Grabbed by Vicious (13 page)

Read Grabbed by Vicious Online

Authors: Lolita Lopez

Tags: #Erotica

not trying to shove something in your backside.”

“Relax.” He swept his hand down her back and over

her bottom. He kneaded her plump cheeks and the tops of

her thighs. It felt strange at first to have him touching her

like that, but as with everything Vicious did to her body,

she started to enjoy it. He shifted her atop his lap, sliding

her back a little. Her toes touched the floor now but only

just. “Open your thighs for me.”

She didn’t fight him and slid them apart as much as she

could in that awkward position. His fingertips grazed her

pussy. She hissed as he found her still-sensitive clit. “Ah!”

“That’s it, Kitten. Just enjoy my fingers in your sweet

pink cunt.”

She gasped at the word he’d used. From his lips, it

didn’t sound at all like an insult. He said it almost


“Oh!” Two fingers penetrated her pussy. She sucked in

a sharp breath as her body tried to accept his wide, long

digits. He was so gentle. His fingers slid inside at an

achingly slow pace. When his thumb brushed her clit, she

almost jumped off his lap. It felt so good that her toes

curled. “Vicious,

“I know, sweetheart. I know.” He worked her into a

frenzied state but backed off every time she got close. It

was the snapping lid that pulled her from the haze of

arousal. She tensed as a cold dollop of the clear stuff

oozed between her butt cheeks. She tried to squeeze them

together but he wouldn’t let her. “No, Hallie. Relax. Let

me in.”

“Vicious,” she pleaded. “I don’t like this.”

“We haven’t even tried it yet. Let’s see how it goes.”

She gulped and nodded. She unclenched her cheeks and

shuddered when the fingers of his other hand parted her.

Just knowing he was staring at that part of her made Hallie

want to die from mortification. A big finger swirled

around the pucker hidden there. “

It didn’t feel bad. It felt…good? No, that couldn’t be

right. It wasn’t supposed to feel good to be touched there.

It was dirty and wrong and—oh wow. She inhaled a shaky

breath as his finger penetrated her. He slid inside carefully

and then held still. It was the fingers of his other hand, the

fingers buried in her pussy and playing with her clit, that

began to move again.

And it was so good. Too good, really. She clutched at

his calf and prayed she wouldn’t fall off his lap when she

climaxed. There was no fighting it now. She knew without

a doubt that Vicious would drive her over the edge and

into that abyss of ecstasy.

“Vicious! Vicious! I—ah!”

“Come for me, Hallie. Come hard for your master.”

“Unnnhhhh!” The guttural sound escaped her throat on a

low groan. She rocked on his lap as wave after wave of

pure delight swamped her. “Ah! Ah! Ah!”

Vicious growled with excitement but still didn’t try to

take her. She trembled with the aftershocks of the

wondrous orgasm he’d given her when he removed the

finger from her ass, spread more of the slippery gel there

and gently pushed the plug inside her.

She started to beg him to take it away but then decided

she could do this. It wasn’t painful so much as odd. When

it finally plopped inside her bottom, she moaned. It just

felt so bizarre to have something in there. The weight of

the tail added to the weirdness. She gave an experimental

wiggle of her backside and grimaced. “Oh, that’s so


Vicious chuckled. “It looks strange from this end.”

She frowned. “Please don’t make fun of me.”

“Oh Hallie.” He rubbed her bottom. “I would never

make fun of you, not after this sacrifice you’ve made for


Staring at the floor, she whispered, “It’s not a sacrifice.

I’m doing this for
. I know you’d do the same thing if the

roles were reversed.”

“I would,” he assured her as he helped her stand. She

shifted her weight from foot to foot and tried to get used to

the plug in her bottom. He leaned forward and kissed her

belly and then each breast. “I know it’s uncomfortable, but

if it starts to hurt, tell me. I bought the tiniest plug in the

shop. It’s rated for extended wear but you’re new to this.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll definitely let you know when I’m

ready for it to come out.”

He kissed her neck and stood. “I’ll be right back. I need

to change.”

She waited in the living room while he darted into the

bedroom. She practiced walking from one end of the

couch to the other. Her gait was uneven and cautious at

first. The more she practiced, the easier it became to

forget the thing stuck in her bottom. The tip of the cat tail

tickled her thighs though. She wasn’t very fond of that


When Vicious returned, he wore a different uniform.

This one had a dressier look to it than the more utilitarian

uniform he’d just been wearing. She noticed he’d switched

out his heavy black boots for a shinier, nicer pair. There

were so many stripes on this uniform’s chest. She didn’t

know a lot about the military but she understood they

earned those for every successful engagement. Vicious had

clearly been in more than his fair share of scrapes.

He picked up the cat-themed lingerie set and gestured

for her to join him. He cracked a smile. “I know I said this

cat thing wasn’t my kink but you look incredibly sexy with

that tail.”

She dared to thump his arm with her smaller fist. “If you

think it’s so sexy, maybe you can wear it next time.”

He rubbed his arm and frowned down at her. “You pack

quite a punch, little one.”

“I had three older brothers, Vicious. I learned to defend

myself at an early age.”

He made a
sound and knelt down in front of her.

“Left foot.”

