Heir to the Sundered Crown (12 page)

Read Heir to the Sundered Crown Online

Authors: Matthew Olney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Fantasy, #War & Military, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Epic, #Sword & Sorcery, #Teen & Young Adult, #Children's eBooks

The amulets didn’t work on him! That was why he was able to cast fire against the assassin that had wounded Welsly. His magic was unaffected.

Taking a deep breath he pushed open the doors to the chamber. The crystal door swung open slowly its heavy weight causing its hinges to creak and alert the Barons men inside. He strode into the chamber as confidently as he could muster. He was nervous; if he was wrong then he had doomed himself.

The baron turned to face the young man who brazenly walked into the chamber.

“Who in blazes is this?” the Baron demanded.

Luxon’s stomach fluttered with nerves. The masters were all watching him in disbelief but Thanos stood still, a faint smile on his lips. Taking a deep breath Luxon pushed his shoulders back and held his head high in an attempt to look as tall and menacing as possible.

“I am Luxon Edioz, master of the arcane, weaver of spells, destroyer of worlds!” he boomed in what he hoped was a terrifying voice. He felt his heart sink as the Baron and his cronies simply broke down in laughter. Thanos though was still smiling and nodded his head in encouragement.

Accadus stepped forward; no amused smirk was on his face. Instead, his green eyes were narrowed in hatred. In his armour the bully looked even taller and imposing than when they had last met.

“Luxon the coward more like. Luxon the liar, Luxon the little shit...” Accadus spat angrily. The shame of being banished from Caldaria had been almost too much to bear, the insult to his family name deserved retribution.

The Baron placed a hand on his son’s chest halting his tirade of insults. His pig like features gazed at Luxon in amusement.

“So this is the boy who bested you in a fight and got you exiled from your studies. The son of Garrick the liar at least seems to have more balls than his father at least,” the Baron tittered humourlessly. “It was your father that started this war you know boy. If he had just kept his mouth shut then I would now be King unchallenged. His foolish talk of a surviving heir has caused more bloodshed these past three years than even the Yundol invasions did!”

Luxon stepped back. Anger swelled within him as the fat baron insulted his father’s memory. His right hand clenched into a fist and once more he felt the magic’s fill him. The sense of power was addictive. Heat flooded up his arm.

“Take care of this little fool. Whatever power he thinks he has, the amulets will dispel,” the Baron said dismissively turning his back to face the masters. ‘Now where were we?”

Accadus and the Baron’s men advanced upon Luxon. Seeing the boy was unarmed they kept their swords sheathed.

“You deserve nothing less than to be beaten to death. I’m going to finish what I started in that street, and I’m going to enjoy it,” Accadus chuckled evilly. 

With a roar he charged at Luxon.

Magic like he had never felt before surged through Luxon’s body, power like nothing he’d even read about coursed through his veins. He felt stronger, faster and to his amazement his attackers appeared to move as slow as a drunken slug. The world around him faded from his consciousness, only the charging Retbit soldiers remained in his vision, all sound was muted.

He easily sidestepped the first punch swung by Accadus, and ducked the next. To him they were in slow motion, but to anyone watching the vicious punches were coming in fast and strong. The other soldiers joined the attack, but Luxon dodged and weaved through the men’s flailing limbs. Not one hand even got close to him.

“What the..?” shouted the Baron as he watched. The boy was literally dancing through the hail of blows. He should have been a bloody heap on the floor; instead his men were growing tired and more than a little afraid.

The soldiers stepped back from the boy their breaths coming in ragged gasps. Their heavy armour had weighed upon them draining their strength. Only Accadus remained, his fury quickly being replaced with desperation. Again and again he tried to hit Luxon but couldn’t.

The Baron spun to face Thanos pointing at his son’s failing attempts to strike the young mage.

“What devilry is this? How can this be?” he shouted his voice rising in pitch to make him sound like a petulant child. Thanos simply shrugged his shoulders not saying a word.

Finally Accadus slumped to his knees in exhaustion.

“What are you?” he gasped at Luxon.

“Someone you do not want to trifle with again,” Luxon replied coldly.

