Lexi, Baby (6 page)

Read Lexi, Baby Online

Authors: Lynda LeeAnne

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #adult, #contemporary, #steamy, #alpha male

Another minor hiccup, on the verge of being
major, was the fact that Ryan never spent the night and it was not
for lack of trying. Our sex life was fantastic and always
passionate, but it only happened at his place. It was frustrating
spending nights apart, but surprisingly, Trish was the one who put
her foot down.

Yes, we’re still roomies

Trish would always say it wasn’t appropriate
for Layla to see us sleeping and waking up together until Ryan and
I were engaged, or at least living together. I had to admit she was
right. Miss Promiscuous Aunt T was right. Ryan fussed at first, but
it died down quickly. I stayed at his place every chance I

Our relationship was wonderful. It was
simple, it was easy and it worked.

I loved him.




Chapter Two


As soon as the graduation ceremony was over
I went in search of everyone. When I hit the steps outside the
arena I heard Trish shout, “Hey bitch!” from somewhere down below.
I looked and found Trish, Mom, Dad, Layla and Ryan standing at the
bottom of the steps. Ryan was flashing the dimple and Princess was
sitting on his shoulders waving. I could feel the tears coming.

I jogged down the stairs chanting “it’s
over, it’s over, it’s over!” and ran straight up to my man and baby
girl who was now five years old.

I gave Ryan a soft kiss on the lips.
“Congratulations sweetheart,” he said in my favorite velvety voice
and I smiled at him.

“Mommy, can we go eat now? I’m hungry!”
Layla called out. I looked up at my beautiful, black haired, eyes
now as amber as a lioness, little princess. She was dressed
head-to-toe in a pink outfit that included a hot pink flowered
headband and a matching ruffled, belted dress that read “Mommy
Rocks” topped off with pink lip gloss and pink cowgirl boots. My
heart fluttered at her beauty.

“You better bend down here and give Mama
some sugar before I pass out from diabetic shock.”

She gave me a huge smile. “Mama, you always
says that, silly.” She immediately bent over and gave me a big,
wet, sloppy smack on the mouth while I squeezed her still chunky

“Hey, you may be my little princess, but
you’ll always be my baby.”

“Love you Mama,” she said happily.

“How much?” I asked her.

She opened her arms wide and said “This

I laughed and said, “I love you more than
the whole wide world baby.”

I squeezed her little foot and turned to my
parents; both were teary eyed. I walked to them and gave them a
huddle hug. “I love you, honey, I’m so proud of you.” Dad was
choked up.

“I knew you could do it. We love you so
much,” Mom said.

I was overwhelmed with emotion.

“Thank you both for everything. If it
weren’t for you... I just... I wouldn’t...” I was blubbering

“Sweetheart, this is supposed to be a happy
moment. Let’s all stop crying, ok?” Dad said. Ryan started rubbing
my back.

come on,
I’m starving!” Layla
called out impatiently.

“Hey bitch! Are you going to give me a hug
or what?” Trish asked.

“Trish, one day I’m going to wash that mouth
out with soap,” Mom said angrily. Then she turned to face me. “You
too missy!”

“Well, I’ll let you Mrs. Martine, right
after Lex gives me a fucking hug. I think I earned it.” I turned to
see that Trish was crying too.
Oh man
! Trish didn’t cry
often, but when she did it made my heart ache. “Trish, I love you!”
I told her and threw my arms around her neck.

After a minute, she pushed me back slightly.
“Alright, alright, let’s go. Princess is starving and princesses
should never starve.”

I started wiping at my cheeks. “Mama, can I
ride with Aunt T? She says she might put the top down,” Layla

“Layla, you go with your mom now and ride
back home with me after, okay? I just need to stop by Anne’s to
pick up the cake,” Trish said.

“Okay!” Layla replied excitedly.

“See y’all in a little bit,” Trish waved,
turned and walked away.

Ryan set Layla down; she ran to me and
grabbed my hand. “Sweetheart, are you ready to go?” Ryan asked.

I turned to my parents, “Meet you guys at
the restaurant?” “Sure, honey,” Dad responded.

