Keeper of the Alphas - Complete (12 page)

Chapter 12

As Marcus bruised Cami’s hips with his own in front of the fireplace, their limbs twisting together, bodies moving as one, Jayce lingered outside. He knew how to use the wooden boards of the porch to his advantage and had stepped across them soundlessly to peek inside.

Not that they would have noticed him anyway. Too otherwise occupied.

Jayce heard Cami moan, saw her nails lace across the Beast’s back, and felt a jab of jealous pain rip through him. He turned away quickly.

He’d seen enough.

He leapt from the porch and stepped back towards his Camaro. The night was heavy, wet and chilly, and the midst clung to him. He heard crickets. The crunch of leaves.

A growl.

He stopped, turned. Looked towards the woods. Thought, for a second, that he saw a flash of red, but…

Could be anything. Fireflies, maybe.

He wasn’t going to take chances. Not without a gun filled with silver bullets, anyway. He got in his car quickly and closed the door, kicking up dirt under his tires.

“She’s getting close to him,” Jayce said. He leaned back in his lawn chair as the bonfire crackled at his feet.

“How do you mean?” Pam took a sip from her beer.

His eyebrows lifted at her. “I mean

“She’s a fur-fucker? Disgusting,” Pam sneered.

Jayce looked away and stared into the woods instead. He lifted the bottle of beer to his lips and took another swallow, distracted.

“So you know what you have to do, lover boy,” Pam teased as she climbed into his lap, wrapping her legs around his hips. “You have to get
” Her mouth twisted in a smirk and she reached down between them to undo his belt with skilled fingers. Then she reached past the waistband of his pants, took his dick in her hand, and started stroking. “Think you’re
for the task?”

“Cami’s not stupid,” Jayce said. Though his dick betrayed him as it began to grow harder under Pam’s touch. Never had a lick of good sense, that thing between his legs.

Cami, Cami, Cami
,” Pam mocked bitterly. She’d already had a little too much to drink and it was making her ugly. She leaned in, ghosted her lips over his jaw, and murmured, “If you’re so obsessed with her, I’ll even let you say her name when we fuck.”

Jayce moved his hand to Pam’s chest and gave her a shove back, out of his chair. “Quit it,” he said, his voice a low threat.

“Jesus, Jay, chill,” Pam said sharply from her spot on the ground as Jayce got up to his feet. “You need to relax. Want me to suck that bend out of you?”

Jayce got up and went back to his trailer, slamming the screen door shut behind him. Prayed that would keep her out. He took another swig of his beer, killing it, then tossed it in the sink. Felt dizzy, unsteady on his feet, and he plopped down on his bed instead.

His eyes fell on an old wooden lockbox he kept on the shelf. He hesitated a second, then pulled it into his lap and opened it up.

It contained a few treasured items. A sleek Colt .45 revolver, loaded with silver bullets. An old Polaroid of his mother.

And something else. He lifted up an old, tattered bracelet and ran his fingers over it once. Beaded with cleaned and polished raccoon teeth. A stupid, morbid little gift crafted by a stupid, morbid little boy, infected by puppy love for his best friend. Planned to give it to her, but she’d left that night, vanished into thin air.

He’d kept it ever since. Reminded him of a time when he was innocent, nice. When he’d had someone who
about him for who he was and not just for what he could do for them.

His fist closed over the bracelet and the animal teeth bit into his palm.

He had to protect Cami.

He had to kill Marcus the Beast.

A Growl and a Howl

(Keeper of the Alphas: Part 3)

By Morgan Rae

Chapter 1

The golden hue of candlelight licked the cave walls, sending long, eerie shadows climbing the ceiling. Aldric could hear his own foggy breath, the rushing of water nearby, and a metallic clicking. His panted sickly, his tongue at the roof of his mouth, and he tried to shift off of his back, but that only sent a burst of pain through his chest.

He growled loudly, and his hand immediately shot up, grabbing a feminine wrist.

“Hush.” A soft voice, low and maternal. “Just a few more stitches to go, you big baby.”

Aldric dropped his grip. “How long have I been out, Onya?”

“All night,” Onya answered. The stout ginger-haired girl wore a messy burlap dress as she stitched up the claw marks that scraped down Aldric’s body. “Yara found you bleeding out last night and dragged you here.”

Yara. Of course. He recognized the rushing sound of water now. Yara lived in her hidden den behind the waterfall and had no doubt called Onya here to patch him up.

Speak of the devil. He heard the wolf before he smelled her, the water masking her scent. He shifted up (ignoring the pain in his chest) and watched the grey wolf step in through the sheet of water, nails clipping against red rock, and shake itself off. She had good reason to hide so deliberately in the woods, too; she was the last of the grey wolves in this part of Oregon, ever since the hunters went on a rampage to eradicate her kind. In a flash, she shifted, a sultry, sleek woman with wet raven hair that clung to her small round breasts.

