Horselords (7 page)

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Authors: David Cook,Larry Elmore

“Why not?” Yamun countered. “He failed to protect you. Therefore, he must be punished. At least he will live. His comrades were drowned.”

His mind already weak from shock, Koja was amazed at Yamun’s words. “It is not his fault that I was hurt. I will not have him harmed,” the priest finally said with conviction. Exhausted, he fell back on the pallet.

Yamun sucked on his cheek as he listened to the priest. “Do you request his life?” the burly warlord asked.

“His life? Yes, I do,” Koja answered as he lay on his back.

Yamun looked over to the prisoner. The man was watching them, his eyes filled with fear and expectation. “Very well, priest. According to custom, I give him to you; he’s your slave. His name is Hodj. If he commits any crime you’ll be punished. That too is our custom.”

“I understand this,” Koja assured Yamun, closing his eyes.

“Good. Now, as for Bayalun, she’ll assume that you’re loyal to me. She hates me,” he said matter-of-factly, “and so she’ll hate you. Always remember that I’m all that stands between her wrath and you.” Yamun signaled the guards to release Hodj and then left to find his horse.

Koja watched the khahan ride off as the bearers came and hoisted his pallet onto their shoulders. All the way back to Quaraband the priest silently said his prayers, calling on Furo to protect him until he saw his home again.


For four days, Koja lived in a special white yurt raised on the outskirts of Quaraband, just outside the boundary of the magic-dead lands. Here he stayed on his pallet, resting and regaining his strength. Once a day the shamans came and unfurled their white sheet and set out their offerings to Teylas. Beating their drums and howling out chants, they cast spells to heal and fortify him. Every day, after they left, Koja would sink into deep concentration, praying to Furo for strength and forgiveness. Though he told no one, the priest was mortified, fearful that Furo and the Enlightened One would shun him for having accepted the healing of another deity.

By the fourth day, the shamans were marveling at Koja’s speedy recovery and priding themselves on the efficacy of their spells. To their minds, Teylas clearly favored them by accomplishing the healing of this foreign priest. The shamans told the khahan of this wondrous progress, explaining that the priest must somehow be special.

Four days also gave Koja time to learn his new servant’s qualities. Although Hodj was a slave, Koja refused to treat him like one, and, instead, gave him the liberties and confidence of a trusted servant. Hodj responded to this and seemed to care for his new master. The first morning Hodj made tea in the Tuigan style—thick with milk and salt. Koja almost choked, and a tea-brewing lesson immediately followed. Thereafter, Hodj brewed tea Khazari-style—thick with butter—although he made an awful face as he set it out for his master.

While recovering; Koja had little to do with his days but listen. Hodj rarely spoke, but the shamans were another matter. Their lengthy conversations usually centered on beliefs, but ranged across a variety of subjects.

Soon, Koja had enough new information to add to his letters. He lit the oil lamp that sat on his small desk and unfolded a thin sheet of paper, the page softly crackling as he smoothed it out on the top of the desk. The white paper appeared straw yellow in the dim circle of light from the lamp. Taking up his brush, Koja began to write in tight, controlled strokes.

The khahan claims to command more than one hundred thousand men, in four different armies. I know too little to say if he is a boastful man. Three of his armies are led by his sons. The fourth commander is Chanar Ong Kho. He is a vain and proud man. There are also many lesser khans among the Tuigan. Most of these I have had no chance to meet.

The khahan has a wife, the Second Empress Eke Bayalun, his own stepmother. She surrounds herself with sorcerers and holy men, and seems to have sway over the shamans of the people. That she does not love her husband is clear, and her feelings may be even stronger. There is some chance that overtures to her would drive a wedge between the khahan and his wizards.

Having written everything he could, Koja was left with nothing to do but brood. In particular, he was worried how to get his letters to Prince Ogandi. In Semphar, trusted messengers carried them by the Silk Road to Khazari. Here, his only choice was the khahan’s riders, and Koja certainly did not trust them with his messages. He wished he could send the letters safely back, but that was not possible. However, there was little Koja could do, since he had to stay until the khahan at least gave some answer to Ogandi’s offer. Am I doing the right thing, he worried, in serving as Yamun’s scribe in the meantime?

After four days of rest, Koja was fit enough to get about. He was still weak, but Yamun pressed him to return to the royal compound. The khahan needed his scribe. So, reluctantly, Koja returned to Quaraband and assumed his duties as the khahan’s court scribe.

