I Hear...Love (A Different Road #2) (28 page)


I lower my sunglasses and look at the pavement in front of me. I remove my glasses, then clench them in my fists. I haven’t been here since I was five. I don’t know what I was expecting to see coming here, but there are no skid marks on the pavement or crumpled pieces of metal on the ground. There’s absolutely no sign that two beautiful people took their last breath on this very spot. Half of me expected my mother’s screaming voice to be on a repeating loop in some sort of twisted residual haunting.

I thought I wanted to do this by myself, but the closer and closer I drove, the more I realized I didn’t have to. I exit the vehicle, then look at Cooper. Unable to put two words together, I slowly jerk my head to the side and plead with my eyes for him to come with me. He nods his head in an unspoken answer, then exits the vehicle. He walks over to me and threads his fingers through mine.

I walk a few steps, then see two slightly raised crosses made out of concrete cemented in the shoulder. This has to be River’s doing. No one would ever know they were there unless they were looking for them. I squat down, then run my finger over each cross. Cooper gets down on one knee next to me, then places his arm protectively around my shoulder. I place the flowers in the center between the crosses, then kiss my fingertips and press them to the top of each cross.

I know my parents aren’t here and I’ll probably never come to this spot again, but some piece of me just needed to make peace with this section of road.

Cooper wraps both hands around my shoulders, then helps me stand. He leads me to the passenger side of the car and opens the door. I slip into the seat, then he jogs around to the other side. Sadie rests her paw on my shoulder and I place my hand over it. I slip my sunglasses on as Cooper starts the car. He turns the blinker on indicating his intent to merge, then gets on the freeway. He exits the very next exit, then gets back on the freeway heading the opposite direction. He threads his fingers through mine, places a warm kiss on my knuckles, then rests them on his thigh.

After about fifteen minutes, Cooper asks, “Are you hungry?”

“I am,” I answer.

He pulls off the next exit and pulls into a fast food restaurant parking lot.

“I’ll be right back,” he says, then gets out and goes inside.

Sadie jumps in his seat and I laugh at her. She lowers her head and looks at me with those chocolate brown, magnetic eyes. I swear I can read her thoughts. This is her
are you alright
look. I lower my sunglasses so she can see my eyes, and I smile at her. She lifts her head and gives me a happy bark.

Cooper comes out of the restaurant holding two large white paper bags. He opens the door, Sadie jumps in the back seat, he gets in, then sets the bags in my lap.

We get back on the road, then he pulls off at a small beach. He grabs a blanket out of the trunk, then we head down to the water. Cooper hands me the blanket and I lay it out in the sand. He hands me the bags and I take the food out while he sits down. Sadie sits at the edge of the blanket patiently waiting for her share.

I eat a chicken caesar wrap, while Sadie scarfs down a chicken breast sandwich and Cooper eats a double cheeseburger. After I’m done, I throw my wrapper in the bag, then lay down and rest my head on Sadie like she’s my personal pillow. I close my eyes and enjoy the warm sun beating down on my face.

A few minutes later the light darkens through my closed eyelids. I open my eyes and Cooper’s handsome face fills my vision. I smile at him, then his face moves closer to mine. He places his lips softly on mine and kisses me. After a few minutes, he pulls slightly away and looks into my eyes.

“I love you, Kate,” he says.

“I love you, Cooper,” I reply.

Sadie removes herself from under my head, then gets up and wanders closer to the shoreline. Cooper and I sit and watch the ships off in the distance sail by until they disappear. Sadie comes back over and shoves a stick into Cooper’s hand. He takes the stick and throws it as far as he can into the ocean. Sadie happily retrieves it, then comes back and drops it at his feet. After a few more throws, Sadie eventually loses the stick, then plays with the waves as they roll into shore.

“You ready to head home?” Cooper asks.

“Ready,” I reply.

Cooper extends his hand and helps me up. I call for Sadie and she bounds out of the ocean to us. Cooper opens the passenger door, then places the blanket on the back seat for Sadie. She jumps on the blanket, then he pushes the seat back. I get in, then he closes the door. While Cooper jogs around the car, my cell phone dings in my purse.

I reach down between my feet and dig it out of my purse to see who the text is from.

It’s from Josh and all it says is, “It’s up.”

It’s up? I let out a happy squeal when I realize what it means.

“What is it?” Cooper asks, getting in the car with a smile.

“Can we make a quick stop in town before we head home?” I ask.

“Sure,” he says, then drives downtown.

I stomp my feet up and down in my seat with excitement, and Sadie lets out a happy bark.

“Do you want to tell me when to stop?” Cooper says once we’re in town.

“Just a little bit farther. Drive slower. Almost there. HERE! Pull in right here,” I say, pointing to an empty parking space.

I stand up in my seat and stare at the beautiful sight in front of me. In big, beautiful letters above my yoga studio is my brand new sign.


I hold out my arms in a
motion, then clap my hands with excitement.

“Do you want to see inside?” I ask Cooper.

“Absolutely,” he replies.

I still can’t believe this is all mine. I’ve been here every day this week, and after the floors are installed tomorrow and a few last minute details, it will be ready to open.

I unlock the door and walk inside. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the excited feeling in my chest every time I walk through that door. I show Cooper around, even the women’s bathrooms. Sadie immediately puts her nose to the ground and sniffs out every corner.

“What do you think?” I ask.

“I think it’s perfect,” he replies.

I lock up the studio, then we head to River’s house. As we pull into the driveway, I see Josh and River are home. I hurry up and get out of the car excited to talk to River about the sign.

“I’m going to take Sadie for a quick walk. I’ll be right in,” Cooper says.

I quickly open the door and come to a skidding halt when I almost run into River just inside the door.

“It’s in! It’s in!” I yell excitedly, grab his shoulders, then smack a kiss on his cheek.

