James, Stephanie (7 page)

Read James, Stephanie Online

Authors: Fabulous Beast

really quite harmless. Tabby cats are, you know.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Dev said quietly. “But the appearance of being harmless and gentle is

probably part of your charm. I wouldn’t mind at all if you kissed me good night. But I should warn you

that it’s been a long time since I said good night to a woman under moonlight. In fact, it feels like it’s been


Tabitha lifted sensitive fingers to touch the side of his hard cheek, her eyes like sherry wine as they

revealed her sympathy. He seemed so very vulnerable physically and now, she sensed, he was also

vulnerable emotionally. “Has it, Dev?”

He inclined his head once, a little shortly, and she had the distinct impression that he was embarrassed

about his lack of sophisticated experience. Then he leaned against the railing and hooked the ebony cane

over the metal beside him. “I’ve spent a lot of time alone since Amanda left. Too much, it seems, if you

have to be the one to ask me whether or not you can kiss me. I should have swept you off your feet with

a romantic assault out here on deck,” he concluded wryly as he softly folded his large hand over her

fingers, which still rested lightly on his chest.

Instinctively Tabitha moved a little closer, her face lifted anxiously. “Don’t be ridiculous, Dev. If you had

tried to stage a grand assault, I would have wondered what in the world was going on. It wouldn’t have

been in character for you at all!”


She shook her head firmly. “Dev, you’re special precisely because you’re not like other men. You’re

sensitive and, I think, a little shy. Just like me. I feel comfortable with you. Don’t you understand? Men

always seem to be playing some sort of macho game and you don’t do that. You’re honest and gentle

and you don’t try to flirt with every beautiful woman who walks past. You and I are friends. We have

things in common. All of that is so much nicer than having to worry about playing a game, don’t you

think? It’s because I feel we’re on the same wavelength that I felt comfortable asking if I could kiss you.”

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“And if I’d assaulted you instead?” he asked half-humorously, silver eyes gleaming.

She laughed up at him, the amusement mirrored in her warm gaze. “I would have thought you probably

had too much to drink. I’m not the kind of woman men assault, but more importantly, you’re not the kind

of man who goes around pouncing on women.”

His gaze narrowed slightly. “Are you sure that doesn’t make me a little dull?”

“It makes you wonderful,” she whispered happily and stood on tiptoe. Her fingers went lightly around

the back of his head as she raised her lips to brush them against his mouth.

That flower-soft caress was truly all she had intended. A part of Tabitha, sensitized by the intriguing new

relationship which was developing between herself and the man she had rescued, had simply wanted a

touch of intimacy. Something in her had wanted to deepen the closeness just a bit. Or perhaps it was

merely a desire to broaden the spectrum of the friendship being established.

Whatever the basis of the impulse, Tabitha knew she mustn’t go too far with it or Dev would wonder

what had gotten into her. She didn’t want to frighten him off by demanding more than he was prepared to

give. No, she had planned to limit the kiss to just a brief gesture of affection.

What she hadn’t counted on was the unexpected warmth of his mouth against hers, nor the faint tremor

in his hand, which still enclosed her fingers. She withdrew until there was an inch or so between her lips

and his, but she stayed on her toes and her hand at the back of his head did not move.

“Again?” she heard herself ask huskily.

“Please.” His voice was even huskier.

Very carefully she leaned against him this time, finding a distinct pleasure in the feel of his hard chest

against her full breasts. When she moved her mouth lightly against his, he muttered her name and the

sound of it was strangely intoxicating.

“Tabby. Sweet Tabby.”

Almost imperceptibly his fingers tightened around her hand, pressing it against his jacket. Then she was

aware that his other hand was settling ever so hesitantly at her waist, resting on the curve of her hip. He

was just as nervous and uncertain about all this as she was, Tabitha thought wonderingly. Perhaps it

would be easier for her if she took the initiative. A vulnerable, sensitive man like this would be anxious

not to press matters farther than she wished them to go.

Relaxing into the role of the one who must set the pace, she felt a little more of her weight rest against his

solid frame. He seemed so substantial, so strong, absorbing her lighter weight with ease. If she hadn’t

already learned of the other side of his nature, she might have been nervous about the strength in him. But

she did know of his sensitivity and his vulnerability, and so she let herself enjoy the delicate moment.

It was strange being the one who sampled and tasted and set the boundaries. There was a curious

freedom in it, unlike anything else she had ever known before. There was no painful agony of suspense,

wondering whether or not she would attract or bore her partner. There was no nervousness about how

far to let the situation go. Instead she experienced a heady sense of excitement.

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His dark hair seemed crisp and inviting to the touch and her fingers began to move a little awkwardly in

it. She felt another tremor pass through his body and her own anticipation increased. He wasn’t bored,

she thought exultantly. Her touch was eliciting a response in him; she could feel it!

The moment when her mouth parted invitingly beneath his passed without her actually being aware of it.

One instant there was a barrier between their tongues and the next she was tasting the inside of him.

She heard someone moan softly and realized belatedly that it was herself. The next shiver she sensed

was one which flowed through her body, not his. Her feeling of anticipation was elevated by several

quantum leaps, sending her senses into an unfamiliar whirl.

For an endless moment she explored the intimate taste of him, unaware that her nails were sinking

delicately into the back of his neck. He was taking most of her weight now as he leaned against the railing

and somehow his legs had spread apart. She was standing cradled between his thighs and the heat of him

passed easily through the thin gauze of her dress. He was so warm and inviting, so undemanding, yet


She was becoming hungry, Tabitha realized distantly; even a bit greedy. The urge to learn more intimate

details of his body was rapidly deepening. She mustn’t scare him off, she reminded herself. She didn’t

want to do anything that would spoil the unfolding relationship.