There was not much to these duties, mostly sitting quietly to the side during the khahan’s audiences, noting any orders or proclamations Yamun made. It was quiet work, indeed so much so that Koja learned little more about the khahan than he already knew. Two weeks of that drudgery passed before anything of note happened.

It was very late at night, almost midnight, and the three men remaining in the royal yurt were almost exhausted. Yamun sat half-sprawled on his throne, drinking wine and resting. Koja, still only two weeks at his new duties, yawned as he patiently worked with a pile of papers. In the darkness at the side of the yurt was one of Yamun’s nightguards. In his black kalat, the man almost disappeared into the gloom. He sat still, trying to remain bright and alert, knowing he would be beaten if he fell asleep.

His writing table pulled up in front of him, Koja sat transcribing the day’s judgments and pronouncements. As he worked, the priest stopped to listen to the hammering roars of thunder and staccato pounding of rain against felt. The thunderstorm raging outside made him start each time a new crash shook the yurt. Such storms were the distant battles of the god Furo against the evil spirits of the earth—at least that was what he had been taught. Still, this storm, the first since Koja had arrived in Quaraband, was greater than any the priest had ever heard before.

All day the sky had been gray, promising a storm of swelling power. While the khans had watched the sky fearfully, the khahan had been edgy, waiting for the rain to come. In the early evening, the storm broke. Abruptly, Yamun dismissed the khans and the servants, sending them out into the downpour. Since then, Yamun had been sitting, drinking wine and occasionally issuing orders, but his tension had not subsided. By this hour, the khahan moved wearily and his temper was short.

Yamun swallowed a gulp of wine from a chased silver cup. “Write out this order, scribe,” he said brusquely.

Koja neatly set aside the notes he had been working on and laid out a fresh sheet of paper. His vision was blurred by the long hours he worked. His tired fingers dropped the writing brush, splattering the drops of black ink over the clean white page.

“You’ll have to be stronger than that, scribe,” Yamun growled, irritated with the delay. “Make yourself tougher. You’ll have days and nights with no sleep when we begin to march.”

“March, Great Khan?” In two weeks of taking down proclamations, Koja had yet to hear any mention of the armies of the khahan going on campaign.

“Yes, march. You think I intend to sit here forever, waiting on the pleasure of others—like your Prince Ogandi? In time, I must march,” the stocky man snapped back. “Soon the pastures here will be gone, and then we must move.”

“Great Khahan,” Koja pleaded as he rearranged the papers, “would it not be easier for you to find another scribe? Surely one of your people, somebody stronger, could do the job.”

“What’s this? You don’t like being my scribe?” The khahan glowered over his cup at Koja, his foul mood getting worse.

“No, it’s not that,” Koja stuttered. “It’s … I am not brave. I am not a soldier,” he blurted out. Terrified, he turned his attention to the sheets in front of him, mumbling, “Besides, I never thought there was so much work. I mean—”

“You thought we were ignorant and didn’t know how to keep records,” Yamun interrupted in cold tones. Koja despaired. All his attempts to explain his weaknesses were only making things worse.

Yamun slid forward out of his seat, bringing himself close to Koja. “I can’t write and I can’t read, so you think I’m a fool. I know the value of these.” He grabbed up a handful of Koja’s papers from the little writing desk. “Great kings and princes all rule by these slips of paper. I’ve seen the papers sent out by the emperor of Shou Lung. I, too, am an emperor. I’m not some little prince who goes from tent to tent, talking to all his followers. I am the khahan of all the Tuigan and I will be more.”

Koja looked in silence at the khahan, startled by the outburst.

Still, the skepticism must have shown on the priest’s face. Yamun heaved to his feet, splashing wine over the carpets. “You doubt me? Teylas has promised it to me! Listen to him out there,” he shouted, pausing long enough for Koja to hear a particularly loud thunderclap. “That’s his voice. Those are his words. Most people live in fear of him. They pray and scream, afraid he’ll call them to the test. But I’m not afraid. He’s tested me and I still live.” Wobbling slightly from the drink, Yamun walked toward the door. “He’s calling to me now. Today.”

Koja stayed at his seat, trying to make sense of Yamun’s ranting. The nightguard, however, dashed over to the doorway and flung himself down on the carpet. “Great Prince,” he entreated, “do not go outside! I beg it of you. There has never been a storm like this. It is an evil omen. Teylas has released his spirits upon us. If you go out they will try to snatch you away. Teylas is angry!”

