Just That Easy (14 page)

Read Just That Easy Online

Authors: Elizabeth Moore



Real domination is not latex, ball gags, or stomping the
scrotum of some poor misdirected anemic bastard. Domination, is protection,
connection, pushing someone to the limit on the deepest primal level. It is an
understanding that the needs of both must be met, one willing to be led, the
other willing to lead. Domination could mean feeding your lover something
unidentified whether delicious or otherwise, and your partner allowing you to
do so. It could also mean knowing when that partner needs something more, that
they can handle it and need stimulation through pain, or stimulation through
control, or conquering fear, and being able to take them there, because it’s
what will please you both the most, the deepest. That is submission. Giving
away your own control, your needs met completely by another, is the submission.
It’s not weak, it’s powerful. It takes strength to both give over that kind of
control, and to wield that kind of power without abusing it, without hurting.
The submissive gives the power, the dominant takes it, but both surrender to


“Wow. That is a very powerful thought. Whatever you do with
it, I’m sure it’s going to be great. That thought really gets to the heart of
it, doesn’t it?”

“Hope so.”

His entire body tingled. Because it had been her who had
written it, and that she had such a keen understanding of the concept. It
rocked him, hard. He’d complimented her because he didn’t know what else to say
without turning into a bleating idiot.

Without a doubt, if he managed to keep her with him long
enough, that would be somewhere he’d take her. It was like the certain
knowledge of death and taxes. Unavoidable. And she got it, totally, just got
it. It wasn’t a game, it wasn’t toys and put-ons, it was emotional, raw,
powerful. The very same thing she wasn’t willing to give. This was going on the
list. Plain and simple. But not yet.

The idea of the list reminded him that before he’d wandered
in here he had decided it was about time to get started. He had the perfect
thing planned for this first time. Simple, easy, bring her out into herself a
little. Let her feel some of her own power, see how she liked it.

He leaned in, his voice low and close to her ear, just as he
knew she loved to hear it. “I’m going to go take a shower, baby. I feel the
need for hot water and lots of steam. Don’t work too long.” He kissed her neck
and walked out. Hoping she picked up on it. Confident she wouldn’t disappoint,
she never did.

Chapter Ten

Self Gratification


“Grant?” Giving the bedroom door a hesitant push, she heard
the shower running in the bathroom. Releasing the breath she didn’t realize she
had been holding, she stepped through and closed it quietly behind her. She
kicked off her shoes as a delicious little grin spread over her face. Perfect
opportunity. Still a little sweaty from the gym herself, she would love a shower.
Especially with him in it. She tiptoed toward the bathroom door.

Trying to be quiet, she moved closer. She hoped that the
mirror wasn’t angled to catch the outer room. As she got close she realized it
angled, but not so he could see her. She could see directly into the shower.
The vision that met her eyes froze her on the spot.

Through the transparent shower curtain and the wisps of
steam, Grant stood, one hand bracing on the tiles in front of him. His back
taut, the muscles twitched beneath the heavy stream of water cascading down
over him. Head down, his hair fell forward over his forehead and she followed
his line of sight. She ended up staring intently at his rock-hard cock, which
slid slowly back and forth in his own hand.

She sucked in a deep breath. She’d never expected to walk in
on any man in the middle of pleasuring himself. It sent a shock down her spine,
her body tensed and exploded all at the same time as her nerve endings fired
off in tiny shots of adrenaline. Like a voyeur, she stood there stock-still,
taking it all in.

He was breathtaking. His ass was as tight as stone, the
little concave hollows below his hips that she loved to kiss so much tensed and
beaded with water. His legs were spread slightly, his hips ground slowly
forward and back in rhythm with the movement of his hand as it worked slowly up
and down that magnificent piece of flesh that had given her so much ecstasy.
She could hear his ragged panting above the splattering of the hot water. She
watched as he slid his fist slowly down the whole shaft of his cock, thumb
pressed hard against the top edge, catching the head as it came back up.

Her body started to sway in the same rhythm. She clenched
her thighs, feeling the heavy tightening of her clit as she squeezed.
the hell now?
Part of her wanted to stand there and take in every glorious
second of his self-induced gratification. She wanted to see that thick stream
of cum burst from him and splatter out over the shower. Wanted to hear that cry
of pleasure as the last jerking spasm ripped through him.

What if he didn’t want her to see him?

Then the image of her kneeling in front of him, taking that
thick rigid head into her mouth every time he pumped forward made her knees
wobble, and she felt her hand move instinctively between her legs, pressing
down hard against the rising pulse throbbing there.

