Her Way (17 page)

Read Her Way Online

Authors: Jessica Jarman

“Will’s a big boy,” Ana quipped. “I think he can handle dinner at Chez Lawrence. He really likes you, Em. Anyone can see that. I don’t think your dad or your annoying brothers are going to change that. If they do, he’s so not worth it.”

Emma didn’t respond to that one. She hit a button on the machine before her. “Time to kick it up a bit, hon. Sprint time. At least a six,” she said with a stern look.

Ana pushed the button and increased her pace. “Bitch.”

“Again, you’ll thank me later.”

“Yeah, but you’ll still be a bitch.”

“And you love me,” Emma panted. “Now shut up before you pass out.”

The women continued their workout in silence. An hour later, showered and thighs still quivering, Emma pulled into her driveway. Grabbing her gym bag, she got out of the car and headed into the house. A glance at her watch told her she had about an hour before they headed to dinner. God, she was almost more nervous about this than meeting
family. It wasn’t as though she were expecting anyone to do anything horrible. She just didn’t put it past her older brothers to be completely rude. There was a reason she didn’t bring guys “home”. Okay, there was more than one reason—not getting serious enough with previous men in her life was the big one. It’d never been worth it to deal with the headache before.

She dropped her bag on the floor in the foyer and walked through the house. She found Will at the kitchen table, photos and papers spread out in front of him. Emma leaned against the door jamb and just took in the sight of him—the hair falling across forehead, his intent gaze, the firm set of his mouth. Warmth filled her. Not just the twinge of lust, though that was definitely there, but an overwhelming sense of rightness. Yeah, it hadn’t been worth it before, but it was now.
was worth it.

He chose that moment to glance up. His lips curved up immediately.

“Hey, sweetheart.” He stood and crossed the room to drop a kiss on her mouth. “Good workout?”

“Yep. Ana officially hates me,” she joked, then stepped around him to peek at what he’d been so focused on. “Oh, are these pictures of the dream house?”

He came up beside her and skimmed a hand down her back to rest just above her ass. “Yeah.”

Emma picked a few up and looked at each in turn. Damn, the inside was just as impressive as the out, and she was certain seeing it in person would be even more stunning. “Beautiful,” she murmured and held up one. “A ballroom? Oh, that has a lot of potential.”

He hummed low in his throat and slid his arms around her waist, propping his chin on the top of her head. “I think so.”

Emma bit her lip then, before she could second-guess herself, asked, “Have you ever considered looking for an investor? Someone who could help with the initial costs? Either buying the property and renting it to you until you can buy, or owning a percentage of the business?”

“I’ve considered it, and,” he pulled her against him tightly, “my parents have offered, but I don’t want them to feel obligated. It’s my project, my dream. And frankly, I don’t know who else I’d trust enough to get into bed with when it comes to something this big.”

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. “What about me?”

“What?” He turned her in his arms and she lifted her eyelids to meet his gaze full on.

“Me. I could help.” Reaching behind her, she set the photos on the table then lifted her arms to encircle his neck.

“That’s really sweet, Em, but no.” He lowered his head and brushed his lips across hers. “Appreciate the offer, though. Really sweet,” he repeated.

She tilted her head away before he could kiss her. “Wait. I’m not trying to be
,” she protested. “I’m aware of how much the property is, but I can see the potential. It’s a good investment, and I have the money to invest.”

He shook his head as he released her and stepped back. “Even if you do have that kind of money, I’m not having my girlfriend foot the bill on my business. No way.”

Frustration bubbled up, a bitter taste in her throat. “It wouldn’t be like that. Would you at least take some time and consider it?”

“I need to get ready for dinner.” He turned and walked out of the room.

Emma closed her eyes and counted to ten, pushing past the annoyance that filled her. Damn it. Well, she’d have to work on a way to make him see she was serious and that it was a wise choice. He was about to learn just how persistent and convincing she could be, she thought with a smile as she followed him up the stairs. For now, though, it was time to focus on getting through tonight.

* * * *

Emma glanced at Will from the corner of her eye as he pulled through the gate and started up the drive to her family’s home. His hands gripped the wheel and he stared straight ahead. She wondered what he was thinking. While she didn’t exactly hide her family’s wealthy situation, she certainly didn’t announce it or even talk about it. She’d learned the hard way, years ago, that some guys looked at her with dollar signs in their eyes, and as a result, kept that part of her life to herself. While she certainly didn’t see that as an issue with Will, the tension in the vehicle rose tangibly the closer they got to her father’s home. At first, she thought he was simply nervous about meeting her family—God knew she had been meeting his—but now she wondered what was going on his head.

Nerves buzzing, she fiddled with the hem of her skirt and searched her mind for something to say.

“We don’t have to stay long,” she said, then winced as the words came out louder than she intended. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “We can leave any time you want.”

When he didn’t responded, she pointed to where the drive curved to meet the steps to the large house. “Um, you can just pull up and park there. Makes it easier for a quick getaway later,” she joked.

He threw her a tight smile and parked the truck. Killing the engine, he leaned forward, gazing through the windshield at the imposing building. “Well, I guess I can see why you thought nothing of offering to buy a run-down, old mansion.” He whistled softly, shaking his head.

“Will,” she said slowly, unsure how to interpret his tone. Her stomach churned, a riot of emotions threatening to make her ill. “Look, we don’t have to stay. We can just go home. I’ll call Dad and tell him something came up.”

Will turned toward her, a frown turning the corners of his mouth down. “What are you talking about? We’re already here.”

“And you don’t seem too thrilled about that.” She shrugged. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable or feel forced into anything.”

He sighed and reached over to grasp her hand. “I’m sorry, okay? I knew your family was…well off. I just didn’t really know
well off.” His eyes crinkled as he smiled.

