Loch and Key (23 page)

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Authors: Shelli Stevens

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Not good enough.

He loved his Navy career and a year ago would’ve been all over the opportunity that had just made itself known. Now, he knew what was more important. What he would choose. Or more importantly, whom.

“Do you want long-term, Kenzie?”

She stilled and he heard her breath catch. Her gaze searched his, and she finally murmured, “I’m willing to try if you are.”

“I am. I’ve located my MIA balls, and am attempting to man up for the woman who’s become my world.” He touched her cheek. “I love you, and don’t want to lose you. If you think you can handle three more years with me serving, then I’d love to try this committed, long-term relationship stuff again.”

“I can handle it. I just want you to trust me.”

“I do—”

“You say you do, but I can see the fear and doubt in your eyes, Brett. I hope it eases over time.” She turned her head to kiss his palm. “I’ve been ignoring the opposite sex for years now. Unlike the other women who’ve been in your life, I’ve no desire to go out and replace your dick—sorry to be crude—the moment you go out to sea for a bit. I want you, Brett. No one else.”

The tightness in his chest eased some, and the sincerity in her words had hope and love flowing through his veins.

“I don’t deserve you. You’re too patient with me,” he muttered.

“Aye, and patience is a requirement when dating someone in the military. So I’ve been told.” She paused. “And so I’m learning.”

He claimed her mouth again, in a deep, sensual and loving kiss, before letting her go with a sigh.

“I’m going to be late if I don’t leave.”

“Go.” She gave a gentle smile. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”

“Have fun Saturday.”

“I will, and I’ll come over late, after the party. If you want me to.”

“You’d damn well better,” he growled. “All that fun and buildup from a bachelorette party, you’re going to want to burn it off with me.”

She laughed. “Aye, no doubt.”

“See you late Saturday night.”

“Technically Sunday morning,” she corrected, arching a brow.

“Right. Either way, you’re mine come Sunday. Be safe.”

“You too, Chief. I love you.”

The words still lit him up inside.

“I love you too.”

Walking out that door, knowing he wouldn’t see her for almost a week was hard. But, surprisingly, not as bad as he thought it would be. Because she’d be waiting when he got back.

Chapter Sixteen

So this was the new dance club slash karaoke bar on the island, hmm?

Kenzie glanced around the packed club and then back at the bachelorette. Hailey seemed in good spirits, even though she’d been forced to wear a giant penis pin on her chest and bachelorette tiara.

“You look fantastic,” Sarah murmured, nudging her friend in the arm. “Ready to party?”

“You’re all going on my shit list for this.” Hailey poked at her penis pin. “I should’ve never let you talk me into it.”

Kenzie grinned. “You’ll have a blast. Karaoke? Dancing? This night is going to be amazing. What can we get you to drink? And where shall we go first?”

“Sprite, and dancing.”

“Sprite it is, and I’d like a beer. Anyone else?”

Several of the other gals at the party nodded and made their way to the bar.

“You’ve got the cake, right?” Delonna asked, appearing beside her.

“Sure do. I gave it to one of the bartenders to hold. I’ll grab it again when we’re ready.”

Minutes later, they all had drinks and were getting down on the dance floor. Without a drop of alcohol in her, Hailey seemed to be enjoying it thoroughly. Dancing—tastefully, of course—with the men who wanted to flirt with the bachelorette.

The atmosphere was fun and exciting with the bachelorette party basically ruling the small club.

It was a damn good party, and surprisingly Kenzie managed to not think about how she was going to see Brett tonight afterward. Or think about it too much. Just anytime she stopped dancing and had a moment alone, that’s when she thought about it.

Of course she’d missed him this week, but it hadn’t been awful. She’d kept herself busy with work and school, and had even done lunch with Nicole. Something, they vowed, that would become at least a biweekly occurrence.

