Full Throttle (23 page)

Read Full Throttle Online

Authors: Kerrianne Coombes

He sat back on his haunches, wiped his mouth with
his hand, and watched as Sammy panted and laughed, and sighed breathlessly, happily.

“Told you you’d like it,” he said a little smugly.

Sammy lifted her flushed face. “I thought I was
going to die.” She laughed again and sat up a little, leaning on her elbows.

“A good way to go.”
said as he sat tall.

The smile on Sammy’s mouth slid away as she stared
up at him. Her green gaze glittered as her expression clouded.

“You okay?” He asked
light mood gone as her gaze filled with worry. Josh was just about to take a
step back, out of her space, when Sammy tentatively, almost as if she were
fighting against a negative pull, raised her hand and tucked her fingers around
his belt. Her gaze dropped to her fingers and her bottom lip disappeared
between her teeth. Josh stood stock still, stunned by her advance.

Sammy slowly raised her stare and locked her gaze
with his. “Please don’t say you’re finished. You haven’t given me the chance to
repay the favor.”

Josh almost swallowed his tongue. As it was, he lost
the air from his lungs as heat licked up his spine and nestled like a flame in
his balls.

Sammy held his gaze, even though he knew it was hard
for her to do, and Josh saw the want within that pretty stare.

His brain fed him an image of those full lips spread
around his dick, and he suddenly wanted that more than anything in his life. He
raised his hand and ran his fingers down Sammy’s blushed cheek. “You don’t know
how much I want that.” He stepped off the bed, so he could stand on firm
ground, and beckoned her to move closer to him.

Sammy breathed out with what looked like relief, as
if she imagined he would turn her down, and she scooted forward on the bed. Her
spine was rod straight. She cleared her throat and tucked her hair behind her
ears, and Josh almost moaned at the proper way she sat. Shoulders square, eyes
front and center, as if she were at finishing school. Bloody ironic considering
what she was planning in that clever mind of hers.

“You’re about to suck my dick, Sam, not
the piano. Relax.” He stroked her cheek and smiled when
she instantly breathed out and dropped her shoulders. She looked at him and

“I have never done … this before.” she said, her
voice shaking a little. She looked terrified and Josh couldn’t stand to see fright
in her eyes. He bent, kissed her forehead, her nose and moved to her mouth
where he forced her lips open for a hungry, passion drenched kiss. He slid his
hands into her hair and reveled in the way Sammy leaned back and clutched at
his belt.

“You don’t have to do anything that terrifies you.
Sammy. I hate to see that look in your gaze.”

She pushed a flattened palm on his chest, leaned
back, and looked into his eyes. Josh felt the punch in his gut when he saw her
determination, and he understood Sammy was a woman who clearly liked a

“I want to.”

He paused, sighed and stood up, his hand moving to
his belt. He sighed again for effect and dropped his trousers. “Well, if you

Sammy laughed, the sound not something he would have
ever said was right in the bedroom, but here, now, laughter made the moment
seem more intimate, more real.

Sammy stared at his engorged dick for a long time. When
she lifted her hand and wrapped her slim fingers around it, he sucked in a
tight breath and swore. Sammy glanced up and a small smile tipped her pretty

“Your language is terrible,” she said, raising one

He would have grinned or said something clever, but
with her cool, clever fingers wrapped around his dick, the best he could manage
was a grunt and another foul word. He pushed his fingers into her long fall of
hair and caught her glittering gaze. “Put your mouth around me.”
Please, before I go insane from the image in
my head...

He strove for control, schooled his hands against
curling into tight fists in her hair.
Locking his hips to
keep from thrusting between her lips.
He watched with fascination as
Sammy dipped closer. She swiped her tongue out and licked the bead of moisture
sitting at the tip, making him bark in shock.

“Oh, Jesus!
me in.” He fisted his dick at the base and fed the tip between her lips. Sammy
parted her mouth, glanced up, and Josh locked his gaze with hers as his cock
tunneled into her wet, hot, fucking perfect mouth.

Josh fought to breathe as Sammy tasted him like she
had never tasted anything better. Her hot tongue swiped the sensitive part just
under the crown, forcing him to lock his knees against collapsing. Sammy
licked, nibbled and sucked and when Josh gripped her hair, she hummed against
his hard dick.

“This is amazing. You are so perfect.” Josh said as
he stroked hair away from her cheek.

Sammy glanced up, pulled back, and then sucked him
from tip to root.

“Fuck!” Josh tipped his head back and bellowed. His
legs shook and his head swam. His hands gripped her hair, and when he was just
about to come, he tried to pull her back. Sammy reached forward, gripped his
hips and Josh was helpless against coming in hot spurts against her wet, glorious

When the tremors subsided, Josh glanced down to find
Sammy grinning.

“Fuck, Sammy, that was—”

“Exciting,” she finished with a wicked gleam in her

Josh laughed.
stroked her cheek and stepped back to pull his jeans up from the floor so he
could tuck himself away. Sammy still sat naked and Josh watched as she
self-consciously reached for the covers. He helped her under the sheets, dipped,
kissed her mouth and breathed in her clean scent.

“You have a nap, I bought food while I was out,
I’ll go and cook dinner. I’ll wake you when it’s ready.”

Sammy smiled, nodded and yawned.

“Thanks for coming back, Josh,” she said quietly.
Her shy gaze dropped away for a moment, before she smiled and huddled deeper
under the covers.

Josh nodded and stepped out into the hallway, too stunned
by his thoughts to answer. He pulled her door closed behind him and sucked in a
deep breath.

for coming back.

Josh had a funny feeling he would always come back
to Sammy. The image of her mouth surrounding his cock filled his mind, and Josh
grinned. Who knew Sammy, the math teacher was a pro at blowjobs?




