Harry's Sacrifice (31 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Bill’s testimony was watched closely, and while it was brutally honest, it was well received. It was one of the deciding factors, Cormac privately believed, in the large-scale sign-up of volunteers.


Hara ended the Council session around the time of the evening meal. They’d been going strong since before dawn and everyone was tired. But Hara and Percival were still going strong. They invited Bill Sinclair to dine with them in the lower levels of the city where the humans were still dwelling. It was a party of sorts, celebrating the freedom of the former human test subjects, but Harry was just as glad when Hara excused Cormac, Ro and Harry from attending.

The vast majority of bots followed Hara, but one came with Harry and his two cohorts back to his apartment. Ro set it to record only while they ate a quiet dinner together in his small dining area. They were subdued, all tired, but there was a satisfaction running through them that Harry could feel. It warmed him as well.

Things were happening. Exciting things. World-changing things. Finally. The prophesied time was upon them and things were changing in positive, amazing ways.

Things in Harry’s life were changing too—in ways even he never could have foreseen. His family had grown. He had found his Resonance Mate, and though he’d had a very hard time accepting what fate had in store for him, he was not only resigned to it now, he was eager to begin their lives together.

After dinner, they sat in the main area for a while, watching the feed and the general public’s reaction to Hara’s actions. Everything was favorable so far, and many people all over the world were holding dinner parties to commemorate the return of Hara the Explorer to the Alvian population. The Alvian-Avarel hybrids were a novelty that people seemed to be consumed with understanding and learning about, as were the
. All in all, the response was very positive.

And now that all Alvians knew of the Breeds’ origins and what that word really meant, they were curious to learn about humanity as well. The prisoners were free, though many had no place to go and stayed in their cells, which now had locks that worked both ways. Others who had specialized skills were offered positions within the cities and apartments above ground among the general population. Families with young children were encouraged to move into open residences above ground in quiet neighborhoods with park areas where Alvian children would play alongside the human kids.

The next grand experiment for the Alvian population was already underway.

They went to bed that night tired but happy. And when Roshin turned with passion on her mind to Harry and Cormac, the men were powerless to refuse.

She settled on top of Harry’s hard cock, riding him for a long, pleasurable moment before bending forward to lie against his chest. He was still fully embedded within her warm sheath when Cormac took up a position between their spread thighs. Harry felt it when he dripped lubricating liquid onto her rear passage. The warming oil slid down to coat Harry’s balls and added yet another layer of sensation onto what was already a mind-blowing experience.

Cormac prepared her back entrance and then slid home with a steady pressure that Harry felt. Roshin’s sheath tightened around him with the new addition and the sensations were indescribable.


Roshin panted as Cormac pressed inside her slowly, carefully. She felt the care in every movement, every touch, every slow, excruciatingly sexy motion of his body within hers. And Harry. Harry gave her so much. He was finally open to her—to this—to the idea that they were a threesome and always would be.

She doubted her life could get any more perfect than it was at the moment with both of her mates inside her, loving her. Then they started to move and she had to revise her opinion. It was even better than before.

They were both so careful of her, yet so sexy. This was, by far, the most beautiful thing she could ever remember experiencing. The feeling of being cherished by two wonderful men who made her Hum in many different ways.

She strained against them as they did all the work, sliding in a rhythm they established for the sole purpose of driving her insane with need. She came repeatedly, one climax rolling into the next as she cried out and shook between them.

And then the pace changed again and she couldn’t think. She could only feel. They increased the pumping rhythm, digging deep and fast inside her welcoming body. It was as if she had been made just for them…and she thought perhaps she had been designed for just this kind of love.

She had never felt as fulfilled or as needy for anyone else. Could that be a product of her new emotions? She thought that had a lot to do with it, of course, but the main thing was her two mates.
were what made her happy to be alive.
were the ones who taught her body pleasures the likes of which she had never even dreamed.
were her life. Her loves.

She came with them a final time, feeling them both tense and fill her to overflowing. Cormac preceded Harry into bliss by a fraction of a second.

It was perfect. It was home.

She would bask in their love and the way they expressed it through their bodies for the rest of her life. However long or short that proved to be, she knew now she would move heaven and earth to be with her mates, no matter the cost. And she knew they felt the same way.

Nobody could love her as they had just done and walk away from it. Not even Harry, who’d been cheated out of a human mate. Roshin vowed to spend the rest of her life making it up to him.

As Cormac levered off her and rolled to the side, collapsing and breathing hard in the aftermath of their loving, she gazed into Harry’s eyes.

“I love you.” She was warmed by his smile and then turned to include Cormac. “Both of you. Forever.”

Dreamily, she settled her head against Harry’s chest and fell asleep while he stroked her back in slow motions.

What felt like only seconds later, but was probably a few minutes’ worth of lazy dozing on Roshin’s part, Harry spoke.

“I want to take you two to my home as soon as things settle down a bit.”

“I thought this was your home.” Cormac sounded confused.

“He means his human home,” Roshin said, smiling and reaching out to pat Cormac’s shoulder. “Your human family has a ranch in the Waste, don’t they?”


She looked at him with the lazy satisfaction of a well-loved woman and Harry felt the warmth of Roshin’s joy at his suggestion. He was glad he’d made it, just to feel the little burst of happiness that flowed through her. The more he was around her and the more he tuned into her emotions, the more she fed his need for what he’d always thought he’d wanted in a mate.

“The ranch is great, and I want you to meet my step-mother, Jane, and my father, Justin. Uncle Mick too, and all my siblings. I want them to see how well we get along. I know Jane will worry until she sees us in person. She is a powerful empath. In fact, she could help you both if you still have trouble with any of your emotional integration. She’s really amazing.”

