Jennie's Joy (14 page)

Read Jennie's Joy Online

Authors: Kate Britton

Sweetheart, if you were planning to go back to work, that would be a very good idea.  But you’re going to be too busy with our babies for a long, long, time, aren’t you?  So, Geoffrey, sorry, old man.  It’s a resignation.  And her holiday has to start a week today, next Friday.  We’re leaving for Mexico the day after. I’ll be shooting there for three weeks…”

Geoffrey cleared his throat, “Just so you know
, her desk will left clear for a year, so that she can come back.  I’ll give her a year’s leave of absence, to start next Friday, with her resignation to take effect a year from now, if she decides not to return.”

laughed.  “Determined bugger, aren’t you?  Well, that works for us, if it works for you…”

said goodbye, and Geoffrey sat there, looking at her, making no move to leave.

“Can I help you with anything else, Geoffrey?”

“Yes, I want you to give Rachel an interview…about you and Mick.”

“Sorry, Geoffrey. I’
m not giving anybody interviews, but if I do, you will be the first person I’ll call.  And Geoffrey?


rlene is a much better reporter than Rachel.  Rachel’s cute, but Charlene is professional…she’d never have fallen into that director’s bed watching porno movies.”

“Is that what Rachel did?”

“Hmmm…Charles Evens has a collection of out-takes from all of Mick‘s sex scenes. Very pornographic, Mick says.”

“Ah. Thank you,
Jennie.  I’ll remember that, for the future.” Geoffrey stood by the door. He looked at Jennie, his eyes burning. He unlocked the door. He left.

ire came back and told her there were eight different ways for a diligent member of the press to sneak into the magazine’s offices.  He was going to stay close to her, in her own office.  Jennie smiled and agreed. Less than ten minutes later, he stopped a diligent member of the press taking a picture of Jennie at her desk. Jennie thanked him.

“That’s what I’m here for, Miss Talbot. To ensure your privacy.”

She returned to her work, and by noon had cleared her desk.  Her mobile rang.  It was Lucy.

Jennie, how are you?  See you made all the papers.  Penny says to tell you to ask for a bodyguard, it’s going to get worse. She was a pop star, she should know.”

“Thank her, ple
ase, and tell her I have Gregoire sitting in my office right now.  Mick had the studio send him over this morning.  The paparazzi were waiting for me when I got to the office at seven this morning, and my next door neighbour tells me they’re camped outside my flat.”

“I just wanted to thank you for all you did last night.  Between us, we made quite a dent in a lot of cheque books, didn’
t we? Especially Mick‘s. He told Dan he was planning to give a hundred thousand, till he saw how passionate you were about the Foundation last night.”

“We did a lot of damage to a lot of chequing accounts, Lucy, and for such a good cause. I’
ve written a great article about the Fair Housing Foundation and I’ve stuck it into tomorrow’s issue of the magazine. Mick wants me to resign here, and I can certainly see why.  But I’m not going to vegetate.  Could I help in any way with the Foundation, with the writing, or whatever you need, as long as it fits into Mick’s schedule, of course?”

“That would be great,
Jennie.  Great…”

“Super, we’
ll sort it out when I get back from Mexico, shall we?  We’re going next Saturday.  Mick’s filming there for three weeks…”

They rang off.  Susie came back in.  She
’d decided Gregoire was quite cute, in a muscleman type of way, and she wanted to check him out.

looked Susie up and down coolly when he saw her eying him.  He was used to women eying him. Especially when he was in the weight lifting competitions.  Susie wasn’t his type…

looked at Gregoire and smiled.  “Gregoire, I’d like to go to my flat and get my mail, but the paparazzi are camped outside.  How do you suggest we handle this?”

smiled. “Give me your key and a list of what you want.  I’ll go.”

Outside the office building,
Gregoire called the studio.  They put him through to Mick.

told him to clear all of Jennie’s clothes and personal effects from the flat, and get them out to Berkshire. Not to forget the two Dan Foster paintings and her watercolours. Mick then got his secretary to arrange a removal van to move Jennie’s furniture to Berkshire as soon as possible. She could put the flat up for sale. Then he called his house and told the housekeeper Jennie’s things were coming, and to make sure his ex wife’s dressing room was thoroughly cleared out for Jennie. 

’s housekeeper called him when Jennie’s clothes arrived.

Gerrard, I think Jennie’s clothes will fit into your wardrobe quite nicely, sir. She doesn’t have a great deal more than is already here.  Very good quality, but not great volume.  Not like your ex wife…”

“Fine, then just hang them in my wardrobe.” 
Mick was very thoughtful when he hung up.  Jennie asked for nothing…he’d assumed she had lots of clothes, didn’t all women have lots of clothes? Was that wardrobe he’d seen all she had? He smiled. It would be such fun taking Jennie shopping in America.







broached the subject on their way home.  “I’ve had all your things moved from your flat, Jennie, and into our home.  Our housekeeper tells me they will all fit into my wardrobe…I thought you’d have lots of clothes, darling, like Denise did.”

laughed.  “Denise and I come from different places, Mick.  She earns millions a year.  I earn about forty thousand.  So, I don’t have a lot of clothes.  I could have, if I followed all the trends and bought cheaply, but I like quality, so I save my money and buy one good outfit at the sales about twice a year.  The dress I had on when we met was from a charity shop, or there was no way I could ever afford it.  So what I have is well loved, and worn a lot…I‘m so very grateful for the beautiful things you‘ve bought me, Mick, so very grateful. I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be able to shop at Alexander McQueen, or own Louboutin shoes. Never thought I’d have such a wonderful diamond necklace.”

looked at her in amazement. “That was nothing, Jennie.  Nothing.  Denise would spend ten times that amount a month and I would get the bills…”

The next morning, they sat on the patio, enjoying a cup of tea.
“I love weekends, Jennie. Spending the time here with you, not having to go into town. I resent the fact that we have to go the Premiere tonight.”

