Kissed By A Demon Spy (13 page)

Read Kissed By A Demon Spy Online

Authors: Sharon Kay

She looked into the storm gray of his eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you believe me.” He took her other hand and brought it to his lips.

“I believe you.” How could she not? He wore down her defenses in the sweetest of ways.

“Promise?” He pulled her close, his words whispered against her mouth.

“I promise.” A weight in her heart lifted. She could do this. She could envision the possibility of a happy life here. With him.

The oven timer beeped.

“The roast,” she whispered.

“Damn timer,” he muttered. “We’re not done.”

“Okay.” She bit back a smile, too scared to hope, but wanting to so badly. Her mind relaxed a fraction. Why would he go out of his way to reassure her, unless he really meant it?
He has to mean it.

He wanted to make her happy. That was new territory, and one that she was ready to explore.

Together, Garnet and Aden cleaned up the few remaining dishes. They worked so well together, like they’d done this for years. At one point he’d even cracked a joke so corny she snapped a dishtowel at him. As he put away the last pot and she hung up the last dishtowel, he turned to her. “Let’s go outside.”

She took off her apron. “Front porch?” The inn had no guests tonight, and the building had a warding spell, but she didn’t want to be far from Dash.

“Yep. Let’s try out the new swing. You go, and I’ll grab drinks.”

“Okay.” She hooked her apron onto a peg and headed toward the front door.
Try out the new swing
. It sounded so normal. The kind of thing a regular couple would do. But she wasn’t normal, and they weren’t a couple. At least, not yet…but her mind held on to the possibility like a child holding tightly to a balloon string. Maybe it would never be, but she wasn’t going to let go of the thought yet. Pulling the tie from her hair, she walked out to the front porch.

The night air was warm and heavy with the scent of freshly turned soil. Garnet settled on the cushioned swing Aden had installed that morning, which was so comfortable it was like a hanging couch. Constructed of maple wood, it had beige cushions and a high back. She sank into its softness as relaxation seeped through her muscles and into her soul, content in a way she’d never felt. Pushing off with her toes, the swing moved silently.

Aden came out a minute later and set two glasses of cider on an end table. Lit only by the fire bulbs on either side of the door, the muscles in his arms appeared bigger and more chiseled. Everything about him was magnified in the contrast of light and dark spilling across his figure. Powerful. Passionate. Kind. He sat with fluid grace, not once disturbing the rhythm of the swing. “Come here,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around her.

She pressed closer, heart flipping and stomach fluttering. He seemed so perfect. Laying her head against his chest, she cast a glance up at the sky. Torth’s twin moons hung low and brilliant. Half full, tonight they glowed a deep, vibrant orange.

She sucked in a breath and simply stared.

“What is it?” Aden asked, running a hand down her arm.

“Harvest moons. They’re so beautiful, so huge in autumn. I haven’t seen them in so long. Not at harvest time. Not orange like that.” She sat mesmerized by the hue that some considered spooky, but to her signaled an important time in the crops’ life cycle. An important symbol of home.

Aden rubbed his thumb along her bicep.

“I knew the moons were still there, obviously. It’s just that Stroehm had such heavy cloud cover nearly every day, I hardly ever saw them. And if I did, it was usually only one of them.” She shook her head. Something as simple as a satellite in the sky brought into sharp relief so many things about her imprisonment. So much that she had missed out on. It was time to change that and start experiencing the things that had been denied to her. Now that she had a place to call home. And maybe, unexpected but not unwelcome, a man to stand at her side.

She took a breath and shifted her gaze to Aden. So tall and handsome. He didn’t seem like an innkeeper. He radiated strength and a sense of fairness, maybe she’d even call it justice, that she would equate with a warrior. “Sorry. I just needed a minute there.”

“Take all the minutes you want, sugar.”

. She was getting used to that. She’d never had a nickname before.

“I’m glad you told me your story today.” He kissed her hair.

“Me too. I was afraid to, at first. But it seemed like I was keeping this huge secret from you.”

