Love Again (8 page)

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Authors: Christina Marie

I shrugged my shoulders, “Honestly I don’t know.  He’s an attorney so no matter what I ask him he’s going to try and turn it around on me.  I’ve never been cheated on before…I have no idea what I’m supposed to do.  Do I talk it through with him and stay with him?  Separate and do marriage counseling?  Do I ask him to get help with his anger issues?”

Corrina was shaking her head, “You are NOT going to let that son of a bitch blame you for this.  I personally don’t think that once a man, or woman for that matter, cheats that they can truly love each other again.  Because there’s always that nagging feeling in the back of your mind that it’s going to happen again…oh my fucking hell.”

I looked up at her confused, “What?” I turned quickly to see if maybe she had spotted our first fashion victim.  Instead I found myself staring at the sexiest man I had ever laid eyes on. 

“Evening ladies, I come bearing a gift.” Dominique winked at me and smiled as he bowed in front of us then put a bottle of wine in an ice bucket on our table. 

Corrina was speechless and staring at him, “Hi!” she finally blurted out. 

Dominique laughed, “Dom Hastings.” He extended his hand to her. 

“Corrina and this is Lennie…wait you already know that.” She was rambling and blushing, two things I had never seen Corrina do.  I couldn’t help but laugh softly.

I shook my head, “Thank you for the bottle, don’t mind her she’s just fan girl’ing for a minute.” I slid closer to her, “Here, have a seat.” I patted the bench.  Then I elbowed Corrina, she blinked rapidly and mumbled, “sorry”.

Dominique put the two bottles of beer he was carrying on the table then sat beside me and extended his muscular arm behind me.  “This your first time here?” he asked us. 

Corrina nodded her head quickly, “She’s had a shit day and everywhere we went was filled with love birds.”

“Shut up!” I yelled at her then covered my face with my hands. 

“God, I’m making an idiot out of myself.  I’m going to go find the restroom.” Before I could stop her from leaving she was out of the booth and disappeared amongst the crowd. 

“That bad of a day huh?  I would think making the big sale you made would put you in a better mood.” Dominique said.

I turned and looked at him, those lips…oh god those lips were so full and were the most kissable looking lips I had ever laid eyes on.  “It’s just some things going on in my personal life.  I’m sorry if I was unprofessional today, I probably should have let one of my colleagues show you the house.”

He licked his lips they shined with wetness.  “I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry that it was you that did the showing.” He said never taking his eyes off of mine.  Then he looked at my lips, and licked his again.  My heart was beating harder, butterflies swarmed my stomach and my pussy clenched at the thought of his lips on me. I closed my eyes and shook my head before looking away.  Dominique leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I feel it too, we can either do something about it or try and ignore it.” His hot breath against my skin sent waves of goose bumps over my skin. 

“I can’t.” I whispered.

He caressed the back of my neck with a feather light touch of his fingers, “I know what you found out today.  Trust me baby that motherfucker doesn’t deserve to be breathing the same air as you do.  He doesn’t deserve to get to touch this beautiful creamy skin, he shouldn’t get to run his fingers through this beautiful hair…”

I whipped my head and looked at him, “How do you know?” I asked a little louder than I should have.  He hadn’t moved so our faces were so close I could feel his breath against my lips, if he moved in just a fraction our lips would be touching.  I leaned back, “Dominique, how do you know about that?” my eyes started to burn with tears. 

He leaned back and grabbed his beer and took a drink.  His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed.  “Let’s go dance.”

“No, tell me how you know!”

“I will.” He stood up from the booth and held his hand out to me. 

I hesitated for a few seconds, “Fine.” I said with a sigh. 