“Is that a problem?” she asked stiffly.

“No, of course not.” His warm fingers flexed around hers and he leaned over to press his lips to hers. After a quick, hard kiss, he rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed. “Remember how you were nervous meeting my family?”

She lifted her free hand to cup his cheek. “Mm hmmm.”

“I’m feeling the nerves now, so the unexpected is throwing me for a loop. It has nothing to do with you, sweetheart. Promise,” he said and straightened.

She trailed her fingers along his jaw. “Okay. Well, let’s just go in and get through this.”

After another quick squeeze, he released her hand and opened his door to hop out. She inhaled and blew the breath out slowly, then grabbed her purse as Will pulled her door open. He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her out of the truck. He bussed her cheek and whispered, “I don’t think I told you before; you look amazing, Ms. Lawrence.”

He set her on her feet and she smoothed a hand along the simple black dress, which fell to just above her knees.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Mr. Calonen,” she teased. In truth, he looked amazing in black dress pants, crisp white shirt with the top button undone. She could see just a hint of his collarbone and fought the urge to lean forward and run her tongue along it. She pressed her thighs together and tried to ignore the familiar
twitch, twitch
Will seemed to cause by just breathing.

She ran her fingers along the collar of his shirt. “I suppose it seems silly to you to get dressed up for a family dinner. Sorry about that.” She grimaced. “We could have rebelled, I guess, and shown up in jeans and t-shirts.”

He grinned, then took her hand. He pushed the truck door shut and they made their way up the steps. “Next time,” he promised.


Emma opened the door and they stepped into the entryway. She crossed the large space and set her purse on the table near the staircase. “Hello? We’re here!” she called out.

“We’re in here,” came Matt’s shout.

Emma turned toward Will as he burst out laughing. “What?”

“So not what I expected.” He shook his head.

“And what was that? A butler waiting to take my things and escort us to the parlor?” she asked archly.

He gave a sheepish grin and an exaggerated shrug.

“Well, I’d be happy to escort you, sir.” She hooked her arm through his and together, they walked into the front room where her family was gathered.

They were greeted immediately by Mia and Mandy.

“Auntie Emma! You brung Will!” Mia exclaimed, throwing her arms around Will’s knees. “Hi, Will.”

Her younger sister mimicked her movements, effectively stopping Will in his tracks. “Hiya, Will.”

“Well, hello,” he said as he untangled their limbs and crouched down. “My goodness, you both look beautiful.”

Mandy simply grinned while Mia fluffed her red dress. “It’s new,” she said proudly.

“Yours too?” he asked Mandy, clucking her under the chin. She nodded happily, then did a little twirl that set the blue skirt floating. “Lucky girls.” He stood and reached for Emma’s hand. She gave it a quick squeeze as her dad crossed the room.

“Hi, Dad.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “You remember Will from the housewarming, don’t you?”

Henry nodded, then turned to Will. “We met in passing.” He held his hand out. “It’s good to see you again.”

“Good to see you too. Thanks for inviting me.” He shook the older man’s hand. “You have a beautiful home, Mr. Lawrence.”

“Call me Henry, Will.” He clapped a hand on Will’s shoulder and led him toward where the rest of the family gathered. “You know my sons?”

Emma watched quietly as her brothers and sisters-in-law greeted Will. Only Matt welcomed him warmly. She rolled her eyes and stepped forward until she was next to Will.

“You know Mandy and Mia, of course,” she said brightly, “but you don’t know Tom’s kids.” She gestured to the other three children in the room. “Scott’s sixteen, Beth is twelve, and Jason just turned ten. You know, you should talk to Will, Scott. He’s a chef.” She turned to Will. “Scott cooks like a pro. You should have tasted the dinner he cooked for his mom on Mother’s Day. To die for.”

“You just say that because you can’t cook,” Scott said with an awkward laugh.

“Brat.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “I may not be able to cook, but I can definitely eat and I know good food when it hits my mouth, thank you very much. You should talk, though. Will can tell you all about culinary school and what he does.”

“He is not going to culinary school,” Tom sneered.

Scott looked down at his feet and took a step back. Will tensed slightly and Emma glanced up to see his jaw clench. She turned to Tom and glared. What the hell was wrong with him? Did it even dawn on him how insulting that was? Before she could say anything, his wife, Alice jumped in.

“Scott has plenty of time to decide what he wants to do, and it will be his decision, not yours, honey.” She smiled brightly at her son, then at Will. “I’ve eaten at your restaurant a number of times. The food is delicious.”

Will nodded stiffly. “Thanks.”

“Well, hopefully you’ll enjoy dinner, tonight,” Matt drawled. “Not every day we’re entertaining a talented chef. And I can attest to the talented part. He’s fed me a few times.”

“I’m sure
chef will meet his standards.” Tom gave Matt a harsh look. “He trained in France before coming to the States.”

did, huh?” Will asked pointedly. “Maybe I met him while I trained in France?”

Emma bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. “Uh, I’m going to give Will a quick tour before we eat.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him out into the entry. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. He’s an ass. There’s no excuse for—”

Will stopped her with a finger against her lips. “Don’t worry about it. Not the first person I’ve encountered who looked down on what I do.”

She pressed against him and gave his finger a quick swipe with her tongue. “Stupid people.”

“Hmmm.” He shifted his hand into her hair and lowered his head. His mouth covered hers in a hard, brutal kiss. She slid her arms around him and flattened her palms on his back. She moaned helplessly as his tongue snaked around hers in a sleek, sensuous dance. His fingers tightened painfully…deliciously, and he pulled her head back. After a quick nip on her bottom lip, he trailed his mouth along her jaw.

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