When they walked away, Ryan grabbed my other
hand. “I’m so happy for you, Lex. I love you.” “I love you too,




Chapter Three


It was in the parking lot when it

I couldn’t move. Please let me be imagining
things. Please, please, please just let me be dehydrated and
hallucinating. Life couldn’t possibly be so evil, could it? Ryan
was fumbling with his keys in his pocket, but he stopped when he
realized he left me behind. I was carrying Layla now.

“Sweetheart, are you alright? You don’t look
so good.” Ryan asked, but I couldn’t speak. There were no words. I
was carrying Layla!

What if she... no, no, no, she’s too stupid!
She would never put two and two together, would she?


Why the hell is she headed our way? She
wouldn’t dare say one word to me, right? As soon as I asked myself
that question I heard a high-pitched happy voice call “Ryan?”

What the Fu...?

My eyes swung to look at Ryan who was now
facing the Bitch-From-Hell that nearly ruined my life! “Hey Dest,
how are you?” Ryan asked then wrapped an arm around her shoulder to
give her a half hug. I gasped out loud. I literally had to suck air
into my mouth to breathe.

Are you fucking shitting me?

Ryan turned back to me and his arm dropped
away from “

“Lex, what’s the matter with you? You’re
worrying me,” Ryan sounded genuinely concerned. I didn’t even look
his way. I’d deal with his ass later. I couldn’t do anything, but
stare at “

When she saw me she grinned. “Hey Alexis,
long time, no see, huh?”

Oh no she
! What a bitch! I
wanted to pound her face in, but I couldn’t! I forced myself to
bite my tongue.

“You two know each other?” Ryan asked
curiously looking between us. Hell-to-the-
I know her!
The Bitch!

I continued to ignore him. What could I say?
I had Layla in my arms and the last thing I wanted was for Destiny
to see her. Luckily she hadn’t even glanced at Layla.

“Mama, who’s that?” Layla asked. “Her voice
sounds funny,” she added in her five year old version of
. Gotta love kids’ brutal honesty.

When a frown appeared on Destiny’s face and
her eyes quickly switched over to Layla, I knew she heard her.
Oh man
. I tried to turn my body in an effort to conceal my
little girl who was the spitting image of Landyn, but it didn’t

Layla and her pink frufru outfit stood out
like a sore thumb. Not to mention she was already tall for her age,
just like her daddy. When Destiny’s head tilted to the side I knew
she was studying her; hard. I felt sick to my stomach.

“Hey Dest,” Ryan called, breaking into my
thoughts. “Tell Anthony I said ‘Hi,’ alright? Lex and I really need
to be somewhere right now.” When Ryan spoke Destiny didn’t look at

Her eyes hit mine. “Sure Ryan, I’ll tell
him,” she responded and in the blink of an eye, her frown turned
into a smirk; an evil, catty little smirk. Then she turned on her
heel and flounced away.

Her statement wasn’t meant for Ryan, it was
meant for me.


“Lex, you’re really starting to worry me.
What the hell is going on?” Ryan asked. I quickly turned away and
walked toward Ryan’s jeep. I opened the back door and buckled Layla
into her booster while Ryan turned on the air and radio. I spoke to
Layla loud enough for Ryan to hear…

“Baby, Ryan and I are going to talk behind
the jeep for just a minute, okay? I need you to stay right here,
but I’ll be watching you.”

“Ok mama. Who was that lady? She stared. I
didn’t like her. And her voice was funny.”

I smoothed down her unruly black hair
affectionately. “Don’t worry about her, baby. I knew her a long
time ago. You want me to tell you a secret?” When she nodded
anxiously, I whispered low enough so she would feel like this
secret was just between us girls, “I don’t like her very much
either.” Layla grinned at me so I kissed her on the cheek. “Be
right back.”

I waited at the back of the jeep. As soon as
Ryan made it to me I hissed in his face. “
Did you fuck her

“What?” His eyebrows rose to his hairline
and he sounded completely caught off guard.

“I said, ‘Did. You. Fuck. Her. Too?’”

“No Alexis! Jesus! She’s Anthony’s sister.
I’ve only met her a few times. What the hell is wrong with you? You
didn’t even say a word when she spoke to you and it was obvious you
knew her. You look like you saw a ghost.”

