Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (21 page)

“Hey, Jack, we just got word from team three. The campsite we exposed upstate contained a hidden meth lab. Add Monroe to that list of independent investors. The whole campsite and property is owned by him and his company Davenport,” Salvatore stated as he flipped open his cell phone and made another call.

“How big was that meth lab?” another agent asked.

“I’m still getting the details, but it looks big. The agents said they were rather shocked at the supply and equipment. You know, Jack, that guy Monroe is connected to Enrique Avalar. I think he has that cousin Martha who owns that restaurant called Chichi Cuisine on the upper west side,” Salvatore replied.

“Chichi Cuisine? What the hell is chichi?” another agent asked.

“It’s like a slang word for beers made in South America. Anyway, the place may be a front for dealing.”

“Hey, Luke, go call Estevez in team five. I think he has a few agents working that district. See if we can confirm activity at the location of the restaurant,” Jack stated as he finished up his drawing on the board. They were pulling together a series of evidence leading to their five main drug lords. The trickle-down effect helped the agents to identify the street dealers and their selling locations. The department would need this when the time came for a simultaneous raid. In the meantime, Jack put a call into ATF and a few other organizations to help out.

“Hey, Jack, they got a bunch of prisoners, but get this—a few of the men found are andadores noche, or night walkers,” Salvatore stated.

“As in the gang from Texas that tried to ambush Elloisa and Gustavo?” Jack replied.

Salvatore smiled.

“Interesting considering that Agent Montoya said the guy who tried to attack Elloisa in the elevator was wearing the Rojo gang tattoo on his wrist. I believe they’re the same gang,” Jack replied then began looking through files of other recent busts where Rojo members were arrested.

A while later, Salvatore came over to Jack to tell him about his phone call from Mathew.

“Hey, Matt said Mom is fine and the surgeon said no scarring. They’ll take care of everything,” Salvatore stated.

“They’d better. Fucking agents weren’t doing their job twice so far that we know of. Where the hell was Agent Williams when Mom was injured? What about the attempt on Elloisa at DEA headquarters?”

“We’ve been over this, Jack. He was upstairs waiting on her. Let’s just be grateful Montoya was there.”

“Yeah, I’m not too crazy about the fact that Agent Gustavo Montoya is alone with our sister. You didn’t catch the way he was always looking at her?”

Salvatore chuckled.

“She’s a beautiful woman, Jack. There are going to be plenty of men looking at her. We’re just not used to it. She’s been gone for so long,” Salvatore replied then looked at his watch.

“We need to be in the conference room in an hour. The family will get to speak over the phone, and then we’re going to ask Elloisa some questions about our suspects. Maybe she can shine some light on the situation?”

Jack nodded in agreement and went back to work.

* * * *

Gustavo held Elloisa against his side as he caressed her hip. They had made love again and now recuperated, were just enjoying each other’s company.

“Are you hungry?” he asked before he kissed the top of her nose.

“Mmmm…a little,” she replied lazily. She felt so content with him it was scary and yet familiar. He was a handsome man and a passionate lover.

“I think we should get dressed and grab something to eat. John said he would arrange a conference call between you and your family.”

“What? When did he tell you this?”

“Earlier,” he stated then kissed her chin before scattering little kisses along her jawline and neck.

“Why didn’t you tell me? This is great. I can’t wait to hear my mother’s voice.”

“I was a little distracted before, Elloisa. But I am glad you are smiling again. You’ll feel a lot better once you know they’re safe.”

“I know you’re right. I wish there was more for me to do to make this end quicker.”

“The agents will call with more questions, I’m sure.”

“I don’t…” Elloisa didn’t want to admit to Gustavo that she didn’t trust the agents. She trusted her brothers and she was willing to tell them anything they would need to know to resolve this. But Gustavo worked with Williams, Thomas, and Rimarez. Even though she just allowed the man to make love to her, she was still wary. Would she ever trust again?

She felt Gustavo touch her chin then tilt it towards him so he could make eye contact.

“What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

She sighed, closed her eyes, then opened them again.

“I don’t want to insult you or make accusations.”

“Listen, Elloisa, we just shared something very special together. It was not meaningless for me, and I am certain it wasn’t for you. I’m not what you call a patient man. If there’s something you need to tell me or something you feel, please, just be honest with me. It’s all I can ask of you, and I promise to be honest with you as well.”

“I’m sorry, Gustavo. It’s just hard for me after everything that has happened.”

She took a deep breath then exhaled.

“I’m just going to spit it out and hope that I don’t insult you.”

Gustavo held her gaze and waited.

“I don’t trust Williams. Thomas and Rimarez, I am uncertain of their integrity and agenda, but Williams is not legit. I just know it. Now, I know you work with them—”

Gustavo touched his fingers to her lips to stop her from talking.

“Elloisa, I don’t work with them. I am…I was a deep undercover agent with the DEA. Now, I’m your bodyguard and protector until this thing is over. I feel the same way you do. Williams doesn’t seem legit and it’s hard to swallow that. Being an agent for the DEA or any government organization is intense. It requires confidentiality, loyalty, and integrity from its members. We’re not dealing with a slap on the wrist kind of crimes. These are intense individuals we’re hunting and trying to bring to justice. That a federal agent or any law enforcement official can be bribed or bought flat-out is disgusting. It does happen, though, and we need to be cautious. I think if you have information you deem valuable to the agents then tell your brothers. They’re not out to kill you.”

Elloisa smiled.

“Thanks, Gus. I was hoping you would say something like that. I don’t know why I feel this way, I just do. My gut is telling me to be cautious and not to trust easily. I’ll wait to hear from Jack and Salvatore.”

