INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2) (13 page)

Read INK: Vanishing Point (Book 2) Online

Authors: Bella Roccaforte

Tags: #NA, #Horror, #Paranormal, #Paranormal Suspense, #New Adult, #Paranormal Romance

My shaking is subsiding, but I’m
still upset, “That was so creepy, Carl. I thought he was going
to kill me.”

“He’s harmless, sweetheart.
Besides, I was right outside. I’m not going to let anything
happen to you.” His heavy southern drawl helps his words sound
true. He drops his arms from around me and goes to the picture of
Aiden and me. “Darlin’ this isn’t how it happened.”
His voice is bewildered and laced with disappointment.

“It isn’t?” I’m
hopeful that maybe I didn’t stab Aiden.

He turns to me with a half smile raising
his cheek, “Nope, it isn’t.”

“Then tell me what happened,”
I plead with him.

“I can’t; you have to
remember on your own.” The remorse in his expression is
palpable. I can tell he wants to tell me. “You’re
supposed to go in for questioning today; if you don’t remember
by then I’ll tell you all I know when you're done. Deal?”

“Deal,” I say, hanging my
head in defeat.

“Let’s go, you’ve got
to get ready and I’m sure Eli is ready to mobilize the National
Guard to find you.” He puts his arm around my shoulders.

“Wait, Bailey had a key to the

“We’ll send someone over to
change the locks.” He takes my back pack.

“But how did he get a key, Carl?”
That’s the part of this that disturbs me most.

“You said he was at the signing;
did you lose your keys?” Carl asks urging me out the door.

“No, I have my keys.”

“Well then that’s just
another mystery we’ll have to solve. But let’s get out of

Chapter 13
Mistress of Mischief


The entrance of Eli’s neighborhood
leaves a heavy feeling on my chest when we pass through the gate. Not
just because of the all the reporters. They are there, but there’s
more. It’s like when I was sixteen and my Dad caught up with me
and Aiden after we had run away. My arms are tightly folded across my
chest and Carl hasn’t said a word all the way over. He wouldn’t
let me drive my car, saying that it was a bad idea until I got a
clean bill of health from the doctor.

“Shit!” My dad’s car
is in the driveway. I know he’s going to be pissed that I took
off, but I’m a grown woman.

“He’s just worried about
you, like we all are.” Carl pulls onto the sidewalk.

I do my best zombie walk, trying to put
off the inevitable. I know Eli’s going to be upset and hurt
that I left. I had grown very comfortable in my solitude. No one told
me what to do or what I couldn’t do.

Carl looks back at me and rolls his
eyes, “Really Shay, how old are you?”

I groan and slow down even more, letting
my neck get rubbery and shoulders slouch. “I don’t
wanna.” If everyone is going to treat me like I'm three, I
might as well act like it. I stop in the middle of the driveway.

“Shay, come on. What’s
gotten into you?” He looks at me like I’m crazy.

“Nuthin’” I drop my
backpack in the driveway and refuse to take another step.

Carl puts on his best pissed-off face,
knitting his brows across his tense forehead, which is pretty scary.
“In the house,

The mischief monster that lives deep
inside me has taken over, and all of the seriousness and pain of all
the darkness has driven me to mad silliness. I’m not smart
enough to pull this bullshit on someone that loves me. I pull it on
the biggest, baddest motherfucker I know. Live dangerously, right?
Besides, Carl is a big teddy bear. When I first met him I imagined
that he'd killed dozens of men for looking at him wrong. I’ll
bet he’d have a hard time hurting a fly. I’m evaluating
my chances of getting away with more of a childish outburst than I’ve
already had.

I fold my arms across my chest and say
simply, “No.”

He’s completely perplexed; he
doesn’t know what to make of my mental ramblings or my refusal
to move. “This is your last chance; get in the house."

“Or what?” I challenge and
purse my lips pulling them to the side raising an eyebrow.

He starts toward me and I take off
running on the grass. I’m feeling daring so try to pull off a
cartwheel, “try” being the operative word. I fall in the
grass laughing, but get up quick to escape Carl, who is barreling
toward me to drag me in the house. He’s good and pissed. I’ve
managed to get the whole world angry with me now.