“You’re awake, sir.” Her voice was throaty, yellow eyes sharp and penetrating. “Who did this to you?”

Loyal, but not soft. She had bloodlust in her voice, which made her a perfect right hand for Aldric.

“Marcus,” he said. “And his Keeper.”

“I thought we killed her.” Yara curled up beside them. Onya continued to stitch Aldric up quietly, though her shoulders tensed. She wet her fingers in a bowl of silt and began packing the healing mud against his cuts.

“A new girl,” Aldric continued. “Lynn’s daughter.”

“What do you want us to do?” Yara asked.

“We kill her,” Aldric growled. “And Marcus. Once they’re out of the picture, we can take Tyburn.”

“He’s our brother,” Onya whispered.

Aldric sat up then, pain be damned, and stared down at Onya. “

“It’s just…” Onya fumbled. “Marcus…he’s…”

,” Aldric barked, grabbing Onya by her throat. She tensed, sipping in air as he held her tight. “He challenged my rule and he was banished for it. He
you. I take care of you now. You don’t want to bite the hand that feeds you, do you?”

Reluctantly, she dropped her eyes submissively under the hard glare of her Alpha. “No, sir.”

“I’ll take care of them,” Yara said, her voice direct, sharp.

Aldric nodded. She shifted again, smooth like water, and began to exit the cave.

“Yara,” Aldric called out. The wolf stopped in her tracks and turned back to him, ears perking. “The hunters have been killing freely lately. Stay alert. If you find him, he’s all yours.”

A new hunger lit up in the wolf’s yellow eyes. She licked her chops and then bounded through the wall of water in one leap.

Chapter 2

When Marcus woke up, he was hard as a rock.

Figures. He should have known better, really. Should have guessed that the heavy satisfaction he felt from last night’s fuck in front of the fireplace would fade away overnight—only to be replaced by an increasingly familiar constant longing thudding in his blood.

Her scent was everywhere. Sickly sweet, jasmine and honey. The ache was dull, throbbing, like it’d been there for a while.

Explained his dreams, anyway. Dreams of climbing on top of Cami, of taking her, of piercing her skin with his teeth. He could still taste blood, metallic and all her. He wet his lips and felt his canines extended, his gums throbbing like a bad toothache. He willed the Beast back and, slowly, felt it retreat. His cock was less easily convinced.

Cami was still draped over him, nuzzled up into his chest like she was making a nest in the hair there. Naked, her body flush against his like a heading pad. The white sheet had fallen off her shoulders in the night and left her nipples exposed, tight little droplets brushing against him. He thought about pulling them between his teeth, then instantly regretted the thought. It made his dick twitch angrily and graze her soft thigh, wrapped tight around his hips. He couldn’t get his mind off her and he hated that.

There was a small wet spot on his chest. She was drooling lightly. That should have been a turnoff, but he just found it endearing.

Hated that, too.

He glanced at the clock by his bed. 7:14. Later than he would normally wake up, but he was still sleeping off the silver in his blood. The morning sun was already breaking through the skeletal treetops and spilling over through the pointed windows.

So he had—what? Only five more hours to lie here with tented bed sheets until Cami got up on Cami-time?

Hell with this. It was time for Cami to wake up. He was going to lose his mind if he had to lie here a second longer.

“Cami,” he murmured.

Nothing. Just the slow rise and fall of her chest.

“Cami.” She stirred, but only lightly, with a small sleepy noise, and just squeezed him tighter like some life-size teddy bear. Dead to the world.

Fine. Two could play at this game.

He shifted in her koala-bear hug and freed himself, easing her onto her back. Then he drew himself down her body, under the sheets. He heard her let out a small noise of discomfort and saw her hug herself in the absence of his heat.

She’d warm up soon enough. He parted her thighs, admiring her delicate slit, her pink lips, and pressed them apart with his thumb to reveal her little clit. Then he dove in, swiping his tongue fully up her pussy in a slow, wet lick.

He felt the stubble from his chin catching on the soft skin of her thighs and her pink lips. Cami’s body woke up long before her head did, welcoming him with her syrupy sweet nectar. She broke like a dam over his lips, getting hotter, wetter, with every lick. Her hips began to move, making the sheets rustle as she arched into his mouth. Her body stirred, she gasped, and he knew she was finally awake when he felt her fingers sink deep into his hair and hold him there.

His erection was raging, but her control over him was undeniable and he felt compelled to make her feel good. Every moan from her made him want another, a louder one, one with his name attached to it.

His tongue found a sweet spot right under her clit and she shuddered when he hit it. Her pink clit pulsed against his nose as he trapped her tights apart under his heavy grip and nuzzled into her. She was panting loudly and had warmed up quickly in her sleepy state. Already, he could tell she was rocking on the knife’s edge of an orgasm, the way her hips strained to meet his mouth and her fingers got painfully tight in his hair.