His tongue played with hers as she caressed the inside of his mouth with exquisite care and it followed as

she led the way back into her own mouth. Once she had him inside, she moaned softly again, inviting him

to explore as he would.

For some reason his legs seemed to tighten around hers and the strong hand at her waist dropped lower

on her hip, kneading gently. But mostly Tabitha was aware of the incredible thoroughness with which he

used his tongue. She was becoming captivated by what she had found. The blossoming sensuality she

was experiencing was totally new to her. Above all she must not push it.

“Tabby?” he rasped a little thickly as she reluctantly withdrew her mouth from his.

“It’s all right, Dev,” she mumbled a little unsteadily. “I know things are moving too fast. Don’t worry, I

won’t let them get out of hand.”

“Tabby,” he began carefully, as though searching for difficult words. “Tabby, I…”

“Don’t,” she pleaded, stopping his mouth with her fingertips. Her eyes smiled warmly up at him. “Don’t

say it. I know this is taking both of us by surprise. I wouldn’t dream of spoiling it by rushing things. I

expect it’s the moonlight and the wine. Neither of us is too accustomed to romance, apparently!” Her

curving lips invited him to laugh with her at the situation in which they found themselves.

Dev stared down at her for a long moment, silver eyes opaque. “I, for one, am not very familiar with it at

all,” he finally murmured.

“I know. That’s one of the things I like so much about you,” she told him honestly.

“You do?”

“Umm. I feel like I’m dealing with someone I understand. Someone who has the same reservations and

concerns I do. The same fears.”

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“What fears?” he questioned deeply, apparently having a little difficulty in swallowing. Poor man. Was he

so very nervous of her?

“About building something meaningful between two people; about wanting to be certain there's real

depth in a relationship before committing yourself to it. Oh, Dev, I feel I know you so well!” Tabitha

exclaimed in satisfaction. “We have so much in common. I know neither of us wants a casual fling. It’s no

wonder we don’t fit into this crowd on board. We’re both a couple of misfits, aren’t we?”

“In a way.” He sounded almost cautious as he intently studied her upturned face. “I have to admit that

neither of us seems quite what the cruise line had in mind in the way of potential passengers when it

printed up the brochures! I’m on board for obvious business reasons. What made you buy a ticket,


“Fantasy, I think,” she told him whimsically. “I had this image of what a Caribbean cruise would be like,

you see. Balmy nights and sunny days filled with exotic color and excitement. Maybe I thought I would

become a different person on board, I don’t know. All I do know is that after I’d been on the ship one

day, I realized I was the same old me and ten days at sea wasn’t going to change things.”

“Would you really want to be different? Even for ten days?” Dev asked in a gently neutral tone.

“I think every woman who thinks herself rather average has fantasies occasionally about becoming a

femme fatale, about living a romantic adventure. Don’t men have personal fantasies about being someone


The question seemed to take him back for a moment. An unreadable expression flitted across his face

and then he said slowly, “They do. I’d be lying if I said they didn’t. There have been times lately when

I’ve wished I was another kind of man.”

“Oh, no,” Tabitha interrupted with conviction. “Don’t wish that! I wouldn’t want you any different.”

“You like the man I am?”

“Very much.” She touched her fingertips to the lines at the side of his mouth, automatically soothing the

uncertainty she sensed in him. “I like the man you are very much, Dev Colter. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

He gave a sideways glance at the ebony walking stick slung over the rail. “Not even the cane?”

She smiled at that. “The only reason I might be willing to see that changed is because of the pain your

accident must have caused you. Other than that, no, I wouldn’t particularly want to see it changed, if you

want the truth. It gives you a distinguished air, like the gray in your hair.”

“Thanks!” he muttered wryly. “The gray is a sign of being nearly forty, Tabitha.”

Tabitha lifted her fingertips from the lines at his mouth to the flecks of silver in his deep brown hair. “I

love the gray in your hair. Like moonlight caught in the shadows.”

“I think you’ve been reading too much fantasy, but I won’t complain,” he groaned. Both of his hands

had settled on her waist now, and she still stood between his thighs. “So here we are, two people who

would like to live a fantasy and en route we’ve found something else, hmm?”

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“That’s a nice way of putting it,” she whispered. It seemed to Tabitha that his fingers curved with a small

amount of force into the curve of her hip. Or perhaps it was simply her imagination.

“Tabby, if this is reality, I think I prefer it to a romantic adventure on the high seas,” Dev said huskily.

Her breath caught in her throat as her mind spun with all the potential implications of what he was saying.

“So do I, Dev. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this evening. I only wish you weren’t still recovering from that

awful incident on St. Regis.”

“I feel much better,” he assured her quickly.

“You don’t have to pretend with me.” She chuckled. “I’m the one who saw you in that alley, remember?

I know very well you must still be hurting in any number of spots! And it’s undoubtedly time you were in

bed. You know what the doctor said, lots of rest.”

Aware of where her duty lay, Tabitha stepped back out of his arms and took his hand in hers.

Deliberately she started toward the entrance to the lower decks.

“Are you going to tuck me in tonight, Tabby?” Dev asked as he obediently followed.

She tried to analyze his tone, wondering if he sounded hopeful or was simply making a small joke. Then

it occurred to her that his head might be aching. Perhaps he was obliquely asking her for another

massage. “Have you got a headache?”

“No, I don’t,” he answered automatically and then blinked as she looked back at him inquiringly. His

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