Master of My Mind BN (23 page)

Read Master of My Mind BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

Tony’s words made my heart swell and a lump form in my
throat. I’d been afraid he would reject me for my involvement with Matt, but he
vanquished those fears with his gentle understanding. I had no idea what my
tomorrows would bring, but for the first time, since George had died, a sense
of peace settled over me thanks to Tony.

The bubble of serenity surrounding me didn’t last long.
Tony’s cell phone rang once again. And as he silently listened, I watched the
color drain from his face.

“I’m going to put you on speaker, James.
needs to hear this, too.”

After pushing a button, Tony laid the phone on the bed. At
the sight of his trembling hand, I tensed.

, honey, we’ve got a little
problem with your vehicle out here.”

What kind of problem?” I
asked, not bothering to hide the fear in my voice.

“That dude
’ with your car
wired a nasty little brick of C-4 to your spark plug. The Chief just got here
and called for the bomb squad to come take a look at it.”



A rush of adrenaline shot through me, hot and buzzing.
Shadowy black spots gathered behind my eyes. I sucked in several deep breaths
as my heart pounded in my ears.
Bomb squad.
This couldn’t be happening… this had to
be a nightmare.

“Before you freak out,
listen to me. We don’t know for sure that this has anything to do with you. The
guy may have had a beef with Mika, or the club, and just happened to pick your

“He wired it with explosives?” The visual of shoving my key
into the ignition, turning the engine over, and a deadly ball of fire exploding
into the night sky filled my brain. If James hadn’t been paying attention to
the security feed in Mika’s office, I’d be dead.

Tony wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close.

“I said don’t freak out,
We’ll find this nut-sack and get some answers,” James assured.

“Did you get any leads from the license plate?” Tony asked.
His tone weighed with anxiety.

A half
officers are headed to the address pulled from the registration as we speak.
The Chief sidelined me, said it was a conflict of interest for me to work on
this. I told him I just wanted five minutes alone with the prick when they
brought him in. But he wouldn’t go for that, either.”

“If this was meant for
, I’ll
be at the head of the line regardless what your Chief says,” Tony growled.

Listening to the men posture I didn’t give a rat’s ass
beat the crap out of the bad guy first. I just needed to
know which evil was after me: Matt or Hayden. Dread, thick and dark, thundered
through my veins along with the urge to run. Glancing at the casts weighing on
my arm and leg, I knew my options were limited. Tinges of hopelessness joined
in the swirling fray and trying to keep a lid on the panic swelling inside grew
more difficult by the second.

“I’ve asked a couple my detective friends to pay Hayden and
Sloane a visit to see if they might have had a hand in this. I’m going to ride
over with them, but I’ll have to wait in the fucking car. I’ll call you back as
soon as I have more news.”

“Thanks for keeping us in the loop, man,” Tony replied
before ending the call.

As he moved away and pocketed his phone, I reached for the
crutch by the side of the bed.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, gripping my

“I have to get out of here.” Fear coated my words. “Someone
is trying to kill me. If that blast had gone off, it would have destroyed
Genesis. I can’t stay here if it’s going to put all your lives at risk. I have
to find somewhere safe to go…and I need to do it now!”

“Easy, baby,” Tony soothed, releasing my hand. “We’ll get
some answers soon. But until we know what’s going on, you’ve got to try and
stay calm. You’ll drive yourself crazy with what ifs. I won’t let anyone hurt
you. Come on, sweetheart, try and pull yourself together.”

“I can’t!” I gasped. Panic took over, and I shoved him away.
“You’ve got to help get me out of here. Please.”

With single-minded purpose, Tony crawled onto the bed.
Crowding me with his chest, he pressed against me until I lay flat. Straddling
my thighs with his, he gathered up my wrists and pinned them above my head.
Looming over me, he lowered his body on top of mine.

Even in the throes of unmitigated fear, desire coiled like a
snake low in my belly. Determination lined his face as he leaned in and
captured my mouth. I didn’t think anything could redirect my terror, but his
potent kiss did just that. Cocooned in his strength and swayed by his lips I
found my salvation.

He tasted like a lifeline of sanity.

Absorbing the heat of his hulking body, I sipped on his
slick tongue. Every humid breath Tony exhaled became a tender mercy that I
greedily sucked into my own lungs.

