Jennie's Joy (11 page)

Read Jennie's Joy Online

Authors: Kate Britton

Lucy called her the next morning, and they met for lunch.  It was the first time since she
’d met Mick that she’d seen Lucy.  Four weeks…only four weeks. It seemed like a lifetime.

y had a glass of wine with their sole.

t forget, Dan’s show opens Thursday night.  Benefiting the Housing Foundation we’ve set up,” Lucy reminded her.

had forgotten.  “I’ll check with Mick.  I’m sure he would want to be there.”  She smiled at Lucy.

“Check with
Mick?  So you’re still seeing Mick?”

“I haven’
t been home, except to collect my mail and some clothes, since we met, Lucy.”

Lucy smiled.  “So Dan did a good thing, did he?”

Jennie grinned.  “Dan did a very good thing.  It’s been the most exciting month of my life, Lucy.”

“Where has he taken you?”

“Nowhere.  We’ve just been home, together.  Oh, yesterday, he arranged for the magazine to do an interview on the
set, and made sure I was invited…it was very interesting, watching him film.”

“What was he filming?”

“A love scene.  He couldn’t get the right smoldering look in his eyes last week, no chemistry with his co-star, I guess.  So he looked over at me, and got that sexy, smoldering look the director wanted.  But nobody clued in…I hope.”

“There hasn’
t been a hint in the press.”

Mick seems to want to keep it very private. I didn’t know who he is, until yesterday, Lucy.”

“Really?” Lucy was stunned.

“Really. When we met he was introduced as Mick, not Michael Gerrard. He mumbled his last name, and I never really asked after that what it was. No need. I go to the cinema so rarely. I usually go to plays and concerts, you know that. And he made it sound like he was a featured player, not the leading man…I felt so stupid, not recognizing him. But he loved it, and says he did his best to keep me in the dark.  He says I’m the first woman for twenty years to make love to him because of lust and not what he can do for me.”

Lucy smiled. “The downside of fame, eh, Jennie?”

“I feel quite glad in some respects that I’m not famous, Lucy. At least I know he just wants me for my body, and not to further his career or something.”

“I would imagine the two of you have more going on than just sex, Jennie.”

Jennie smiled. “I think we do. We both like the quiet of the country and just being together. At night before we go to bed, we sit for an hour in a lovely little sitting room, and Mick studies his script for the next day and I either read or do needlework. It’s quite domestic, really. I have to admit, Lucy, that it is quite lovely travelling in a limo everywhere or a Jaguar or a Porsche, and having a butler and a wonderful cook preparing dinner every night, and somebody else scrubbing the toilet!”

“And the papers have no clue,” smiled Lucy. “You’ve kept it very quiet.”

Jennie smiled and nodded.
Jennie didn’t seem at all upset about keeping it private, Lucy thought.

went back to work.  Jerome had the pictures he’d taken spread over the boardroom table.  Everyone was gathered around, looking.

looked wonderful, in superb physical shape, and the action shots looked so real, not carefully choreographed.  The pictures of Mick and Deana seemed to show a lot more of Deana than of Mick, Jennie noted with a smile. But there was one there of Mick, slowly putting on his robe, fully exposing his huge erection.  Jerome had also captured a shot of Charles talking to Rachel, and several of Rachel interviewing Mick.

Rachel walked in.  She
’d been missing in action this morning.  Geoffrey asked her mildly where she’d been.

“Watching outtakes of
Mick Gerrard making love to his leading ladies,” she replied with a grin.  “Charles has quite a collection.  It took us hours to go through them…so I went back to the set this morning so I could get some more background for the article.”

Eyebrows were raised, and she was the centre of attention.  Nobody bothered with

The limousine picked
Jennie up at six fifteen.  Mick was quiet, tired.  They only cuddled all the way home.  Jennie wondered if he was already finding her boring…maybe ‘
’ was growing on him? Maybe she’d broken the ice, and they’d filmed the love scene successfully today, maybe they hadn’t faked the sex…

At dinner that evening, he asked her what she had done during the day.  Usually, he didn
’t ask.

“I met Lucy for lunch,” she smiled. 

“Ah, Lucy.  She’s quite luscious, isn’t she, Lucy?”

’s heart fell.  If Mick were admiring Lucy, she was sure his eye was straying from her.

“Beautiful, clever and wealthy,”
Jennie agreed in a very neutral tone.

“And what did you and Lucy talk about?”

“She asked if I had seen you.  I told her that I’ve been staying here with you. 

She reminded me that Dan’s One Man Show opens on Thursday at six, and asked if I would be going.  I said I would check with you, and if I was available, I would love to go…”

“I think we’
d better buy you a new dress for the Opening, darling,” Mick smiled. “I have tomorrow off.  Call in and tell them you’re taking the day off, and we’ll go shopping.”

’s smile dazzled Mick.  “That would be lovely, Mick.”

Their lovemaking that night was soft and tender, and
Mick was asleep very early, his head on Jennie’s breasts, his lips around a nipple.

“I was shooting action scenes all day,
Jennie. They get harder as I get older. How I need your softness tonight…and your breasts are so wonderful.”







She called Geoffrey at nine.  “Hello, Geoffrey,

“I just looked in your office, you weren’
t there.”

“No, Geoffrey. I’
m taking the day off.”

“Oh? Well, you’
ve been working very hard and been extremely productive.  Are you coming in tomorrow?”

She was on speaker phone.  She looked at
Mick.  He laughed.  “You can tell your boss you’ll be in tomorrow, darling.”

Geoffrey heard him.  He thought he recognized the voice, but couldn
’t place it.  “See you tomorrow, then, Jennie. Have a good day,” he said.