“Can’t we just forget to go, darling?”

Mick laughed. “Nobody would believe I’d forgotten my own Premiere, baby. It’s for the last

“Oh. So you’ll be the center of attention then, Mick…”

“I’m afraid
be the center of attention, darling. That’s why I wanted you to have such a beautiful gown, so that you felt like the princess you are.”

“Your ex-wife will be there, won’t she?”

“Denise? Oh, yes. She’ll be there. She had the
Emma Peel
role in that film and the two before it. That’s how we met. Loved to fuck me in front of the cameras. I thought that meant she loved to fuck
, so I married her. Turned out, it was all acting. She
didn’t like sex, darling.  She thinks she decided to move on to The Studio Head, but I motivated that. Planted the idea in her head that the man would make her a big star…so, since she was the one to commit adultery, I got off lightly in the settlement. If I’d left her, it would have cost ten times as much.”

Jennie just smiled.

“Oh, Jen, I’ve arranged for an estate agent to visit you at your office on Monday morning, baby. He’s going to list your flat for you. We don’t need it. I think we may buy one along the Embankment, with a river view if we decide we need a place in London.”

Jennie just smiled. She was too overwhelmed to do anything else. Mick had totally taken over her life, her decisions, and she loved it.

Denise Devore spent Saturday afternoon at the hairstylists and makeup salon, getting ready for the Premiere. She sat thinking, as her stylist dried her hair.

Thinking about how she’d left Mick for the Studio Head. He was s
omeone Denise thought could further her career.  She hadn’t liked being married to a bigger star than herself, and she hadn’t liked the fact that Mick had such a huge sexual appetite. Mick was always randy, and he expected his wife to fall joyfully into his arms however, whenever and wherever the mood struck him. This older man suited her much better, he was not nearly as demanding, in fact, not demanding at all, and was grateful for the few sexual favours she bestowed.  However, she had to admit sometimes she did miss Mick’s wonderful cock, and his expert ways of using it…not often, but sometimes.

The Studio Head made sure they were at the Premiere early. He wanted Denise to get as much press attention as possible,
because he knew that once Mick arrived with that blonde, the cameras would all be trained in their direction.

Denise was dressed in a
pink satin Dior original, and dripping with diamonds, smiling graciously at every one, even Mick, once he arrived with the blonde. It was disconcerting really, because Mick, while he smiled politely back, seemed to look straight into her soul, and find her lacking.  She glanced at the woman on Mick’s arm.

“Alexander McQueen”, she thought.  “She’
s wearing Alexander McQueen.  That million pound necklace and that silver Alexander McQueen.  Very pretty but at least ten years older than me, she must be nearly thirty five…” 

Denise never read the papers, except the pictures and articles about herself.  So she had no idea who
Jennie was. But Denise could tell at a glance how much a piece of jewellery was worth. The leading jewllery designers loaned her enough of it, and she always asked how much it was worth.

he didn’t like the way Mick looked at Jennie, the possessive, smoldering way he looked at Jennie. The way Mick’s hand never left Jennie.  He either held her hand, or her elbow, or, when they posed for pictures on the red carpet, he had his arm around her, his hand on her hip, holding her close.  The sexual connection between Mick and Jennie was strong, Denise recognized, so strong…much stronger than any attraction she and Mick had ever shared. Denise was jealous.

She turned to the Studio Head at her side. Smiled up at him, “That’s a lovely necklace Mick’s girlfriend has on. Wonder which jeweller loaned it to her?”
Perhaps she could charm the old man into buying it for her.

The Studio Head laughed. “Nobody loaned it to her, Denise. Mick bought it for her. Insured for a million pounds, I hear…” He looked down at Denise. “Mick never bought you anything like
that did he, Denise?”

Denise pouted and didn’t answer him.

Jennie was terrified as they walked up the red carpet.  Terrified she’d trip and fall, terrified she didn’t look as beautiful as all the women around her.  But she held her head high, and clutched Mick’s hand.  And then she looked into his wonderful smoldering eyes, and she forgot everything but him, and he smiled down at her and whispered,

“Relax, my
darling, hold my hand, and think about what I’m going to do to you all the way home in the limousine…I’m going to take your dress off, Jennie, so that you’re naked on my lap all the way home…”

Jennie had gasped at the thought and smiled up at him, a smile filled with desire, and all had gone well.  She’d even been able to smile coolly to his ex-wife. Who was looking daggers at her, Jennie noted with glee.

Denise must be regretting the divorce.  Who would not want to be married to Mick?

The p
arty after was full of all the faces she’d seen for years in films and television.  Everyone wanted to speak to Mick, but he had his arm around Jennie and his hand firmly on her hip, and made it clear by his demeanor that they were not being separated.  Several women tried, including Deana, but to no avail. 

Charles Evens stood watching them with narrowed eyes…he had to get the two of them on film, somehow.  That chemistry, so thick you could cut it, would guarantee a blockbuster. 
Jennie wasn’t an actress, but she could certainly act.  No one at the magazine had any idea of the relationship between the two of them until that Art Show the other night…Charles had asked Rachel many leading questions, and had concluded that no one at work had a clue.

and Jennie didn’t get into their limousine until well after midnight.  They pulled away and headed to Berkshire. 

had her naked within two minutes, and sat her, straddling him, his favourite position immediately.  He played with her breasts for a long time before he reached down and unzipped his fly, and pulled his cock out.  But instead of lowering her inch by inch, as he loved to do, he drove his cock straight up her cunt and thrust hard and deep for a long, long time kissing her deeply, his tongue filling her mouth as his cock filled her cunt.  There was a fervor about him, almost anger….

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