It would have been so easy to strike down his foe but something stayed his hand. A whisper at the back of his mind gave a warning against such action. The dream of the knarled tree flashed into his mind. The mysterious spectre was there.

He has a part yet to play’
it whispered.

“Kill the little wretch! Kill him!” screamed the Baron. His face was red, flushed in anger. He would not allow a boy to unravel his plans.

The tired soldiers wearily drew their swords, once more advancing on the strange boy.

Luxon faced them. The power was still surging through him. He knew that at this moment anything was possible, he had fully channelled the magic of the upper ring, something that even the most powerful of masters had difficulty doing.
‘What am I?’

He raised his hand. With a flick of his wrist he unleashed a telekinetic blast that flung the soldiers backwards into a startled pile; their swords flew from their hands to hover around Luxon. Each of the blades aimed at the panicked Baron.

The soldiers staggered to their feet, looked at their lord and then at the boy whose sandy hair was standing up and whose eyes had turned an unearthly bright blue. With shouts of terror they fled the chamber. Luxon let them. Accadus stared at his foe, both terror and awe etched on his expression.

“LEAVE!” Luxon boomed at Accadus, his voice too resonated with power. Its volume shook the chamber causing dust to fall from the high ceiling.

He didn’t have to ask twice. Accadus scrambled to his feet and he too fled leaving the Baron alone with the Masters and the boy with the powers that rivalled the tales of Zahnia. He was quaking visibly his lip trembling as though he were about to cry.

Luxon glared at the Baron his magic infused eyes boring into him.

“You will leave this city never to return. You will flee back to your castle and never threaten the mages ever again,” Luxon demanded.

Feebly the Baron took the amulet from his neck and thrust it at Luxon.

“Your magic will not work on me I have this,” he said trying to sound defiant.

Luxon glared at the talisman of N’gist. He could sense the dark magic flowing from it. Angrily he batted it out of the Barons hand sending it skidding across the crystal floor. Master Ri’ges quickly gathered it up into his robes.The Baron shrank under Luxon’s gaze. Thanos and the others crowded around him.

“Heed the words of Luxon, Baron or be destroyed. Magic is not to be used by the likes of you for selfish gain. Order your troops to leave this city and we will spare your foul life,” Thanos whispered threateningly into the man’s ear. 

The Baron nodded.

“We will leave....forgive me ...please don’t kill me” the mighty and powerful Baron of Retbit cried pitifully. The smell of urine wafted as the warlord wet him-self.

“Be gone and never return,” Thanos shouted. The Baron fled from the chamber.

The Grandmaster turned to Luxon.

The unnatural blue from the boy’s eyes had faded and his skin had turned pale. Thanos smiled as he caught the boy as he collapsed from exhaustion.

“Thank you”, he whispered









A knock on a door drifted into Luxon’s consciousness. Slowly he opened his eyes. Once again the portrait of Zahnia greeted him as he awoke. The big bed was just as comfortable as before albeit there were more blankets covering him then last time.

“Really need to stop meeting like this” he muttered to the picture. His limbs felt heavy and he felt drained. The room hadn’t changed aside from there now being a huge basket of fruit laid on the bedside table and several dozen bunches of flowers laid haphazardly about the floor, a few were in vases.

“Really must find more vases for all of these flowers, it’s sad to see them all die,” Hannah grumbled as she strode into the room, another bunch in her arms. She stopped as she noticed that Luxon was awake. Her large blue eyes widened and she gave a joyous smile.

“Finally you’re awake,” she said sitting on the bed taking his hand in hers. She frowned slightly at his touch.

“You’re still so very cold...” she muttered.

Luxon arched an eyebrow.

“How long was I out this time?” he asked. His stomach rumbled. He was famished. “And can I have something to eat, I feel like I could eat a whole herd of cattle!” 

Hannah smiled again. She placed the back of her palm to his forehead.

“Yes you can eat, I’ll send your friend to go and get you something, as for how long you were unconscious...well let’s just say a few days” she smiled sweetly. Her eyes however looked away. She wasn’t telling him something.

“How long was I out?” he asked again a hint of worry in his voice.

Hannah sighed and stood.

“You we’re out cold for three weeks Luxon. We were...I, was terrified that you’d never wake up”, she explained, concern evident in her tone.