Gustavo kissed Elloisa, rolling her underneath him as he straddled her thighs. “You taste so good. I just can’t seem to get enough of you,” he whispered as he began kissing her throat then across her chest.

“Food can wait,” he stated then slowly began trailing kisses along her belly, across her hips, then between her thighs.

* * * *

Elloisa’s conversation lasted about ten minutes with her family. She was careful not to disclose her location, just as they were careful not to disclose theirs. Although the line was secure, no one wanted to take any chances.

“I just want to be certain that you stay with Gustavo. I’m fine and I would do anything to keep you safe, Elloisa. I love you,” Teressa stated.

Elloisa chuckled.

“What is so funny?”

“I missed that reprimanding tone of yours, Mamma. As crazy as that sounds, I did. I love you, too, and I’m so relieved that you are safe. Please don’t take any chances.”

“We’ll be fine. Good luck with your conversation with Salvatore and Jack.”


Elloisa said her good-byes to her parents, and Mathew then hung up the phone. Shortly Jack and Salvatore would call to ask her some questions involved with the case. She felt better knowing that her own brothers were involved, yet, she was scared for them. She knew all too well about Armando’s capabilities.

“It will be all right, Elloisa. Your brothers are fantastic investigators, and they know to be cautious,” Gus stated as he rubbed her shoulders and held her against his chest.

“I’m scared anyway. I know I need to let them handle this because it is their job, but the men they seek are capable and well-connected.”

Gustavo turned her body toward him and held her hands against his chest.

“Elloisa, they know this. We all understand how resourceful men like Sintorez are, but it doesn’t mean we give up. As DEA agents, we hunt down men like Sintorez and remove them from the streets. We destroy their cartels and eliminate their resources, sometimes just a little bit or one operation at a time. But we never give up, and we can be just as resourceful.” Gustavo held her gaze.

Elloisa felt the shiver down her spine as she recalled the things Armando said he would do to any agents or officers trying to invade or sneak into his organization.

“Elloisa, you’re shaking.” Gustavo pulled her against him.

Elloisa embraced his warmth and his protection. Armando’s words were bad memories and Armando wasn’t here, so she was safe with Gustavo. The thought that her brothers would be identified as agents working to bring down Armando’s cartel came to mind. He would find out, or perhaps he knew already.
Salvatore and Jack are targets just as my parents are.

She pulled away from Gustavo.

“My brothers need to stay in the shadows. They can’t make their presence known in regards to the case or any connections to Armando. All it will take is one call, one signal with his fingers, and my brothers will have a bounty on their heads.”

“They’re not going to hide. They want Armando and the others involved. There seem to be a number of big shots pooling together to smuggle drugs into the states. With the DEA, border patrol, AFT, and other government agencies working together, we can stop this. It will put a huge gap in their operation and perhaps stop them for a while.”

“There are hundreds of people involved with this. Do you realize what goes into an operation?”

“Yes, I do. I have been working undercover for ten years. The last three, I was deep undercover until I got the call to get you out of there. I know what it will take to bring down Sintorez.”

The phone rang, interrupting their conversation. Elloisa knew it would be her brothers and she prepared for their questions.

Chapter 15

“Elloisa, honey, how are you?” Salvatore asked, his voice sounding calm yet concerned. Elloisa glanced across the island in the kitchen at Gustavo. He smiled.

“I guess I am doing better than Mom,” she replied as the tears stung her eyes and her voice cracked.

“I know you’re scared. Mom is fine and has lots of security, thanks to John and Gus’s friend Zach.”

“How are you and Jack? How is the investigation going?” Elloisa asked.

“We have a few leads on some big stuff. A bust this afternoon revealed some important information. We have some questions for you, if you don’t mind?”

“Of course not, Salvatore. Tell me what you have so far.

Salvatore explained about the Rojo gang members and the recent connection to Enrique Avalar.

“I know Enrique well. He’s young. I think in his late thirties. He likes guns and he works out like a maniac. He visited the estate many times over the past few months. He has a cousin who owns a restaurant somewhere in the city. Maybe the east side or it could have been the west side. I’m not certain. He is quite the businessman, I can tell you that much.”

“Yeah, the cousin’s storefront is a cover for drug distribution. We had agents confirm that today. How about the Rojo gang, the ones that ambushed you and Gustavo in Corpus Christi?” Jack asked the question this time.

“The Rojo gang? Let me think about that a minute. I was so scared during that,” she stated then looked at Gustavo.

“I don’t think I’ve heard of them before, but I do know of a man named Demacio. He resides in Texas. I think it was Macaline or something. His accent is very thick because he was the first of his family to head to America. Although not far, he was still on U.S. soil. He had a connection to a gang called Night Crawlers. I think they are a brother gang to the Rojo.”

“Was it McAllen, Texas?” Jack asked.

“It could have been. I spoke to him often while he waited on Armando. I kind of took over the role as greeter to his…guests,” she replied sarcastically.

“What was he into? Any known businesses that he mentioned or ties to N.Y. or other drug dealers?” Jack asked.

“Sure. I could give you the names of just about anyone who was at his estate over the past year.”

“Well, we’ve narrowed it down to men of interest. Some we have names for, and some we don’t,” Salvatore responded.

“I have a secure laptop hooked up. If you need to, you can send pictures for Elloisa to look over. Maybe she can identify the ones you’re unsure of,” Gustavo suggested.

“That sounds great. Jack will begin to send those,” Salvatore responded then asked Gustavo for the e-mail address.

Elloisa nibbled her bottom lip.

“How are you holding up, honey?” Jack asked and Elloisa sensed her brother’s concern.

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