‘Promiscuous’ started playing when we reached the dance floor.  Dominique was so tall he towered over most of the crowd and his broad shoulders made him look like a massive wall in front of me.  Couples were grinding around us and pushed me right into his solid chest.  He put his hands on my hips effectively stopping me from pulling away from him.  I looked up at him and inhaled when I felt his thumbs caress the skin of my back above the waistband of my jeans.  My nipples tightened, if I didn’t get away from him I would end up throwing myself at this man.  I quickly turned to try and walk away but he stopped me and pulled me against him, may back against his solid chest.  “I know because I’ve seen them together.  Her name is Jill, her dad is the mayor of Mackinac Island she moved to New York a few years ago to try and become a model.  She was successful for a few years until she got into heavy drugs.  I’m not sure when her and Justin started sleeping together but I can tell you he’s into the heavy shit that she puts in front of him.  They’ve been to numerous red carpet events that I’ve attended and parties that I’ve held while there.  I looked you up on social media today and that’s how I figured all of it out.”

I spun around and looked up at him, “I…I need to leave.” I didn’t want to start crying in front of him or anybody else for that matter. Dominique grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd and up a flight of stairs—away from the noise and away from everybody else.  We walked into what appeared to be an office.  He flipped the lights on and shut the door behind me.  I leaned against the door, “I need to go find Corrina she is going to freak out if she can’t find me.”

“She knows your fine, trust me.” He grinned. 

I shook my head, “When you look at me like that, you make trusting you pretty hard.”

He raised one eyebrow at me, “Is that so?”

I nodded my head, “Yes, we should get out of here before we get caught.”

Dominique took a step closer toward me, “I’ll deal with it.”  He lifted his hand and placed it against my cheek then slowly slid on finger down my cheek to my neck. I closed my eyes when my skin felt like it was about to be set on fire.  The bass of the music vibrated the door I was leaning against.  “You were saying something about the way that I look at you.  I think you should explain that.”

When I opened my eyes he was staring at me, waiting for me to say something.  I licked my lips, “I—“

I didn’t get a chance to say anything because he leaned in and pressed those perfect, soft, full lips against mine.  The kiss started off slow, my body was shaking so bad if I didn’t grab onto his shirt I was pretty sure I would fall over.  He brought his other hand up and cupped the other side of my face.  I needed to stop, I needed to push him away but my body wouldn’t let me.  Once his tongue teased my lips I surrendered and parted my lips.  When our tongues touched, he let out a deep-throated moan and stepped closer to me so our bodies were pressing against each other.  With his hands now on my hips he slid his fingers under the waist of my jeans, his touch leaving a trail of blazing heat on my skin.  I broke away from the kiss, dizzy and breathless.  He kissed from the corner of my mouth down to my neck where he kissed and licked until he found my pulse point that would make me weak in the knees.  I untucked his shirt and pressed my hands against his solid sculpted stomach.  His skin was hot and his muscles tightened as I slid my hands up his torso. 

A loud banging on the door made me jump, “BOSS, her uh—husband is down on the floor yelling at her friend…making one hell of a scene.”

My eyes got big, “Oh my god, oh my god…”

Dominique didn’t pull away from me instead he kissed feather light kisses up to my ear, “I can go throw him out.”

“What?  No you can’t!” I yanked my hands from under his shirt and started straitening my clothes. 

“I own this place I can do whatever the fuck I want to.” He pressed his hands against the door, blocking me in. 

“You—own this club?” I asked with shock. 

He stared at my lips, “Yep.”

“BOSS, her friend just slapped him…we need to diffuse this quickly!” the same guy yelled from the other side. 

I tried to push Dominique away from me but he caught my wrists, “Don’t you dare go home with him tonight.”

“You can’t tell me what to do!” I yanked my hands free.  “I’m sorry, what happened shouldn’t have. I’m married and I’ve never been the type to do—that.” I told him.  When I turned to grab the door handle he stopped me from opening it.

“DO NOT, go home with him.  He’s probably loaded up on drugs and lord only knows what else.  What just happened wasn’t an accident, I’ll make it my mission to make sure it happens again.” The warmth of his breath and the intensity of his voice made my insides tighten.

I shook my head and yanked the door open. 

A large guy wearing a shirt that said Security across the chest gave me a sad look, “Sorry Ma’am.  You might want to reapply your lips gloss.” He wiped a smudge from my bottom lip.  “I’d take Boss’s advice, his eyes don’t look right.  He was starting to get physical with your friend but another bouncer pulled him back before he made contact with her.”

“Oh my god, you could hear us?!” I asked with wide eyes.

