Just Rules (19 page)

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Authors: Anna Casanovas,Carlie Johnson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

“I know how to walk,” she said to him when he interrupted the kiss for a second to open the door.

“I know.” He winked at her. “I like to carry you.”

He walked inside, carrying her, and he placed her on the bed. He was nervous. It wasn’t the first time being together, but it was the first time they weren’t angry. It was the first time they both looked each other in the eye and began to kiss each other and undress each other without any excuses. They simply wanted to be together. Mac got in front of her and offered her his hand, and when Susan grabbed it he helped her stand up and began to unbutton her blouse. She lifted her hands, placed them on his torso, and kept her head down, fascinated at how Mac’s fingers trembled as he fumbled with each and every button.

Kev misinterpreted Susana putting her head down, and he put a finger under her chin to lift it up and placed his lips on hers. The kiss started out slow, but it didn’t take long for it to become more intense and soon Mac’s lips moved frantically on hers, stealing her breath and making her dizzy. Susana trembled in Mac’s arms and he pulled her blouse until it came off, pressing his body immediately to hers. She slid her hands toward the waist of his jeans and tugged on his t-shirt. It was bothering her and she wanted to touch him and feel his skin and muscles. As frantic and nervous as she was, the t-shirt became tangled up in her fingers. He saw her distress and took the t-shirt off with a swift move. Mac was disheveled and looked at her with burning eyes, without hiding his lust, confusion, or anything of what he was feeling. He brought his hands to her shoulders and ran them down her back until he stopped them just where her bra unhook. He unhooked it and removed it slowly. Susana realized they were both trembling. She didn’t remember having felt so naked in front of a man. She even felt a bit dizzy, although at the same time she knew that that was exactly how things were supposed to be between a man and a woman. Mac didn’t say anything. He was incapable of speaking and picked her up so he could lay her on the bed.

Suddenly he was all over her, touching her and caressing her. He devoured her and lightly tugged on her skin. He licked her, kissed her, and bit her. He kept telling her in his gravelly voice how much he desired her. He stopped for a second and sat on the bed. He took her skirt and her panty hose off and got rid of his pants. When he lay back down again, he kissed her on the belly button and he kept making his way down.

“Mac!” she begged, convinced that she would die from the desire that he kept stirring up in her, without ever satisfying it. On other occasions, they had both been impatient to reach an orgasm, to put out even if it was just a little, the fire that was engulfing them. However, Mac didn’t seem to be in a hurry now, quite the opposite actually.

“Kev,” he corrected her.


Without knowing what to do or say, the only thing that Susana could do was touch his shoulders, his amazing hair, and his muscular back that was covered in sweat. Mac was a work of art. He had a body that turned her on just by looking at it. It was the body of a warrior, of a man dedicated to a physical and violent sport like football. Before, she thought that that was all he was. Now she knew there was much more to him than that, and it scared her. He must have sensed something because he moved away from her thighs, which he had been kissing with passion, and he got closer to her face.

“Trust me, Susana. Give me a chance. I know I can make you happy,” he said with a certainty he had never used with any other woman before. By telling her this he was giving her the power to destroy him. Despite the fact that he had never confessed what he felt for her —because he was convinced that she wasn’t ready to hear it— it was obvious that he wouldn’t say something so real and intimate to just anyone.

Susana nodded and lifted her head a little to kiss him. Mac placed his hands on both sides of her head and put himself inside her.

He stopped for a second and tried not to move, waiting for Susana to get used to having him there, but he couldn’t stop shaking. He clenched his jaw and let the air out slowly through his teeth.

Susana closed her eyes again and bit her bottom lip. He had moved to quickly, thought remorseful. Mac could feel the inside of her body pulsating on his manhood. If he could spend his entire life inside Susana, maybe he’d start to breathe again.

She loosened her grip on the sheets and lifted her hands to place them on Mac’s forearms. She felt him tremble from head to toes. He was trying not to move and kept his weight of her. She ran her fingers over the hair on his arms and Kev clenched his teeth and got more turned on.

