Her Way (14 page)

Read Her Way Online

Authors: Jessica Jarman

Emma closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Why the hell did this turn her on so much? And he
it. Knew it without her saying a word. She opened her eyes and lifted her hands to slide the pins out of her hair. They hit the floor—
ping, ping, ping
—until her hair floated around her.

“Turn around and take your panties off.”

She spun on her heel and reached for the zipper on her skirt.

“No.” The word echoed through the room. “I didn’t say anything about the skirt. Your panties, Emma.”

She looked over her shoulder at him, but he simply stared back at her, silent. Okay, then. She lifted the bottom of her skirt and hooked her fingers under the top edge of her panties. Slid the silky material off her hips and down her thighs. She bent forward as she worked them farther, over her boots, until she could step out of the tiny garment. Cool air swept over her exposed ass, causing her to shiver slightly.

“Very nice.” His voice, low and rough, caressed her insides. She knew he was as turned on as she was. Christ, she was fairly dripping from this little episode—and he had yet to touch her.

She straightened and turned back toward him. Waited for his next command. She struggled to keep her face neutral, to keep as still as possible. Her gaze dropped to the front of his pants. She could see the outline of his cock as it strained against the black material.

“Emma.” He waited until she looked him in the eye before continuing. “Go over to the table.”

She walked over and leaned against it. He straightened and strode to her. Grasping her waist, he lifted and set her on the smooth surface. His mouth covered hers roughly and he plunged his tongue inside. He tightened his grip, almost bruising, but Emma didn’t care. Every nerve, every cell was focusing on him. On this.

“Lie back.” The words whispered against her lips and he pushed her shoulders until her back was against the cool wood.

Will placed one hand on her throat and ran it slowly down her front, fingers trailing between her breasts, over her belly, to tease her through the flimsy material of her skirt. She tightened her stomach, tilted her hips into his touch. He grinned down at her before running a palm up each thigh, pushing the skirt up as he went. When she was exposed to him, he gripped her legs and opened her further to his stare, to his hands…God, his hands. He slid his fingers along her slit, torturing her with light caresses, circling her clit, but never touching.

Emma held her breath as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss just above the curls between her legs. She released it with a whoosh when, with no warning, he closed his lips over her clit and sucked. Her hips jerked off the table as pure pleasure rolled through her relentlessly.
, was all she could think.
Again. Again.

Will slipped a long finger inside her and her muscles clamped down around him as he stroked her. Fingers and tongue coaxing her to climax. And just as she felt herself on the edge, he pulled away. Every muscle in her body tensed, waiting for release. She whimpered and buried her fingers in his hair, tried to pull him down between her thighs again.

He chuckled. “How do you want it, sweet Emma? Fast and hard? Slow and maddening?”

“Any way. Don’t care. Just want you now.” She knew she was jabbering like an imbecile but couldn’t bring herself to care. Damn it, he started this, he needed to finish it. Now.

“Whatever you want, Will…whatever you want.”

He grasped her hips and pulled. Her sweat-slickened back slid across the tabletop. He took her hands and helped her stand before turning her to face the table. With firm, but gentle pressure, he positioned her leaning over, arms extended in front of her, breasts pressed against the wooden surface.

Her legs shook as she heard his zipper rasp. She closed her eyes as she rested her cheek against the table. His hands were on her again, lifting her skirt, caressing her ass. He nudged her legs apart with his knee. She couldn’t hold back her moan when she felt the head of his cock against her pussy.

Once positioned, Will took hold of her hips and surged forward, embedding himself within her. Emma cried out as she stretched deliciously to accommodate him. Oh God, he felt so damned good. He stayed that way, deep within her, for a long while. Then he retreated and slammed back into her. Emma bit her lip to keep from screaming, and he fucked her. She moved her arms to her sides to grip the edges of the table.

Will shifted slightly, pulled her hips back enough so he could reach around and press his fingers hard against her clit.