“What’s in?” Nina asks, walking out of the kitchen.

“My yoga studio sign is on the building and it’s beau-T-full!” I tell her.

“How’s it look?” River asks.

“It’s so much more than I ever thought it could be! It’s perfect,” I tell him.

“Are you and Cooper staying for dinner? It will be ready in a few hours,” Joss says, coming out of the kitchen.

“Sure, we can stay for dinner,” Cooper answers, coming into the house with Sadie.

River’s smile quickly fades, he gives a few loud sniffs into the air, then makes a disgusted face.

“Maybe you can give that mutt a bath before dinner,” he suggests.

Sadie’s face immediately lights up when she hears the word
She dances on her front paws, then barks at Cooper.

“You want a bath, girl?” he asks in a puppy dog voice.

Cooper and I head to the pool house. I grab my cell phone and text Stephen to tell him what time dinner will be ready. We give Sadie a bath in my bathtub, and I think I ended up taking just as much of a bath as she does. I change for dinner, then Cooper and I walk hand-in-hand back to River’s house, with Sadie right behind us.

I’m immediately hit with the delicious smells of Joss and Nina’s fabulous cooking. Josh appears from the kitchen being pushed out by Nina.

“I just want you to sit down for a few minutes,” he says.

“I’m pregnant, not sick,” she says, pointing her finger in his face.

“Here, you want to help, set the table,” Joss says, handing him a pile of plates and silverware.

“I can help,” I offer.

Josh sets everything on the table, then I help him set the place settings.

“Dinner’s ready!” Joss calls, walking out of the kitchen carrying a large platter.

I look at the front door and sigh. Cooper pulls out my chair and I have a seat. Stephen isn’t coming. I thought, well I hoped, there was a change happening there. He came to dinner last week and he was at River’s proposal. I also kind of thought there may be a little something sparking between him and Maddy. Wishful thinking, I guess.

The front door opens and my spirits lift, but it’s not Stephen, it’s Maddy.

“So sorry I’m late!” she says, taking her seat.

Dinner is served and everyone digs in. The table is filled with happy excitement, as Joss and Nina talk about wedding plans and Nina’s pregnancy. The only thing missing from the family table is Stephen.

After dinner, Cooper and I volunteer to do the dishes. Cooper and I stand side-by-side with Sadie planted between us. After the last dish is put in the dishwasher, Cooper presses himself to my back and wraps his arms around me.

“Take a walk with me?” he asks in my ear.

“Sure,” I say, drying my hands on a dishtowel.

“Goodnight everyone,” Cooper calls as we head out the back door.

“Goodnight,” everyone calls.

Cooper takes my hand and leads me down the steps, with Sadie by my side.

I slip my shoes off, then we walk through the warm sand and stand at the shoreline. Sadie brings Cooper a stick, but instead of throwing it into the water, he throws it far down the beach on the sand.

Cooper walks up behind me, wraps his arms around me, then gently kisses my shoulder. He leaves his warm lips resting on my shoulder as he tightens his hold around my waist.

I can’t help but think that not that long ago, I was standing almost on this very same spot with my toes dug deep into the heavy wet sand, alone. I had just started to heal, but I was still so lost and so very broken. I still felt like every day was a fierce battle to fight the good fight with myself and my guilt. Back then, I needed the crash of thunder against the rocks to concentrate on, to clear the horrific visions and the venomous memories that swirled around in my head.

Then a man and a dog walked into my life and helped me repair a million, tiny, scattered pieces. Some pieces were bigger than others. Some pieces I needed to fix on my own. Some pieces were borrowed and weren’t mine to begin with. Some pieces were so heavy, so jagged, I needed to ask for help. Some pieces I needed to raise up and let get carried away in the wind. I’m not perfect. The pieces may have been put back together, but there are some missing. There are slivers here and there that can never be replaced. That doesn’t mean I’m broken, it just means that more of my inner beauty can shine through.

I haven’t had the need to wear headphones to drown out my thoughts in weeks. There was always love in my life, but I could never hear it with all the garbage in my head. Once I fully let in the clarity, love poured inside in ways I never thought imaginable.

My burden that I carried in my relationship with River has been lifted. He now sees me as the strong, independent, capable woman I am today, not the broken, lost shell of a girl I once was.

Sadie walks up to Cooper and I, then rests her body against the side of our legs. I wrap my arms around Cooper, close my eyes and listen to what is in my head, and all I hear is . . . love.


It took Kate another two weeks of preparation, but tomorrow is opening day of Kate Mason Yoga. Her first class is at six in the morning. Kate’s been tossing and turning in bed next to me for hours, too excited to sleep. She picked out her yoga outfit days ago and it’s been hanging on her bedroom door. I reach for her hand under the covers and thread my fingers through hers.

“Is it too early to go right now?” she whispers.

I look at the clock and it’s barely three in the morning.

“I tell you what. If you promise to lay here and not wiggle around for one hour, we’ll go,” I say.

“One hour!” she repeats, lifting up to look at me.

“One full hour,” I confirm, pulling her into my chest.

She places her leg over my thigh, then her eyelashes flutter on my bare chest and close. Soon she’s breathing steady and falls asleep, as do I.

“One hour!” she yells, then swats me in the head with a pillow.

I sit up and look at the clock. It’s five thirty. Her first class starts in thirty minutes. She races out of bed, grabs her outfit from the hanger, and quickly gets dressed. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and rub my heels into my closed eyeballs.

She makes a mad dash for the bathroom, but I grab her around the waist and snatch her up. She giggles, then looks at me in the eyes.

“You’re going to do great today,” I assure her.

“You don’t have to come to class,” she says, for the millionth time.

“I want to,” I tell her, swat her on the ass, then let her go.

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