Kya & Xavier: It's Always Been You (Life As We Know It Book 1) (26 page)


Xavier Lee

was over and I was currently laying on my floor too tired to move. It was
amazing how a few days off could totally take you out of your element and coach
knew it too because he literally tried to cause us physical pain today. I sat
up and pulled off the sleeveless drifit shirt that I was wearing because it was
soaked from sweat and feeling cold from the breeze of my fan. I needed to take a
shower but my body was begging me not to move and it was winning so I stayed
put until I heard my phone vibrating. I rolled over, crawled to my bed grabbed
my phone off of it and then laid back down and answered without even looking to
see who it was.




your…Its Jackson.”


“How are


“I just
wanted to check in to make sure you and your friends made it back safely.”

“Yeah we
did, sorry I’ve just been busy.”

fine. I know that things didn’t go that well and I feel like you still have a
lot of questions that I would like to try to answer to I hope that you will be
willing to meet again. I could come there to see you if you’d like, whatever
will make it easier.”

maybe. I’ll let you know. It’s kind of hard to find time right now.”

just let me know. Call anytime, anytime at all and if you need anything, well
I’m sure you don’t but just in case you do please feel free to ask.”

“Yeah I

things aren’t perfect, I just want to try. I need to try.”

gotta go.”

son hopefully we can talk soon.”

Son, so I’m your son now, where the hell where you when Johnny was using
me as a punching bag. I guess I’m your son when it’s convenient for you. You’ve
got your perfect little family already, no need to try and fit me into it to
ease your conscious. I’m over that and I’m over you

The more
I thought about it the more pissed I got. Let him tell it the only reason for
not being a part of my life was because my mother wouldn’t let him. How dare he
make it all her fault. He took the easy route back then by just walking away
and he’s taking the easy route now by blaming her for it.
I’m over it, forget him
He wasn’t there for me back then when I
needed him to be and there was no need to change that now.

ups Zay?” I looked up to see Trey standing in my doorway.


going to that party in 111 tonight?”

I’m down.”

putting in or you chillin’.” Trey asked trying to find out if I was drinking

in.” I stood up and opened my practice bag to get my wallet out. I pulled out
three twenties and handed them to Trey.

“All of
it?” Trey asked.

“Yeah, it’s
been a long day.”

“I feel
ya. Any request?

“Nah, I’m
good with whatever.”


I needed
to talk to Ky but I knew that she was going to want to talk about my dad and
that was the last thing I wanted to do right now. She was concerned and just
wanted to make sure I was okay but she couldn’t help me with this, no matter
how much she wanted to. I wasn’t interested in a happy ending. I just wanted to
move on with my life. I had survived on my own all this time so there was no
need to change that now.

It was almost seven and 111 wouldn’t
start kicking off until about ten so I decided to take a shower, eat and catch
a nap. If I planned on getting lost in a bottle tonight I needed to be ready
for it.


The halls
were packed as always, every time there was a party in our dorm the entire
campus showed up. Athletes always had the best parties, the most alcohol, all
the girls and the privilege to be overlooked by the authorities including
campus security. I had two missed calls from Ky and I knew that it was going to
lead to an argument but I just couldn’t deal with her right now. I was on a
mission to get lost in a bottle of something strong. I probably would have
smoked something if I could've guaranteed
that I would have been able to skate past the random drug test that
coach pulled but with the way my luck had be lately I would have been selected
the next day. I had already been caught out there my freshman year and coach
said one more time and I would lose my scholarship. No sense in taking that
chance so I figured that I would stick to drinking.

well stranger. It must be a special night.”

The way
Kayla smiled at me let me know that I needed to stay away from her tonight or I
was going to get myself in trouble

that’s you. I’ve been around.”

around me.” She said with a disappointed look.

I’ve just been chillin’ though.”

people talk. You’re on lock down apparently.”

“Why you
say that?” I knew she was talking about Ky.

know why. She coming tonight?”

laughed. “Nah, just me tonight.”