And during lunch Nicole had let slip that Brett was being encouraged to put in his paperwork to become a senior chief. Which apparently meant he wouldn’t retire in three years, but stay in the Navy. Brett loved the Navy. He’d told her so himself, and yet, he apparently decided he wasn’t interested in the position.

And if Kenzie found it was because of her, she was going to have to beat some bloody common sense into him.

“Hey, Kenzie!”

She turned at the male voice, and immediately recognized the man. Not only was he a regular at the pub, but he was one of Brett’s sailors. He was dressed sharp, handsome, and seemed young and confident enough for half the girls here to be all over him tonight. Likely some of the bachelorette party girls as well.

“Hello.” She gave him a warm smile. “Off the ship and out partying I see?”

“Sure as hell am.” He grinned in response. “Actually, I mentioned to the chief I’d be here tonight, and he made me promise to buy you a beer from him.”

She’d noticed the two beers in his hand, but had assumed he was double fisting to celebrate being home.

“Did he now? Well, that’s quite nice of him.” She laughed, and accepted the beer, taking a sip. His timing was spot on, because she’d been about to go grab another drink.

Maybe Brett had encouraged the sailor to come out and keep an eye on her and the girls tonight. More than likely actually. He was as protective of her as her brothers. Maybe more.

“I should let you get back to the bachelorette party. Good to see you.” He waved, gave a brief smile, and disappeared into the crowd.

“Now he was cute.” Delonna appeared at her side.

“Aye, he was.” Kenzie took another sip and tried to figure out what kind it was, seeing that it was in a pint glass. “But you’ve already got a man.”

“Right.” Delonna’s tone dimmed a bit. “I’ve got a man. Supposedly.”

“Hmm. I’m not sure I like that tone. You’ll have to fill me in on all the details.”

“I will, but let me grab a drink first.”

As Delonna disappeared to the bar counter, Kenzie fished out her phone and tried to stealthily break her “no texting or phone calls during the bachelorette party” rule.

Surely a quick text to Brett wouldn’t hurt. Dammit, she missed him. Especially with two and a half beers in her system.

Thanks for the drink, love. I’m having a blast at Hailey’s bachelorette, but can’t wait to see you tonight.

“And back.” Delonna appeared beside her again, a bottle of beer in her hand. “Hey, people are starting to think it’s time for the cake. Should we have the bartender bring it out from the back?”

“Aye, we should.” She took another drink before her phone buzzed.

“Read it and answer it, I know you want to,” Delonna teased, drinking from her bottle.

“I’m that obvious?”

“Neon sign obvious.”

I can’t wait to see you too, sugar. I’ve got big plans for that luscious body of yours tonight. Glad you’re having a blast, but what do you mean by thanks for the drink?

How quickly men forgot. Kenzie grimaced and typed back quickly.

One of your sailors is here. He said you told him to buy me a drink if he ran into me. So I guess, technically he bought me the drink, but it’s from you. Anyway, thanks!

“Ready to head outside?”

“Aye.” She tucked her phone back into her jeans and lifted her gaze.

Across the room she spotted the sailor who’d bought her the drink, but he wasn’t alone. The color slipped from her face as she watched another man leaning in close to say something to him.

Not just any man, but Charles Richland.

“Kenzie? You okay? Who are you looking at?” Delonna touched her arm. “You don’t look so good.”

Kenzie’s phone buzzed and she pulled it back out with trembling fingers.

Kenzie, I never told any of my guys to buy you a drink. I didn’t even know where you were going until Colin filled me in.

No. Oh God, no.

“Delonna, listen to me.” Kenzie tried to keep her voice calm as she set her half-drunk beer down on the table. “I need you to get me out of here. Now. To my car, and drive me home. Can you drive?”

“Yeah, this is only my second beer and I haven’t touched it. What’s going on? Are you sick? We should tell Hailey—”

“We’ll text her!” Oh God, she had that edge of hysteria in her voice. She felt kind of drunk. She was never drunk on two and half beers.

