Master of My Mind BN (29 page)

Read Master of My Mind BN Online

Authors: Jenna Jacob

I could tell it was a ruse to get me out of the kitchen
while keeping Alisa in the dark about the call Vito made on my behalf. It
bothered me that the two men shielded her from what was going on around her. As
Tony helped me waddle down the hallway, I issued him a sideways glance.

“Please, don’t ever do to me what you do to your mom, okay?”

“What are you talking about?” Tony asked, his brow

“Hide things from me like you do Alisa.”

“My dad is a dominant man,
but he’s not a Dom. While he would never outright lie to my mom, he keeps
things from her as a way to protect her. I’m not saying
right; I’m just saying this is how their marriage works. I won’t keep a damn
thing from you, sweetheart. That’s not the kind of relationship I want with

Because it’d be a deal breaker,
Just so you know.”

He shot me a probing gaze. “That goes both ways, angel.”


When we entered Vito’s office, he was sitting behind a wide
wooden desk, staring at the green, spring foliage out the picture window on his


“Come on in.” Vito nodded. “And close the door.”

Anxiety spiked as Tony shut the door behind us. We both took
a seat as Vito opened his mouth to speak.

“Uncle Enzo called back. There’s good news,
. At least I think its good news.”

I held my breath, clinging to his every word.

“Matthew Price died two and a half years ago in a
parasailing accident off the coast of Belize.”

Exhaling as relief flooded through me, I blinked. “Died?”

“Thank god!” Tony exclaimed.

“Yep, it says so on his death certificate.” Vito grinned.

Reality slowly started to sink in. Matt was dead. Sloane and
Hayden were dead. There were no more threats hanging over me. No more reasons
to carry a restraining order or constantly be looking over my shoulder. A giant
boulder had been lifted off me, and I began to giggle.

“I’m free. I’m finally free.”

Suddenly, the sunlight seemed brighter. The air thinner and
life took on a whole new meaning.

“Not totally,” Tony grinned with a knowing wink.

“Yeah, but with you is exactly where I want to be.”

Tony leapt from his seat and pulled me into his arms,
wearing a smile so bright, it almost blinded me.

“Let’s go home, angel.” Lust teemed in his eyes.

“Yes, please,” I replied on a wistful sigh.

“Thanks Dad. I asked a huge favor of you with Uncle Enzo,
but I think you understand how fantastic this news is for
and for me.”

“Of course I do, Tony. It was well worth it. I’d do it again
in a New York minute just to see the smiles on your faces.”

“Oh, thank you, Vito. Thank you so much,” I gushed.

Back in Tony’s room, he packed the duffle in seconds flat.
After showering Vito and Alisa with my heartfelt thanks, Tony and I were back
in the car, headed toward the club. Along the way, he placed a call to James
and filled him in on the wonderful news. I couldn’t wipe the smile from my

My new found freedom tasted better than chocolate.



It was good to be ‘home.’ My pseudo apartment in Genesis,
and the privacy it afforded, felt like a breath of fresh air. A new chapter of
my life had begun, one as a liberated adult, and my mind raced with
opportunities like a job and a real home of my own...someday.

“You haven’t said much since you found out Matt was dead,

“I know.” I frowned. “For some strange reason, a part of me
is sad. Another part of me wishes I’d paid more attention to the outside world
when I was with George. I should have at least read the Atlanta newspaper online.
When I think of all the years I spent hiding from Matt, so afraid he’d find me…
god, what a waste of precious time.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You did what you had to in
order to stay safe and alive. I’m proud of you, sweetheart. It just goes to show
how incredibly brave and strong you are.”

I snorted. “I wasn’t strong or brave. I hid like a big

“No, you used your head. You methodically sought a city and
a job where Matt couldn’t easily find you. Then, day after day you stepped
outside and kept right on living in spite of that fuck-nut.
, my love, takes guts.”

Tony painted a picture far more courageous than I considered
myself to be, but it warmed my heart that he saw me as gutsy.

“Are you excited for tomorrow?” Tony asked from the bathroom,
unpacking my toiletries.

I don’t even know what day it is; everything’s been such a cluster. What’s
going on tomorrow?”

“You have an appointment with Dr. Coleman, remember?”

“Yes! I totally forgot.” I blinked. “Please, please let this
be the last night I have to wear these damn casts.”

Tony strutted in from the bathroom, his thigh muscles
rippled beneath his jeans. Every time I fixated on his mouth-watering body, my
pussy wept. This was no exception. Prowling onto the bed, his body heat surrounded
me before he lay down and pulled me against his hard chest.

“Think positive, angel, and we’ll see what tomorrow brings.”

“I will.” I nodded, snuggling deeper against him. “You feel

“I do, huh?”

“Yes.” I smiled.

“I bet I can make us both feel even better.”

His innuendo sent a shiver snaking up my spine. Tony shifted
above me, and the hunger dancing in his eyes almost took my breath away.

“Make me feel…everything. Please?”