That was interesting; he was
Trish’s favorite boy toy. Oh man, this is going to be very, very

“How the hell is Destiny Anthony’s sister? I
went to school with her and I never knew she had a brother. His
last name is Lopez and she’s
definitely not a Lopez
.” I
paused. “And why the fuck would I speak to the bitch that ruined my
life?” I was trying so hard not to shout because I didn’t want
Layla to hear, but my voice was rising.

“I don’t know, they have the different
mothers or something...” he trailed off “Wait, what the hell are
you...?” he paused and looked down. He was deep in thought.

“You mean, that was her? The one from high
school and the whole cheating ex-boyfriend thing?”

Cheating ex-boyfriend thing. Sheesh!

“Of course it was her. How many damn
Destiny’s can there possibly be in the world?”

“Wait just one fucking minute. It’s been
over a year since I last heard that name so why the hell would I
remember that? I’m not the one still stuck in the fucking past,” he
hissed. I could tell he was getting worked up.

Without warning, his hand shot out and
wrapped painfully around my upper arm. “What the hell do you mean
she ruined your life?” he asked belligerently. “Are you telling me
you’re still holding on to that shit? That you’re still not

“What?” I asked, my voice shaky. Now I was
confused and distracted by his strong grip on my arm.

He continued. “We’ve been together two
years, Lex. After all this time, are you telling me you’re still
hung up on some asshole who hurt you in high school? Don’t you
think it’s about time you let that shit go?”

I sucked in a breath because I wanted so
badly to tell him, “
Of course I haven’t let it go. How could I?
I see Landyn’s face in my daughter every single day! I see his
mesmerizing, amber eyes first thing every morning and I kiss the
same plump lips before bed every night! How could I just let it go?
Layla is his twin!”

But there was no way could I tell him

“Let go of me Ryan.” I ordered. He looked
down at his hand and it fell away immediately. When he looked back
at me, regret was written all over his face.

“Of course I’ve let it go. It was a bad
choice of words, okay?” I lied. “But you really need to watch how
you speak to me and don’t ever grab me like that again.” I stared
him down for a minute.

He shook his head as if to clear it. “I’m
sorry, Lex. I just can’t stand thinking you’re still hung up some
asshole that you were with years ago.”

I really wanted to punch him in the

“Ryan, the only thing I’m hung up on is that
little girl waiting inside your jeep.” I looked away from him to
try to calm down. When I turned back, I asked softly, “Can we
please not argue about this anymore?” His answer was to wrap his
arm around my shoulder, pull me close and kiss the top of my head.
“I’m sorry, Lex.”

I rested my forehead against his chest as I
let everything sink in.

“What am I going to do Ryan?” I asked
quietly. “Destiny’s going to tell Landyn. I don’t know what
happened after I left town. I don’t know if they’re still together,
but she’s going to tell him. She could be calling him as we speak.
What if he tries to take my angel away from me?” The tears started
running down my face. “I can’t lose her, I just can’t. I’ll die
before I lose her. Just thinking about it makes me sick.” Ryan held
me closely and rubbed my back soothingly.




Chapter Four


By the time we made it to the restaurant I
was completely stressed out. I was a mental wreck. I hardly ate or
said a word through the entire dinner. Everyone kept giving me
suspicious glances, but I just shook my head. I would tell them
eventually, but I couldn’t talk about this in front of Layla.

“Hey Lex, can you come with me to the
restroom?” I looked up to see Trish staring at me with a raised
eyebrow; silently threatening me to say no. Not good. I looked at
our group, “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

Once in the restroom, Trish started in.
“What the hell is going on Lex? Did you and Ryan have a fight? You
look like someone stole your favorite chocolate with white icing
and pink sprinkles cupcake.” I sighed.

A cupcake would actually be greatly
appreciated right about now

“We ran into Destiny in the parking lot at
the school,” I said quietly. Trish’s eyes grew round and her
nostrils flared. I always thought it was awesome when she did

“She saw Layla, T.”

Tears were burning in the back of my throat.
“She made an underhanded comment letting me know she was going to
tell Landyn.” I wiped at my face before continuing. “What if
they’re still together? She probably called him as soon as she
walked away.”

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