Stay calm, Kenzie. Stay calm
. Where the hell had Charles gone? She hadn’t imagined him. She wasn’t imagining feeling slightly drunk already, was she?

“Kenz, you’re freaking me out.”

“I’m freaking out too,” she admitted. “It’s quite possible I’m being paranoid, but there’s a good chance Charles Richland managed to slip me a drugged drink.”

Delonna only stared for a moment, before she grabbed the beer Kenzie had just sat down and sent it back to the bar, saying something to the bartender.

Then she was back and grabbing Kenzie’s arm, ushering her to the door of the club.

“Let’s get you out of here.”

They were at the car a few moments later. Kenzie had climbed into the passenger seat and immediately began digging through the glove compartment.

“I texted your brother before we left the club,” Delonna admitted, sliding into the driver’s seat a second later. “Just to be sa—”

Her words ended on a gasp as she was dragged back out of the car. There was a thump and Kenzie watched in shock as her friend slumped to the ground. Her stomach twisted and she wanted to vomit with fear and panic.

Charles slipped into the driver’s seat in her place, a small, cold smile on his face.

Her energy was fading. It was like she’d downed a fifth and was on the verge of passing out. She’d been drugged. There was no doubt about it now. She pulled what she was looking for from the glove compartment.

“We meet again, my Highland hottie.” He closed the door, shrouding them in darkness.

She wanted to scream. Wanted to tell him he was going to suffer for hurting Delonna—oh God she had to be okay. But she couldn’t seem to make her mouth and brain cooperate.

“I’m untouchable, Kenzie.” He said those chilling words again. “I can get away with anything. You’re still the trashy girl on the island, and I’m still the golden boy. And tonight, you’re going to realize that.”

Fuck you, asshole
. She shouted the words in her head, fighting the darkness.

“This time, your crazy brother won’t stop us. Things are finally going to go my way.” He leaned toward her and caught her hair in his fist, jerking her head back painfully. “Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for you.”

Using the last bit of strength and alertness she had, Kenzie plunged the small knife between them. Felt it sink into his belly. Not far enough.

“Fuck! You fucking
.” His sharp hiss of pain hit her ears the same moment his palm did her cheek.

The blow sent her head sideways and she saw stars. She heard him start her car and rev the engine. The drug was starting to take hold, and she knew any fight left in her was gone. The drug was pulling her under.

Despite his confidence otherwise, she knew he’d be convicted this time. There was too much evidence, too many witnesses about. Even knowing that, it didn’t help the sickening despondency she felt with what was about to happen.

Charles Richland would finally get what he wanted.

Chapter Seventeen

“So how was the camping trip with Kenzie last weekend? Likely challenging, as she’s never camped in her life.”

Brett finished chewing his bite of burger and gave Colin a brief smile.

He’d joined the McLaughlin men at their pub. Aleck was off work for the evening, as were Ian and Colin. The four of them sat around talking while the women were at the bachelorette party.

“It was pretty good, and your sister did great.” It was an absent, brief reply, but all he could offer Kenzie’s brother at the moment.

His mind was elsewhere. He was focusing on the series of texts he’d just exchanged with Kenzie. Was one of his sailors hitting on her? Using him for an excuse to buy her a drink? It didn’t make sense, and he sure as hell couldn’t see that happening.

They knew better than to make a move on their chief’s woman.

“Kenzie seems to like you quite a bit,” Aleck said casually. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

“You’ll deal with it.” For a moment, he was able to feel a bit of amusement instead of unease. “She’s a grown woman.”

“Aye, she is. You hurt her, and you’ll learn quickly I’m not a man to have as an enemy.”

“Ah for fuck’s sake, Aleck, give it a rest,” Ian drawled. “We all love Kenzie, and this bloke here is right decent. We all know it. Even if we can’t bring ourselves to acknowledge our baby sister is a legitimate adult now.”

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