Lyfe Changing (6 page)

Read Lyfe Changing Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

Do they always have to say
the same line, could they ever come up with something knew...just
spice it up, damn.
“I’m the muthafucka who
has a gun and no patience so do what the fuck I say.” He scowled at
me but eased back straightening up his pants. “You don’t even know
who you are fucking with do you?” He asked me with a smug look on
his face. I laughed. “No I don’t but I’m pretty sure they will tell
me at the morgue so keep it up.” I aimed the gun at the blonde.
“You …get those handcuffs from under the bed.” Scared to death she
looked to Julio for confirmation. “Sweetie what are you looking at
him for? I’m the one with the gun.” She nodded and finally did as
she was told. Julio never took his eyes of me as if he was studying
the man he would soon kill. As the blonde grabbed the handcuffs she
looked back to me for further instructions.

Handcuff yourself and him
to the bedpost.” She unwillingly did as she was told and secured
them both to the bed. “I figured I would help get you too started.”
I chuckled at him. He smiled at me as well. “You really done messed
up my friend.” I secured the duffle bag over my shoulder as I eased
out. “Well I’ll take my chances…now you too have a nice night.” I
left them in the bedroom and made my way downstairs feeling like a
champ. Little did I know a gang full of goons was waiting in the
living area playing dice.
Damn, damn,
I thought.
What the fuck I’m gonna do now?
eased out of the way into the kitchen area making sure they
couldn’t see me. They continued to whoop and holler while playing
Ok think Derrick, come on boy
think. All I need is a distraction.
As a
light bulb went off in my head I hid the duffle in the closet and
eased on into the kitchen.

I saw a stairwell to the
upstairs and aimed my gun up. Here goes. BANG! BANG! I shot off a
few rounds sending the herd of football players running up the
stairs. As soon as they were out of sight I quickly grabbed the
duffle bag and hauled ass out the house. By the time I got to the
gate I heard a few rounds being fired but it was too late… my ass
was gone. I made it to the Nissan, threw the bag in the back and
sped off. “Wooooooh!” I screamed like I had just won the super
bowl… And looking at that five million in the back, I did. I drove
quickly and restless unto the highway…knowing I had completed the


The background I painted was
shaded dark blue giving the strong appearance of the deepest
midnight. Dead in the center I tried my hardest to bring my dream
man to life; I took a piece of black pastel chalk and began to
draw. I outlined the curves of his arms, built a frame for his
upper body, and outline the shape of his head, but I could not put
a face or appearance to this figure. I stared back at the partially
completed canvas hoping to get some answers to my many questions as
to what to do with my life. I had come up to the cabin which I had
purchased many years ago, mainly to get away and express my
creative mind. The cabin was on the outskirts of the city, it was
filled with all sorts of art pieces of my work and inspirational

I sat on a nearby stool and
just gazed at the painting while the music of Anita Baker filled my
ears. I wanted to solve the mystery surrounding this man in my
dreams but I didn’t have a clue as to where to start. The dream
felt so real and right. I placed my hand on my chest still feeling
his touch from the other night. It scared and excited me all at the
same time.
What are you doing
I thought to myself.
You came all the way up here for a man who you
must have conjured up in your mind thinking he is real because you
haven’t had any in a while.
I got up from
the stool and paced the floors. I noticed the colors from my palate
where blending in on my painting shirt, forming a beautiful
collision. I stared back at the unfinished painting knowing that
there was no way it could be finished tonight.
Did I just make this up in my mind
? I
thought. I shook my head putting myself into frenzy over a fantasy,
a figment of my imagination, someone who was not real.

Yet James was real… as real
as it could get. I could still remember his voice sounding so
confident and reassured as we spoke over the phone. On paper he was
everything I had ever wanted but in my heart I just couldn’t feel
Well give it some time; it’s only
been a few days.
I remembered when Lucy, my
best friend, told she met her husband Grant. How when she first met
him she felt something so strong for him she couldn’t hardly
breathe. She loves him so much you could see it in her eyes. I
wanted to feel a love like that so bad…but maybe I wasn’t giving
myself a chance.

I’m going home,
I decided.
Enough of
these fairytale shenanigans
; It was time
for me to get something real. I changed out of my clothes into some
jeans and a white tank top. I picked up my still packed suitcase
and begun to head for the door.
I’ll just
head back home and maybe…I don’t know maybe call James. I’m pretty
sure he won’t mind hearing from me for a little late night
I reassured myself that I was doing
the right thing and that I was on my way to true happiness. As I
locked up I stared back at the painting one last time before slowly
exiting the door.


“Wooooh! Yeahhhhh!” I was
whooping and hollering all the way down the highway.
Five million dollars… five fucking million
dollars….hell yeah
, I thought. In my
excitement I was swerving in and out other lanes. “Got damn.” I
laughed regaining control of the wheel. I couldn’t believe I
successfully robbed that muthafucka’s house with so much money and
with a living room full of pit bulls on steroids. If I was excited
before I was all the way live now. I had to admit when Julio rolled
up into his room I thought that was my ass, but good thing I have
always been quick on my feet. I blasted Tupac to the max making my
Nissan thunder as I drove. I decided to call up De and Ray and tell
them fools we done hit the jackpot. It only took a few rings until
one of them picked up. “Well damn boy what took you so long? You
was giving us a damn heart attack over here?”

