In Too Deep: A Romantic Suspense Novel (21 page)

The North Side isn't exactly Hell's Kitchen New York, but it's not the sort of place a guy just hangs out in a Mercedes sports coupe either. I didn't want Mark to have any problems, so I gave in. "Fine. I drive an old Honda Civic. I mean, the thing's so old they still have that old badge on the back, the one that looks like it says CVCC instead of Civic?"

"I know what you mean. I'm not afraid to note my first car was one of those too," Mark said. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and smirked. "What, you thought I was born with money? When you get to know me well enough, you'll find all sorts of surprises."

The comment touched me. Maybe he really did want to see me again and wasn't just giving me a line back in the parking lot.

Chapter 5


he Vista Garden Apartments
weren't the worst apartments I'd ever been to. My work takes me to worse places sometimes, although I didn't exactly like hanging out in locales like this. I spotted Sophie's Civic almost immediately, and noted that it was parked in the slot for apartment 212. I filed it away, along with the fact that her car had a parking sticker for not only the local university, but the university hospital. Her story about being a student wasn't bullshit.

"I'm sorry that our dance got cut off," I told her after stopping the car. "I know it's a bit sudden, but are you busy Sunday night?"

"Yeah," she told me sadly. "I'm doing a night shift at the ER. But I'm free Tuesday."

"Tuesday it is. I'll pick you up here, seven o'clock Tuesday."

Being the gentleman I am, I went around and opened the door for her, helping her out of my Mercedes before pulling her in for a kiss. Her lips were just as soft as I had hoped, and her body molded itself nicely against me. She was a bit shy at first, but when my tongue probed at her lips, she opened herself willingly, until she was clutching against me. I was tempted to delay my work for the night, but knew that I couldn't. Instead, I broke our kiss regretfully and looked into her eyes. "It was wonderful meeting you, Sophie. Can I ask, what's your last name?"

"Sophie White," she said, biting her lip again in that unconscious sexy way she had. "What about you?"

"Mark Snow," I said, both of us chuckling at the similar nature of our last names. I thought about giving her one of my five different aliases, but I decided against it. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Sophie White."

I headed back to my car before remembering that I promised Sophie my card. Reaching into the slot in between the cell phone holder and my stereo, I grabbed the slim metal case that I kept my cards in. I flipped it open and considered which of my different cards to hand her. Finally, for reasons I still don't fully understand, I handed her my professional card, the one that read "Mark Snow, troubleshooter," along with my cell phone number. I had never given it out to a regular person before.

"Here, just in case you thought I wasn't telling you the truth earlier," I joked, handing her my card. "Call me when you get off work tomorrow?"

Sophie's smile was worth the niggling little voice in my head that was telling me I should have given her one of my aliases. As I drove away into the night, I only hoped my appointment in the North Side wouldn't take me too long.


had bought
my Mercedes not for the performance, although it was a great car, but, like Sophie said, for its ability to be totally silent when I wanted it to be. Driving slowly, I crept up until I was about two hundred yards away from my destination before I pulled over and waited. It's one of the advantages of an electric car. I can sit in idle mode in total silence and very few people will notice me.

I have a very hard and fast rule in my line of work, one I've adopted personally. I always make sure the problem is present before I go in and do anything. Too many operators in my profession just go in there regardless of the mess they make. I prefer to prevent future problems for me and my employers, and for that reason, I was highly sought after.

It took me almost thirty minutes to verify that the problem was there, and that I wouldn't be creating a scene or causing more mess by going in. Fine. I reached under the passenger seat of my car and took out my tools.

Time to go to work.

Chapter 6


barely was
aware of walking up the steps to my apartment, or going inside and locking the door behind me. When I got to my living room, I flopped down on the couch, trying to find something to watch on TV to wind down. But my mind was still whirling with the feel of Mark's lips on mine, and his strong arms pulling me into him. The confident feel of his kiss was different than any other first kiss I'd ever had, and my body betrayed my morals. I'd never slept with a guy on the first meeting, but I wanted him so badly it literally hurt. If he asked to come in, I'd have most definitely said yes.