“I look forward to meeting her,” Cormac answered lazily while Roshin seemed to tense up a bit.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Harry asked, concerned as he stroked her back.

“Do you think she will like me?” Roshin nibbled on her lower lip, clearly anxious. It was totally endearing.

Harry kissed her, just lightly, to stop her worry. “She’ll love you because you complete me, Ro. Trust me. She has the biggest heart I’ve ever known.”

Roshin seemed to take heart from his words. “I told you before, I want you to meet my family too,” Roshin reminded him. “Although, you’ve met quite a few of them already. Ronin has always been like a father to me—to all
, really—but he made me feel special. He calls me Rose.” She smiled softly. “It was always nice, but since taking the treatment, the feeling is so much better. In his way, even without real emotion, I know he cares for me like a daughter.”

“Of course he does,” Harry confirmed. “He feels a little more than the average Alvian. Warriors always have a bit more emotion than regular Alvians, don’t you, Cormac?”

“I felt…echoes. Before the treatment, it was always just out of reach, but it was definitely there. Now I understand what it was. I have no regrets about taking the treatment, except that I do not have any family to introduce you to. Only my men. My comrades in arms have always been my family. I suppose Cormac Prime would be considered my older brother—or even a father figure, of sorts.” Cormac contemplated the ceiling, his hands folded under his head as he considered his words.

Roshin slipped off of Harry to settle between them, one hand on Cormac, one hand on Harry, as if she couldn’t bear not to touch them. As if she needed the connection.

Harry understood. He needed it too. Through Roshin, he was connected to Cormac. He always would be. He’d gained another sibling as well as a mate, it seemed.

“Don’t feel bad about it, brother. You have plenty of family among the O’Haras now,” Harry said quietly, feeling the true regret coming from Cormac.

“And the
Roshin reminded them. “Don’t forget, Ronin offered you a place among the Brethren when you took the treatment, Cormac. Since you are my mate, you have gained my family as well. We will share.”

Harry loved the way she phrased it and the openness of her heart. She had as big a heart, in her way, as Mama Jane. Now that Roshin’s emotions had been fully awakened, Harry sensed a deep well of feeling inside her that could encompass him and Cormac and all the family they would share.

Percival had called Harry’s mating with an Alvian a
but it suddenly didn’t seem so bad. No, not bad at all.

About the Author Bianca D’Arc has run a laboratory, climbed the corporate ladder in the shark-infested streets of Manhattan, studied and taught martial arts, and earned the right to put a whole bunch of letters after her name, but she’s always enjoyed writing more than any of her other pursuits. She grew up and still lives on Long Island, where she keeps busy with an extensive garden, several aquariums full of very demanding fish, and writing her favorite genres of paranormal, fantasy and sci-fi romance.

Bianca loves to hear from readers and can be reached through Facebook, her Yahoo group,
, or through the various links on her website,

Look for these titles by Bianca D’Arc
Now Available:


Brotherhood of Blood

One & Only

Rare Vintage

Phantom Desires

Sweeter Than Wine

Forever Valentine

Wolf Hills

Wolf Quest


Tales of the Were

Lords of the Were



Dragon Knights

Maiden Flight

Border Lair

The Ice Dragon

Prince of Spies

Wings of Change


Dragon Storm

Keeper of the Flame

The Dragon Healer


Resonance Mates

Hara’s Legacy

Davin’s Quest

Jaci’s Experiment

Grady’s Awakening


Gifts of the Ancients

Warrior’s Heart


String of Fate

Cat’s Cradle



Hidden Talent


Print Anthologies

Ladies of the Lair

I Dream of Dragons Vol. 1

Brotherhood of Blood

Caught by Cupid

Love and magic lie at the heart of this storm…as well as a whole lot of danger.


Wolf Quest

© 2013 Bianca D’Arc


Brotherhood of Blood, Book 7

When Major Jesse Moore, brother to the Wyoming Pack Alpha, is sent to Iowa to check on his sister-in-law’s cousin, knocking politely isn’t an option. Sounds of a struggle send him storming into her kitchen—where he finds anything but a damsel in distress. The tiny human woman knows how to handle herself in a fight, and all Jesse’s senses shout she’s his mate.

Exotic-animal vet, Maria Garibaldi has never trusted the magic her aunt and grandmother claim is her birthright. She’s always known about the Others, but she had no idea she was also part of their world. When Maria sets out with Jesse to find the parents of a young grizzly shifter she found and treated, she learns the meaning of temptation in the form of the ex-Special Forces soldier.

As passion flares, the trail leads them toward the eye of a massive storm…where an unspeakable evil awaits the right moment to destroy the good in the magical world.

Warning: Things get explicit when a werewolf wants his mate and he doesn’t care where they are. Outdoors, indoors, wherever and whenever—never get between a wolf and his woman.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Wolf Quest:

Jesse kicked the door in and found what he’d expected, though not exactly the scenario he’d anticipated. There was a struggle going on all right, but the two men attacking the young lovely in her nightgown were definitely on the defensive. One was already out cold, slumped against the far wall, while the other was face down on the kitchen floor, his arm twisted behind him in what had to be an excruciating position. The woman crouching over his back had a fierce expression on her lovely face and her dark hair flipped out to the side almost in slow motion as she turned her head to look at Jesse.

“What do you want?” She couldn’t have growled any better if she’d been a female werewolf in half-shifted battle form.

The thought made Jesse grin as he aimed his weapon at the ground, away from her.

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