Lindsey's Rescue: A World Beyond Book 3 (24 page)



“Have you seen Lindsey?” Baruk asked.

“She said she wanted to go into the gardens. Have you checked?” Even as he posed the question, Zadal was on his feet.

Baruk hurried to the outside gardens with Zadal on his heels. Past the stone walkway, pass the bench seat, they both searched.


Quack. Quack.

Zadal tensed beside him as four fully grown paxals came running from the woods. Baruk slammed to a halt, fear overriding all else. “Lindsey!”

His spry wife raced from the trees and the paxals surrounded her.

“Daphne? Jolie? Look at all of you. You’ve grown up.” She rubbed a scaled head and smiled at Baruk with no idea of his terror. “They’re like baby T-rex’s now.”

He didn’t know what a T-rex was but the dangerous creatures hopped around his wife, nudging her with their large triangular heads.  “Lindsey. Very carefully walk towards Zadal and me.”

“Did you see my ducks?” Blonde hair floated about her shoulders and blue eyes shone brightly. Today’s dress did nothing to hide her advancing pregnancy. 

“Ducks?” Baruk’s gaze shifted to the deadly paxals. “Please come away from them.”

The paxals formed a tighter loop, keeping Lindsey in the midst of their circle.

Quack. Quack, quack

“Enough,” Lindsey hushed the paxals with a stern look. “Guys, this is Jolie. She’s feisty. To my left is Daphne, a real softie.”

One of the paxals crouched on its hind legs, red slitted eyes never leaving Baruk.

“Aww, I think Courtney likes you Baruk.”

He shivered, hoping she didn’t mean in terms of a meal.

“And for spit and giggles this is Little Lindsey. These are the baby ducks I told you about.” She pointed to the last of the pod.

,” Zadal murmured. “Does she have any idea?”

Fear crawled up Baruk spine. “Lindsey, why don’t you leave the…ducks for later.”

She turned from the paxals and faced him at last. Her eyes darted around. “What is it, Baruk?”

She came closer but not close enough. The moment she moved the paxals shifted with her, staying in line with every step she took.

Quack. Honk. Quack.

Lindsey frowned. “I don’t know what’s gotten into them. Do you think they’ve forgotten me?”

Zadal cursed beside him. Then in a move Baruk was sure he’d see in his nightmares to come, Lindsey shoved at the one she’d named Daphne, missing the snapping jaws. “Stop that, girls.”

She turned back to Baruk and pleaded. “Can we take them to the house? Keep them in a penned area. I worry about them alone out here.”

“Ah, no. They like the trees.” He lied, not wanting the voracious hunters any closer to his property.

The paxals glanced from Lindsey then the woods before taking off at a fast lope towards the tree line.

“Later, girls,” Lindsey waved.

“Do you think she knows those paxals are all male?”

“Shut up, Zadal!”


Author’s Note


This was my first ménage book and hats off to all ménage authors because it is NOT easy. Writing never is but when you add in delicate pieces that stray from what is seen as the traditional it adds another juggling act. Lots of legs, arms and body parts to keep track of. LOL.

It’s also a balance to give each hero a piece of the heroine’s heart and to show how she can love two awesome guys. If nothing else, I hope Lindsey’s feelings for her husbands came across and vice-versa. Lindsey is one of those characters that it’s hard not to like. She made friendships where you least expected it, starting with Faye who she meets for a few minutes and ending with a known criminal, Smiki. I did love Smiki, bad/good guy and all.

I think Lindsey’s story is a great addition to the series so here’s hoping readers agree.

(Rubbing hands together) It’s onward to the next A World Beyond book. I’ve been tempted to write Jaron. Maybe V’hor or Bane. I want to dive into the Team 3 guys so bad!!

BUT. I’ve got tons of notes on my scary Jutak, Kyele, who is my next full-length novel in this series. We just won’t get to see him until 2016 because I’m working on another anthology with MK Eidem and JA Hornbuckle. That book will be out this holiday season (November) and is titled Bound by Heat. Each story will feature dragons in some fashion. Scroll, turn, swipe and all that good stuff to get a peek.

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Happy Reading,



Bound by Heat
coming November 2015

Rylin’s Fire (excerpt)

A dragon shifter novel


Chapter 1


It was time.

Rylin strode down the long hall of the royal palace, the sound of his boots ringing against the stone floor. Mounted portraits of past Kings held prominence along the walls, revitalizing him despite the reason for his presence today.  Spine straight, Rylin continued. Rows of men, fellow warriors, marched with him until they reached the throne room. The tone and atmosphere shifted as soon as he crossed the threshold.

Grief hung in the air, increasing as more entered the room behind him. With a heavy heart, Rylin mirrored the males around him and removed his shirt to bare his torso. He wadded the material into a ball on the floor and dropped to one knee before the massive chair on the dais. Their King sat upright, hands gripping the rounded ends of the arms.

Lines of strain and weariness marked a face once filled with happiness and grace.  Grooves marred the sleek waves of amber streaked, brown hair. A body made fit by war dwarfed the elaborate chair with its carved scrollwork and heavy jeweled embellishments. Gold, glittering eyes surveyed the people amassed in the throne room, pausing when they reached Ry. The King nodded his head in recognition then shifted to eye the others entering.

Soon the hall overflowed with males and females, though most of the women crowded to the far right of the room. Ry remained poised on his bent knee as he searched the crowd, scanning for a familiar face. He froze when his gaze landed on Mikal, one of his best friends and fellow warriors. For years, they served together under the King’s army. Beside him, Mikal’s
, Sana, cradled their new baby but months old.

Sana smiled at Mikal and leaned up to kiss her blond mate’s cheek. Ry flinched, unable to look away from the couple. Sana had once smiled at him in that special way, lips curled, eyes shining as if her world centered on him.