Laughing, I run around the yard staying
just out of Carl’s reach. His face is turning red. And all I
can do is laugh and feel free even though I can feel the blood
pumping through my neck. Carl’s trying to hide the smile on his
face, but I see it. I think this is just what we both needed. I'm
skipping and giggling so hard my feet fail me and he swoops in and
grabs me up.

Laughter is rattling through me while I
kick my feet in protest. “Put me down!”

“You are a troublesome little
thing, you know that?” he half laughs, trying to maintain his
serious Carl demeanor.

“Shayleigh!” The moment of
silliness is shattered by my father’s voice booming across the

“Oh shit.” I look at Carl.

“Oh shit is right.” He nods
to the driveway where my Dad is standing with Eli and McNab. I slide
down from Carl and plant my feet on the ground.

“What are you doing, Carl?”
McNab and his serious tone does not make it any easier to control the
giggles trying to bust out of me.

“Bringing her in the house sir.”
Carl is stiff, chastised.

Eli is standing next to McNab
unblinking, he’s good and pissed. “Shay?”

“What is it with you people?”
I pick up my backpack walking toward the front door, “Everyone’s
so serious. I’m the one that’s going to jail for
murdering my neighbors, your mistress and my boyfriend, fiancé,
ex-boyfriend…whatever. My house burnt down, meaning I don’t
have a home, and probably don’t have a job. I’m not
allowed to drive; did I miss anything? Oh yeah and I had a stalker
watching me sleep all night. Is that enough of a suckfest to cut me a
little slack when I can find some happiness?" I turn around at
the door and look at the four of them just staring at me like I did
something wrong. I can’t stop myself even with Dad there I let
it roll off my tongue like a dare: “Fuck. All. Y'all.”

I quickly think to myself,
you Carl
He winks at me with a hint of a smile. I walk through the door and
slam it.



We are all standing here stunned. I
don’t think Harry has ever heard Shay say “fuck”
before. Judging from his jowls hanging to the driveway he's just as
shocked as any of us. I feel pretty bad for Carl, I know what it’s
like getting caught up in her whirlwind. It’s a beautiful
thing, like standing in the middle of a hurricane or watching a tidal
wave coming straight for you. It’s terrifying yet exhilarating.

We’re all speechless, but
McFruitcake speaks first, “Does she have a history of

“Not that’s been
documented.” I start for the front door. “But trust me,
we are about to see a major mood swing after I tell her where I’ve
been all night.”

“She’s had a pretty eventful
evening too.” Carl chimes in, then looks at McFruitcake, “We
need to talk.”

“Yes, you need to fill me in on
everything that’s been happening.” McFruitcake turns to
Harry and me. “We’ll meet you inside.”

“Fine, let’s go Harry. This
is going to be hard for her and she’s going to be questioned
about this one in the meeting today,” I say leading Harry into
the house.

Chapter 14
Grenades & Desperate Petting


This is the best shower ever. Eli had
the good sense to have one of those rainmaker shower heads installed
when he had the house built. It makes the water feel extra special
soft just gliding on my skin. I don’t feel one bit bad about
letting loose today. Something has to give or I am going to lose my
shit completely. I can’t take being cooped up forever with no
fun and be surrounded by frowny faces all day and night.

I turn the water off and wring the
excess water from my hair. I grab the towel hanging outside the door
and wrap it around myself and step out of the shower. Eli rounds the
corner with his button-up shirt half off and stops when he sees me.
Oh crap, there’s still some mischief left in me and seeing his
bare chest and lean six-pack just makes me feel a little naughtier. I
bite my lip to keep it from quivering.

Eli can’t take his eyes off me;
his words don’t match his tone. “I’m sorry, I
didn’t realize you were in here.” He starts to turn away.

“Where are you going?” My
eyebrows are arched in interest.

“I was going to let you get
dressed.” He looks away and brings his shirt back up onto his

“I would rather you get
undressed.” Swaying over to where he’s standing, I run my
hands under his shirt and up onto his strong shoulders, slipping his
shirt off in the process. Looking up into his sparkling blue eyes, I
can’t help but think of the sapphires on the ring. I knead my
fingers into his skin.

