ll be there in two hours.”



“Tell me you have good news,” Williams asked when White entered his office.

“Kingston is still alive.”

“Are you telling me Fat Bastard is incapable of taking care of one man?”

“Kingston has proven why he was a SEAL,” White answered. “I met with Drum and he said Kingston’s team is in town.”

“That explains why we had a breach this weekend,” Williams sighed.

“Did they find what they were looking for?”

“Our failsafe’s held.”

White took a deep breath, then sat down and crossed his legs. Williams could tell the man was contemplating something.


“Only an arrogant man would hide the evidence of his crimes on a computer. Do you honestly think that you can steer clear of wrongdoing when you keep two sets of books?”

“Don’t tell me how to do my job. Our computer system is state of the art.”

“Nothing is impenetrable. Sutton taught you that.”

“Sutton didn’t break into the computer, he overheard the driver saying where he was headed and why. Thankfully, he expressed his concerns to Fredrick’s instead of the EPA, but you know all this. That’s not the matter at hand,” he growled, “We have to find a way to eliminate Kingston.”

“Then I guess today is your lucky day. Drum informed me yesterday after he got off shift that Kingston is involved with a female at the prison. They met while training dogs and completely off radar.”

“Interesting. What are you thinking?”

“A few photographs of her coming and going, maybe a shot of her through her window getting undressed and a cryptic note that says ‘drop the witch hunt and do the time or she’s next.’”

Williams intwined his fingers as he mulled this new plan over.

“Do you think he’s in deep enough with the woman that it would be enough of an incentive?”

“I think that man is a choir boy compared to most of the inmates there. He gave up his career to take care of a dying grandfather; he won’t hesitate to drop the investigation if he thinks a woman he loves might die.”

“Would you give up your freedom for a woman?’

“Fuck no. Pussy is pussy. But I’m not an idealist who served his country for the greater good.”

“No, you served your country to escape prison.”

“And I got out as soon as I could,” White stated. “I’m not dying for anyone but myself. If you think I’ll lay down my life to keep you safe, you’re mistaken, Williams. I’m working on this with you to keep from ending up where Kingston is. Don’t think for a minute you have my undying loyalty. I’ll kill you as easily as I killed Sutton if it suits my purposes.”

“Fair enough . . . Go take your pictures and let’s see if Kingston is as good a guy as you think he is.”

White stood, ready to leave, but before he made it to the door, Williams called out.

“Just so you know, I’d kill you first.”

White grinned, nodding. He understood the man. ”I didn’t expect anything less from you,” he replied, then exited the room.

“Cocksucker,” White mumbled as he headed for his van. Williams would no more pull a trigger than his mother did to keep his father from beating him.

Pulling out a sheet of paper he’d written the dog trainer’s address on, he stared at her name. “Harley Dash,” he muttered. He got an erection just thinking about her fine ass.

Twenty minutes later, he drove past the address and found it was a repair shop in an industrial neighborhood. He took a left, wound back around to the two-story building, parked a block up, and waited. Pulling out his digital camera with a telephoto lens, he raised it to his eye and scanned the building. He didn’t see Harley on the first floor, just mechanics working on automobiles. Scanning up to the second floor, he found a spot between two branches of a large oak tree where he could see an apartment. He took a picture to gauge how clear the shot would turn out, then adjusted for the distance. Bringing the camera back up to his eye, he focused again. As the shot came into focus, his breath caught and his cock hardened. Harley exited her bathroom wrapped in a towel and dropped it on the bed before picking up her panties.

The camera whirled to life as White held the shutter down, taking picture after picture of pink tits, a bare cunt, and hips he could hold on to as he drove home. Then, miracle of miracles, she paused before dressing. His finger stopped pressing the shutter for a moment as his breath stopped all together. Whatever she was thinking about wasn’t training dogs as her hand ran down her stomach until she was touching her pink pussy.

“That’s it, touch yourself,” White mumbled as his cock pushed painfully against his zipper. When her other hand came up and pinched her full breast, tugging at the pebbled nipple, her hips rocked into her hand.

White pressed the shutter again, then released the button and zipper of his jeans and grabbed hold of his cock. The businesses around her apartment were spread out. He could sit there and jack off without anyone noticing. He figured with her apartment on the second floor and a tree blocking most of her view, she had a false sense of privacy; that or she just forgot to shut her blinds. Either way, he intended to watch his fill while he jacked off.

When she fell to her bed and her hips arched into her touch, he felt his balls draw up. How he managed to keep taking pictures while he slid his hand up and down his length he wasn’t sure, but when she arched one final time and her mouth opened in ecstasy, White shot his load onto the floor of his van. His cum dripped from his cock as he caught his breath. He went to wipe himself clean before he pulled his pants back into place and an idea formed. He figured this would push the SEAL over the edge and gain his compliance at the same time. Aiming the camera at his swollen cock, he took a picture with his cum still dripping from the tip.

After stuffing his cock back into his jeans, he pulled out his phone and called Drum.

“I’m on my way,” he grunted out.

“You’ve got pictures already?”

“Oh, yeah. These are guaranteed to get a reaction,” he answered as he focused his camera and took one last shot as she dressed. “Give me an hour to make copies then I’ll be on my way. Make sure you give the note and pictures to Fat Bastard today. I want this guy neutralized by nightfall.”



“Did I tell you about the time Stella and I struck gold?” Cooter asked as they entered the common area of cellblock C. Kade looked down at the old man as he walked Buck back to their cell.

“Pretty sure I would remember if you told me about striking it rich.”

“Weeeeell, we didn’t exactly strike it rich.”

“What exactly would you call it?”

“See, there was this jewelry store that just got a shipment of . . . Is that fat bastard actually standing outside your cell?”

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