“Oh God,” Emma whimpered. Heat built in her core, blossoming, spreading through her. Will didn’t let up, kept thrusting into her with such force. He tapped her clit hard.

“Come. Come for me, Emma.”

It was a command, just like when he had her undress in front of him. And damn her if she didn’t. The orgasm swept her high, stole her breath and sent her falling through pleasure.


He rubbed her nub then tapped it again, harder than before. Emma shook from the release, from her head to her feet. Will slammed into her one final time, and she felt his seed jet within her, his heat coat her insides as he joined her.

He bent over her, his cheek resting against her back. His breath felt cool against her damp skin and she shivered. His cock jerked inside her, pulling another moan from her. He still cupped her sex, holding her tight against him.


“Yeah, sweetheart?”

“I sure am glad we stopped by Kincaid’s tonight.”

He burst out laughing and pressed a kiss to her back. “Me, too.” He straightened then, pulled out of her slowly. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”





Chapter Eight



Emma stretched her arms over her head, arching her back as she lay on the couch. Her feet rested in Will’s lap as he watched a ball game on TV. He absently rubbed her ankle. She picked up the book resting on her belly. And stared at the page, unable to focus on a single word. Her friends were on their way over—for dinner and movies. Just a lazy day at home. She should be content. And she was…kind of. The day had been perfect. A long morning in bed followed by a quiet breakfast and coffee over the paper. Then a shared shower… Emma felt her cheeks warm and her stomach clench. Oh lordy, the shower. She squirmed against the
twitch, twitch
between her legs. She glanced at Will over the top of her book. He winked and circled a finger around her ankle bone.

“Doing okay, sweetheart?”

She smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine. Good game?”

“Eh, it’s pretty much over. You ready to make spaghetti?” He ran his hand up her calf, past her knee, under the loose skirt she wore.

“I don’t understand why we can’t order take out, Will. Making dinner just seems like a lot of work—especially making the sauce from scratch.” She rolled her eyes and squealed when he tickled her side.

“Heathen. You said you wanted to learn how to cook. This is the first lesson. Come on.” He patted her knee. “Let’s go cook.”

With a laugh, Emma swung her feet to the floor and sat up. Will helped her stand and wrapped his arms around her for a moment before leading her into the large kitchen.

“So, would you like to chop the onions or blanch, peel and seed the tomatoes?” He burst out laughing when Emma just stared at him. “Or would you rather just watch and learn?”

“I’ll watch…maybe even stir the sauce a bit when it’s all together.”

Will chuckled as he put a large pot of water boiling. He poured two glasses of wine and handed one to Emma. She took a sip and watched him start chopping onions. Damn, that knife was moving fast.

The door bell sounded. “I’ll get it.” She kissed his cheek and patted it with her palm. “Keep cooking, baby.”

She hurried to the front door to let the group in. Hannah, Lynn, Ana and Matt crowded into the entryway, talking a mile a minute.

“God, couldn’t you have picked
movie a guy would like? You and your Jane Austen flicks…” Matt groused. “What are Will and I supposed to do?”

“Wait on us hand and foot, of course.” Lynn blew him a kiss.

Hannah handed Emma a stack of DVDs. “All the great ones, Em.
Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, and Sense and Sensibility
. Brought them all so you can pick.”

“Oooh, you know I have to go with
Pride and Prejudice
. Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. Yummy.”

“Shoot me now,” Matt muttered, kicking off his shoes. “I hope you have beer so I can make it through.”

“You didn’t have to come.” Emma nudged him. “You can pick the movies next time. And then, we’ll complain.”

The group moved into the kitchen.

“You’re seriously cooking spaghetti from scratch? They do have jars of that stuff, you know? Very easy. Twist a lid off and
, dinner is served.” Hannah grabbed more wine glasses out of the cupboard as she teased Will.

“Blasphemy. That’s cheating.”