She had never had that type of effect on anyone.

She kept her left hand on Mac’s right bicep and started moving her right hand up until she reached his face. Susana still had her eyes closed and when her hand reached Mac’s cheek, he turned his face and passionately kissed her palm.

She opened her eyes to find his completely open as well. Kev was surrendering himself to her, without hiding anything.

Mac kissed the palm of her hand again, and then he rubbed his entire face on it, searching desperately for her touch.

“Separate your legs a little more,” he said in his gravelly voice.

Susan did what he asked her to and Kev penetrated her even more. She threw her neck back without taking her hand off his face.

Mac was unable to move, except for the shaking in his muscles, and his back was covered in a thin layer of sweat. He needed for Susana to be really turned on, because when he started moving again, he wouldn’t be able to control himself, and he would make love to her in a way that she’d be able to feel him inside of her for the rest of her life.

Susana would never let another man touch her. Maybe her mind or her heart would never belong to him, he thought sadly, but after that night her body would be his forever.

Just like how he already belonged to her.

“Bend your knees.”

She instantly obeyed and Mac clenched his teeth when he felt his erection go even deeper inside her.

“Kev… Please, —moaned Susana— do something.”

The only thing he did was to slightly move his hips. He needed to be as deep as he could. He stopped when he could feel the most intimate part of Susana. The heat was practically unbearable. He was so turned on and he could feel how the walls of her sex trembled, trying to adapt to the intrusion. And they enclosed him inside of her.

He pulled out a little and went back inside a little more.

Susana gripped Mac’s right bicep with her left hand and the other hand trembled next to his face. Mac opened his mouth and bit her wrist for a second. She stretched out her fingers and he gently kissed each one.

Susana got even wetter and Mac felt the small contractions surrounding him, which meant that she was close to having an orgasm. He moved his right hand, supporting all of his weight on his left, and searched for her left thigh.

“Kev,” she whispered as she felt his fingers on her skin.

He didn’t say anything, every time she said his name he became more turned on, but he moved her leg slightly until his pelvis touched Susana’s body.

She trembled, and he continued kissing her hand and wrist, until he felt the inside of Susana’s sex tighten around his erection and enclose him inside her once again.

He slowly put his right hand on the sheets again and repeated the same process with Susana’s other leg.

He had never been so deep inside a woman. He had never been so desperate to be inside one like he was with Susana.

“I want to be inside you,” he muttered when his hips were finally pressed against Susana, a part of him deeply inside her. “I want you to feel me even when I’m not here around.”

He slowly lowered his arms until he was supporting his weight on his forearms and not on the palms of his hands.

“Kev, please —begged Susan— keep going.”

He brought his hands to her shoulders and caged her completely under him. He needed her to hold still. If she moved, he would come.

And he wasn’t ready for that yet.

He breathed slowly and rested his sweaty forehead on hers. Mac felt as though his body was incapable of being away from Susana. He needed to feel every inch of her skin.

The hair on his torso stuck to her breasts and he felt how Susana’s stomach trembled.

That was when he lost it.

Mac squeezed his buttocks together to see if he could contain the pleasure, but the lips of Susana’s sex tightened around him and couldn’t hold it anymore..

The fire began where their bodies united and spread suddenly over both of them. Susana felt how her orgasm shook her from head to toe and the only thing she could do was wrap her arms around him and hope that he knew what to do.

She was as lost as he.

Mac buried his face in Susana’s neck and ridiculously tried to stop his body from shaking after having the most intense orgasm of his life. He licked her neck and squeezed her shoulders so that she didn’t move, but the rest of his body remained completely immobile.

When he finished, he noticed that Susana was stroking his hair, and he realized that he was still inside her. He was still hard, but after the orgasm they had had together he could feel how wet Susana was.

He let out a sigh of relief. He was finally able to be with her how he wanted.

