Jennie's Joy (20 page)

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Authors: Kate Britton

needn’t have worried. The cameras loved her.
loved her up on that screen, lusted after her as much as he did in the flesh. He called the Studio Head and said they could stop worrying. Jennie would be wonderful.

The day
finally came when Charles started to rehearse Jennie for the film.  He was surprised that she knew all her lines.  He was not surprised that she followed his direction explicitly, without question. 

was careful not to touch her, not to give her any personal glances.  He thought that Mick might kill him if he did…but he couldn’t forget the plane, when he had been inches away from her wonderful bare ass, her luscious little cunt, and he nearly creamed his pants every time he was near her.  He worked extra hard to make her extra good, as Mick had known he would.

They started to shoot
, and she was the easiest actress Charles had ever directed. 

They shot all of t
he scenes except the love scene first.  Then they shot the love scene, and the cameras caught the steamiest sex in a mainstream film that year. The shoot with Jennie, scheduled for six days, was completed in four.

Charles called the Studio Head and told him. The Studio Head flew down for the weekend, and agreed with Charles that they need
ed to write a second love scene between Jennie and Mick…

He flew down again a few days later, with Denise.

The chemistry between Jennie and Mick transcended the film, and when the Studio head watched the rushes of the newly written scene, he looked over at Denise, in the chair to his left, watching them with him, pouting, and he thought maybe she hadn’t been the one to leave, maybe Mick had moved her on.

He thought about it a little, and realized how much cheaper Mick’s divorce had been with Denise leav
ing him than it would have been the other way around.  The Studio Head had lived with her long enough now to realize Denise was not that bright, that she was easily manipulated.

Because what woman would leave such raw sexuality,
for a much older, less virile man, unless of course, it was a woman who didn’t really like sex?  The Studio Head had been intrigued with Denise’s cool attitude, but he was over that now. He might be over sixty, but he was far from over sex…

He decided that maybe he would move her on himself…give her a role in the new film they were to shoot in Poland and France for five or six months, and he
’d have a new lady in his bed. Too bad that Denise would have to leave tomorrow for Paris….He’d tell her tonight.

looked over at Deana, also watching the rushes, licking her lips… and he smiled at her…

spoke to the projectionist, and told him to run the rushes again. He turned to Charles who was seated in the chair to his right.

“Get the writers busy, Charles. Have them rewrite the beginning of the next film. Have a brilliant surgeon save Jennie’s life, take that bullet out of her heart. Have
Mrs. Peel
killed or injured or something and have
Mrs. Steed
take over the scenes as the female lead. Better just have
Mrs. Peel
injured. I have a feeling Mick will only agree to one more film for Jennie.

“Tell Mick
we’ll pay whatever he wants for Jennie to do it. Agree to all his demands. Don’t try to negotiate. Just pay it. But insist on a stunt double. I don’t want that woman injured. Mick would kill both of us.

“Hell, shoot all of Jennie’s scenes first, on a closed set
, if that’s what he wants. That alone will garner us so much free publicity we won’t believe it.

“I want at least four nude scenes. At least four.
Two of them have to be as explicit as the one you just filmed. It blew me away.

“Mick can have his usual script approval and executive producer ranking.
Mick can have anything he wants. This woman is amazing…”

Denise, by his side, did not like what she was hearing. But she knew Deana would like it even less, and smiled a malicious little smile.

Charles knew that too.  “What about Deana?” He asked mildly. “She’s already signed for the film. She won’t like her role being cut back.”

The Studio Head smiled. He looked across at Deana, a row away, at how she was so turned on by the rushes…

“Don’t you worry about Deana. I’ve got something else in mind for her. I plan to discuss it with her later today. I don’t think you’ll have much trouble with Deana. She’s going to be busy. Very busy…”

Denise squirmed in her chair. The Studio Head smiled to himself and felt a stirring he hadn’t felt for a while as he watched Deana, really enjoying those rushes.
He might not need Viagra, with Deana.

and Mick flew back to England, and were relieved to get home to Berkshire.

They had a three week break before filming started on the next
Mr. and Mrs. Steed
. They met Lucy and Dan for drinks at the pub, and Geoffrey came out for lunch one day.

ve got something for you, Mick,” he told them, and handed them a DVD.  “Young Rachel stole it from your director friend, Charles. It, eh, features you with several of your leading ladies. I found out about it and confiscated it…”

smiled.  “Thanks, Geoffrey.  Charles has about seven of these, and uses them to seduce the sweet young things he meets…I used not to care, but now I’m married to Jennie, I don’t really want these in circulation.”

, eh, did take the liberty of watching it, Mick.”

smiled.  He was sure Geoffrey had.

“Eh, could I just ask you a couple of

smiled again. “What kind of questions, Geoffrey?”

“Technical questions as it were.  I’
m fairly well hung myself, and I wondered….”

The men went for a walk and
Mick happily shared a few sexual secrets with the man who had not released the news of his wedding until asked to.  It was the least he could do.

They sat in the garden for lunch. 
Jennie was lovely in a flowing blue sundress, and Geoffrey wished he’d made a move toward her sooner, before she’d met Mick. Although, he was quite happy now…

She asked how everyone at the magazine was doing.

“Susie is the same as ever.  Still running the Layout Department with an iron hand and meddling in everyone’s business. My brother had a little fling with her and she was fairly discreet about it, which surprised me. I think he might be taking her to Italy for a week soon, but he hasn’t decided yet.