A sly smile tugged his mouth. “Have I ever told you how hard
I get every time you beg?”

Pressing his hips to mine, he ground his rigid erection
against my pussy. I sucked in a gasp. The friction stung my sore folds.

“Maybe we should hold off another day or two.”

“It’s not that sore,” I vowed.

A wicked chuckle vibrated the back of his throat. “I’ll have
to take a look and decide for myself, angel.”

Kneeling up, Tony peeled off my soft cotton pants. With his
hand beneath my knees, he lifted and spread my thighs wide. Leaning in low, his
warm breath caressed my juncture, and I closed my eyes and moaned. He trailed
soft kisses over the tops of my thighs, edging nearer to my throbbing center.

“You’re driving me insane. Please,” I begged impatiently.

“Oh, sweetheart, the torture I have in store for you hasn’t
even started yet.” Tony feathered a kiss over my clit, and I cried out. “Yes, I
see how swollen and red the lips of your cunt are now. We’ll need to hold off
until you’re all healed up.”

Bolting upright, I felt my eyes grow wide. “Are you out of
your mind? No!”

Both his brows arched high, and he shot me a look of


“I didn’t mean it that way,” I stammered. “I just meant that
I’m not that sore. We don’t have to stop…honest.”

“Is that for you to decide or me?”

“You, Sir,” I mumbled, duly chastised.

“That’s right. And if I think you’re too sore, then you are.

“Yes, Sir,” I grumbled, feeling a pout form on my lips.

“Don’t look so forlorn, angel. Do you honestly have such
little faith in me?”

“I have all the faith in the world in you. I just don’t know
what you’ve got planned.”

“Good, at least you realize I have the ability to

With a slight nod, I settled back down on the bed, anxious
for whatever deviant trick he had up his sleeve.

“Let’s talk about your limits for a minute, angel.”

Narrowing my eyes, I shot him an apprehensive look. “What
are you planning to do to me?”

An evil laugh rolled off his tongue before he slid one
forearm beneath my knees and hoisted them to my chest. Without a word, he
dipped his thumb into his mouth, coating it in saliva. I knew exactly what he
intended, but before I could squeeze my butt cheeks together, he ran his
slickened thumb around my puckered opening. Arousal and fear churned inside.

“Anal play, angel. How often did George play with your ass?”

“Never,” I replied on a quivering moan.

“Are you a virgin here?” he asked, increasing the pressure
ever so slightly.


A look of surprise danced over Tony’s face. “Even after he
collared you, he didn’t claim you there?”

“No. Was he supposed to?”

“It’s how a lot of Master’s claim their subs.
it his choice or a hard limit for you?”

Tony’s Q&A session unnerved me. Discussing George and my
sexual exploits felt awkward as hell. “He never tried to…he liked…”

“Don’t be shy, sweetheart. I’ve got you as exposed as a
woman can get. He liked to what?” Tony circled his thumb over my gathered ring,
sending little arcs of pleasure to sizzle through me.

“He liked to go down on me.”

did that a lot at the club, but I assumed he took your ass at home.”

I shook my head.

“Well, well. Guess I owe George a debt of gratitude. I’ll be
the first to claim this tiny opening of yours.”

I swallowed tightly. The thought of Tony’s massive cock
anywhere near my virgin asshole sent panic chasing the shards of delight his
thumb induced.

“You can’t,” I blurted trying to scoot away from him.

Determination stamped his face as he gathered my upturned
legs together with one beefy arm. Pressing them to my chest, he held me
prisoner to his nefarious plans. “I most definitely can, but not today, angel
so stop fretting. But I’m going to begin your anal training here and now.”

“What are you going to do to my butt?” I gasped.

“Anything I want to, sweetheart,” he chuckled.

Tony bent low.
Self-conscious, with his
face so close to my backside.
I panicked.

“Don’t!” I cried out as heat rushed to my cheeks. “I’m
not…it’s dirty.”

“You have a
, angel. I
expect you to use it if you need to.”

I cringed as Tony’s thumb breeched the rim, but the second
time he dragged it out and slid it back in, the sizzling current lighting up my
tissues shoved all my embarrassment aside. Each gentle stroke brought with it
the inevitable, and like spun sugar, I dissolved. The zapping arcs of
electricity intensified, swallowing me whole, in urgent demand. Each time he
surged past the taut ring, pulses of pleasure ignited, hotter and brighter,
until they coalesced into one euphoric explosion. Blindsided by the unexpected
and intense orgasm, I screamed out loud and long as I shattered. Tony drove in
deeper, adding a finger alongside his thumb while my hypersensitive opening
clutched and
around him. The sensations he’d
evoked were mind-blowing.

Aftershocks detonated like misfiring neurons even after Tony
had slid his fingers from my quivering ass. How had he managed to make me come
so fast without even touching my clit? It had been a first for me. Immersed in
utter amazement, the realization that I’d not asked his permission to orgasm
slammed me hard.

“I’m sorry,” I panted.