He held his hand up to his earpiece, “He’s outside the building ma’am.  I could faintly here him talking to you.”

“Call me Lennie, where’s Corrina?”

“She’s safe with one of Dom’s friends.”

As I rushed down the metal stairs and past the table, I could see Justin outside.  He was pointing a finger in one of the other bouncer’s face and yelling at him. 

Corrina was standing on the other side of the entrance with the guy from the elevator in front of her.  His thick muscular arms crossed over his chest, and he was glaring at Justin. 

I walked out the doors with the other security guard in front of me, Justin’s head snapped in my direction.  “Get in that car you stupid fucking whore!  What the fuck were you doing in there, trying to get some motherfucker to fuck you against a wall like in the books your read?”  He yelled. 

A set of hands on my shoulders stopped me from talking or moving toward Justin, “I don’t think that’s any way to talk to your wife.” Dominique growled out. 

Justin laughed, “Were you fucking that..that nigger?!  You SLUT!” he said with wild eyes. 

Dominique dropped his hands from my shoulders and stepped around me, in just a few strides he was in front of Justin.  Towering over him he backed him against the rough brick wall, with one hand on Justin’s throat he leaned in and whispered in his ear.  I tried to take a step closer to tell him to stop, I didn’t want Justin to press charges against him.  But before I could get too close, the guy that was standing by Corrina stopped me.  “You should probably just come over here.”

Corrina pulled me into a hug, “I’m so sorry this is happening.  He is on something Lennie, you should see his eyes.”

“I’m sorry that this happened, I guess I should have just let you order us some takeout.”

“We’ll order some when we get back.”

I frowned, “I’m not really very hungry now.” I pulled away from the hug. 

The guy standing next to us smiled at me, “Name’s Trevor, Dom’s friend.” I shook his hand.

I looked back over at Justin that was rubbing his neck, “Get in the fucking car.” He tried to step toward me.  Trevor grabbed my arm stopping me. 

“She’s not leaving with you, sorry.” Trevor told Justin. 

“Lennie either get in the fucking car so we can go talk or I’m filing for a god damn divorce!” His voice echoed off of the buildings around us.

My eyes got big, “I think you need to calm down first, we can talk tomorrow.”

His jaw muscle ticked, he looked at me then Corrina, “And you fucking bitch—it’s your fault my wife is such a little whore anyway.”

One second he was standing upright glaring at me the very next second he was lying on the sidewalk not moving with blood seeping out of his nose.  Dominique had effectively shut Justin up.  I tried to rush over to my husband but Corrina stopped me. 

“Don’t,” she shook her head, “I know he’s your husband and you love him but you need to remember what started all of this.” She told me.  When she released me she walked over to him and felt around in his jean pockets and pulled out the cell phone we had both read the messages on, then she slipped it into her purse.  “Let’s go home.”

Dominique tried to walk toward me but Trevor stopped him. 


Once back at Corrina’s apartment I decided to go ahead and order something, we agreed that Chinese would be the quickest. 

“So tell me what happened with you and Dominique.” Corrina asked before taking a bite of food.

I finished chewing my food and swallowed, “Well…when you abandoned me to go use the bathroom he informed me that he knew about Justin and that Jill woman.” Corrina’s eyes got big and she motioned for me to continue on with the details.  When I was finished telling her about everything she dropped the fork in her hand to the plate. 

“You—I don’t even know what to say.  Tell me how you feel about him.  You said he mentioned, “feeling it too”.”

I sighed, “Corrina, I don’t know how I feel about him.  He’s sexy as hell, it’s hard to describe because I’ve honestly never felt like that around anybody else.  Not even Justin.  I mean Justin has always made little butterflies erupt inside me but when Dominique’s breath caressed my skin along with his hands.  The butterflies were in my stomach my skin felt electrified, I’m married I should have never let things get that carried away.  I really am a slut.” I said while trying to fight back the tears burning my eyes.  “It’s in his kiss, the way Dominique kissed me.  I lost all my ability to think rationally.  I should call and see if Justin is okay.” I reached for my cell phone but Corrina quickly yanked it out of my hand. 

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