Magic on the Line

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Authors: Devon Monk

Praise for the Novels of Devon Monk

Magic at the Gate

“The action-packed fifth Allie Beckstrom novel amps up the magical mayhem.... Allie’s adventures are gripping and engrossing, with an even, clever mix of humor, love, and brutality.”

Publishers Weekly


“Devon Monk takes her story to places I couldn’t have dreamed of. Each twist and turn was completely surprising for me.
Magic at the Gate
truly stands out.”

—Reading on the Dark Side


“A spellbinding story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.”

—Romance Reviews Today


Magic on the Storm

“The latest Allie Beckstrom urban fantasy is a terrific entry.... This is a strong tale.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews


“First-rate urban fantasy entertainment.”

—Lurv a la Mode


Magic in the Shadows

“Snappy dialogue, a brisk pace, and plenty of magic keep the pages turning to the end. Allie’s relationships with Zayvion, her friend Nola, and the other Hounds add credible depth to this gritty, original urban fantasy that packs a punch.”

—Monsters and Critics


“This is a wonderful read full of different types of magic, fascinating characters, [and] an intriguing plot.... Devon Monk is an excellent storyteller. . . . This book will keep everyone turning the pages to see what happens next and salivating for more.”

—Fresh Fiction


“The writing moves at a fast pace with plenty of exciting action.... This series just gets better and better with each new book.”

—Night Owl Reviews


“Allie is developing into a character who is more able to withstand the trouble that lies ahead. I recommend the Allison Beckstrom series to urban fantasy fans who want something fresh and original with a snarky sense of humor.”

—Fantasy Literature


Magic in the Shadows
is any indication, Devon Monk should become one of urban fantasy’s biggest names.”

—The Internet Review of Science Fiction


Magic in the Blood

“Tight, fast, and vividly drawn, Monk’s second Allison Beckstrom novel features fresh interpretations of the paranormal, strong characters dealing with their share of faults and flaws, [and] ghoulish plot twists. Fans of Patricia Briggs or Jim Butcher will want to check out this inventive new voice.”

—Monsters and Critics


“[A] highly creative series about magic users in a world much like our own, filled with greed and avarice. I love the character of Allie, and she is just getting better and stronger as the series continues.... If you love action, magic, intrigue, good-versus-evil battles, and pure entertainment, you will not want to miss this series.”

—Manic Readers


“One heck of a ride through a magical, dangerous Portland . . . imaginative, gritty, sometimes darkly humorous.... An un-put-downable book,
Magic in the Blood
is one fantastic read.”

—Romance Reviews Today


“Ms. Monk weaves a unique tale of dark magic that will keep readers at the edge of their seat[s].
Magic in the Blood
is so thoroughly described that the creepy bits will have you thinking of magic and ghosts long after you’ve finished the story. Fast-moving and gripping, it will leave you wanting more.”

—Darque Reviews

Magic to the Bone

“Brilliantly and tightly written . . . will surprise, amuse, amaze, and absorb readers.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)


“Loved it. Fiendishly original and a stay-up-all-night read. We’re going to be hearing a lot more of Devon Monk.”

—Patricia Briggs,
New York Times
author of
River Marked


“Highly original and compulsively readable. Don’t pick this one up before going to bed unless you want to be up all night!”

—Jenna Black, author of


“Gritty setting, compelling, fully realized characters, and a frightening system of magic-with-a-price that left me awed. Devon Monk’s writing is addictive, and the only cure is more, more, more!”

—Rachel Vincent,
New York Times
author of
My Soul to Steal


“An exciting new addition to the urban fantasy genre. It’s got a truly fresh take on magic and Allie Beckstrom is one kick-ass protagonist!”

—Jeanne C. Stein, national bestselling
author of


“The prose is gritty and urban, the characters mysterious and marvelous, and Monk creates a fantastic and original magic system that intrigues and excites. A promising beginning to a new series. I’m looking forward to more!”

—Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Bram Stoker Award–winning
author of


“Monk’s reimagined Portland is at once recognizable and exotic, suffused with her special take on magic, and her characters are vividly rendered. The plot pulled me in for a very enjoyable ride!”

—Lynn Flewelling, author of

Books by Devon Monk

The Allie Beckstrom Series
Magic to the Bone
Magic in the Blood
Magic in the Shadows
Magic on the Storm
Magic at the Gate
Magic on the Hunt
Magic on the Line


The Age of Steam
Dead Iron


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First Printing, November 2011

Copyright © Devon Monk, 2011

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ISBN : 978-1-101-55875-1

For my family


Without the many people who have contributed time and energy along the way, this book would not have come to fruition. I’d like to give a much-deserved thank-you to my agent, Miriam Kriss, and my editor, Anne Sowards, two consummate professionals and all-around awesome people who make my job easy.

My love and endless gratitude go out to my fantastic first readers and brainstormers, Dean Woods and Dej-sha Knight, whose loving support and brilliant insights not only make the story stronger, but also make me a better writer. Thank you also to my family, one and all, who have been there for me every step of the way offering unfailing encouragement and sharing in the joy. To my husband, Russ, and sons, Kameron and Konner, if I haven’t said it lately, thank you for believing in me. You are the very best part of my life. I love you.

Lastly, but certainly not leastly, thank you, dear readers, for letting me share this story, these people, and this world with you.

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