Hiding Out (Hawks MC: Caroline Springs Charter, #2) (18 page)

"S'all good, brother," Dodge announced, and Dive visibly sagged in relief.

"Well, I guess if Beast had told you nothing was happening between me and him that night, you'd have believed him over me? Oh, wait, you didn't even give me a chance to tell you,
. Nooo, instead, you kicked me out and spat nasty words at me." I glared.

He smirked. "You think you're safe now my brother's here? You're not. Call me ‘Dodge’ again, woman, and see the show we'll put on for him." He shrugged. "Dive won't care. He likes to watch. It'll be like porn for him."

"You wouldn't." I scowled.

"Wouldn't I?" He quirked a brow at me, testing me.

Snap. He really would.

"So, I see you have a new game now, to piss me off so I don't wanna get close to you." He stepped towards me, taking my chin between his finger and thumb before he pulled my gaze up to meet his. "Won't work, little bird. I know I was a dick, and I apologised. Now it's you being a bitch for not accepting it and getting over it. Still, I reckon I'll enjoy the games you'll give me." His gaze heated. "You seemed to like the last one real good." He chuckled at my hooded eyes, which then turned hard as I scowled up at him. "Talk soon, Low," he uttered, pressed his lips to mine and walked out of the room. Moments later, I heard the front door close.

I jumped when Dive said, "He's bloody good." I'd forgotten he was even in the room.

"He's a pain."

He laughed. "Yeah, okay then, woman. How about you take your lust-filled self into your room and knock one out." He paused. "Even better, how about you let me watch while you do it."

"Dive," I scolded. "Didn't you get any tonight?"

"Sure did. Which is why I'll only watch and save it for my wank bank later."

Snorting, I rolled my eyes and said, "No, Dive. I will not let you watch me rub one off."

"Noticed you didn't say you weren't going to do it."

Glaring, I asked, "Do you want me to tell Trey you asked to watch me?"

He blanched. "No."

Walking towards him, I patted his arm as I passed. He called my name just as I reached the door. Looking back, I asked on a sigh, "Yes, Dive?"

He smirked. "You called him Trey. Looks like you're learning."

Shaking my head, I gave him a smile and wave before leaving. Did I want to learn, though? Because the outcome
been enjoyable.

Trey 'Dodge' Monroe was the most annoying, sexy, possessive man I knew. He got under my skin, pissed me off, and hurt me. Yet, his words when asking for forgiveness were sweet and tender, caring even.

Could I forgive him?

I realised I already had. Still, I'd let him stew on it for a while longer.

It was too much fun otherwise.

Chapter Nineteen


My little bird was playing with fire. It'd been two long-arse weeks since that fuckin' scorchin' kiss, and I wanted more. How-fuckin'-ever, life got in the way, so I was stuck with flirty looks, light touches and her teasing me with small smiles as she worked at the front desk.

My cock was hard all the goddamn time and my hand had seen more action in the last few weeks than it had in my whole bloody life. I couldn't get a moment alone with her, and it was driving me insane. Every time I caught her alone in the office, someone would walk right in after me. It made me think she had my brothers' ears and told them to come in if they saw me entering. If that was the case, then she'd better look out because my hand was itching to get on her arse again. Her arse, her tits, her body, her pussy. Fuck, anywhere on her body would do.

The kids were also puttin' a dampener on my sex life. Not that they planned it or knew about it, of course. But they kept me busy with setting up their school, cleanin' shit at the house and cooking. It seemed my life now played out the same every day. I'd wake up hard, wank in the shower, get the kids ready for school then take them, which they seemed to be enjoying; the teachers loved them. Then I'd head to work, finish early to pick them up from school, head home, and help them with their homework. After that, I'd do other stuff with them, like play ball with Tex or draw with Rommy. Both I didn't mind doing. Then I'd cook dinner, wind them down before bed, and get them into bed, which was always a feat with Rommy. She wanted to stay awake all the time. By doing that, she'd get up several times until she'd eventually crash. Then I'd be too fuckin' tired to do anything else, so I'd go to bed and wank while thinkin' of Low, waiting for it to happen all over again the next day.

