Made to Love (23 page)

Read Made to Love Online

Authors: Syd Parker

Chapter 17


Marly put the last piece in Mason’s truck and dusted her hands off.

“Is that everything?” Aspen stopped alongside the truck and eyed the contents of the bed.

“I think so.”

“Where’s Mason?”

“She went with Lex to change Alex.”

Aspen smiled. “Glad you stuck around?”

Marly looked at the other artists bustling around. It was the last evening of the South End Art Hop, and everyone was scrambling to pack up. Mason’s show had been a success. And now, after more than a month of dating, it seemed she and Mason were well on their way to something special. She hadn’t been able to wipe the smile off her face and today was no exception. “Yes, very.”

“Mason is very special. I can tell she is head over heels in love with you. I’m glad you both realized how you felt before you did something stupid like leaving.”

Marly smiled wryly. “I guess I finally found someone that feels like home. It’s been a long time since I felt that way.”

“Things are going
well with Mason?”

Marly nodded happily. “She is a wonderful woman with so much to offer. She just needed to realize that about herself. She’s still learning that, but I remind her every chance I

“You’re not talking about me, are you?” Mason slid her arm around Marly and kissed her cheek. “Let me just say when we have kids, we are going to have a separate, ventilated area to change the babies in. That kid
has his own special brand of stink.”

Lex snorted. “How would you know? You didn’t get within ten feet of him.”

“I couldn’t. I would have passed out.” Mason scanned the contents of the truck. “Not much left over. I sold more than I thought.”

“Why would you say that?
” Aspen frowned and took Alex from Lex. “You’re stuff is really good, and you’ve built up quite a following.”

“Talking about good. Did I hear correctly? You might have a show in Boston?”

Aspen kissed Alex and shook her head. “I turned it down. My life is here and with Alex, I’m too busy to fill the space and be there for all of the to-do’s that they wanted me for. No, Burlington is just fine with me. Besides, after the rush of trying to get this show done, I need a break.”

“You and me both. I’m making sculptures in my dreams now. I wake up in a cold sweat.”

Lex nudged Marly. “That has to be fun for you.”

“I haven’t seen…” Marly shut her mouth quickly. She hadn’t actually slept with Mason yet, so she couldn’t comment on her nightmares.

“Oh.” Lex and Aspen shared a knowing look. They had been friends with Mason long enough to know that she wouldn’t rush things with Marly. They saw the look of desire that passed between the two women and knew exactly how they felt.

Lex tapped her palms on the truck. “I’m beat. I think we should go home, put Alex down and go to bed early.”

Mason slipped her arm around Marly. “I think that sounds like a perfect idea. Thanks again for all the help this weekend. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.”

Aspen waved the thank you off. “What are friends for, honey? So, we will see you for dinner next weekend?”

Mason slapped her forehead. She had all but forgotten the invitation to Sunday dinner amidst the flurry of the art show. But Aspen’s mom and aunt were back in town and Sunday dinner was a must with company. “Yep, we will be there”

and Aspen hugged them good-bye. “See you Sunday.”

Mason watched them walk
away, and she smiled. “Hard to believe that a year ago they were not even a couple.”

Marly narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. “No kidding. They are absolutely perfect together. Crazy how people fight what’s meant to be.”

“Mmhmm, it is crazy.”

“Hey!” Marly swatted Mason on the arm and glared at her. “I can’t help it you
were hot for Biker Barbie and couldn’t see what was right in front of you.”

Mason slid her arms around Marly and searched her face. “Thank you for opening my eyes.”
Mason felt her stomach flip-flop. The last month with Marly had been amazing. She finally knew what it felt like to truly love someone. She caught the look in Marly’s eye and knew that their minds were in the same place. “Shall we?”

“Yes.” Marly waited while Mason opened the door and helped her in the truck.

Mason started the truck. “Your place?”

“No.” Marly slid her hand up Mason’s thigh and smiled shyly. “
Your place.”

Mason saw the look that flashed in Marly’s
eyes, and her heart swelled. She slid her hand over Marly’s and started for home.

When they got to her house, Mason helped Marly from the truck and started for the house.

“Do you want to put your stuff away?”

“Nah, it can wait till tomorrow. Right now, I’
m ready for a shower.”

“Me too. I hope you like the water hot.”

Mason swallowed nervously. There was no pretense surrounding Marly’s words. She knew exactly what she meant when she said it. Tonight would be the night. Her heart swelled at the thought of making love to Marly. “I don’t care as long as it’s with you.”

Marly turned on the step and put her arms around Mason’s neck. She searched her face longingly then slid her lips over Mason’s with slow deliberateness.
She licked Mason’s bottom lip then pulled away. “Let’s go inside.”

Mason nodded before taking Marly’s hand and leading her up the steps and into her house. She made her way to the bathroom and started the shower, making sure the dial pointed to hot.

Marly watched her hands. She knew that soon those hands would bring her the ultimate pleasure. She joined Mason in the bathroom and kissed her hungrily. When their tongues brushed together, she felt her body clench. She had never expected anyone to make her body react like this. She wrapped her arms around Mason, kissing her until they were both out of breath. She finally pulled away and smiled seductively. “Undress me.”

Mason exhaled loudly. She slid her palms under Marly’s shirt, pulling
it up and over her head. In one swift movement, Mason removed her bra. Her eyes dropped to Marly’s breasts and her heart thundered in her chest. “You’re perfect.”

Marly smiled demurely. She finally saw herself through Mason’s eyes and felt
truly beautiful. There was nothing in her life that compared to feeling completely desired by the woman she loved. “May I see you?”