She did as instructed and let him help her into the

panties. There was a little slit in the back to let the tail

poke through and Vicious guided it in place. The bra fit

fairly well but was a tad roomy in the cups. “Sorry,” she

said, abashed. “I’m not exactly well-endowed.”

“Hush.” He kissed the swell of each breast. “They’re

sexy as fuck.”

“Oh.” Well then…

He grinned and captured her mouth. Standing, he put his

hands on her shoulders. With a sigh, he said, “I have to

leash you tonight, Hallie. We’ll walk to the general’s

apartments, but when we get there, you’ll have to crawl.”

“Right.” She swallowed hard. “Am I allowed to


He shook his head. “I’ll speak for you.”


He tipped her chin. “Remember what I told you last

night. I’m not interested in a full-time slave. This is just

one night. Think of it as a game.”

“A game? I can do that.” She’d have to do that. His

career was on the line. He obviously didn’t want her to

put that pressure on herself but she sensed it wouldn’t go

well for him if she wasn’t on her best behavior. “I won’t

embarrass you or let you down, Vicious. I’ll be the best

damn cat you’ve ever seen.”

He laughed and embraced her. She closed her eyes as

his heat enveloped her. “Of that, I have no doubt.”

Chapter Seven

Conflicted was a good word for describing Hallie’s

current emotional state. She kneeled on all fours at

Vicious’ feet. He sat in a chair just to her right and

enjoyed the lavish dinner that had been prepared for the

officers. Two glass dishes had been placed in front of her

on the floor. One held room-temperature water. The other

some kind of poultry mixed with rice.

When she’d seen the other wives, some more

enthusiastic than others, lapping at their food, she’d tried

to do the same. The mask she wore and the newness of it

made her attempts less than successful. Vicious seemed

happy that she’d at least tried. He reached down every

now and then and stroked her hair. To be petted by her

new husband wasn’t exactly the way she’d hoped to spend

their second night as mates.

So far, this bizarre party hadn’t been too awful. It

wasn’t an experience she was keen to repeat but just this

once was all right. Some of her fellow wives seemed to

actually like this role-playing game. Others clearly hated it

and made only the tiniest effort to embody the role of

feline. Hallie wasn’t having the time of her life but she

chose to give it her all, even if it did make her feel

incredibly stupid and embarrassed.

Upon arriving at General Thorn’s spacious quarters,

she’d been led to a gated area where the other wives

played with various toys. At first, she’d been outraged by

the idea of batting around a ball of string or chasing after a

stuffed mouse dangling from a stick. She’d lifted her gaze

to Vicious’ and seen the flicker of guilt there. Not wanting

him to feel any worse than he already did, she’d thrown

herself into the game with gusto. They’d shared a private

smile as she’d batted the ball of string between her hands.

It wasn’t ideal but she was trying to make the best of it.

Knees aching and arms burning, Hallie tried to think of

anything but her uncomfortable position. Why in the world

was she putting herself through this? It stunned her that

Vicious already meant this much to her. He’d gained her

loyalty remarkably quick. It shocked her that she’d come

to trust and care for this man so much and so fast. Surely,

she wasn’t right in the head.

Maybe those orgasms were warping her mind. It had to

be the flood of hormones from each climax that had made

it so easy for Vicious to convince her to do this. Two days

ago, if a man had come up to her and asked her to dress up

like a cat and a put that
in her backside, she would

have punched him in the face. Vicious had given her the

choice to say no and yet still she’d agreed. What the hell

was wrong with her?

Vicious stroked her skin, his fingertips gliding from her

shoulder to the small of her back. Goose bumps

blossomed under his touch.
was what was wrong

with her. His very touch made her shiver with need.

Desire burned low in her belly. His fingers tightened in

her hair, just enough to lift her head a bit. Playing the role

of cat, she nuzzled her cheek against his leg.

He glanced down at her and rewarded her with an

approving smile. A second later, he lowered a juicy piece

of fruit. She accepted the tasty morsel, making sure to suck

his fingers clean. She could feel his leg muscles tensing as

she teased him. Two could play this game. She might be

new at this sex stuff but she was a quick study.

Vicious caressed her face. Her lower back burned but

she remained in place, holding her position as perfectly as

possible. The general’s earlier attention hadn’t escaped

her. He seemed rather interested in her, and she hoped it

was merely curiosity and not something else. There were a

lot of things she was willing to do for Vicious but

wasn’t one of them.

When dinner ended, Vicious took her leash in hand and

led her away from the table. She took advantage of the

movement to stretch her tight muscles. They crossed the

living area to another room, this one darker and similar

than the one where Vicious had restrained her. Were all

the apartments equipped with this strange space?

She was suddenly very glad for the cat mask that hid

most of her face. She gawked at the odd pieces of

equipment lining the walls. She spotted the cuffs and

heavy duty rings many of them sported. It didn’t take her

long to figure out the equipment was meant for restraining

—or worse.

Her belly flip-flopped. Fear gripped her hard. Her gaze

flitted around the room. She saw a set of black couches.

Oh please. Please let Vicious lead her there and not one of

those scary metal X’s.

The low, heavy thud of music filled the room. Vicious

tugged on her leash. She hurried to keep up with his long

strides. Her breath caught in her throat when he neared

some kind of sawhorse-looking contraption, but when they

walked straight by it, she let out a sigh of relief. Vicious

took a seat in the corner of one of the couches. He pointed

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