What was also frustrating was that we'd gotten nowhere with Baxter. It was like he'd cooled off and wanted nothing to do with Willow anymore. While this was good in one way, it wasn't in another because knowing the fool, he was just waiting on the sidelines for us to slip up in some way. So I made sure Low always had protection around her.

Venom MC seemed to be still wantin' to fuck with us, which was why I'd made the play to have a sit down with their prez to see what the fuck his problem was. It couldn't be just because he wanted our turf. There had to be something else. My guessin' was Baxter had something over him, and the Venom prez was doing shit to us for Baxter's benefit in some way.

It was all fucked, petty shit, boys playin' in the real man world, and they needed to stop, to be taught a lesson. Time had come for me to do it.

I'd felt shit for not doing it sooner, but I had the kids to handle first. If that shit hadn't gone down, I would have already had a sit-down with Switch, the Venom prez.

Better late than never, I guessed.

I could have left it to my second, Pick, or even to Dive, my third. Hell, even Dallas or Billy, but I wanted to do it. I needed to show them that since I was prez, I wasn't some pussy. I didn't hide behind my brothers.

As the last brother walked through the door in the room we held church in, I cleared my throat. They knew to shut the fuck up when I did that. "First order of business. Beast, Knife and Muff, you guys pick a strip club to go to tonight. You know the drill. If anyone sees anything outta place, call it in. Don't try and be a fuckin' hero like Bottle did." Bottle was at a club last weekend when I got the call he'd been taken down. Thank fuck it was only a flesh wound and Nurse had stitched him up. Nurse was a medic from the Army who'd joined Hawks a year ago. Fuckin' glad he joined. Saved us going to the hospital with little shit and having docs or cops askin' questions. "He'll be back in business next week, but until then, I need another out at the last strip club tonight. Any volunteers?"

"Me," Saxon said. He'd never done security detail as of yet. I guessed it was time to tell if he'd be good for it. I sent him a chin lift and Billy wrote his name down against the club he'd be on that night.

"Right, moving on. Anyone got anythin' to tell me about business here?" I asked.

"Prez, gotta get some time off," Elvis announced. He was an older member, but a good one.

"What's happenin'?"

"Family shit. Some dick thinks he can fuck with my sister. I need to take time out to get to Geelong, spend time there lettin' him know it ain't fine to mess with my family."

"Done. Take off tomorrow and take Eden with you."

"I can handle—"

"We have each other's backs," I interrupted. "You don't do this shit on your own. Havin' a brother with you will also help get the message across."

He sent me a nod. A small smile played on his lips. He agreed and approved.

"Right. Handle comes back next week." A few grumbles started around the table. I slammed my fist down. "He learned his lesson. He has the injuries to prove he learned them. He was lookin' out for his blood brother, but in the end, he had our back—"

"Only after they killed his woman!" someone yelled. Every brother knew of the situation, the one where we had a snitch in the club, and what went down with Baxter and Low. They'd already admired my woman, but had since cherished her for how bloody strong-willed she was. And they were prepared to do anything to fuck Baxter up.

"Don't matter how it all went down. When he gets back, I don't want shit to start for him. Brothers' through and through. We all fuck up in some way or another. What counts is if we can see the errors and fix that shit. He did. He's paid, a lot. Now it's time we have his back again." I looked around the room. "Does everyone get me?" A chorus of
were sent my way.

"Good. Anyone got anythin' else to say?"

"We need to get new club pussy in," Gamer voiced.

"What's wrong with what you got?"

He smiled big. "Been there, done that. Want somethin' new to play with."

"If you want to recruit more pussy, do it or have a club girl you trust to pick clean girls out. I don't give a fuck."

"You used to like the girls, Prez. They're missin' you," Gamer said.

Used to
being the word there, Gamer."

"Something else, something chocolatey taken your eyes now, Prez?" He chuckled.

I sat forward, my eyes hard. "Learn now, brother. No one says shit about Low. No fuckin' one."

"You claiming her, then?" Dive, the smart arse, asked.

"You know it," I growled and saw smiles around me. Some even cheered.
Fuck me.
"Enough pussy talk. Get the fuck outta here."