Mason nodded and pulled off her shirt, revealing a tight sports bra. She pulled it over her head and waited anxiously.

Marly held her breath and took a tentative step toward Mason, her fingers brushing the length of her muscled arm. Her eyes raked over Mason, and she licked her lips hungrily. She slid her arms around Mason’s waist, her breath catching as their bodies joined for the first time. She felt her nipples harden immediately against Mason’s skin. A moan escaped her lips, and she swallowed excitedly.

Mason’s hands moved over Marly’
s skin as desire pooled between her legs. She reveled in the feel of their skin pressed tightly together. She waited patiently, letting Marly control the pace.

Marly c
ould tell Mason didn’t want to push her, and she fell a little more in love with her for that. But Marly had waited long enough and now that she had a taste of what was to come, her blood surged. She pulled away and guided Mason’s lips to hers, kissing her until she could no longer stand to not be touched. She took Mason’s hands and placed them on the button of her shorts. “Make love to me.”

hesitated long enough to whisper I love you before she undid Marly’s shorts and slid them down her legs. She closed her eyes and inhaled Marly’s scent, knowing she was finally with the woman she had been made to love.



The End

Other titles by Syd Parker:


Immediate Possession
- Regan Sloan has had her share of bad luck in her relationships. She isn’t sure she is even willing to give it another shot. But all bets are off when she “runs into” Darcy Grey. Darcy leaves more than just an impression. She gets inside Regan like no other woman has. That should have been just fine with Regan…except Darcy isn’t exactly single and she isn’t exactly a lesbian. Can the two women get past the hurdles and accept their love is bigger than the issues they face?


Secrets of the Heart
– When Chase Berkley learns that her best friend was killed, she decides to finally visit the B & B they co-owned. At the funeral, she finds out that Avery was carrying a huge secret that she is left to deal with. Avery’s attorney, Jude Stafford, doesn’t plan on making her stay any easier. As a matter of fact, Chase quickly learns, her life is about to get turned upside down…again.


Abiding Spirit
– Soren Lockhart knows heartbreak. Unable to get past her wife leaving and taking their daughter, she runs away so she doesn’t have to face the pain. She buys a rundown house and hires contractor Merritt Tanner to do the renovations, unaware that they are waking up a ghost who is intent on telling her love story and pushing Soren toward the love of her life.


Just Tonight
– At forty-five, Adrienne Thomas thought she was done being a mom, but when her son and daughter-in-law die and she inherits her granddaughter and her partner of fifteen years subsequently leaves, she feels like she is right back at the beginning. Putting the heartache behind her, she moves back home to collect herself. Nothing she experienced before could have prepared her for Dylan Montgomery, a loner who makes Adrienne’s blood boil. Can Adrienne figure out a way to be a mother again and win Dylan’s heart?


Twist of Fate
– Storm chaser Remy Tate doesn’t mess around when it comes to storms or women. She knows what she wants and goes after it. A chance encounter with fellow chaser, Sarah Phillips, has lingered in her mind for years and when they run into each other again, she puts everything on the line to prove to Sarah that she is interested in more than just a one night stand.


The Killing Ground (A Gray Foxx Thriller)
– A serial killer is working his way through Chicago, leaving behind gruesome victims. It’s up to Detective Rebecca Foxx to find him and put him away. Much to her chagrin, the latest victim pulls in the FBI. Special Agent Jordan Gray is up to the task of finding the killer, but can she get past the walls that Rebecca Foxx puts up, both in the case and in their personal life? 


Someone Like You
- Aspen Lane hasn’t forgotten her first love. As an artist, Aspen tries to pour her feelings into her art in hopes of healing, but five years later, she’s still trying to move on. There’s just one thing keeping Lex Tataris from marrying her girlfriend– being married to another woman. A divorce should be simple. When Aspen offers to live with Lex for the six months it will take to prove residency in Vermont, she figures it will be a chance for her to get closure and move on. Lex is certain everything will go smoothly and she will be free to marry Cassidy soon enough. The two women soon discover that letting go may not be as easy as they thought or what they wanted after all.


Sin No More (A Gray Foxx Thriller)
– Rebecca Foxx and Jordan Gray are back in the next installment of the Gray Foxx Files. When the two women discover the slain body of a well-known Senator with strong mob ties, it sends them on a hunt for a sadistic killer intent on revenge and punishment. From sacrificial rites to biblical subtexts, the search is on for the murderer before he can kill again.


Remember Me –
Sam Adams has it all. A great job, a wonderful best friend. The only thing she hasn’t had is a relationship with her grandmother. When she receives a package from her grandmother’s estate, she realizes that the story about her leaving may not have been the truth. She sets out on a cross country journey with her best friend, Ellis. She soon realizes that the trip is as much about finding herself as it is learning about her family history.



Syd Parker was born in California and lives in Indiana with her partner of eight years. She loves golfing, biking and spoiling her ten nieces and nephews. She loves to travel and anywhere on the water feels like home. She spends her days toiling away at her day job until she figures out a way to drop the fifteen strokes to make it on the LPGA tour, although she's totally mastered Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii.

Most days when she's not writing you will find her on the trails or riding her road bike and praying she doesn't end up in another ditch.

She loves to read a good love story and thoroughly enjoys writing them as well. "It isn't just about writing a story, it's about creating a world and having the reader climb into it, experiencing it in first person. That's my goal...that's why I write."


Check Syd out on Facebook and online at


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