His kiss drained my fears and twisted them into desire. He
imprisoned me in passion and power.

Tony claimed my mouth—owned it—owned me.

Sliding his hands beneath the edge of my robe, he pushed the
silk aside. Exposed to the cool air and sensual glide of Tony’s palms, my
nipples pebbled. Wedging his knee between my legs, he roughly parted my thighs
and swallowed my whimper of surrender. As he skimmed his fingers up my slick folds,
I groaned. Driving a finger inside my wet tunnel, his thumb found my clit, and
I tightened around him as he swallowed my gasp. Without a shred of modesty, my
knees fell open, and I arched into his hand.

Trailing hot kisses over my jaw and down my neck, he paused,
nipping at my pulse point. Squeezing a second finger alongside the other, his
touch left my body quivering.

“What else do you need to tell me, sweetheart?” he growled
against my throat.

Please. Don’t stop, Tony.
I don’t have any more secrets. I swear.”

Tony raised his head. Savage hunger, wild and ruthless
flickered across his dark, hooded eyes. Imprisoned by his ardent pull, I longed
for him to unleash the beast clawing inside him and let it devour me.

“Ah, there’s still one secret you’re keeping from me.”
Tony’s eyes narrowed as his jaw ticked.

Sexually saturated neurons misfired in my brain and made it
hard for me to concentrate.
There is nothing
left to tell him.

“Tell me, angel. Are
you ready to belong to me?
To be

“Yes,” I hissed, his masterful fingers strumming

His nostrils flared, and a low growl of possession rumbled
from his chest. Reaching up, I cupped the back of his neck to draw his mouth
back to mine.

A slow smirk crawled across his lips. Challenging my control
the muscles in his neck and shoulders tightened and bulged. “Did you forget
that I’m in charge here?”

“No,” I replied with an impatient shake of my head.

“Good girl. We play by my rules today, tomorrow…forever. If
I’m what you truly want, give me your power.”

An arduous learning curve lay ahead, but Tony’s vow echoed
in my ears.
“I promise you this, no man,
Dominant, or Master will treasure your gifts more than I. All you have to do is
open the door and let me in. Trust that I’ll cherish everything you give me.”

Finally, my heart and head aligned. Free of the fear of Tony
abandoning me, I felt blanketed in faith the he would indeed never let me fall.
A new road
out before me. One that was no longer
shrouded in darkness and distress but shimmered in light and happiness and most
important of all…

“Take it, please. It’s yours,” I offered on a shaky sigh.

“What is it you want, angel? Tell me. It’s as simple as
that,” Tony prompted, strumming his fingers in a persuading rhythm.

“I want to taste your lips, please.”

love the way you beg. Very nice,” he murmured. Bending low, Tony brushed his
mouth over mine. “Stick out your tongue. Taste me to your heart’s content,

Extending my tongue over his smooth lips, a tiny groan of
pleasure vibrated from the back of his throat. Brazenly, I plunged deeper,
tangling my tongue with his, exploring every inch of his mouth. Tony allowed me
to feast on him, and I gave myself over to the smoldering heat swirling between

As if sensing my surrender, he suddenly pulled back. Sliding
a hand into my hair, he squeezed tight in a palpable surge of dominance, leaned
in and sucked my lower lip between his teeth. Skimming his tongue over the
plump flesh he bit down hard before plunging deep inside and cutting off my

His embedded fingers danced a decadent waltz over my
sensitive knot of nerves. With his exacting strokes the familiar tingle
coalesced beneath my clit, spreading outward. Yet he plunged deeper still,
swallowing my keening cries.

Tony peeled his lips from mine and his fingers stilled just
as I reached the peak.

“Describe how it feels, angel.”

“Hot. Pulses of fire…shooting through me,” I panted, rocking
against his hand, desperate for more stimulation.
Higher…and higher.”

“What’s cresting?”

“My orgasm,” I choked.

“Do you have permission to come for me, yet, angel?”



“No, Sir.”

“Very nice,” Tony cooed. “That’s right. You don’t have
permission. And I refuse to let you fly without taking a little pain for me, my
beautiful angel.”

My eyes flashed wide in alarm. I swallowed tightly as he pinned me with an
expectant stare. “But I don’t like pain, Sir.”