The need to feel that wet, hot skin on hers won out. If he
was pissed she was watching him, he shouldn’t be stroking himself with the door
wide open. In her bathroom. Two steps and she pushed the door the rest of the
way, watching him as it swung slowly open.

He turned, his eyes meeting hers. The slow burn in them
pulled her closer. She held her breath as he turned the rest of the way toward
her, straightening up, but not once stopping the slow stroking on that big,
beautiful cock. Another step closer, mesmerized.

“Stop right there.”

“I want to—”

“No. You’re going to watch.” His eyes were heavy-lidded,
full of need, but his voice was sharp, demanding.

This was going to be hard. Really, really hard. “I want to
touch you. Please.” Her voice came out barely above a whisper.

His eyes lifted in triumph and he stroked himself again,
purposefully, watching her eyes follow the movement. “Touch yourself. Take off
your clothes but stay right where you are.”

The realization rocked through her almost as hard as seeing
him that first instant, sliding his hand over himself. This was a scene from
one of her books. Remembering exactly what should happen next she stopped,
unsure if she could follow through.

Still, the familiar and delicious shiver of anticipation ran
through her, the same as it always did when he asked her to do something,
anything. But this time she was going to be doing it to herself. She hesitated.

“Go on, you can do it. I want to see you. You know what I

The softness in his voice even as he panted out the rhythm
of his stroke in his breath made her fingers fly to the button on her shorts.
She slid them down, taking her panties with them, then met his eyes. The need
there crushed any shyness that remained. The plain, unashamed desire in his
eyes made her once again feel bold, safe enough to dare, and she knew exactly
what he needed to see. Especially since she’d written it.

Slowly she lifted the hem of her shirt up, over her belly,
past her shoulders, tossing it to the floor. A new surge of brazenness passed
through her. The images of her own words passed through her head. If she could
write it, she could do it.

She had touched herself for him in small ways plenty of
times in the heat of passion, but not like this. That was when they were moving
together and they were deep in the same need, oblivious to anything else. This
was purposeful. Every move designed to let him see everything she would do to
herself, on display for him. She slid her hands down over her hips, then back
up over her belly, to just below each breast where she squeezed the curve of
them in her palms.

“That’s it, baby, show me. Watch me.” His deep voice echoed
in the shower, in the room, through her.

Her eyes traveled back down to that thick, jutting cock, wet
and glistening in his strong hand. Sliding back and forth. It sent a flood of
wetness down over her, a gush of cream designed to open her pussy for him to
fill it, but that wasn’t going to happen, she was going to do it herself. A
thousand tiny hot needles twisted in her belly.

It was just enough to send her into action. The seductive
thought of pleasuring herself, all for him, rippled through her. Her eyes went
to his for reassurance, for direction, and found inspiration in the raw desire
he had for her as plain as day on his face.

Her fingers did away with the hooks of her bra and it was
gone, her fingers now free to fly back and cup her breasts, circling her rigid
nipples. A small cry from her lips echoed in the damp room, and she saw his
hips jerk slightly forward in response.

“More, show me more.”

Pinching them hard, she squeezed her breasts together and
plumped the dimpled ridges, twisting hard in her fingertips. Her hips began to
rock with each new wave of pleasure that rushed through her as she teased her
own nipples into red hard knots.

“Back up and lean on the sink, I want to see those legs
spread wide, show me how wet you are. I love that soft pink pussy spread open
for me.”

A moan escaped her as she did just that, the cold porcelain
bit into her ass but she raised one leg and draped it over the edge, feeling
the warm humid air wash over the inner folds of her dripping wet slit. She
arched her back and pulled at her nipples once more.

“Do it, baby, man you are so wet, slip those pretty fingers
in there,” he groaned, as his hand moved faster against his own flesh.

One hand remaining on her nipples, she slid the other down
her belly, watching his eyes follow it, mouth open in anticipation. Her fingers
reached the outer edges and she paused, petting little circles over the folds
just above her clit, making him wait for it.

He stroked himself harder. She loved watching his thumb
catch the swollen head as his big fist came up over the top. It would be
possible to come right here perched on the sink without doing any more, just
twisting her nipples and watching that beautiful cock slipping in and out of
his hand. But he needed more and she knew it. She slid her fingers down,
opening herself so that he could see her finger rub heavily over her distended,
begging clit.

It felt so damn good. More than the touch of her own
fingers, the pleasure came because he watched her do it, and it was driving him
crazy. And that drove her crazy. Arching her back, she plunged two fingers deep
within her, feeling the slippery wet heat of her own inner walls vibrating
against her hand.

His loud groan told her that was exactly what he wanted.
“Yes, baby, yes. Does it feel good?’