“For what?”
Tony asked. A knowing
grin spread across his mouth. “Spontaneous explosions are allowed, pet.”

“That’s what happened, I swear.”

“I know. I enjoyed the hell out of it, too. It gives me lots
of wicked ideas. You’re going to love how I torture you with ass play,

“Uh-huh,” I replied hesitantly.

“You’ll see.” He winked.

Tony climbed off the bed and headed toward the bathroom,
leaving me to process his threat and how easily he’d instigated my orgasm.
Turning toward the sound of running water, I watched Tony at the sink. He
caught my gaze and pinned me with a dissecting stare. Withering beneath his
probing look, I cast my eyes down. Hiding from the intensity of his regard was
akin to waving a red flag at a bull. I knew he’d come back to bed and start
picking at my layers. It’s what he did, and he did it well.

Returning with a wash cloth, I gazed at the bulging erection
strangling beneath his jeans. While he tended to my backside with the warm
cloth, I began mentally preparing for Doctor Tony to make his appearance.

“Playing with your ass isn’t dirty to me,” he began in a
serious tone. “In fact, it’s a huge turn on. I’m more an ass man than a pussy
man. Not to insinuate that I’m an ass instead of a pussy, or anything, I just
thoroughly enjoy anal play.”

“I’d never call you a pussy or an ass.”

“Ah, but you’ve called me an asshole before, angel, twice in
fact. I haven’t forgotten that.”

“Darn, I’d spent a lot of time hoping you had,” I murmured,
remembering my first journey into subspace.

“You wish,” he teased. “But back to our original topic, why
do you associate ass play with something dirty? You can’t tell me you didn’t
enjoy it, sweetheart.”

“No, I can’t,” I softly confessed. “I worry that I’m not
clean there.”

“But you are. I bathed you just a few hours ago. You’ll be
clean every time we play. It’s one of the tasks I’ll have designed for you
follow before we play.”

I asked feeling my brows

“Of course.
I’ve already started a
list for you.”

“When do I get to see this list?”

“When I’m good and ready, Miss Impatient.” Tony smirked,
rounding the bed I watched as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. “You tend
to forget you’re not driving this bus.

He could have told me the club was on fire, and I wouldn’t
have cared less. My attention lay on the lip-smacking hard-on straining against
his boxers. The desire to lean over and drag his dark briefs off with my teeth
rode me hard. Shifting on the bed, I rolled to my side and sat up, watching as
Tony freed his engorged cock from beneath its cotton confines.

“Going somewhere, angel?” Tony asked, arching one brow.

“No, Sir.
Just getting ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“Your cock.
What else?”

“I see. What am I going to do with my cock, sweetheart?”

“Let me suck it, of course,” I answered in a low, raspy

“Did you not hear what I said a minute ago?”

“No, I just want to taste you,” I replied, ignoring the icy
edge in his tone.

Suddenly, Tony gripped my hair, forcing me to gaze at his
blatantly annoyed face. “I’m done playing games,
I want you
I want your submission. Do
you think trying my patience is going to get you what

Apprehension swept through me, followed by a surge of fear
that quickly morphed into rejection.

“No, Sir,” I replied with as much courage as I could muster.

“This isn’t a test of wills, pet,” Tony bellowed. His eyes
narrowed, and his lips drew in a tight angry line.

“I’m not trying to test you. I just... wanted to taste you.”
My voice trailed off, and I looked away from him.

“Eyes on me,” Tony whispered, tempering his anger. “So you
want to taste me, but instead of asking, you took it upon yourself without a
single direction from me.”

“But I thought that’s what you wanted me to do.”

“But you didn’t
wait for my instructions. Instead you readied yourself and tried to coerce a
desired response from me.”

“That’s not what I was doing,” I argued.

“That might be so, but you arbitrarily assumed the role of
Dominant and topped from the bottom. I want you powerless under my command,
pliant and willing to submit because you
to...Because it feeds a fundamental fire inside you.”

“That’s what I want, too,” I implored.

“Good. Then let me draw the light of submission from you.
Sometimes you have to close your eyes and take a leap in order to find out
what’s missing inside you. Find what’s truly important.”

“I understand what you’re saying. But isn’t a good
submissive supposed to know the needs of her Master…err, I mean her Sir?”

Tony’s eyes smoldered. “I like the way Master rolls off your
tongue, angel. And yes, she conforms to the Master’s needs, but unless you can
read my mind this quickly in our relationship, you don’t know what my wishes
are until I tell you.”

A frown pursed my lips. There were so many rules and
regulations attached to submission, the complicated waltz of protocol seemed
daunting. Aside from the phenomenal sex, I still wasn’t totally convinced that
I had it in me to be a sub.

“We’re still in the early stages of learning about one
. One day you’ll know my wants and
needs, but while we’re getting to know each other’s quirks and thrills, I’m the
one who holds the map. So unless you’re unhappy with the journey, trust me to
lead the way. Okay?”

Glancing up at him, I nodded.

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