Of course, that all changed when he failed to create a child with her. Month after month, Sana’s ire increased until she requested their mate bond be severed. It had hurt Rylin’s pride for his
to announce her decision to leave him. He might have forgiven her if she hadn’t deliberately chased another, a fellow warrior Rylin called friend, and rubbed Ry’s face in their successful mating.

Since she’d bonded with Mikal, Rylin went out of his way to avoid her, though it proved difficult when she insisted on attending warrior affairs and gatherings where she knew he’d be present. Fortunately, his friendship with Mikal endured aside from the initial discomfort.

Sana turned in his direction and their eyes met across the expanse. His heart seized and air trapped in his throat. Gold eyes, like most of their people had, stared and narrowed. Then, proving her heart to be as cold as their mating bed had become, Sana turned away and cooed to her baby.

Bitter pain sliced through Rylin’s heart for the child he’d once longed for. Mikal kissed the top of Ani’s red hair—a match to her mother’s, tickled the baby’s fat cheeks and joined the others by going to one knee and removing his shirt. They exchanged glances and Mikal nodded.

Rylin heaved a sigh, shoving regret far away, and faced forward. The large chambered doors clattered closed behind them. King Sarkin stayed quiet a moment, allowing the silence to gain steam. Time slowed as the tense pall spread, and then he spoke.

“We know why I have gathered those of the black.” His voice resonated with ancient power.

One of the females against the wall cried out. Her blonde hair lay in loose coils about her shoulders. As always, her dress and manner proclaimed her royalty despite her pale features and tearstained eyes.

King Sarkin smiled at his
gently. “My time has come and I’m not afraid of the great beyond. Save your tears, my heart.”

Rylin braced his hands on the floor as his shoulders grew taut. He wasn’t surprised. King Sarkin had marked his two hundredth year among them this year. A king did not summon all of the males in his caste with such short notice unless the end was near.

“The essence of my Dracol,” King Sarkin continued, once again facing the men gathered, “will choose a worthy male to carry on the black mantle. I only request that he who rises in my stead take care of my
in my absence.”

Another choked cry came from Queen Miram.

“Will my last order as your King be heeded?” King Sarkin asked.

The room rumbled with the shouted reply as it echoed through out. “Yes, Sire!”

Though Rylin called out his response as loud as the others, one look at the Queen and he wasn’t sure she wouldn’t choose the path of others before her. When the king died, the queen more often than not chose to follow.  

King Sarkin sighed and leaned forward, elbows braced on his knees, palms clasped together. His voice when he spoke next was lower, rougher. “Let us not linger. I’m weary.”

Every man in the room kept their gaze forward. Many hoped, prayed to be selected to wear the weight of the mantle and assume the crown. Rylin had no such desires or cares. He was content with his lot in life, but his essence swelled in preparation. Centuries’ old instinct could not be denied and his nature fought for dominance.

“I summon the mantle.” The room vibrated with energy as the King called forth the root of the Black Dracol power.

Lightning cracked overhead and flashes of light filled the room. Rylin found himself grinding his teeth as wave after wave of power cascaded over him and the floor trembled beneath him. Others hunched over, and loud groans followed.

“Bring forth the new King and a new reign!” King Sarkin roared, rising to his feet , arms extended over his head.

Even more power gathered and coalesced. Someone screamed to the left of Ry and fell to the side. The males around him began to collapse under the strain of the mantle seeking another.

Ry curled his fingers into balled fists, knuckles turning white as he pressed them into the tiles until the pain distracted him from the pounding his body took. Thunder boomed above and the walls heaved.

Panting from the overload, Ry dropped his head in time to witness the floor buckle. With every muscle straining, he forced his head back up.

King Sarkin shouted, his back arched. “Is there none worthy, oh mighty one?”

Mikal grunted and fell to his stomach, limbs splayed. Rylin recognized Sana’s scream of denial. “No! Get up!”

Arms trembling, Rylin checked on his friend, relieved to see Mikal’s chest rising. The relief was short lived. Rylin reared back on his haunches as a fist slammed into his mid-section. Pain exploded in his head and radiated throughout his entire body. His teeth grinded and uncontrollable grunts broke out as he sustained blow after blow.

Through blurry eyes, Ry saw King Sarkin’s gaze lock on him. The King’s amber eyes lightened. Relief glinted and his mouth curved upward.

“Rylin,” he whispered. “A good choice.”

A bolt of lightning burst from the King’s chest and struck Rylin dead center. Rylin’s last clear image showed King Sarkin slumping to the floor then hundreds of voices slammed into his head and fire lit a path down his spine. He screamed at the sensation of burning skin being peeled from his back.

Rylin’s perception dimmed as phantom claws ripped him open from the base of his neck down the length of his spine. His essence rose at last to meet the burden and wrapped around him to buffer the effect. Rylin fell forward on his hands and knees, shaking. The voices faded until one word repeated itself clearly.



Rylin’s awareness came back in small increments. Females cried and males moaned. Rylin couldn’t stop his own choked gasps as he continued to twitch with residual spasms. When he lifted his head, one of the King’s men grasped him about the shoulder and helped him to his feet.

“What happened?” Rylin mumbled, trying to restore his balance. Everything around him wavered, his vision going in and out of focus.

“Come with me,” Nolan instructed.

Rylin followed blindly as they headed toward the throne, one stumbling step at a time. At the foot of the gold dais, a pile of black ashes on the floor swirled then flew out the open window. Confused, Rylin blinked as Nolan helped him to sit on a cushioned seat.

“The mantle has chosen,” Nolan announced. “All hail King Rylin of the Black Dracol.”


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