“Jerome is going to win an award this year, I think with some pictures he took for us up in Sunderland, Charlene is doing very well.  I listened to you,
Jennie, and she’s getting the most important assignments now.”

“What about Rachel?” asked

Geoffrey smiled.  “I remembered what you told me about Rachel watching
Mick’s sex scenes with Charles.  That’s how I discovered she had this DVD,” he told her.  “So, you know my wife and I divorced and I was quite randy, really…”

“Geoffrey, you didn’
t?” smiled Jennie.

Jennie, I did.  I made her show me exactly what Charles did to her, and then I did it to her, just the same. But she seemed to like it a lot, and so, she’s come to live with me for a while.  She does as she’s asked. And I’m quite satisfied.  I have rather a large sexual appetite, you see…so I need someone who likes it a lot…and she does.”

and Mick exchanged glances and smiled.  “Sounds as if you and I are similar in more respects than we discussed, Geoffrey…” said Mick.

“Do they know at work?” asked

“No, and she’
s loving the cloak and dagger aspect of the affair. Once she tires of me, I will let her go, gently, with lots of money so that she wants for nothing. But right now, she pleases me. I’m very fond of her, you see.” 

Geoffrey had a gleam in his eye. “She likes to be spanked…and I love to turn that little ass bright red…so that alone will keep us together for a while…
I had to punish her for sleeping with Charles, you see. For sleeping with somebody she was interviewing. It turned us both on tremendously. She finds some reason most nights, for me to spank her.

I‘ve actually been toying with the idea of marrying her. Then I can just tell her to come into my office and lock the door whenever I want to bend her over the back of the sofa and slide my cock into her…she loves it that way as much as I do, loves the excitement that someone might walk in on us, and it leaves that luscious little ass bare to be smacked…And I think I‘d like to have a child. I‘d like to see Rachel pregnant with my child.

“But she so much younger than me, seventeen years younger. I think she may become bored with me soon.

They all laughed.  “You must bring her out for
dinner, Geoffrey.  We can have a swim in our new pool, it’s heated… and I put underwater lights in,” smiled Mick. “I love to watch Jennie swimming in the pool.”

Now that Geoffrey had another
woman, Mick quite liked the chap.

Mick’s demands for the second of Jennie’s films were outrageous. He asked for fifteen million
dollars for her, and two percent of the grosses. He demanded all of her scenes be shot first, in eight weeks, on closed sets, as the Studio Head had anticipated. He demanded script approval, wardrobe approval, in fact approval on everything concerning Jennie. He also demanded a stunt double, so he and the Studio Head were both pleased they were on the same page, so to speak.

All the demands were met without argument.

The Studio Head moved heaven and earth to get the first film with Jennie released in record time. 

He was proved right to acquiesce to Mick’s demands for the second film.  The first one, with all the hype pumped out by the Studio, and the publicity generated by Mick and Jennie’s marriage, was the top grossing film
in most countries for the first eight weeks of its release. Top grossing film for the Studio for the past five years.

The Studio Head accompanied Deana to the Premier
e of the first film, both in Los Angeles and in London. His hand was on her ass most of the time, and she was very attentive to him. Why wouldn’t she be? 

He showered her with the most amazing gift
s, and he loved her to suck his cock, almost as much as she loved to suck it…and he pleased her as well, in so many ways.

He had some kinky tastes, he loved to watch her with other men, being fucked silly, sucking their cocks as well, it made him hard enough to do her himself
without Viagra. He had several sessions filmed, and they would watch the DVD’s together in bed, Deana sucking his cock as he watched her being fucked.

Denise was very happy.
She didn’t mind in the least that
Mrs. Peel
was injured for most of the film, it gave her time to lie around the Studio Head’s swimming pool, and shop as much as her little heart desired along Rodeo Drive. He’d opened accounts for her everywhere. It gave her time to be at her lover’s beck and call.  And she was still being paid three million dollars, for just one little scene at the beginning, when she was nearly killed by
The Organization
, and one little scene at the end, showing her fully recovered, ready for the next film.

That Denise was such a loser. First she’d divorced Mick, and then she’d been dumped by the Studio Head, sent off
to Europe to play a bitch in a B movie that would go straight to DVD.

Deana was very happy, thank you very much. She wasn’t going to make the same mistakes Denise had. She would always be nice to the Studio Head. Very, very nice….

She had all the cock she could handle. The Studio Head had given her only one rule. No fucking unless he was there to watch. Deana was happy to obey. Because he was there to watch her a great deal, every night, and many afternoons.







Jennie was pleased when her part was filmed and over. Now she could concentrate on what was most important to her, making her husband happy. She was relieved when location shooting was finished, and she and Mick were back
home in Berkshire. She worked in the garden a lot, planting a rose bower, and having a greenhouse built.

Mick loved fresh, tasty tomatoes. She could grow them year round, in the greenhouse.

He loved to watch her grubbing in the garden. He loved to shower with her after, washing the dirt away. The place seemed so much more like a home, now that he was married to Jennie, and she was putting her mark on the house, changing many of the things his interior designer had done.

They bought some paintings from Dan. He painted Jennie, on the white bearskin rug, like a Vargas girl. Mick sat and watched him, enjoying the sight of Jennie on their white bearskin rug in front of the fire in their bedroom.
Then Dan painted Jennie in that silver gown, with the diamond necklace around her neck. Somehow Dan knew that he’d be painting Jennie for years, Mick loved so much to watch her pose.

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