"I gotta get a shower," I said to myself, pushing myself up off the couch. "For fuck's sake, I have work in the morning."

Taking off my clothes, I had to literally peel my panties away from my body they were so soaked. The scent of my arousal smacked me in the face, and I moaned, wishing there was something I could do about it. The way my body was feeling, however, I knew that anything I did would be empty. It's kind of like when you know you want a real drink, but all you have around is Diet Dr. Pepper. It's just not good enough.

The cool water of the shower cascaded over my shoulders and hair, which at first helped with my arousal, but when my already tight nipples got bathed in the water, the painful pleasure had me gasping, my head leaning against the tile of the shower, silently begging for something to help release the pressure inside me. I could feel the warm wetness dripping down the insides of my thighs, and knew that if my hands went anywhere near my waist, I'd be masturbating like crazy within seconds. The thing is, if I did, I'd be left frustrated and unsatisfied.

Taking deep, shuddering breaths, I quickly washed the areas that I could without increasing my arousal, and at least getting the sweat washed off of my arms, legs and shoulders. Finally, I did what almost every other time calmed me down. I massaged shampoo into my long hair, an herbal blend that I always use whenever I need inner peace. It takes a long time to wash my hair because it's so thick, so by the time I finished, I thought I might have myself under control.

At least, I thought I was under control, until I got out of the shower. The first sign to me that things weren't as calm as I had hoped was when my nipples tightened again as I pulled my terrycloth robe on. Fireworks sparkled in front of my eyes when the cotton scraped over my breasts, and I had to lean on my sink while I tried to regain control.

"Fuck this," I groaned, looking up into the mirror. The woman who looked back at me was desperate with lust and needed sex, regardless of if it was good or not. "I guess I'm going through a few batteries tonight."

I was heading back to my bedroom, my mind filled with thoughts of Mark's body and my vibrator trying to blend themselves, when a knock came at the door. I stopped and considered ignoring the knock, when it came again. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I could see it was almost eleven thirty.

Tabby, you better be out of cash and smashed out of your mind
, I muttered to myself as I headed for the door.
Because if you just came to see if I went home with Mark or not.....

My quiet monolog cut short when I opened the door, and I saw Mark standing, leaning against the door frame. "Sorry, did I interrupt you?"

I stood there like an idiot for at least five seconds, until Mark's face broke out in a bit of a cocky grin. "I guess I did. How was your shower?"

Looking down at myself, I realized I was still wearing my robe. "Uh.... nice," I stammered, sounding like an idiot. "How did you figure out my apartment?"

Mark chuckled. "How about you let me in your apartment, and I'll tell you?"

I stepped back, the angel of my morals falling silent as Mark's handsome smile melted any resistance I might have had. "Um... sure. Come on in."

I watched as he calmly made his way across my living room and stood in the middle, looking around. "It's nice. A lot of little touches that elevate the place."

"Thanks, I think," I said, closing the door. "But you haven't answered my question."

"Pretty simple, really. You said you had an old Honda, and an old Honda is parked in slot two twelve. I figured it was a pretty safe bet."

I had to admit what he said made sense. "Note to self, don't tell guys I just met about my crappy car," I joked, trying to clear my head. It was hard to do with him standing there. He was even more handsome in the light of my living room than he had been in the muted lights of the club. "But Mark, this is highly irregular."

Mark turned to me, his eyes smoldering and powerful. "Sophie, if you want me to leave, all you have to do is ask. I can walk out that door, and Tuesday we'll have a very nice, very polite date."


"Or I can stay."

Mark's words were accompanied by a promise of something in his eyes, something I'd never felt before. Erotic, sensual, and utterly satisfying, his eyes said to me that if I let him stay, my life would never be the same again. Still, my hand reached for the doorknob, resting on it for a moment before falling away to hang by my side. I turned and walked towards him, putting my arms around his neck. It was so different than the kiss in the parking lot. Without my high heels on, he almost towered over me, looking down into my eyes. "You know, we never did finish that dance."