An unfamiliar darkness flickered across his eyes, then was gone. “You never have to be afraid with me.” He hooked a finger under her chin, tilting her face up. “Never.”

“Thank you.” She draped her arm across his abdomen. “I’m glad you decided to open up this inn. I’m not sure where I would’ve stayed otherwise.”

He sat silently, staring at some point on the horizon. A tingle of apprehension crawled across her skin.

She curled her fingers into his T-shirt. “What is it?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. Let’s just say I’m glad I was here when you happened to come back.”

Some of the tension left her shoulders, but still, she sensed there was more that he wasn’t telling her. And while part of her was indignant that since she shared her secrets, he should too, another part reminded her that the past could be a minefield. He’d been patient with her—she could do the same for him.

They sat in silence as a soft breeze tousled the geraniums and the swing finally started the gentle creaking she’d expected.

“Today, in the cellar…it wasn’t too much for you?” Aden asked.

“What? No.” She nuzzled his chest. “I think I may have started it, remember?”

“I remember every second.” His voice rasped over her skin in an erotic caress.

“So do I.” She looked up into storm gray eyes. “I liked it.”

“That was my goal.” He dipped his head to kiss one corner of her mouth, then the other. “Don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. Ever.”

His nearness, his heat, his words, combined in a storm of emotion she couldn’t hope to hide from. It was too much, more than she could hope for, and it was perfect. She traced a finger along his jaw, hardly able to believe she was sitting here in his arms. Her heart stuttered in wonder as he covered her mouth with his.

She melted into the delicious pressure of his lips. He felt like home, and she had no hope of explaining that thought. All she could do was bask in the feeling of safety and desire that he evoked. His mouth was warm and demanding, his tongue tickling and exploring her. She could kiss him for hours.

He angled her head to the side, trailing a line of fiery kisses down her neck. “Aden,” she murmured, knotting her hands in his hair—but avoiding the horns.


“Someone might see.”

He lifted his head to look at the fire bulbs and muttered the spell to extinguish them. “That’s better.” And he went back to devouring her mouth. He shifted her onto his lap so that she straddled him, which made the swing rock and sway side to side.

She wound her arms around his neck, holding on. He didn’t seem fazed in the least by the swing. Easy for him. His feet touched the floor.

His body was solid muscle and hard all over. He’d settled her in the perfect spot, aligning her core with the massive erection straining against his jeans. Just like in the cellar, his body called to her, a wicked temptation that she wanted to indulge. But something held her back. No kids or dinner patrons were waiting for them this time. This, right now, had the potential to go farther. All the sex she’d had in her life had been forced or part of an arrangement. It would be her first time to honestly say yes or no, and both possibilities scared her. “Aden.”


She pulled back to rest her forehead against his.

He smoothed her hair. “You okay?”

“Yeah. I just…” Now she felt like an idiot. How could she even explain it? “I, um…”

He laid a gentle finger on her lips. “Shh. You don’t have to say anything.”

She closed her eyes and felt her heart melt a little more. Could he get any more perfect? “Good, because I don’t know how.”

“Don’t need to. You set the pace. Just one thing, though.”

Her eyes flicked open, meeting his twinkling ones. “What?”

One warm hand cupped her bottom. “Say you’ll make out with me again.”

She giggled. “I can do that.”

He gave her rear a light smack. “Good.”

Warm pressure rubbed up and down her spine, but both his hands were at her hips. What the heck? Then she realized…it was his tail. She knew Deserati demons could use them as weapons, but she’d never thought about the other possibilities. “That feels nice,” she whispered. His touch eased the pressure in her muscles as well as in her mind.
I set the pace
. She leaned forward so that she was draped across him, letting him massage her back and shoulders in the quiet darkness. When her eyes grew heavy, she finally forced herself to talk. “I need to get upstairs to bed.”

“Sure thing.” He set her on her feet and held her hand as he walked her to the second floor. When they reached the room she shared with Dash, Aden bent to press a quick kiss to her lips. “Good night, sugar.”

“Night.” She slipped into the room and closed the door, as different emotions popped into her mind, each of them making her smile. Peace, happiness, belonging, anticipation. And best of all…hope.