He started to kiss her neck and then he heard her sigh. He moved his hips once and let his manhood slide into the pathway he wanted to make his home. Susana slowly dug her nails in his shoulder.

He clenched his teeth to contain the desire —he wasn’t going to lose control again— and he slipped a hand between their bodies, searching for her sex.

When he felt her tremble he had to close his eyes.


He was close to the edge again, but this time he was going to give Susana the pleasure she deserved. And he was going to show her that she would never find another man like him.

“Do you like it?” he asked with a gravelly voice.

“Yes,” she answered.

He continued caressing her slowly and softly, so soft that it didn’t fit with the strong and controlled movements of his hips. Susana threw her head back again and Mac held her down by the shoulders and made her prisoner under his body.

He squeezed his buttock and pushed with all his strength; his erection shook inside her. He pulled out very slowly, basking in Susana’s uncontrollable shaking, and then penetrated her again.

It was torture.

It would end up driving them both crazy.

“Kev,” she moaned.

“What do you want, Susana? —he licked a bead of sweat that was running down her neck— what do you want?”


He pulled out slowly and didn’t move for a few seconds. Their bodies trembled. They were both covered in sweat and they could barely breathe. He penetrated her again and they both could breathe a little better.

“Kiss me, Kev,” she said.

Mac moved back so he could look at her, and he knew that he would never forget the look on Susan’s face at that precise moment. She needed him, maybe even as much as he needed her.


“Kiss me, I beg…”

He kissed her. He was so caught up in the moment that he had even bitten her bottom lip. He moved his tongue over the mark his teeth have left and then slipped his tongue inside her mouth.

“You…—he muttered stopping the kiss— don’t… —he pulled his hips back and went inside her again, this time with more force— have… —in and out— to beg for anything.

God, he was going to come.

She looked him in the eye and Mac realized that he wasn’t the one who was making love to her; rather, it was the other way around. Susana held his face in her hands and pulled on him with all of her might.

She kissed him with the same amount of passion that Mac had when he made love to her, and when he trembled and climaxed, she kept going.

They both trembled from head to toe and their bodies shook from the orgasm that came from the depths of their souls, which didn’t plan on ever letting them go. Mac moved his hips frantically. Long gone was the lover who had everything under control. Now he was just a man who was desperate to lose himself inside the woman he loved.

After he finished, he kept kissing her.

Actually, he didn’t stop kissing her all night.

They were silent for a moment, caressing and kissing each other, forgetting about everything that had happened in the past few days. They were the only ones that mattered, that and how they felt when they were together.

Susana also seemed like she was incapable of stop touching him, and Mac soaked up every last one of her caresses in case they had to last him for the rest of his life. Just thinking about that made him feel like he needed her again and she seemed to understand. They were lying on their sides, face to face, and Mac lifted one of her legs up so that he could carefully place her on his waist. Still looking her in the eye, he guided his manhood toward the inside of her body. He wasn’t fully hard, but this wasn’t about sex, it was something more vital, the need to be inside Susana came from a place he didn’t know he had but couldn’t deny anymore.

She caressed his face and searched for his lips to kiss him. They started out slow. A caress, a kiss, and they both ran toward another orgasm, this time while they were embracing each other.

The last thing that Mac thought before climaxing was that he was willing to do anything as long as Susana stayed in his life.

Chapter 14

Fourteenth rule of American football:

Out of bounds:
occurs when a defensive player invades the line of scrimmage at the begging of the play. If the player returns to his initial position before the start of the play there is no penalty.


Mac and Susana woke up the next morning. She fell asleep immediately and he, after having gone to the bathroom to clean up, returned to the bed and lay down next to her. When Mac opened his eyes and saw her looking at him, he felt pressure in his chest for a second, but it went away when Susan smiled and moved in for a kiss. They made love again and when they finished he asked her to take a shower with him. It was the most ecological option and Mac cared a lot about the environment. Susana rejected the invitation and when she told him, blushing from head to toe, that she needed a little time to recover, Mac let her shower alone…but not before covering her with kisses.

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