“That’s funny coming from the guy dating the queen of takeout and PB and Js.” Ana accepted a full glass from Hannah and lifted it in a toast. “To Will, who is saving us from the possibility of Emma’s cooking.”

Emma stuck her tongue out at her friend and sat on a stool. “Hey, I make a mean grilled cheese and tomato soup, so stuff it.”

“Yeah but nine times outta ten you burn those.” Matt stepped out of Emma’s reach before she could punch him, grinning at her before turning to Will. “So, do you know what we’re in for tonight?”

Will frowned as he added the tomatoes to the large pot. “Um, dinner and a movie, right?”

“Wrong. We’ll have dinner but then comes the horror, my friend. Four females watching the ultimate chick flicks—Jane Austen movies.” He gave an exaggerated shudder. “Soon they’ll be oohing and aahing over men in frilly get-ups and quoting dialogue along with the actors. Scary stuff, Will, scary stuff.”

Will turned to Emma and studied her a moment. “Jane Austen, huh?”

“Mm hmmm.” She took a long sip of her wine. “
Pride and Prejudice
. Think you can handle that or are you going to moan about it like my idiot brother?”

He ran his hand down her hair to rest on her back. “Oh I think I can handle it. In fact,” he kissed her lightly, “I’m sure I’ll be ‘excessively diverted.’”

Emma burst out laughing as he quoted the film. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and turned back to the stove.

“You know Jane Austen? I can’t express my disappointment, Will, I really can’t.” Matt shook his head.

“Three sisters, dude. Three. This won’t be the first Jane Austen-athon I’ve had to endure and probably won’t be the last.”

“If you stick with Emma, it won’t be,” Lynn said pointedly.

Emma rolled her eyes at her friend and changed topics before the conversation landed firmly on her and Will’s relationship—which was exactly what her friends wanted.

“So, Hannah, how is work treating you? The boss still annoying the crap out of you?”

“Oh God, you would not believe what he pulled this last week…”

Conversation centered around work while Will continued to prepare dinner. Emma sat back, silent, as the other chatted. It amazed her how quickly Will fit into it all. Like he’d always been a part of the group. He joked with Matt, teased the girls and flirted with her for good measure. Definitely a good start to the evening.

“So should we eat in the dining room? Put that new table to good use?” Ana asked as she took plates down from the cupboard.

Emma had just taken a sip of wine and choked, spilling wine down the front of her shirt. All of her friends stared at her. She felt her cheeks heat under their gazes. All she could think of was just how she and Will had put that table to use the previous evening.

She shifted her eyes and looked at Will. One corner of his mouth tilted up in that sexy little half smile. He winked at her before taking a drink from his own wine glass.

“You okay?” Ana asked, puzzled.

“Um, yeah. Swallowed wrong. Uh…go ahead and set up in the dining room. I’m going to…uh, go change.” She set her glass on the counter, slipped off her stool and out of the room as quickly as she could. Warmth spread through her middle. Good lord, how was she going to eat at that damned table when all she could think of was how Will had slammed into her while she was sprawled across it?

Entering her room, she shut the door and leaned against it, eyes closed. She was horrible. She wanted nothing more than for her friends to go home so she could jump Will’s bones. What was wrong with her? It wasn’t like she couldn’t be with him after they left. Cripes. She was weak as hell. He
her weak as hell. She couldn’t get enough of him and that was pitiful.

She straightened and, stripping from the waist up, headed to her closet. She’d just selected a new bra and shirt when hands slid around her waist. With a yelp, she spun around and would have fallen back into the clothes if Will hadn’t tightened his grip on her.

“Damn it, Will!” She slapped his chest lightly. “You scared the crap out of me!”

He hummed low in his throat and bent to nuzzle her neck. His hands slid up to cup her breasts and he squeezed her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. A bolt of heat dove between her thighs. She sighed and combed her fingers through his hair, tightening when he moved lower to pull a taut nub into his mouth.

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