De scolded. I didn’t even
care about his nagging; I was too live right now. “Shiiit don’t
worry about that, don’t worry about anything ever again…cause we
rich bitch!” I roared into the phone. “You did it for real… you did
it?” He asked unbelieving. “Hell yeah I went over there. I had all
the codes…did you really think I wouldn’t go?” “Naw man I knew you
would go but I didn’t think…oh fuck what I thought! We rich!” We
both hollered over the phone feeling our pockets get a little
heavier. “Ok….ok where you at now?” He asked. “I’m on the highway
heading back…got to drive a little slow because I’m carrying a
heavy bag full of money boy!” I joked. “Well bring your ass on back
here we bout to celebrate…I’m a get some liquor over here…some
women…some of everything come on over here, we bout to get down.”
De declared.
I know that’s
, I thought.

Well give me about twenty
five minutes… I’ll be over there soon. Ok peace.” I hung up the
phone and tried to calm myself down, but I was too amped. I bobbed
my head to the beat feeling wild and crazy like nothing I had ever
experienced before. I had a shit load of money and life was about
to get much better. I came around a sharp corner pretty fast; I
didn’t pay attention to how hard my foot was on the gas pedal
causing me to go even faster. I continued to go down the main road
like everything was cool and in attempt to switch lanes I looked
back into my review which was blocked by the duffle bag. “Shit” I
muttered. I slowed down and reached into the back seat trying to
rearrange the bag so I could see. HONK! HONK! In the midst of me
trying to move the bag I heard the harsh sounds of a horn honking
repeatedly. I looked back to the front of the road and didn’t see
anything coming my way. I figured the honking was coming from the
behind me.

I once again reached around
to move the heavy duffle bag out of the way. HONK! HONK! After
finally getting the bag out of the way I was shocked to see that no
one was behind me.
What the hell?
I thought. I turned back around to the front
confused and damn near collided with an incoming semi-truck.
“Woaaaah!” I yelled as I swerved into the other lane to avoid the
collision. The car swung around repeatedly throwing me against the
windshield. I soon drove off the highway into the woods crashing
into a nearby tree connected to telephone wiring, splitting the
front of the Nissan. Laying back in the driver’s seat I felt blood
trickle down my face and arm. I couldn’t move let alone open my
eyes. Everything appeared foggy and incoherent; I couldn’t make out
anything that was going on. As the dead silence surrounded me I
started to hear the faint sound of whispers. They were so low and
speaking so fast it was hard to make out what was being said. I
tried to open my eyes but could barely see all I could do was sit
there and wait… for what I don’t know.

It always ends like

I knew it was

I tried to help

He was a lost

Now it’s too

It’s his time…

No help for him

They’re going to take

It’s all over…

It’s all over…

I continued to hear the
whispers surround me the more they talked.
Who are you?
I wanted to ask
Why are saying this? What do you
The whispers continued to ramble on
completely ignoring my please. As my vision became clearer I
noticed dark figures in the shadows coming closer to me.
No…don’t…please no.
begged. It was like I was in a nightmare but couldn’t scream…I
couldn’t make a sound. They continued to come for me ready to take
me away.
. I sat body
stiffened unable to move or do anything.




I made my way down the
highway and hummed to Lauryn Hill which played on the radio, it was
a little late to be traveling but I was use to this road being that
I always took it to get to the cabin. I had now felt foolish for
driving up here chasing fairytales in the first place. I sighed
when I thought about it, I had missed out on a lot of good
opportunities with men in my life and I was sick of it. I had a new
prospect on the horizon and was ready to see what he had to offer.
I had finally come across a good one who seemed really interested
me and I wasn’t about to let him get away. As I came down the
highway I was in disbelief as I saw glass and what appeared to be
car fragments scattered across the road. “Oh my God…what happened?”
I slowed down as I continued to look at all the damage on the
Did someone have crash? This
looks awful.
Being that I couldn’t see any
cars on the road I figured that accident must have been a hit and

I glanced down at the tire
marks that seemed to have swirled and sped off into the trees. I
noticed broken limbs and grass shredded along the way and sparks of
light flickered in the darkness.
somebody back there?
I wondered. Against my
better judgment I stopped my car and debated getting out. I didn’t
know what to do; God only knows what was in those woods.
It could be a murderer, a bear, a yeti,
or….someone who really needs my help.
took deep calming breathes and tried to reassure myself to do the
right Christian thing. “Ok Destiny…it is clear somebody might be
back there…and if those sparks of light I saw are what I think they
are then someone is in deep trouble.” I sighed as I undid my seat
belt. “Now you have to do something or you will never be able to
live with yourself.” I said a quick prayer before slowly exiting
out of the car. I walked across the road into the damaged area.
There was a trail of tire marks that led straight up into the
trees. It didn’t take long for me to notice a smashed Nissan right
smack dab into an electrical pole. “Shit!” I shrilled.
I knew it; I knew somebody was back here.
My body started to tremble in fear, not knowing
what to do.
Ok … ok calm down.
I removed my blackberry from my pocket and dialed

911 operator how may I
help you?”

There’s been an accident
not too far from I-295, a car ran off the road and it looks

Miss…Do you know if anyone
has been injured?”

I think someone is still
inside the vehicle.”

We are sending an
ambulance your way right now.”

Um…the car has hit an
electrical pole and there are sparks flying against the

Are you near the car


Stay back until the
ambulance and police arrive.”

But I can’t just leave
them in there.”

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