“It feels so good. I’m so wet.” She worked her fingers faster,
but pulled them back again, wanting to feel that insane flash of grinding need
that only came when her clit and her nipples were being worked together.
Sliding her finger hard over her clit, she began rocking into the motion. With
each little grind forward she pinched a nipple, pulled the other, going from
one to the other she hunched her shoulders to push them together and made a
show of trying to touch them both at once.

A loud, grunting groan echoed in her ears and she opened her
hazy eyes just in time to see that thick load of cum spurting from him exactly
as she’d imagined it. It ran slowly over his hand as he stroked three more
quick jerks, milking the last trickle from himself. Leaning back against the
shower wall, he grinned at her.

“Come on, baby, now you.”

The image of that thick cock jerking out his load into his
hand sent her hips rocking hard against her own hand and she furiously worked
her clit, moaning and whimpering. As she came all at once in a rush of heat, he
finally flipped the shower handle down and stepped out, folding her heaving
body against him.

His skin was wet, hot as anything. Her body melted into him,
the energy sapped from her limbs.

“That was so incredibly hot watching you.” His voice rumbled
through her, his chin against her cheek, his fingers stroking her back lightly.

“That’s what I said.”

He pulled back enough to look in her eyes. “You did?”

“In my head, about a thousand times, I think.”

His strong arms cradling her still shuddering body against
him, he kissed the top of her head. “Blueberry pancakes?”

She laughed at the now familiar joke, shaking her head. “Oh
hell no.”

“What?” He chuckled back, wrapping his strong arms around
her he all but lifted her from the floor into his searing hot body.

“Take me to bed, you. That might have been fun, mister, but
I need to feel you inside me. Tell me you have it in you,” she pleaded,
breathless as she watched his smile widen.

“Are you kidding? I could fuck you raw, flip you around and
start all over again, I will never, ever, get enough of you,” he growled.

She was up over his shoulder and being taken to bed before
she could even crack a smile at how much she loved his boldness, and how bold
he was making her.

Laying her on the bed, he looked at her for the longest
time, until she felt herself turning almost pink with his attention.

“There it is,” he smiled, leaning in over her, still just


“That flushed look you get when you want me, when I’m
looking at you like this. It’s beautiful. It’s like a drug to me. See?” He
pulled her hand to his again rock-hard erection. “Can’t get enough of you,
Teryn. Ever.”

He pulled a pillow from the top of the bed and slid it
beneath her. Grabbing one foot, he kissed her ankle, licking her softly. Then
he placed it on his shoulder. “Other one.”

She lifted her other foot to his shoulder and sucked in a
deep breath. “Oh, how do I know this is going to feel so damn—”

Her voice died out when he slid into her, one smooth, heavy
motion designed to fill her to bursting with him. The exact way she loved to

Rocking against her, every time he slid from her she felt
her muscles working to pull him back in, each time he plunged back, his cock
filling her to stretched beyond tight around him, she moaned in deep pleasure.

“I loved watching your fingers in that sweet wet pussy. I
liked it even more because I knew you wrote it, it was already in that pretty
little head.” He drove just a little harder, the words pushing him as well as
her. He stared down at her, heat in his eyes burning as deep as the blue in
them. “You like watching me? My cock in my hand.”

“Yes, god, it was so hot, I loved watching you make yourself
come. I wanted to touch you though, lick every drop that came out of you.”

“Damn, baby, you don’t ever let up on me, do you?” He squeezed
his eyes shut, slowed his rhythm.

She grinned. “Can’t help it, love it when you are a wild

“Only for you, baby, only for you.” He moved again, slowly,
pushing deep into her, angling to hit that spot, sliding over it again and
again to make her cry out, wanting it to never stop.

“I like you wild too. I love watching you come for me, every
way possible.”

He pulled back, slipping out of her and she groaned. “You
are so mean.”

“Uh-uh. Remember what I said about that flipping over part?”
His chest heaving though he had barely broken a sweat his voice took on a hard
edge. “On your belly, girl. I need to ride you, ride you hard. You going to let
me ride you like I need to, baby?”

Without bothering to answer she turned on her belly, lifting
her ass high. He didn’t waste any time sliding his hand between her thighs,
pulling them apart, making room for himself between them. She moaned into the
mattress as his hand brushed her clit. He slid into her tight, wet body and she
clutched at him with every ounce of her strength. He went deep, so deep, her
body hummed with the power in his long, heavy strokes.

“That good? Want more?” He grunted, grabbing her hips in his
strong hands.

“More…god yes, much more!” she cried.

He gave her more, all right. She felt him swirl his thumb in
her wetness as he slid his cock out, then as he plunged back in, that thumb
invaded the tight ring of her ass.

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