“Oh, shit, Marcus,” she breathed. “Right there…”

His name was all the push he needed. He licked, sucked, and nibbled that little spot until she was shaking, violently. Her legs snapped up against his hands and she tugged his hair as, in true Cami fashion, she cried out as she came.

Oral sex wasn’t exactly his style. Beasts didn’t lick, they fucked. But he found himself wildly hungry for Cami as he lapped up everything she had to give him and still wanted more.

But the beast was coiling in his belly. Angrily. Straining its tight leash.

“Holy fuck,” Cami giggled, reeling, and she ran her fingers through his hair as Marcus straightened up over her. “Good morning to you, too—”

“I’m not finished with you,” Marcus interrupted abruptly.

, Cami thought, and then, “Oh!” when she felt his cock press inside of her. She was dripping wet and her pussy accepted him easily, though the rest of her struggled to catch up.

No such luck with Marcus. He rolled his body over hers in fluid, hard thrusts. His head dipped down into the crook of her neck as he rocked into her. She felt him nibble the skin of her neck. His teeth grazed her skin and she shuddered visibly as he gave her soft little bites all down her throat. She could feel him holding back, like a puppy nipping for attention, but she slipped her fingers deep in his hair and sighed, holding him close. “Oh, that’s nice,” she purred.

He growled. His breath felt hot on her wet neck.

Whatever he was holding back, he sure didn’t have a problem taking his frustration out on her pussy. He began pounding into her, never mind that she was still sore from last night, still spent from his tongue on her. His cock impaled her and she found herself gasping, squirming, struggling for an inch of relief against his rough and untethered onslaught.

“Please,” she begged.

“Please what?” he growled. Even like this, she could tell he couldn’t stand her inability to finish her sentences.

Please…what indeed?
Please stop
panted at her teeth, her body so sensitive that even a feather-soft touch on her clit ran shockwave after shockwave of pleasure through her veins, making her chatter like a shock therapy victim.

And yet…

And yet and yet…with each of his thrusts she felt the pain dissipate into sharp stabs of pleasure and soon her hips were meeting his with equal velocity, her body on its own masochistic autopilot.

Oh God…
oh God oh God
…without warning she was suddenly back on a knife’s edge of an orgasm. She both needed it and dreaded it, already sore, exhausted. But Marcus pushed on regardless, as though he knew what she needed—really needed—even when she didn’t. Her heels dug divots into the mattress and her nails ripped into his back as she felt her own building ecstasy completely overwhelm her.

“Please don’t stop,” she whimpered breathlessly.

Marcus grunted, growled, all man, all beast.

Cami screamed into his shoulder as she came. Her exhausted body could only manage little butterfly pulses, but each throb make her jerk and whimper. It was enough, anyway, for Marcus to finally let himself go on top of her, and he spilled over inside of her with a growled roar and a jerk of his hips. She could feel it, hot and dripping inside of her, and it spurred her body on to throb a little quicker, wanting more of him.

Marcus grunted once and hung over her. Cami panted uselessly underneath him. The corners of her eyes felt wet, even though she couldn’t remember crying, and he nuzzled his face against hers now and kissed and licked the corners of her eyes. She spotted five long slashes in the sheets where his hand was. Apparently, his beast hadn’t been entirely contained.

“So that’s what it feels like to get fucked by an animal,” she said.

“We have to get you under control,” he murmured.

“Me? You’re the one who jumped me.”

“Your powers,” he said flatly, shifting up to look down at her.

“I dunno,” Cami grinned and tugged on one of his long strands of hair. “I think I kinda like having this effect on you.”

He frowned. “We should get up.”

With that, he started the extraction process, untangling from her limbs. She clung tighter, though. “Five more minutes,” she said. Like this, he was warm and soft and even, at times, loving. But the second he left her arms he became cold again, detached.

It left a bad taste in her mouth. She grew up with the queen of cold and detached. She didn’t need it in her bed, too. No matter how good of a fuck he was.

Well. Maybe a couple more good fucks from him couldn’t hurt. Wasn’t like she was going anywhere, anyway.

She twisted a hand in his hair. “Can I cut your hair?”

He scowled. “What’s wrong with my hair?”

“Split ends, tangles, no volume. I could go on.”

“None of those words mean anything to me. I like it how it is.”

“I’ll keep it shaggy dog,” she said with a grin. “Just trim it. Maybe give you some layers. Please?”

“No. Up.” He pulled away from her, gave her ass a little slap, and got up to his feet.

“Fine,” she said, curling the blankets back around her for warmth. “I’ll just cut it when you’re sleeping.”

“Try that. You’ll lose an arm.” Cami tried to stifle a grin. Didn’t work. Marcus flung on a pair of pants and said, “Don’t sleep the day away.”

As he turned to leave, Cami called out, “Coffee, please, Daddy.”

He gave her a look; she gave him a pretty smile. He grunted in acknowledgment and closed the door behind him.

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