It's Always Been You (21 page)

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Authors: Victoria Paige

“That statement was made in poor taste, Travis.”

“Was there someone other than Cooper?” Travis repeated. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

“I’m not answering that,” Caitlin fired back. “My time with Jase is my own. You don’t get to be a part of that.”

She fisted her hand in her mouth to stop her from saying something more hurtful.

“Fuck!” Travis growled, hitting his palm on the dashboard.

It was going to be a long drive.


They arrived in the town of Iron Ridge late in the evening. Instead of going to a diner, Travis suggested they just head to the local bar that was known for their microbrew choices and their farm-to-table philosophy.

They had reservations at the Bluebell Bed and Breakfast under the name, Mr. and Mrs. Travis Bennett. The country inn had three suites and five regular rooms. They managed to snag a suite because of a cancellation. Caitlin hated that she and Travis were barely civil to each other. Their tiff in the car caused a very uncomfortable four-hour drive, rife with tension, neither willing to apologize. She refused to censor her words all the time. The statement wouldn’t have been a big deal if she had all her memories. Travis needed to get over her past.

It was a hot and humid night, so she pulled out one of her strapless dresses with a flounce skirt. Iron Ridge was a small community known for an eclectic mix of people from hippies and hipsters to bikers. So really anything went. She’d probably dress biker chic tomorrow, and was curious what Travis would think of that.

Travis emerged from the bathroom, towel around his hips, which he quickly discarded to dry his hair and back further. Caitlin managed not to react from the display of chiseled perfection. The rippling of muscles under taut skin as he rubbed the towel against himself was infinitely erotic. It didn’t help that he had a magnificent ass and imagining how it flexed as he pounded inside her—
Whew, it’s getting hot in here.
She concentrated on gathering her hair up in a messy knot, ignoring the heat that flushed her skin before simmering down to her belly. She could feel her core start to swell with arousal.
Stop it!

When she turned from the lighted vanity table, she drew in a ragged breath. Travis was watching her with a predatory gaze. His eyes never wavered even as he buttoned on a white linen shirt. Thankfully, he had already put on cargo shorts.

“I’m ready.” Caitlin hated how her voice quivered.

“You look nice,” Travis said.

Okay, they were still pissed at each other. Nice? What happened to sexy or gorgeous? Clearly her man was trying to get a rise out of her. She childishly didn’t want to give in and say he looked devastatingly handsome. The white shirt played against his tan. What was he trying to do, give all the estrogen in the bar apoplexy?

“Can we get moving? I’m hungry,” Caitlin groused.

Travis shrugged as he sat on the bed to put on his sneakers. He rose slowly and rested his hand on the small on her back to nudge her forward. “Come on.”

Foster Bar was already hopping. The hostess sat them at a corner booth, leaving them with a couple of menus. There was a game room in the back with a couple of pool tables. Dark wood vaulted ceilings, a nickel-plated bar, and a collection of antique-looking tables and chairs brought a uniqueness to this place that suited the quaint town.

One end of the main room had a communal table that was presently occupied by a group of bikers and their women. Caitlin knew a bit about biker culture from watching a popular series on TV. Some of the women were called “sweet butts,” who were like groupies that hung around the club. They were property of the club and had its protection. Others had earned the position as an “old lady,” who was a biker’s steady girl or wife. Hipsters in their tight jeans and vintage clothes filled the other side of the establishment. They were huddled together discussing politics and art. Some were busy on their smartphones texting or posting on some social media website. One thing Caitlin would say though, there was no shortage of tattooed bodies around. Travis himself had ink on his back.

“Interesting place,” Travis murmured above the din of chatter, clinking bottles, and laughter. His eyes were watchful. He was frowning at the group of bikers. More than a couple of them had turned their heads when she and Travis walked in.

Their server stopped by and set glasses of water on the table. “Anything to drink besides water?”

“What do you have on tap?”

The waitress rattled off a couple of local brews, plus the standard fare of Bud and Heineken. Both of them ordered a pilsner. For dinner, Travis chose the grass-fed porterhouse steak, and Caitlin went with the lamb burger with tzatziki sauce. They were sitting side by side on the booth, Travis’s thighs rubbing languidly against hers. Caitlin ignored his underhanded tactic of seducing her to revert to the status quo. He was out of line earlier and he needed to apologize.