Aden adjusted his jeans and headed down the stairs. His mind reeled from the passionate sweetness and solid inner strength that was Garnet. She was so damn lush and tempting. But inside her was a girl who hadn’t been allowed a normal childhood. A woman who’d had to barter her body to avoid rape. As much as Aden wanted her, he’d wait.

Hell, he knew she was still adjusting to being home. To being free. It could take her months.

He walked to the front door, setting the warding spell and glancing out at the peaceful street. He didn’t need tropical beaches. This little farming town had worked its way into his heart, just like Garnet had.

. There was that dangerous thought again. But he wasn’t good for her. And a quick fuck wasn’t an option. Garnet wasn’t that kind of female. She deserved better. She was mate material.

He stopped in the middle of the dark hall. Mate material?
Where the fuck is this shit coming from?
Clenching his jaw, he forced deep even breaths through his nose. If she knew what he really did, she’d run. And if he had an ounce of sense when it came to her, he would stay away.

But that was impossible.

He headed to his office. Time to do his
real job
and check on the Vipers. Retrieving all the required items, he arranged them on his desk and sat down.

He uttered the words that would make the air crackle with magic, entwining the spell with his given gift. Misty miniature tornadoes appeared on the surface of the water, smoothing down to blanket it briefly. He dropped in the Viper tooth he’d found the other week.

At once, the mist cleared and he found himself looking at a group of six snakeheads sitting at a table. One stood up, a snarl twisting his face. Though the others were sitting, this one seemed larger. Their leader? He wore the same weapon holsters they all did.

As he spoke, Aden studied his nasty thin-lipped mouth. Two words formed over and over.
Laurel Hollow
. More words flowed.
Nymphs. Three nights.

A Viper sitting next to him thumped his fist on the table and scowled. Aden read the motions of his lips as he spoke in apparent frustration
. Laurel Hollow. We got it. And also—

The larger demon smacked the back of his head so hard his torso crumpled against the table.

The second Viper raised his head, rubbing a bloody lip, but remained quiet.

Anyone else want to question my plan?
The leader pulled back his mouth, reveling two long fangs…with one missing tooth next to one of them.

Aden smirked.
So that’s who the tooth came from
. He watched as every Viper in the room shook his head or looked down, until the leader dismissed his soldiers.

Clearing the image with a wave of his hand, he pulled out his phone and dialed Keegan to report what he’d seen.

“Laurel Hollow?” Keegan growled. “What the fuck is going on? Those nymphs haven’t hurt a soul.”

“Dunno. Want to see if we can arrange a sit-down?”

“I wouldn’t trust those fuckers.”

“Me neither. But what’s their motive?”

Keegan blew out a breath and Aden bet he was pacing around his home. He always paced when he talked on the phone. “I’ll talk to the other clan leaders, see if anyone has heard anything. The Vipers may just be being assholes.”


“Everything else okay?” Keegan asked.

“Yeah. Spent the day working on the roof.”

“My brother the handyman.” Keegan chuckled. “How’s that pixie working out?”

Perfect in every way.

“That right? You got damn lucky she showed up.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Aden stared at the Viper tooth in the bowl. His brother didn’t need to know everything.

“I’ll chalk that up to a little of both. Catch you later.” Keegan ended the call, still chuckling.


, G
with Dash at Jorie’s, the only place in town to get a haircut. Dash had never had a real haircut, as Garnet had resorted to using her kitchen shears at Stroehm, and those did a terrible job. And as talented as Garnet was with plants and food, hair was her nemesis.

“I don’t want a haircut.” Dash grumbled from his spot on her lap. She had to hold him. That was the only way he’d agree to the procedure, even after watching her go first.

“It’s okay,” Jorie, said. “I’m good with moving targets.” A plant pixie who was also good with hair, Jorie had two kids of her own who attended school with Dash. “I’ve had a lot of practice.”

Ten minutes later, with his hair combed and evened out, Dash looked more handsome than ever. “Look at you,
.” Garnet pointed to the mirror on the wall.

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