Hollywood & Vine (29 page)

Read Hollywood & Vine Online

Authors: Olivia Evans

Josie nodded, but didn’t ask anything more. If she had to guess, it likely involved money. That was a subject Josie never wanted to touch. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Talking to me. About you.” To most people it wasn’t much, but for Anders it was a big step.

Anders tried his best to mask his feelings, to contain the things going on inside his head. When he woke the next morning with Josie in his bed, his mind buzzed with dozens of questions. Would she expect to stay over all the time now? Did he want her to? Should he let her keep his key? Would asking for it back piss her off?

He figured the best thing he could do was take a step back. Give them a little distance. But the moment he saw her that afternoon on her way out of the studio for the day, he couldn’t stop himself from texting her.

Come back tonight.

It only took a few minutes for her to respond. Her answer relaxed his shoulders and tightened his chest.


When they parted ways the next morning, he didn’t even bother fighting with himself. He didn’t pretend he wasn’t going to ask her to stay again. When she agreed, he nodded in acceptance and defeat. The closer they became, the messier things would be when they ended.

While Josie was busy with Madison, and Anders finished a scene, Aubrey paced the length of her trailer. Ever since they’d gone on their date, Anders’ mood had changed. She wouldn’t say he seemed happier, he was still a complete asshole, but something was off. Different.

She wondered again if he was lying about having a girl stashed away somewhere, but that didn’t make sense. He wouldn’t be happier. Surely they’d be fighting about the pictures all over the Internet and magazines.

Pulling out her phone, she dialed Levi’s number and waited for him to answer.


She was in no mood for the flirty tone in his voice. “Are they good?”


“The pictures. The ones at my house. Are they good?”

Levi chuckled. “You two look like you’re about to rip each other’s clothes off. And the angle that I took of that kiss? Perfection.”

Aubrey smiled and smoothed her hand down her hair. “Good.”

“You want me to send them out?”

“No. Not yet. I just want to be prepared.”

“He’s still not biting, huh? You want me to tail him? See what I can find?”

Aubrey rolled her eyes. “No, the last time you broke the law to get his picture you got caught. Besides, you couldn’t get anywhere near his house now. And I need you. Just hold tight.”

“Always a pleasure.”

Aubrey rolled her eyes and hung up. If Levi wasn’t so damn attractive and eager to please, she wouldn’t waste her time with someone so beneath her. Touching up her lipstick, she turned and made her way out to the set.

Anders pulled in a deep breath and prepared for his scenes with Aubrey. They wouldn’t be filming the actual sex scene, but they would be making out, a lot. He hoped Josie steered clear. They managed to limit their arguments to her habit of leaving clothes all over the house and never having food in the kitchen. All in all, he couldn’t complain.

Opening his eyes, he nodded at Aubrey as she crossed over to him. He only had a few more weeks of filming, and then she would be out of his life for good.

“Hey, you.”

“You ready for today?” Anders asked, glancing at the director.

“Eh, this will be a piece of cake. Just like riding a bike.” She ducked her chin and smiled up at him, but Anders’ attention was elsewhere. She pursed her lips and straightened her shoulders. “Ready?”

Anders’ eyes widened at her clipped tone and angry expression. “Are you trying to stage our first fight for onlookers or what?”

Aubrey looked around and noticed several people staring. Smiling, she looped her arm around Anders’ and pulled him toward the director. “Of course not.”

Anders and Aubrey were in their second hour of filming when Madison and Josie finally managed to take a break. No longer focused on work, Madison did what she’d wanted to all day: she smacked Josie on the back of her head.

“What the hell?”

“Where have you been? Holden is driving me insane with all his damn questions. He keeps asking if you’re seeing someone, and if so, why you haven’t told him. And oh my God, Josie, if I have to distract your brother with one more blow job, you’re paying for my damn dental bills!”

“Oh, Christ, Maddie,” Josie moaned, covering her ears in an attempt to erase Madison’s words from her memory.