I’ve missed you.”

sure. I’ll catch up with you later though.”

on how faithful you plan on being tonight.” I knew exactly where she was going
with that and I was trying my best to stay as far away from it as possible.

“I guess
that means I better stay away from you then.”

“I don’t
know if I can let that happen. I really missed you.” She moved closer to me stood
on her toes and kissed me on the neck which made me look around as if I half
expected Ky to magically appear and catch me in the middle of this.

but you know my situation.” I backed away from her and she grinned like I had
just told the biggest lie ever.

“I know
you, so we’ll just have to see about that a little later.” She grabbed my jeans
right at my belt buckle and then backed away from me smiling. I just shook my
head and laughed.
Trouble with a capital
T hell and ROUBLE!

I walked
into 111 and the music was blasting. People were everywhere holding solo cups
and beer bottles not fazed by the fact that most of us were under aged and
would get in serious trouble if anyone important decided to show up and shut us

up Zay, what you drinking?” Trey yelled when he saw me clearly he had been at
this for a while.

I walked
over and picked up one of the plastic shot glasses that were stacked on the counter,
filled it with rum and then turned it up. After three more I grabbed a beer and
looked around to check out who was in the room.
Damn, Chelle is here
I downed two more shots grabbed a six pack of Heineken
and left before she noticed that I was in the room. I just wanted to get drunk
I wasn’t really interested in being sociable so I left 111 headed straight for
the stairwell and sat down. I used the edge of the stairs to open the first
beer and turned it up, within minutes it was gone. I could already feel the effects
of the shots because my head was swimming and I was beginning to lose focus. I
was drifting and it felt good. It had been awhile since I had crossed that line
and I missed the way it made me feel. I felt no pain, nothing at all and
nothing is exactly what I needed right now.

“Are you

“I had
my elbows propped up on my knees with my head lowered onto my wrist so I
couldn’t see who was talking to me. I was wasted and could barely keep my eyes
opened so when I lifted my head to see, I had to try hard to focus.

gone aren’t you? What did you drink?” Kayla asked before she sat down next to
me. I could feel her rubbing my thigh and then she moved her hand under my
shirt and onto my back.

“I don’t
really remember.” I said and laughed.

wanna get out of here?”

I’m good right here. I don’t think I can anyway.”

help you. What floor you on?”

I knew that I was playing with fire but I
answered anyway.

“Come on
lets go.” She stood up and grabbed both of my hands to try and pull me to my
feet but the second I was up right I felt like I was going to fall so I sat
back down.

“You are
so gone.” She said and laughed, “Let’s try this again.” She repeated her
actions but this time I felt her arm go around my waist while she ducked under me
causing my arm to land on her shoulder and it took me a minute but I found my

“I don’t
know if we’re going to make it up two flights of stairs but we can try.” She
tightened her grip around my waist and I felt myself leaning on her.
After several stops and too many near misses
we made it to my room. I pulled my key out of my pocket and handed it to her so
that she could unlock my bedroom door. The second that I was inside I fell onto
my bed and rolled over onto my back.

leave my key over there.” I said and pointed to my dresser which she did and
then sat down next to me.

I think I’m about to crash.” I didn’t need whatever she was offering and
especially not in my room. That’s something that I just didn’t do, I always
felt like Ky would walk in somehow automatically know that I had smashed
another girl in there. Kayla wasn’t backing down so easily though.

still early and I missed you.” I could feel her hand start at my thigh and then
make its way to my zipper so I grabbed her hand to stop her. I sat up and
backed away from her.


She moved near me again and grabbed my belt. “You just relax, I got this.” I
knew where she was going with that and I knew I was wrong but I stopped
fighting her. A few minutes later I was laid back eyes closed and she was doing
her thing.
Man, I just messed up but this
wasn’t exactly cheating if I didn’t participate, right?