“See,” Yamun shouted across the yurt at Koja. “They all fear the storms, the might of Teylas. These are my soldiers-children! Move, guardsman,” he ordered, turning his attention back to the cowering man. “I don’t fear the wrath of Teylas. After all, I am the khahan. My ancestor was born the child of Teylas and the Blue Wolf.”

Arrogantly, Yamun strode past the kneeling man and unfastened the door flap. The heavy cloth immediately flew open with a crack. Cold rain blasted through the open doorway, swept in by the powerful wind. Foul ashes swirled up in choking clouds from the braziers. The warm air suddenly drained away.

“There. That is the might of Teylas,” Yamun bellowed, motioning toward the storm. “Come, scribe, since you don’t believe he talks to me.”

“Please, Great Lord,” Koja begged, shouting over the wind, “stay inside.”

“No! You’ll come and see because I’ve ordered it.” He strode over to Koja, grabbed him by the shoulder, and half-dragged him to the doorway. With an unceremonious push, Yamun shoved the priest into the blasting rain.

Koja stumbled and slipped, sliding down into the cold mud. Rain splashed into the slop and splattered thickly against him. A lance of lightning cut jaggedly through the night sky, illuminating the entire horizon. In the brief stab of light, Koja saw the dark form of Yamun standing over him, face to the sky, mouth wide open. The light lasted only an instant, and then the world was plunged back into darkness. Yamun’s strong hand grabbed the priest’s robes and hauled him out of the muck.

The two men set out, struggling and sliding their way down the slope. They walked through the icy mud, out the gate, and past yurts until they reached the horse pens outside the capital. Wind and rain lashed against their faces. Rivulets ran from Yamun’s hair into his mustache, dribbling into his mouth. Huge drops ran down all sides of Koja’s shaved head, washing away the gobs of mud.

“Teylas!” shouted Yamun, spitting water between each word. “Here I am! Listen to me!” A distant bolt of lightning dimly lit the steppe, casting weird shadows over the pair. The wind swept the rain away from their faces for a moment and then whipped it back again. The hollow rumble of the distant bolt barely carried over the wind.

“He listens,” Yamun said confidently, letting go of Koja’s shoulder. Suddenly unsupported, the priest stumbled backward and fell, floundering along an unexpectedly steep part of the bank. Oblivious to everything, Yamun strode forward until Koja could barely see the older man’s bulky silhouette. Splashing through pools of foul, muddy water, Koja did his best to catch up.

Finally, the priest fell back into the mud, exhausted from stumbling and slipping in pursuit of the khahan. Occasional flashes of lightning had guided Koja, but now he had lost sight of Yamun. Horses screamed and whinnied somewhere nearby, their shrill cries rising over the rattling rain. Koja pushed himself out of the mud and splashed off in the direction of the noise.

“Teylas!” Yamun’s voice came from somewhere off to the priest’s left.

“Khahan!” Koja shouted, hoping Yamun would hear him.

A stroke of lightning, almost overhead, flooded the sky with light and thunder. Though his eyes hurt from the light, Koja could see Yamun off to the left. Around him were the shadowy shapes of horses, rearing and prancing in panic.

“Yamun Khahan!” he shouted. There was no answer.

The lightning illuminated the ground again, as if in response to Koja’s shouts. In the moment of light, he saw Yamun, arms stretched to heaven, at the center of one of the horse corrals. The rain formed streaks of silver all around him.

Determined, Koja plunged forward into the darkness. His feet squished into the mud and threatened to slip out from under him at any second. Rainwater dripped down his eyebrows, blurring his sight. His robes, sodden and filthy, sagged and pulled on his frame.

Koja’s shin smashed against something hard and solid—a fence. Shocked by the pain, the lama tried to hop back on one foot, then lost his balance. Both feet shot out from under him, kicking into the air. He sat in the muck at the foot of the corral fence, rubbing away the shooting streaks of pain that started at his shin and ran up his leg.

“Teylas, listen… powerful … rule …” Yamun’s voice floated in snatches over the howling wind. Koja peered through the fence. He was close enough to see into the corral now, although he still could not make out anything clearly. Shielding his eyes from the rain, Koja peered through the horses’ legs, straining to see Yamun.

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