“I don’t want to hear it. Where have you been? I know you’ve been with Mr. I Have Issues, but have you been home at all?”

Josie made sure no one was around before pulling Madison into Craig’s office and closing the door. “Yes. I mean no.” Josie blew out a breath and fell onto the chair closest to her. “Yes, I’ve been with Anders. And no, I haven’t been home. I picked up some clothes, but other than that, I’ve stayed with him.”

Madison lifted her brows in surprise and eased herself into the chair beside Josie. “Wow. I’m shocked.”

“Why? We’re”

Josie waved her hand in the air

“dating. Or whatever you call dating someone without ever going on a date.”

“I don’t mean that I’m shocked you’ve been with him. I’m shocked you two haven’t killed each other.”

“Yet.” Josie’s tone was dry, her expression sardonic.

“So things are good then? You’re okay?”

“Yeah. I’m good. We’re okay. He’s still an asshole. He still makes me want to throw things. But I kind of like that about him.” Josie rolled her eyes. “I think I fit the bill for Mrs. I Have Issues perfectly.”

Madison’s eyes widened at the same time that Josie’s jaw dropped. “Um, what?”

“I…I didn’t mean it as in I want to be. I just meant… Damn it, Maddie. I didn’t mean it like you’re thinking.”

Josie’s sputtering, stumbling explanation was almost enough to make Madison drop it. On the other hand, she hadn’t been able to tease Josie in a few days, and she wasn’t going to pass up the chance now.

“You just referred to yourself as Mrs. Issues. As in the other half of Mr. Issues. Is there something you need to tell me?”

“You suck.”

Madison smirked. “Thanks to you, yes. Yes, I do. A lot more than usual.”

“Maddie!” Josie jumped from her seat and grabbed her things. “You

ew. Stop. Please. I have to drop these off at the set, then I’m going to my not home. I’ll talk to you later.”

“See ya later, Mrs. Issues.” Madison laughed, her face splitting into a wide grin.

Josie’s face was stoic as she walked down the hall. Madison was teasing her. If she gave the ridiculousness of their conversation a second thought, she’d end up laughing in the middle of the hall.

She spotted Amelia near the set and crossed the room to give her a folder. “This is for tomorrow. I need you to run this down to design and have them match these fabric samples.”

Amelia smiled at Josie and pulled the folder against her chest. “Sure thing. Anything else you need?”

“Nope. We’re all set. Have a good night.” Josie headed toward the exit, stopping when she heard Anders’ voice around the corner. She moved forward, but stilled once more when Aubrey spoke. Leaning against the wall, she pulled out her phone. To anyone who passed, it looked as if she was on her phone, not eavesdropping on her boyfriend and the she-devil.

“I think that went well, don’t you?”

“I do. The fact that we were able to get it done in one take made everyone happy.” Anders sounded relieved and Josie couldn’t help but smile.

“Yes, the studio got what they paid for. A flawless performance.” The pout in Aubrey’s voice was unmistakable. Josie was more than sure Aubrey was not as happy about nailing the scene as she pretended.

“Okay. I’m out of here.”

“Wait. I wanted to ask. Well, I think we should go out again.”

Anders’ exhale echoed off the walls. “We just went out. Our pictures are everywhere. There’s no reason to be seen again right now.”

“What’s the big deal? Do you have plans?”

Josie’s breath stilled in her chest as she waited for his response, and when he spoke, she couldn’t stop the smile that broke across her face.

“As a matter of fact I do. And I’m late, so

“Cancel them.” Aubrey’s voice was sharp, her words biting and demanding.

Anders chuckled. “Yeah, not a fucking chance. Next time you or Clarence want to set up a public outing, call my agent.”

Anders turned and rounded the corner, his brows lifting when he spotted Josie. She smirked and shrugged, her face unapologetic as she pushed off the wall. With a slight nod she sauntered past him. “Mr. Ellis.”