Chapter 20

Kya Renee

It was
almost eleven and I still hadn’t heard from Xavier. I tried everything I could
to keep my mind off of him but it was starting to get to me. After I called him
twice and still didn’t get an answer or a call back my insecurities started to
get the best of me and I knew that I wasn’t going to be satisfied until I
talked to him. I threw a few things in a bag and made up my mind to go see him.
I didn’t know if I would stay but just in case I wanted to be prepared.
Hell he might not even be there
Toni and
Ethan had gone to the movies which meant there wasn’t anybody there to talk me
out of it so I was on my own and definitely going. When I was done packing my
bag I pulled on a pair of leggings, a sweatshirt and my Chucks before I shut
off everything in my room, locked my door and left.

When I
pulled up at Xavier’s dorm the parking lot was full and I could see random
groups of people standing outside so I figured that there had to be a party
going on.
So this is why I’m being
I was a little pissed because this was supposed to be our night to
spend time together and with his game schedule for this week, I probably wasn’t
going to see him much if at all. I parked and decided to leave my bag in the
car since I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be able to find him and made my
way to the front door. When I walked inside it was loud with people yelling and
music blasting. I did a quick survey of the crowd to see if I could find Xavier
in the lobby and when I didn’t spot him anywhere I decided to try his room
first so I made my way down the hall to the stairwell.

When I
reached the third floor and pulled the door open I ran right into a girl
leaving Xavier’s room. She smiled at me and kept going without saying a word
which gave me a crappy feeling in my gut. His dorm room was dark and quiet and
I was praying that Xavier wasn’t in there.
don’t let him be in there!
The second I got to his room and found him asleep
on his bed I wanted to explode. That trick had been there with him.

flipped the switch on the wall and then kicked his leg. “I guess this is why
you’ve been ignoring me all night.”

He opened
his eyes and then quickly closed them again because of the light. They were
flaming red and not from lack of sleep. “What are you talking about?” He
mumbled and then tried to open his eyes again.

“Who was

“I have
no idea what you're talking about.” He sat up and tried to focus on me. I could
tell that he was drunk which definitely did not help the situation.

“So I
guess I'm imagining the girl that just left here.”

wasn't anybody.”

“Oh so
I’m stupid now.” I yelled.

are you talking about?” He sat up and rubbed his forehead and then peered at me
barely able to open his eyes.

“Don't worry about it.” I flipped the
light switch back off and headed towards the door but he stood up and grabbed
my arm.

“Where you going?”

“Back to my dorm. So please let me

“Stop acting crazy, it’s too late for
you to be going anywhere.” He was talking really slow but I could tell that he
was a little more focused.

He let go of my arm and I backed away
from him. “Oh so now you care.”

He looked at me clearly aggravated
and I couldn’t tell if it was because of what I was saying or because he felt
bad. “You wanna just tell me what we’re arguing about because I have absolutely
no idea and my head is killing me.”

“That’s what happens when you drink
too much.”

“So you’re mad because I’ve been

“I’m mad because I’ve been calling
you all day, you never called me back, you’re drunk and some random girl just
left your room.”

“You called me twice and I didn’t
call you back forgive me for having a shitty day and just wanting to just chill.
So what, I drank too much for the first time in forever is that really a reason
for you to be acting like the world is about to end.”

“Nope, not at all.” I said calmly and
then walked out of his room heading towards the door.
If you don’t give a shit then I don’t either.

Before I could reach their main door
he caught up with me and grabbed me from behind.

“Ky chill, I said you’re not going
anywhere. It’s too late.”

“I’ll be fine, I made it here didn’t
I. Please let me go.” He had his arms locked tightly around my chest so I
really couldn’t move.

“I’m not about to fight with you but
you’re not leaving so you need to just chill out.” He let go and stepped in
front of me.

I was pissed but I didn’t really want
to leave and I knew him well enough to know that he wasn’t going to let me
anyway so I stopped fighting him and gave up.

“I need
my bag out of the car.” I rolled my eyes at him. “If you can manage that.” I
said dryly.

didn’t respond. He just reached for my key and took it out of my hand. I sat
down on the sofa while he went back in his room and came back out pulling a
sweatshirt over his head.

you park?”

“In the
front the last row. I need my book bag too.”

“I’ll be
right back.” He said without looking at me and then walked out the door.


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