“So you think. But that spanking I gave you? I know deep
down you crave it…ache for it. You haven’t tapped into the depths you’ll endure
for me…At least not yet. But you will. And I intend to teach you…everything.”

Images of whips and blood, quirts and welts, paddles and
bruises crowded my mind. Tony was right; I didn’t know the depths of my
submission. Hell, I still wasn’t completely convinced that I even was a
submissive. The only thing I knew for sure was that I didn’t want to fail him.
But if he incorporated sadistic pleasures into my training, I was doomed to
disappoint. Our desires might mesh, but our BDSM needs never would.

My body was on fire, but my mind had turned to ice. I
couldn’t expect Tony to set aside his needs for me. Not on the off chance I
might someday learn to crave the edgier side of BDSM. I’d done it again. I’d
allowed my stupid fantasies to run roughshod over reality. Tony was, and always
would be, a sadist. I opened my mouth to stop the madness just as a thunderous
knock came from the other side of my door.

Open up,” Drake bellowed.

My car.
The bomb.

Reality rained down in a deluge of ice cold spikes. Dazed
beneath the potent spell Tony cast upon me, he’d erased the terror with nothing
more than a kiss. But it was back, bigger and
than ever, coalescing in my veins like wet cement.

“Fuck!” Tony growled. Extracting his fingers from my pussy,
he licked my juices from them,
with a frustrated
sigh, he crawled off me. Tossing the bedspread over my quivering body, he
stormed to the door and jerked it open.

“We have to evacuate the club,” Drake announced, his voice
tight with tension.

“What?” I gasped.

“Why?” Tony asked.

“Bomb squad wants to remove the C-4 from
car. Evidently, it’s a homemade device so they want us all out of here.” Drake
explained with a sour expression. “Oh yeah, and the cops are bringing in dogs
to sniff the club for explosives.”

“Shit,” Tony hissed. “Mika’s not going to like this.”

“No, he’s pissed as hell. He left Julianna and Tristan at
the hospital and is on his way here, now.”

Guilt sluiced through me. The whole entire mess was my
fault. Deep down I knew the C-4 had been intended for me. Mika and Genesis
weren’t the target. My presence at the club had brought a shitload of danger
down on my friends. Either Matt or Hayden wanted me dead and neither had any
qualms about taking out innocent people in the process. Fear and remorse
slammed like an injection of adrenaline. And once again, the manic need to flee
punched hard.

“Okay, let me help
dressed, and we’ll go to my place,” Tony announced to Drake.

“No!” I cried.

Tony spun toward me confusion wrinkled his forehead.

“I’ve got what you asked for, Daddy,” Trevor announced as he
squeezed past Drake and entered the room. His blue eyes were brimmed with fear
as a stack of dark colored clothing trembled in his hands.

“What’s this for?” Tony asked, looking at the young man.

“We need to get
out of here.
If someone’s watching for her outside it would be best if she wore a disguise,”
Drake replied with calm reassurance I couldn’t relate to.

Nausea swirled in my stomach and I forced down the saliva
pooling in my mouth. Was someone planning on putting a bullet in my head once I
stepped out the door? How was I going to get out of the club unnoticed wearing
pounds of plaster? Clothes alone wouldn’t be enough to disguise my broken

“Son of a bitch,” Tony murmured. With a snap of his head he
looked over his shoulder at me. “Put them on. I refuse to take any chances with

“Okay,” I whispered with a nod.

“If we dress her like a man and get her out of here,” Drake
explained to Tony. “I’ll take her to my place and meet up with you there.”

“Why your place?”
Tony asked.

“She can’t go to your house, man. Obviously, someone’s been
watching her. They know she’s here… knew her car. They’ve probably seen you two
together. If they’ve done their homework, they damn well know where

The more Drake expounded, the heavier my heart sank. It
wasn’t just my friends at the club that I’d put in danger. I’d painted a big,
fat bulls-eye on Tony’s back.

“I know someplace she’ll be safe,” he assured Drake. “We’ll
meet up at your place, and I’ll take her from there. Let’s do this.”

“Wait!” I cried out. “Where do you plan on taking me after

“To my parent’s house.”

“No way,” I snapped. “You’re crazy if you think I’m putting
your family in the middle of my shit.”

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