Anders didn’t respond, instead he pulled out his phone as he walked to his trailer and sent her a text.

Next time you want to spy on someone, make sure they can’t see you.

You saw me? Damn it!

Stick to designing. Spying is not your strong suit. See you at home.

Anders changed out of his clothes, completely unaware of how he’d worded his text, or the shock covering Josie’s face when she read it.

Aubrey dug her nails into her palm as she waited for Levi to answer. Anders had a girl. There was no other explanation for his behavior. She had no intention of giving up, however. She was going to expose them or break them. In the end, she’d get her way.


“Do it. Release the pictures. Do it now.” She hung up without waiting for a reply. He’d do as she said.

t was late the following afternoon when Josie heard the first whispers. She and Amelia were looking at fabric samples when a couple of guys broached the subject.

“Man, he’s one lucky dude. Did you see the way they were all over each other? I bet he took her against her front door.”

“Do you think whoever took those pictures got that? Man, I’d love to see Aubrey Nash bent over and getting fucked.”

“Well, I’d rather be the one fucking her, but I don’t think Anders Ellis is the sharing type.”

“Yeah. Lucky bastard.”

Josie’s hands shook, and the color drained from her face as she struggled to hear Amelia over the buzzing in her ears. “What?”

“I asked if you were okay? You don’t look so good.”

Josie swallowed and licked her lips. “I think I forgot to eat lunch. I guess I’m a little light-headed.”

“Do you want some water? I can get you some.”

Josie shook her head and pulled in a calming breath. “No, I’m okay. Just...distract me. Let’s talk about something. Like...what are those guys talking about?”

Amelia grinned and ducked her head in close to Josie. “Well, apparently there are pictures of Anders and Aubrey in a compromising position in front of her house.”

“What do you mean ‘compromising’?”

“Well.” Amelia paused. She was hesitant to use the words she said to her friends earlier when they’d been analyzing every picture over lunch.

“Just tell me. It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine, though. It was anything but fine. As soon as Amelia spoke, Josie felt like a ton of bricks had been dropped on her chest and cracked it wide open.

“From the looks of the pictures, they were practically having sex. And it was in front of her house so it wasn’t like they were putting on a show. Whoever took those pictures wasn’t supposed to be there.”

Bile rose in the back of Josie’s throat. Standing on shaky legs, she gathered her things. “I think I should grab some food. I’m going to head out. Have a great weekend, Amelia.”

By the time Josie reached her car, her breaths were choppy and shallow. Her hands shook and her vision blurred as she fastened her seatbelt. Nothing made sense. She and Anders had looked at all the pictures together. Once her hands were steady, she pulled out of the lot and headed to her house. She needed to get to the bottom of what was going on. It was a mistake. It had to be.

Twenty minutes later, when her cell phone started ringing and her text message alert sounded every couple of minutes, she knew it wasn’t a mistake. It caused something to fragment in her chest. It was a feeling she’d never experienced and one she never wanted to feel again.

Once home, she tried to occupy herself, but nothing worked. Defeated, she sank onto her couch. She stared at her laptop, the glowing screen casting shadows around the dimly lit room. Her hand hovered over the mouse, her fingers poised to look at pictures she knew would hurt, pictures that were the source of countless texts and voice mails from Anders and Madison.

With a final breath, she pulled up the first gossip site, and in that instant, her body stilled and something ripped inside her chest. Hurt, anger, and betrayal sank into her core, twisting and pulling in every direction. There were pictures of them kissing and of Anders looking at Aubrey exactly how he looked at Josie.

She slammed the computer closed and tossed it to the other end of the couch. Fisting her hair, she dropped her forehead to her knees and tried to make sense of everything. Every conversation with him was conflicting. One minute he said he cared about her, and the next he reminded her that he was an asshole and she shouldn’t expect anything different. Maybe that was the problem. Hope caused her to expect more than he was capable of giving. She’d become invested in a relationship that was doomed from the start.

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