They did make small talk over dinner. About how juicy the burger was, or how Travis still preferred the taste of corn-fed beef. But their tone was more as acquaintances. Caitlin made some inane comment about the interesting architecture of the bar. Travis mentioned the following day’s weather forecast and some of the activities they could do.

“Do you want to head back to the inn? Or do you want to grab a couple of drinks?” Travis asked. He signaled for the check.

“I’m not tired. We can hang out here for a couple of drinks.”

“I’ll settle the bill for dinner, and we can move to the bar and open a new tab.”

Caitlin nodded and motioned for Travis to get out of the booth. He frowned at her. “Where are you going?”

“Ladies room.” She made to flounce off, but Travis caught her arm.

“Wait a sec, I’ll go with you.”

“Don’t be silly. See that line there?” Caitlin pointed to the far corner where a couple of women were texting on their phone or chatting with each other. “That’s the ladies room line.”

She tried to pull her arm again. “Caitlin.” His voice was firm, his mask of indifference dissolving.

Either it was the alcohol, or she was just plain exasperated at him. She yanked her arm out of his grasp and said not too quietly, “Jesus, Travis. It’s just the ladies room!”

Their server appeared with their check distracting Travis enough so she could stomp off before he could stop her.

The line seemed to move quickly, or it seemed some of the women changed their minds about using the restroom when five biker chicks appeared behind her. They were talking loudly, and were bumping against her. If Caitlin didn’t know better, she’d think they were doing it deliberately. When she entered the ladies room, the furthest of the three stalls was the one empty. Two of the biker chicks following in behind her became obnoxious as they pounded on the other two stalls to hurry up the occupants.

Caitlin shook her head and did her business. There was a cackle of laughter that sent goose bumps of alarm up her arms. She suddenly didn’t have a good feeling about this. When she stepped out of her stall, biker chick #1 was sitting on the sink, eyeing her maliciously while biker chick #2 was leaning nonchalantly against the ladies room door, inspecting her hot pink acrylic nails.

Caitlin walked over to the other sink. “There’s a line out the door,” Caitlin said as she washed her hands. “If you girls are not using the restroom, you might want to let the others in.”

“Aw . . . isn’t she an upstanding citizen.” Biker chick #1 leaned over and peered at Caitlin. “Your man is hot, darling. And our own man Duke thinks you’re pretty cute. Although, he hasn’t seen your scar up close. Hey, Marnie, you think Duke will like this chick after all?”

“All he wants is her cunt, Star.”

The women laughed. Caitlin, having had enough, moved to the door. “Let me out.”

Star jumped off from the sink and immediately yanked Caitlin’s hair. “We tell you when you can leave.” The woman hissed at her and released her hair.

There was a rap on the door. Marnie opened it to a tall, blond biker. He was wearing only leather cuts over bare skin. He was exceedingly attractive in a sun-kissed surfer way. His muscular arms were covered with sleeve tattoos, and several chains adorned his neck.

“They treat you all right, doll face?” the newcomer asked, surprisingly courteous.

Caitlin pursed her lips mutinously.

“Damn it, Star, Marnie. Did you bitches scare the poor thing?” blond biker guy snapped.

“Aw, Duke, she didn’t wanna wait for you,” Star whined.

“My husband’s waiting for me,” Caitlin informed them bitingly.

“Now, we know you’re lying, girl,” Duke said. “He’s got a wedding ring, you don’t. Something’s telling me your man is cheating on his wife with you. Don’t blame him, nice piece of ass you are. So, I’m here to be your savior.”

What the fuck?
The situation was too ridiculous for Caitlin to even contemplate.

“I assure you, you all misunderstood, so you can save your Jesus complex for someone else,” Caitlin retorted. She had to walk around Duke to get to the door. She never got there. Her body went airborne, her butt landing on the sink bowl.

“What are you doing?!” Caitlin screeched as her limbs flailed to regain purchase.

