In the Red Zone (17 page)

Read In the Red Zone Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Kiana’s eyes widened as she added up the numbers. “Holy cow, Sherita, we may crack a million dollars.”

“If we do, you need to give Mr. Well Connected a very special thank-you gift.” She nodded toward the man with bright red hair coming their way. “And I hope it includes some kinky stuff.”

Kiana’s cheeks flamed. She elbowed her friend, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Frank. The cut of his tux framed his broad shoulders and added an air of refinement to his muscular physique. His hair burned like fire under the dim light of the ballroom’s chandeliers, but it paled in comparison to the heat radiating from his pale blue eyes.

His grin widened as he joined them. “You ladies look lovely this evening,” he said even though his gaze never strayed from Kiana.

“You look very nice, too.”

“Of course I do. Just because I’m a dumb jock doesn’t mean I can’t pull off the James Bond look from time to time.” He smoothed down the satin lapels of his jacket and straightened his bow tie. “But I’ll look even better with a lovely lady like yourself at my side.”

He offered her his arm, and Kiana took it with a roll of her eyes. “Do you ever stop?”

“Is there a reason why I should?” He lowered his mouth to her ear. “You look as delicious as lemon meringue pie. Sweet, but tempting me to taste you.”

He pressed his lips to the sensitive area behind her earlobe, and a flash of desire shot straight to her core, making her knees wobble. She hadn’t had any more dates with him since she’d told him about Savannah—mostly because she’d been so focused on making sure the gala went off without a hitch—but that didn’t stop Frank from snagging a few passionate kisses whenever he could.

Of course, with the front doors to the ballroom about to open, this wasn’t the time or place to screw him senseless like she wanted to. “Behave,” she said through a clenched smile. “Tre is staring at us.”

“Let him. For all he knows, we’re going over last-minute preparations for the evening.” He trailed his fingers along her bare back. “For example, I’m dying to know if you’re wearing those sexy granny panties with the secret opening tonight.”

Dear Lord, if he didn’t stop, she’d make a spectacle of herself by dragging him to whatever private location she could find just to ease the ache building between her legs. As it was, her skin was growing so warm, she was in danger of breaking out in a sweat and ruining her makeup. “Not tonight.”

“Too bad. I really enjoyed them. Almost as much as I enjoyed you.”

There was just enough innuendo in his voice to raise a whimper into her throat. “Frank Kelly, if you don’t behave…”

He laughed and added a few inches of much-needed space between them. “You’re so sexy when you’re flushed.”

“Maybe so, but this is supposed to be an upscale event, so please practice some decorum.”

“Yes, ma’am. I promise to be a perfect gentleman.” But the wicked glint in his eye told her he’d only stay that way until she told him to stop.

She guided him to where Denise and Tre stood ready to greet the attendees.

Her stepmother squeezed her hand. “You’ve done such a beautiful job, Kiana. Your daddy would be proud.”

“It’ll only be a success if we raise the money we need to carry out his mission.” She nodded to the ballroom staff waiting by the door. “It’s six thirty, so let’s get this party started.”

The next hour passed in a blur. As soon as the doors opened, the attendees started pouring in. Atlanta’s elite had turned out in full force, and she could only pray they brought their checkbooks with them. Soft music played in the background while Miss Rosa’s staff wandered the room with polished trays carrying mouth-watering delicacies. Hundreds of voices created a low hum that drowned the pounding of her heart, and heat from the crowd chased away the early April evening chill that had earlier filled the empty ballroom.

Kiana worked her way around the room with Frank firmly at her side. He introduced her to some of the guests he’d invited, starting with some of his teammates and working his way up to local celebrities. She smiled until her cheeks ached and chatted until her throat felt raw, but inside, she could barely suppress her excitement. The evening was turning into everything she’d hoped it would be.

She was just about to beg Frank to take her to the table so she could rest her feet when she turned around and came face to face with Doug Boutry. Her mouth went dry, and all the small talk she’d so easily made all evening failed her.

Frank gave his friend a fist bump. “Dougie, you made it.”

“Of course I did, bro. I gotta make sure my autographed jersey goes for at least a grand.” The basketball star turned his attention to her. “Frank’s been talking nonstop about you and your foundation, and I want to do what I can to help.”

She opened her mouth, but no words came out, and she found herself nodding like an idiot.

“Give her a minute, Dougie.” Frank grinned and winked at her. “She’s a huge fan, but if she saw the sorry-ass way you played
Assassin’s Creed

“Don’t be dissin’ my Xbox skills in front of a hot woman, Kelly.” Doug straightened so he had a couple of inches of height over Frank and glared down at him. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were worried I’d steal her away from you.”

“Hah!” Frank tried to act cocky, but a brief flash of worry flickered across his face when he looked at her.

It was no contest. Kiana looped her arm through Frank’s. “Sorry, Dougie, but I’m already spoken for.”

“Well, if you change your mind…” Now it was Doug’s turn to wink at her before chasing after someone he knew.

“You know you can talk to him,” Frank teased. “It’s just Dougie.”

“I know, but I have all the man I need tonight.” She smiled up at Frank and wondered how he’d managed to carve out a place in her heart so quickly. “Care to dance?”

His grin slipped. “Dance?”

“Yes, dance. I thought you had plenty of moves.” She led him to the small dance floor where couples swayed to the gentle jazz melody. “Besides, this is white people dancing. It should be easy for you.”

But when she wrapped her arms around his neck, a look of panic tightened his face. “Confession time.”


“I have no problem gettin’ down in a club, but I haven’t danced like this since junior high.”

She guided his arms around her waist as though they were a couple at an awkward school dance. “And why is that?”

“Because if I make an ass of myself at a club, I can blame it on a number of things. Too much booze, for example. But this…” His voice trailed off, and he stared at her face. “When I’m dancing this close to you, I forget about everything else around me.”