The room cleared except for Pick, Billy and Dive. Dallas hadn't even been there. He was out already at the most popular strip club Talon owned doing security.

Knew my brothers were in for a chat, but I stood. "You guys still right to watch the kids for a little longer?"

"Our woman's already there, s'all good," Pick said.

"Appreciate you lending her for the kids." If it wasn't Josie, it was Willow, always stepping in to spend time with the kids when I couldn't be around. Made me wonder if my woman liked the kids more than me. 

"Josie wouldn't have it any other way." Billy smiled.

"Where you goin' in such a rush?" Dive smirked.

"Gotta get
woman off Lan's hands," I said, walking to the door already.

"So, you gonna claim it true tonight? For Low to be yours?" he questioned.

Turning, I said, "Should'a already happened. But yeah, she'll be mine, enough games. Which means don't come home for a while."

He chuckled and gave me a chin lift before I walked out the door. My dick was already hard because it knew it was gonna get some action, and soon.

*  *  *  *

he ride home was long and awkward. Never in my years had I been embarrassed. The ride became awkward when I sat on my Harley thinkin' of the ways I was gonna take my woman, thinkin' of her sweet pussy and how I was eager to be inside her. I didn't realise I was rubbing my hard-on through my jeans until I heard the gasp. I looked sideways to see an old lady sitting in her car in the lane next to me with a disgusted look upon her face.

"You,"—she pointed to my dick area—"you leave that for behind doors," she'd scolded.

I actually felt my face heat. Thank fuck the lights changed and I took off before she told me off again.

Could not fuckin' believe I'd been reduced to a teen again where I couldn't control my erection and the urge to touch it.

Pulling into Dive's drive, I looked next door to my house, seeing the lights on, knowing Josie would be in there with the kids. Bloody grateful I had such a kick-arse family.

Slipping off my ride, I stored my helmet on the seat and made my way to the front door. Dive and I had a key to each other's place, so I unlocked it and flung it open to find Low sitting on the couch beside Lan. His hand was to her back, and she was crying in her hands.

"What did you do?" I growled, stalked in, slammed the door and made my way to them, ready to beat the fuck outta him even though I respected the guy.

My hand just gripped the front of his tee, ready to pull the dick off the couch when Low looked up. Tears streamed down her face and she yelled, "No, don't! Lan didn't do anything. I-I was watching
My Sister's Keeper
and...oh, Trey, it was so sad. S-she, the sister..." She stopped to cry again.

Letting go of Lan, I looked down at him and his amused expression. His lips were twitching, his eyes alight with humour.

"I'll leave this in your hands," he said before kissing Low's temple, standing, slapping my back and saying, "Good luck." Then he was gone.

Crying women and me did not get along.

I was lost.

Didn't have a fuckin' clue what to do.

I'd expected to come here and get the sex on. Dammit, I wanted to pound my woman and claim not only her, but her pussy.

Jesus. Now
felt like sobbing.

"Ah, little bird. Can I, ah, get anything for you?"

She sniffed up. Not a pretty sight. "It was heart-breaking, Trey," she mumbled. At least she was calling me Trey. The monster had taunted me with Dodge for the last two weeks, and my hand had been itching to give her punishment.

"Fuck," I hissed. She glared at me. "Look, ah, do you want a shot or something?"

"No, I don't want a shot." She stood and wiped her face so it was free of tears. "I want you to help me forget that sad, sad movie," she snapped as her hands went to her hips.

Attitude, I could handle.

Smirking, I asked, "How you want me to do that?"

"Play Monopoly with me."

What. The. Fuck?

She wanted to play a board game? I had something else I'd rather her play with. Fuck me, sobbing was definitely up on the top of the ladder for me. My poor cock wanted to pack a bag and go on vacation, because I was about to be a pussy.

"Okay." I sighed.

Her expression changed. Her eyes heated. She smiled wide, showing her perfect white teeth, and then she jumped me. My hand went to her arse as she climbed me like a pole.
pole perked up again.

"I was kidding. I have something better in mind to make me forget that movie." She ran her nose up my neck to whisper in my ear, "Though, I'm happy you wanted to help me in some way."

"Low," I growled when she bit my earlobe.

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