Sammy woke up to the homey smells of cooking food.
Her nose tickled with the promise of a yummy dinner, and her stomach instantly
spoke up. She opened her eyes and stared around. She was in her bed, naked, and
the moonlight shone through the window creating a stripe of silver to run
across her white bed sheets.

Her body pulsed to life when she remembered just why
she was naked, and Sammy blushed at the memory of having Josh in her mouth.

She had always imagined giving a man oral sex would
be nasty, dirty and even horrible for a woman. How wrong she’d been. The
feeling of power had been wild. When Josh stared down at her with an expression
mixed between awe and desperation, Sammy had reveled in the knowledge she’d put
that look on his face. Oh, yeah, Sammy liked oral sex. His growled out words
and harsh praise had almost made Sammy orgasm herself. She smiled and rolled
onto her side. Her body still felt bruised in places, but Sammy noted she no
longer felt tired or stiff. She stretched out across the bed and hummed.

Yeah, apart from her leg, Sammy was beginning to
feel better.

Thrilled, she threw the covers back and sat up. She’d
just lifted her cast leg over the side when her bedroom door opened.

Josh walked in and when his gaze found her, and more
precisely, found her naked, he stopped in his tracks, his dark gaze eating her
up like a banquet.

Sammy shivered.

“Is dinner ready?” She smiled when Josh lifted his
gaze and scowled at her smile.

“I’m thinking of postponing it.” He lunged across
the room, put his hands under her arms and lifted her to her foot. Sammy
gasped, clutched his arms and barely sucked in a breath before Josh was kissing
her hungrily. Her head swam, her insides whooshed like she was on a see-saw,
and Sammy threw her head back in abandon when Josh grabbed her bum and pressed
his hard erection into her.

Her entire body shook as she slid her fingers into
his dark hair. But when her stomach, the annoying thing, grumbled in hunger,
Josh pulled back and cursed gruffly.

“You’re hungry.”

Sammy nodded, though she considered denying it. But
her stomach grumbled again.
“A little.”

Josh flared his nostrils, dipped his hand over one
of her taught breasts and watched as her nipple peaked stiffly under his touch.
Sammy swallowed hard at the dark look in his expression. Mentally she begged
him to taste it, lick it, bite it, but Josh stepped back, ran his hand through
his hair and cleared his throat. “Put that t-shirt on so I can take you
downstairs for dinner.”

Sammy twisted and saw a t-shirt folded on the foot
of the bed. When had Josh left that?

“I came in earlier to wake you but you were sound
asleep.” He said as if he had read her thoughts.

Ah, so that would explain the moon, and the late
hour. Had he sat downstairs hungry?

“Sorry. I guess I was tired.” She pulled Josh’s t-shirt
over her head. The fabric fell just above her knees and Sammy glanced up to
find Josh staring at her with an odd, predatorial glint in his gaze.

Josh stepped close, ran his hand along her cheek and
Sammy breathed in his dark, manly scent, “No problem, Sammy. I’m glad you got
some rest.”

Sammy tried to think of something to reply with, but
with Josh so close, her brain was a scrambled mess, especially when he dipped
and kissed her lips in a slow, lingering caress.

“Let’s eat. I have a feeling we are going to need
our strength.”

Sammy blushed fiercely, but she didn’t dispute his
words. If they were going to do the mattress tango again, then she would need
sustenance, and lots of it.

Josh dipped his knees, scooped Sammy up, and
together they went downstairs.


Josh set the rice on the table and sat down in the
small chair. The kitchen in Sammy’s little house was tiny compared to his, but
he was proud of the food he managed to cobble together. “Hope you like chili
con carne.” Josh poured out two glasses of red wine. “I hope you like wine,
too,” he added, just realizing he never asked. The first night he’d met her,
Sammy had been drinking beer, and Josh frowned, just now realizing he barely
knew anything about her. And didn’t that make him feel like a dick?

Once again, Josh was annoyed that he had fucked her
like a randy teenager instead of getting to know her first. He glanced up to
Sammy and noticed her wide smile. She stared at the food and lifted her gaze to

“I love red wine.” She said lifting the glass up to
her mouth for a sip. You know, this is the first time a man has cooked for me,”
she added flippantly, as she reached forward to snag the spoon dug into the

He grinned, secretly proud of her
“I think this is the first time I have cooked for a
woman, actually.”

Sammy stilled as she tipped rice onto her plate and
raised her brow. “But weren’t you engaged?” She asked.

Josh stilled as embarrassment throttled him. He
watched as Sammy studied him, a deep frown falling over her brow.

“Oh, uh—was I supposed to not know that?”
Sammy asked, her tone worried.

Josh managed to shake his head, but he still asked.
“How did you know?”

“Tony. He told me.”

Josh sighed, knowing now the extent his brother had gone
to set him and Sammy up. Had Tony seen Sammy was more than a timid woman?

Of course he had, because Josh was learning that
Sammy was only shy around him. Something like pride licked up his spine,
knowing that Sammy was affected by him so powerfully. He grinned and shook his
head. “I think my brother has been doing some matchmaking.” He put a forkful of
rice into his mouth. Josh hoped she wouldn’t push. He wasn’t sure he wanted to
talk about past relationships with Sammy. He didn’t want to let her know the
sort of women he’d dated before. The idea of Sammy comparing herself to Penny
was distasteful to him. Besides, what would Sammy think of a man who had chosen
a woman as cold and nasty as Penny?

Sammy looked surprised,
she grinned. A blush stole over her cheeks, and she picked up her wine glass.
“I did think it was odd how much he spoke of his younger, cooler, funny

Josh shook his head.
“The fucker.
I don’t know whether to punch him or kiss him.”

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