Luxon slumped back into the thick pillows.

“Three weeks!” He whispered in disbelief. His mind whirled at the revelation. What had happened to him? He remembered feeling powerful, god like powerful, and standing up to Accadus and the Baron and then...nothing.

“Don’t worry. The city is safe. The Nightblades and the masters chased off the Baron’s men. As for the assassins, they simply disappeared once the Baron retreated. We lost good people, but most are safe and well.” She explained trying to calm him.

“What about Welsly? Alira? Yepert? What happened to them?”

“Welsly is fine. In fact he’s in a room just down the corridor from here. Your friend Yepert has been at your bedside every day and has been tending to your needs.’ She paused, a scowl denting her beautiful features. “As for Alira, she’s still hanging about...”

Luxon smiled at her tone.

“Jealous are we?”

Hannah glared at him.

“No. Just because she is pretty does not mean I am jealous...There’s just something about her I don’t like. I mean she’s been a real help dealing with the injured and getting supplies from the markets but...” she paused and laughed. “I do sound jealous don’t I?”

Luxon chuckled, “Yep you sure do.”

A gentle knocking on the door interrupted their conversation.

“Grandmaster” Hannah said bowing to Thanos.

The tall man wore a simple tunic of blue and pair of dirty black trousers, his boots too was covered in dust. His face was covered in black soot and tired rings were under his blue eyes. He returned Hannah’s bow and smiled pleasantly as she scurried out of the room. Luxon was sad to see her go, it was the first time he’d been able to be alone with her in weeks.

“I see you’re finally awake oh saviour of Caldaria,” Thanos said chuckling as he gave an exaggerated bow.

“The what?”

“That is what everyone is hailing you as my boy. The people of this city know that is was you who saved them from the Baron. Just look at all the gifts you’ve received...” Thanos said looking through the flowers and other gifts that were scattered about the room.

“Master...why are you covered in dirt?” Luxon asked. Normally the Grandmaster wore his robes of office or the garb one would expect of the Arch Mage. The tall mage waved a hand dismissively.

“I’ve been helping with the clean up. The Baron’s men left us quite a mess in the alchemist district. I swear the fumes released by some of the alchemist’s potions contained contraband goods. The fires set by the soldiers sent a great big plume of smoke over the city and now half the populace are high as kites” Thanos explained as he read a card from one of Luxon’s many well wishers.

Luxon couldn’t help but smile. From his glassy gaze the Grandmaster too must have inhaled his fair share of fumes.

“Now,’ Thanos said turning to face his apprentice. ‘I wish to discuss your health my lad. How do you feel?”

“I feel exhausted truth be told, and cold” Luxon replied shivering.

The Grandmaster stood over the bed and pressed a hand onto the boys head. He muttered something under his breath and as he did so Luxon felt a surge of warmth pour into his body.

“Ah that’s better; let’s get some colour back into those cheeks eh.’ Thanos smiled kindly ‘The reason you blacked out is because you tapped into the highest ring of magic. I didn’t realise that your special talent would allow you to do so especially since you have very little training.’ He paused tapping his chin with his fingers.

“Some might say you could be a wiz..., no, no that’s silly there hasn’t been one in Delfinnia for a good two hundred years...”

Luxon shifted in his bed uncomfortably. Whatever Thanos had done had made him too hot.

“What hasn’t been around for two hundred years?” he asked throwing back the heavy blankets to allow some air to reach his body. He was wearing his night shirt which he assumed Yepert had brought to him from their dorm room. Sweat was starting to pour from his forehead.

“A wizard of course. The most powerful of magic wielders. I am strong in the ways of magic but even a wizard would out best me.’ Thanos stared at his young apprentice, his eyes boring into him. Luxon shifted again, something was definitely not right.

“M-master I’m boiling up” Luxon said a hint of panic in his voice.

Hannah re-entered the room concern etched on her face. Her eyes went wide as she saw her patient’s condition. Sweat was literally running off of the boy.

“Oh my, what’s happened here” she said as she rushed over to him, she glanced at Thanos and scowled.

“Did you do something Master Thanos? You shouldn’t be doing any magic in your state you breathed in far too much of those fumes from the alchemist’s district.” She scolded.

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