Heart's Lair (38 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Morgan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

A firm knock sounded at the door.

Karic sighed. "Enter!"

Teran and Gage strode in. Liane quickly struggled to a more upright position. Though Karic allowed her to do so, he refused to relinquish his grip.

She smiled to herself. Even now, knowing how much she loved him, Karic still couldn't overcome the Cat Man's instinctive possessiveness of his mate, but she didn't really mind. It was nice to be cherished and protected, and most times Karic was quite amenable to reason.

Teran pulled up a chair and sat down, Gage standing behind him. "I've business of vital importance to discuss with you," Teran began without further preamble.

"And I with you," Karic quickly interjected. "By your leave, I'd like to speak first."

Teran hesitated, then shrugged. "As you wish."

"First," Karic firmly declared, "I'd like to apologize for my crude behavior and unreasonable accusations that nocte in your bedchamber. I was acting the fool." He turned to Liane. "And I am equally sorry as well for what I said to you. I felt betrayed, nothing more."

She steadily returned his gaze, her eyes warm with love and forgiveness. "I understand."

"As do I." Teran extended his hand.

Karic eyed it for a moment, then grinned and accepted it. "I'm not certain I'm worthy of such quick forgiveness, but I'll do my best to be so."

He then turned to Gage. "And you. Not only is there the matter in the bedchamber but also my conduct at the mines. My jealousy overrode what should have been my deepest gratitude toward you."

"Liane's a femina any man would treasure," Gage smilingly replied. "I won't deny I wanted her, but I also wasn't blind or stupid. You are the only man for her. So," he sighed, his glance briefly swinging to Liane's, "I'll content myself with her friendship, as I will with yours, if you're willing.''

Karic chuckled and grasped Gage's outstretched hand. "I'm willing." He turned to Teran. "You mentioned having something to discuss. What would that be?"

Teran leaned forward. "Has Liane had the chance to finish the story of all that transpired since Necator's death?"

"No." Karic shook his head. "Only this morning did I begin to feel more like my old self."

"As I gathered from Liane's reports," Teran dryly observed. "So you don't know that the Guide was totally destroyed when the transport craft crashed?"

Karic glanced at Liane, a look of relief flaring in his eyes. She gave him a quick smile, then turned to Teran. "And what of the scientists who designed the Guide?" she inquired. "What became of them?"

"Some were killed in the palace overthrow and most of the rest were captured. Unfortunately, a few escaped."

"That could create a problem." A worried light flared in Karic's eyes. "If they carry knowledge of that machine . . ."

"Gage is leaving this very sol to begin tracking them," Teran said, "but from all I could gather, no one scientist possessed total knowledge. Each was responsible for a finite aspect of the Guide's construction. Apparently it was Necator's way of maintaining total control."

"And hopefully that all died with him," Liane offered. "What will you do with the captured scientists?"

Teran's expression hardened. "They are traitors to Bellator
the Imperium. They've already been sent back to Bellator for a memory purge. They'll soon recall nothing of the Guide. After that, they'll be transported to Carcer for rehabilitation."

Liane couldn't help but shudder at the mention of the Imperium's infamous prison planet. Few managed to survive on its barren wastes longer than six monates.

Teran noted her reaction. "We have plans to return Carcer to its former sols of benevolent rehabilitation. The task is large, this dream of bringing the Imperium out of its downward spiral into total chaos, but there is finally hope."

He directed the full intensity of his gaze back to Karic. "Which brings me to the purpose of my visit."

Karic studied him impassively. "Go on." "Agrica needs a new Lord Commander."

"So we're to remain a colony of Bellator." Anger ignited in Karic's eyes.

"For the time being," Teran calmly replied. "My planet was never one to accept rapid change. It's our rigidly disciplined military system, you know. But the High King seems amenable to a gradual return of Agrican power as the inhabitants appear ready for self-rule. It's all part of our master planI and my mate, Queen Alia of Araneato restore law and order to the Imperium."

Karic thoughtfully contemplated him. "That's an impressively large task. You'll need help."

Teran nodded. "The right man as Lord Commander would help immensely. I want you for the job, Karic."

Liane gave a small cry and turned to Karic, who had stiffened in surprise. "Did you hear that, my love? You as Lord Commander! Oh, it is a perfect choice. You're a brave and resourceful warrior. As one of the most well-known rebels and leader of Necator's overthrow, the people will easily accept you. And with your half-Cat Man, half-Bellatorian blood, you are a living symbol of the best of both worlds!"

Amusement tugged at the corner of Karic's sensual mouth. "And you lack only a detailed description of my prowess in bed to complete your glowing recommendation."

"But aside from that accounting," Teran dryly interjected, "I totally agree with Liane. You are the perfect choice." He paused. "Will you accept the position?"

"Possibly," Karic hesitantly replied, "but I must first ask my father's permission. And I couldn't work with just any Bellatorian in this. My trust in them will take a time to grow. It would have to be you, Teran."

Teran laughed. "Then it's decided. I spoke with your father yestersol. He gave his whole-hearted approval. And, as I'm already the High King's ambassador to Agrica, you'll be working with me until you sicken of my face."

"Then it's decided." Karic lay back against his pillows. "The sol is yet new, and already my life has completely turned around. I need time to ponder this."

"Take all the time you need," Teran said, standing up. "Rest, regain your strength, enjoy your mate. The palace and its servants are at your disposal. I'll return in a monate and we'll talk again."

"Where are you going?"

"I, too, have a mate whom I've had precious little time to enjoy. Perhaps I'll bring her here for a short visit upon my return, if I can tear her away from her royal duties." Teran chuckled at some private thought. "I think you would like her, Karic. She's a courageous little spitfire, a lot like Liane."

Karic lovingly glanced at Liane. "Then I'm sure I would. I look forward to meeting her."

Teran bowed to Liane, who flushed prettily. "Until then, Domina Allador, I leave my new Lord Commander in your most able hands."

"Until then, my Lord Ardane," she murmured.

He grinned, then turned and strode with Gage from the room.

Liane made a move to climb off the bed when Karic tightened his hold. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I only thought to allow you to rest. You must be exhausted after all that's transpired this morn." Karic's lids slid closed, but he didn't let go. "Yes, I am, but I want you here where you belongat my side."

Liane most willingly snuggled down against him, laying her head upon the firmly muscled expanse of his chest. "I'm so very happy," she murmured, her fingers making circular whorls of his dark gold chest hair.

"Really?" Karic drowsily inquired. "And how so?"

"Why, I have it alla mate I love, our child growing within me, and the hope for a bright, wonderful future."

He cocked one eye open to stare down at her. "So, you've truly no regrets? You admit giving up your Sententian powers ultimately was for the best?"

"I've no regrets," Liane replied, hastening to soothe his lingering doubts. "Though how you could have known the eventual outcome is a mystery to me."

"I didn't. All I knew was that you were a passionate, loving femina and had more to offer in joining with me than remaining chaste." He gave her a smoldering look. "I knew that from the moment we first mind-bonded."

Hot color flooded Liane. She propped herself up on his chest to face him. "That was never the intent of my mind bond!"

Karic stirred beneath her, the last vestiges of weariness gone from his face. His gaze, hot and hungry, raked her slender form. "Perhaps not
intent, sweet femina, but certainly mine."

Warmth, wholly unlike her former embarrassment, surged through Liane. She leaned over to gently graze his lips with hers, gradually deepening the union until their tongues met. Against her belly, she felt his shaft swell. A knowing, seductive smile spread across her face.

"You, always
think with your loins," Liane purred, as her fingers began to lightly stroke him. "But then, what can one expectwith such an animal for one's mate?"

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