Her skirt was shoved up her thighs. Ignoring her gasp of outrage, Duke wedged his hips between her legs, his face dangerously close. “I’m not going to force you, but I’ll give you a taste of my mouth and, if you like, my cock. They don’t call me Big Dick Duke for nothing.” He yanked her against his crotch as if to prove a point. “You’ll be begging for more—”

Duke didn’t finish because Caitlin swung her right fist, connecting against his cheek. She might not have her adrenalin surge, but she wasn’t helpless without it.

“Fuck!” Duke yelled, staggering back. Caitlin swung again, but this time he was ready for her and grabbed both her arms, slamming them to her sides.

Caitlin reared back and head butted him.

“Goddamnit!” he roared. He released her and grabbed his forehead. Caitlin scrambled down, a bit dizzy from cracking her forehead against him, but she was ready for Marnie and Star. She side kicked Star in the gut and sent her flying into one of the stalls. Marnie came at her with her nails. Caitlin blocked her claws and rammed her elbow into the other woman’s cheek, carefully avoiding her nose. Caitlin always felt guilty fighting with women.

Caitlin’s hand was at the door when she was jerked up against Duke’s chest. Her feet were dangling, her arms locked to her sides by a massive arm.

“Get the door,” Duke ordered. One of the women complied. Caitlin didn’t know which girl, because another hand covered her mouth and her nose, forcing her head to tilt up. She couldn’t breathe. He was hauling her toward the rear exit.

Oh no! Travis!

“You’re such a wildcat. I love it,” he muttered in her ear, pleased. “I’m claiming you, pretty girl.”

Caitlin tried to bite his hand, but it seemed Duke was an expert with this tactic of abducting women. When he had her outside, he lowered her to her feet, and started dragging her to where a group of motorcycles was parked.

“Are you crazy? This is kidnapping!”

“Well, sweetheart, we’re outlaws around this town, so that’s a moot point.”

Caitlin was beyond pissed. She twisted the arm holding her with all her might, surprising Duke, and with her free hand, she jabbed him in the throat, sending him to the ground choking.

Star and Marnie, shocked to see Duke go down, could only stare at her. Caitlin took the opportunity to escape, but when she turned, she ran smack into an even bigger, scary-looking biker who grabbed her by the shoulders.

“What the fuck is going on here?” he roared into her face.

“Take your fucking hands off my wife before I break them,” a chillingly calm voice said.


Travis’s eyes followed Caitlin to the ladies room as he handed his credit card to the server. As if on cue, the bikers dispersed from their table. He didn’t like this one bit. His eyes returned to their server as he impatiently waited for her to finish running his card through her mobile payment device. Minutes ticked by until finally, he signed off the credit card receipt and handed the waitress a cash tip.

He made for the ladies room, noting that Caitlin was no longer in line. A biker and biker chick blocked him.

The woman stepped forward, her tits almost spilling out of her tank top. She had the confidence of a woman who knew she looked good. Unfortunately for her, Travis was not impressed, because although he still knew how to appreciate the female form, that was all it was, like an impersonal assessment of art.

“What’s the rush, handsome,” the woman said. She flicked her mane of dirty blonde hair, batted her smoky eyes, and parted her pouty lips for full effect. “I’m Bella, and I can show you some fun around this small town.”

“Get out of my way,” Travis said through gritted teeth.

Bella laid a hand on his arm. She leaned into his personal space, her breasts almost flush with his chest. “You look like a man who could use a proper fuck.”

Travis gripped the woman by her shoulders and set her firmly aside. “Not interested.”

The biker dude stepped up. “I wouldn’t do that, man.”

“I just did. Fuck off.” The biker was a couple of inches shorter than Travis, and the last thing he wanted to do was start a bar fight, but he was quickly losing his temper.

The bartender leaned across the bar and said, “Bella. Damn it. Are you and Duke up to your old tricks again? Stop harassing the tourists or I’m calling your father.”

“Duke?” Travis narrowed his eyes.

“My brother,” Bella said furtively.

Not waiting a second longer, Travis shouldered past the biker.

“Prospect, don’t just stand there, or Duke will have your head,” Bella screeched at the biker with her.

A hand clamped down on Travis’s shoulder, but he quickly turned and grabbed the hand holding him. Before the biker was able to figure out what was going on, Travis had twisted the man’s arm and swept the guy off his feet, forcing him to land flat on his back.

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