With liquid grace and restrained strength, Mark pulled me into a dance, both of us moving sensuously and slowly to unheard music. I should have felt stupid. I mean, there I was, in my old terrycloth bathrobe, slow dancing in my living room to no music at all. I should have felt like the world's cheesiest idiot.

Instead, all I was aware of was Mark's eyes, and the feel of his hands on my waist, and the fact that under my robe I was still as naked as the day I was born. I know my breasts were straining against the old cotton, and with each heartbeat I could feel myself growing hotter and hotter.

"You're going to have to ask for it," Mark said, guiding me around until I was leaning against the wall. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Kiss me," I whispered, my mouth suddenly dry. "I want you to kiss me again."


I could see the challenge in his eyes, and the smirk on his face. I should have been slapping his face. I should have been calling him a perverted asshole. Instead, I opened my mouth and said the truth. "I want to have sex with you."

His chuckle sent ripples down my spine. "How clinical. Are you going to ask me to put my penis inside your vagina now? Tell me what you really want, Sophie White."

"Fuck me," I said, a plaintive note in my voice I had never heard before. "I want you to fuck me."

Mark pulled me away from the wall, almost sweeping me off my feet as he half carried, half pushed me over to the couch. We fell onto the old sofa in a tangle of arms and legs, Mark somehow turning us in midair so that I landed mostly on top of him. His lips found mine again, demanding and possessive, and I submitted to him willingly. I could feel him pressed against my thigh, and I quivered at the thought of his hard cock penetrating me, filling me up.

I almost screamed when Mark's left hand slipped inside my robe, cupping my right breast and kneading the soft skin. I'm proud of my breasts, which are a rightful D cup, even after losing weight. Mark knew just what he was doing, rubbing his thumb over my nipple until it stood up like a pink gumdrop on my skin, sending jolts of pleasure through my body. "Marrrrkkk," I could hear myself moaning as he left my lips to explore the curve of my neck, his lips sucking and nipping at my skin. It had been far too long since I felt a man on me like he was, and none of the previous ones measured up to Mark. "I need you."


could hear
the want in her voice. Inside my head, a war was raging. Part of me wanted to be tender, to be romantic and polite. But I had heard it in her voice, and in her eyes. Sophie had been with enough Mr. Nice Guys to fill her dance ticket for a while. She needed a Bad Ass. She wanted me to take charge, to dominate her. I wasn't sure if it was because of prior relationships that went wrong. Or maybe she was a natural submissive, I hadn't made up my mind yet. Either way, me being a nice guy wasn't going to give either of us what we wanted. So I let part of my work personality creep in, not that it was hard after just completing an assignment.

"You're being very demanding," I growled, pushing her up and off of me. The fact that my push took the robe off her shoulders and let it hang from the belt around her waist was an unexpected bonus. Her breasts were perfect, the sort that hung round and full, slightly sloping to mouthwatering pinkish red nipples. It took all my concentration not to just feast upon her breasts hanging there so close to my face. Instead, I tore my eyes away and grinned at her. "If you want something, you need to use the magic word."

I scrambled back and stood up from the couch, my cock straining painfully at my jeans. Fixing a smirk on my face, I reached down and stroked her face, brushing some of her lustrous hair out of her eyes. "On your knees."

Sophie blinked once, then blushed, climbing off the couch and onto the carpet in front of me, kneeling at my feet. The tug of her knees pulled her robe the rest of the way off, revealing her entire body to me. She was even more beautiful nude than she was in her sexy club wear, and my cock pushed at my jeans to the point I swore the zipper was going to burst. She looked up at me with her large, beautiful eyes, her face still slightly pink, and put her hands together on her lap. "Please...."

"You want my cock?" I asked, unbuttoning my shirt with my left hand while stroking her face with my right.

"Yes, Mark. I want your cock," Sophie said, bringing her hand up to rub the bulge in my jeans. She ran her hand all the way from my balls to the tip, her eyes growing wider with every inch she found. "It's huge."

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