“Then keep your eyes on me and know I’m right here with you until the end.”

“Even if I step on your feet?”

She laughed as she pressed her forehead to his. There was little danger of that. For all his hesitation, Frank glided across the floor with the same ease he’d demonstrated when they danced the salsa weeks ago. In his arms, she felt safe, secure, loved. And it was all too easy to fall in love with him on the dance floor.


The ballroom had six bars set up around the perimeter, but Frank zeroed in on the one his friends and teammates had claimed for most of the evening. He ordered a scotch for himself and a glass of champagne for Kiana before asking Tre, “How are you doing?”

“Okay, I suppose. Bored with all the fancy nonsense.”

A chill coursed down his spine, and Frank hesitated a moment before asking, “I meant, how are you doing overall?” When Tre didn’t answer right away, he added, “I saw the notice.”

“So?” Tre replied with a healthy dose of surly attitude.

Neither of them wanted to say out loud that Tre had been released from the team that morning.

“Have you told them?” Frank nodded to where Kiana and Denise were chatting at a table.

“Why? So I can distract them from all the wonderful work daddy’s little girl has done?” Tre slammed his glass down on the bar and indicated that he wanted a refill. “Besides, my agent is already on it. Some other team will pick me up. Everything’s going to be all right.”

He sounded like he was trying more to convince himself instead of Frank, especially with the way his voice wobbled at the end.

“I hate to lose you as a teammate.”

“More like you’re worried that I’m going to run you over when I’m playing for someone else.” He took his full glass and stumbled forward. “But keep it just between us for the night. I don’t want Mama and Kiana worrying.”

“Don’t worry, Tre. I’m sure I can find plenty of ways to distract your sister.”

Tre cut him off, his eyes turning into narrow slits. “What are you playing at with her?”

“I’m not playing at all. I like her, and I hope you’re okay with us dating.”

Tre’s eyes narrowed even more, and his chest puffed out. “Watch it, Romeo. Kiana’s been through enough shit already, and she doesn’t need any more from you.”

was putting it mildly, based on what little he’d read from Cully’s investigation. “I know. She told me about Malcolm and Savannah, and that’s why I’m on my best behavior around her.”

Tre fell back a step and blinked several times, his expression going lax with surprise. “She told you about Savannah?”

Frank nodded. “A couple weeks ago, actually. I haven’t met her yet, but I understand why Kiana wants to shelter her.”

“Fine.” Tre took a long drink from his glass. “Just remember—I’m watching you. You’re my friend, but she’s my sister. Got it?”


Frank turned his attention back to the woman who’d held it from the moment he entered the ballroom. He meant what he’d said earlier about her being tempting enough to taste. The yellow dress she wore exposed a swath of silky skin along her back and shoulders that practically invited him to press his lips to it, and the soft pink of her lips was innocent and yet delectably kissable.

Of course, he wanted to do more than kiss her. Two weeks had passed since the “date” in her office, and he’d been suffering a string of nightly hard-ons from wanting to be buried inside her again. But with the gala so close, they’d had very little alone time. He only hoped that once this evening was over, he’d be able to enjoy more than just a few naughty kisses from her.

Chapter Fourteen


Kiana wasn’t sure if her giddiness was due to the champagne she’d consumed throughout the evening, the warmth of Frank’s hand pressed into the small of her back as he peered over her shoulder, or the final number on Sherita’s iPad. “Is that correct?”

“I triple checked it just to make sure,” her best friend replied. “The final tally for the evening’s auction was $267,519.”

Kiana sank back in a chair. The gala had ended less than an hour ago, but the ballroom’s staff was still cleaning up around them. “That exceeded our expectations.”

“That’s because some people flat out gave us donations.” Sherita pulled out the bank bag and showed her the contents. “Look at all the checks we collected.”

Denise clapped her hands and then pinched Kiana’s cheeks. “I knew if anyone could pull this off, it was you. Your daddy would be so proud.”

Kiana’s joy was tempered by the sulk forming on Tre’s face. She reached out to him and pulled him closer. “We all did it.”

But she knew where the real thanks lay. Her smile widened when she looked up at Frank. “I couldn’t have done this without all of you.”

“Just come out and say it, Kiana. It was all due to my pretty face on your ad.” Frank gave her his cheeky grin before bending down to place a chaste kiss on top of her head.

“Oh, yes, Frank, it was all you,” she said, tongue in cheek.

It wasn’t far from the truth, though. The amount of support he’d been able to gather from the sports community still boggled her mind. If her estimations were correct, he’d been responsible at least in some part for eighty percent of the money they’d raised.

“You’ve all done well.” Denise covered her mouth as she yawned. “And if y’all will excuse me, it’s time for this old lady to get to bed.”

“I’ll take you home, Mama. Just give me a minute.” Tre rose from the chair he’d been slouching in for most of the evening and approached her. “If you want, I can deposit the checks in the morning for you.”

“I can do it.”

“Kiana, please, let me do something. Besides, you deserve a few days off after all the hard work you’ve put in.”

She was too tired and too tipsy to argue, especially when her brother was finally making an effort to help with the foundation. She nodded to Sherita. “Let him take the bank bag.”

Her friend zipped it up and secured it with a zip tie. “Here you go, ready to deposit. I even filled out the forms for you.”

“Thanks.” Tre’s mouth twitched as he took the bank bag, and he lowered his gaze. “Mama’s right, you know. You did a good job, Kiana.”

“Thanks, Tre.” It was the closest thing to a compliment she’d gotten from him since she’d taken over the foundation.

Her brother left the ballroom with Denise, and Sherita bounced up from her chair. “And now that I’m off the hook, I’m out of here, too. Have a wonderful weekend, you two.”

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