He heard
the unknown man laugh again.  “Oh, she’ll have a very good day, Geoffrey.  She’s taking my credit card and me shopping.”

They were in the middle of the street that has all the most exclusive designer shops by eleven.  By twelve,
Mick had found her a dress for Dan’s Opening.  Black crepe, low scooped neck, short skirt, long sleeves. It skimmed her body. Jennie thought it was the most flattering dress she’d ever tried on. He bought her sheer, sheer black stockings with just a hint of sheen, and the most wonderful pair of shoes she’d ever owned in her life. On the way to the door, he spied a suit that was pale blue grey, and bought that for her. Then they went into another boutique, and he bought her armfuls of lingerie, each piece more delectable than the last…

He took her to one of Gordon Ramsey
’s restaurants for lunch. They had their picture snapped few times, by people with mobile phones, who recognized Mick.

They wandered down the street, looking in windows
. They ended up back in the first boutique. Two more dresses.  One was silver lame, floor length, the neckline plunging to the waist front and back, with a soft silver wrap, and silver sandals.

Jennie said it was the sexiest gown she’d ever worn in her life.

Mick laughed at her. “It’s only a piece of fabric, baby, until you put it on. You make it sexy, it doesn’t make you sexy.”

He found two more evening dresses he liked for her.

“For all the Red Carpets, doll. These will all look good on camera. Show off your beauty. I think Alexander McQueen is the designer for you, Jennie. The silver one is for Saturday night.  We have to go to a Gala, Saturday night. The others are for whenever…” 

He left her in the boutique, with instructions to try on anything and everything that caught her fancy…and he was gone for nearly an hour. 
Jennie had tried on three lovely outfits.  The saleslady had them waiting, to show Mick.  He liked two of them. The third, not so much. Jennie told the saleslady to put that outfit back on the rack. So he bought her the two, both for work, and then the limo took them home to Berkshire.

She wore one of her new outfits, the pale blue gray suit
that Mick had picked for her, to work the next morning, and knew she looked better than she ever had at the office.

Geoffrey came in to see her.  “I thought I recognized your
boyfriend’s voice on the phone, but I can’t seem to put a name on it…”

just smiled.  “I don’t think you’ve met him, Geoffrey.  He’s not in publishing.”

“Is it a meaningful relationship, Jennie? Or just sexual?”

Geoffrey found he had to know.  He’d lain in his bed last night, imagining her tits. Imagining himself and her tits…his lips and his hands all over her tits.

Jennie looked at him from half closed lids. “It’s meaningfully sexual, Geoffrey, very sexual. Very meaningful.”

Geoffrey felt himself getting hard. He saw Jennie’s eyes on his crotch, saw her smile.

“Well, Jennie, when
this affair is over, you and I shall explore our own possibilities.”

“You have a non-fraternization rule, Geoffrey.”

“Rules are made to be broken, Jennie.” He walked out the door with a lingering stare at her tits.

All these years he’d never explored beneath her very cool exterior.  What a waste … she was so sensual, when you took the time to look…

Jennie smiled to herself. Yes, Mick had turned her into a wanton piece of ass, alright. A tease. Her tits were tingling, from Geoffrey’s gaze.

Rachel came in, with the draft of her article. 

“Geoffrey says you’re going to edit this.  He wants it in Saturday’s issue.  Can we get it ready that fast?”

“How well written is it, Rachel?”

“I think it’s pretty good.”

“Then we’
ll make it happen.”

s a beautiful suit, Jennie.  Where did you get it?”

“Alexander McQueen.”

“Wow. Expensive.”

“Very.  But worth it, I hope?”

“You look like a million pounds, Jennie. Fantastic. Eh, I must tell you, I saw some out-takes of Mick Gerrard at Charles’s Monday night.  They were so hot…I was so aroused, watching him in bed…”

smiled.  “He’s quite the man, isn’t he?”

“He certainly is, J
ennie.  All man.  Charles can’t understand why he’s so unresponsive to Deana.  He says usually Mick is more than cooperative when it comes to filming love scenes with beautiful women…he says with Mick, the sex is real, not simulated.  Deana was really looking forward to their love scenes and can’t understand why he didn’t even get it up all last week. She and Mick had done a film together a couple of years ago. You should see those out-takes, Jennie. Wow! But Charles says the first time Mick got it up this film was when we were there on Monday…and then Deana complained to Charles that Mick was only simulating, he didn’t fuck her…she tried to slip him inside her, and he just moved his body a little so his cock was out of the way and laughed at her.”

smiled.  He’d certainly fucked Jennie…all the way back to Berkshire.

Thursday came, and
Jennie brought her black dress with her to the office.  She changed just after five into the black Alexander McQueen scoop necked dress and sheer black, shiny stockings and those wonderful, wonderful sky-high black patent Louboutin shoes with their red soles. Jennie had done her hair and her makeup and just returned to her office when her mobile rang at five thirty.  “Hello, baby, we’re downstairs, waiting for you.”

She went down, again with two or three colleagues
sharing the lift.  “You’re all dressed up, Jennie,” said Susie.

“Yes, I’
m going to an Opening at
Martine’s Art Gallery of Chelsea
.  A friend of mine, Dan Foster.  His first show for over eight years.  A Gala, in support of a new Foundation to produce affordable housing…it’s a passion of his girlfriend.”

Jerome was also in the
lift.  “I should take your picture, Jennie.  You look wonderful. We can run a piece next Saturday plugging your friend’s art show.” And as they got out, and Jennie headed toward the door, Jerome snapped two or three shots.

Again, her co-workers saw her get into the long, black limousine.  But again, they couldn
’t see through the darkly tinted windows, couldn’t see whose hand she took as she stepped into the car.

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