He puts his hands on my waist. He has a
pained look on his face as he touches his forehead to mine, expelling
a long breath. “You drive me crazy, Shay.”

Eli’s mouth rolls toward mine as I
tilt my head and breathe onto his lips. “Kiss me.”

His gaze locks onto mine as I look up at
him through my lashes, giving him the best “fuck me” look
I have. He squeezes his eyes shut. “Shay.” He hesitates.

My finger rests heavy on his bottom lip,
dragging it down lightly. “Shhh, just kiss me.”

Our lips melt together and my body
presses hard against him. His hands glide down to my ass and Eli
grabs on. His tongue slowly explores the inside of my mouth teasing
in the most sinful ways. Eli’s driving me crazy and he knows
it. My fingers find the beauty of his strong back. I dig in with my
nails and he intensifies the kiss.

A moan rattles from within me; I want
him to take me away from all of this by way of his ecstasy. Eli
hasn’t made love to me in too long. I need him. I need to feel
free with him; it’s always pure and sweet.

He pulls back breathless and holds his
eyes shut tight, “Shay, we have to go; we don’t have

I can’t hear him say that right
now, I can’t hear those words from him now. “Eli, please
don’t tell me no.”

“Shay, I have to, you have to be
there. On time.” His hands come back up to my waist.

Tears sting at the corner of my eyes. I
look down to keep him from seeing them. “Eli, please. I need to
be with you. Feel close to you, one last time.”

“What do you mean ‘one last
time?’” Gently he guides my chin up to meet his eyes.

“Eli, they are going to put me in
jail. I’m not coming back here. We both know it.” I suck
in my lip to keep it from quivering.

“No,” he corrects me with a
tiny huff of a laugh, “They aren’t putting you in jail;
they are trying to nail Aiden for shooting you. They already have a
warrant out for his arrest; they are just trying to gather evidence
against him.”

“Are you sure?” I actually
feel like a three year old now looking up at him.

“Is that what this is all about?
You wanted to have sex with me because you thought you were going to
jail?” He’s trying to hide the hurt in his tone, but it's
there and I can hear it.

I nod, my eyes still locked on his.
“Partly.” It comes out weak. “And I’ve missed
you and I wanted you to remember me, you know, if I was gone for a
long time.”

“Shay,” His voice is
scolding yet soft. “First you’re not going to jail;
second I could never forget you.” He pulls me into him so I can
full and ready to go. “This is for you and nobody else."

I run my fingers down his back, lightly
touching his skin to give it one last try. “Are you sure we
don’t have time?”

“Right now I have to get you down
to the law firm. There are a couple of other things we need to go
over before we go to the police station.”

“Police station? Why are we going
there.” My mood changes in an instant.

“Jason will explain everything.
Your Dad is going to take you to the office. Then I’ll meet you
down there?” He says it like he’s asking permission.

“Okay, I guess I don’t have
much of a choice.” I pout and drop my towel as he walks past me
to get in the shower.

“Shay, go get dressed before I
change my mind.” He says looking at me hungrily.

“Why not? I apparently kill
everyone else,” I say under my breath as I leave the bathroom.



I want to believe Eli, but nothing ever
seems to go as planned. He’s holding something big back from
me. I don’t know what it is, but it’s huge. Getting
dressed in my
outfit, I wonder if I’ll ever have more than two again. I run a
comb through my wet hair and pull it back into a high pony tail. I’m
not trying to impress anyone and I’m not in the mood for a

Dad’s been out there with McNab
and Carl for a while now. I shouldn’t leave them alone for too
long. Who knows what could happen? To say that McNab was unorthodox
would be the understatement of the century and Dad is so
old-fashioned it could go real bad real fast.

There’s laughter coming from the
great room. As I walk in from the hallway the talking stops, as
usual. “Taker of tongues.” I mutter under my breath.

“What’s that, honey?”
Dad asks.

“Nothing, just my Native American
name.” I breeze past them to the kitchen for coffee. Carl
snickers and McNab shoots him a look.

“McNab was just telling me about
some lady that thought she had a ghost in her house, but turned out
it was just a rat that was caught in the toilet trying to get out.”
Dad can barely say the words he’s laughing so hard, “Being
on the force for as long as I was, I know how many stupid people
there are out there.”

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