Mercy F*uck (17 page)

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Authors: K. S. Adkins

“Hey,” she says sliding her hands up my chest. “I don’t like her. I can promise you I won’t ever like her. But I liked the way she looked at Tiny, I liked that a lot. Especially because for her to look at him meant she wasn’t looking at you.”

“So you
jealous,” I push, hoping she says yes.

“Yes, I was. I am. I’m territorial too, Axle.” Then moving back a bit, she leans against the wall and eyes me. “She was wrong for you.”

“I know.”

“But if I had to pick my replacement, I would choose her. Because she was nothing like me which meant she was exactly that, a replacement.”

“I know.”

“Then you know that’s what they were for me too,” she says wrapping her arms around me. “A replacement.”

“You remembered,” I say kissing her once. “Pour Some Sugar on Me, the Impala, how you danced for me that day. You remembered.”

“Yeah,” she smiles for me. “I remembered.”

That was a day I’d never forget. Def Leppard coming on, Drew tossing the shop towel she was holding. Ripping the clip from her hair and thrashing. As cheesy as the song was, I loved that she let loose for me then. I loved that she did again tonight. Hell, I didn’t think it was possible to love her more than did then, but I did in fact love her more now. I needed to tell her and he would, soon. When a photo caught my eye, I picked it up and studied it. “You met Kid Rock?”

“Uh huh, many times actually,” she says blowing the dust off the glass. “Bob is a cool cat.”

“Drew,” I accuse looking from the frame to her. “You named your fucking vibrator after Kid Rock?”

“Where do you come up with this shit? B-o-b stands for battery operated boyfriend. I worry about you, seriously.”

A rap on the door ends our chat but when Shane let’s her know Darius was looking for her, it did not end my jealousy.

Not by a long fucking shot. The only reason I didn’t lock her in that closet/office with me was because of the look of apology on her face. Letting Shane know she’ll be out, she looks at me and says, “Don’t let this ruin the moment, Axle. Please.”

“Go,” I forced out and was none too happy when she did.

Following her out, I let her do what she needed to do but I stayed close. Drew was at the end of the bar shifting her weight from foot to foot while I found an imaginary spot behind the bar to clean. When Darius reached for her, she deflected. When he tried coaxing her, she stood firm. When he said, “Baby, what’s changed?” I nearly broke my own jaw by grinding the hell out of it.

“I did,” she says gently. “I can’t see you anymore, D.”

“Fuck,” he said closing his eyes. “I’ve been replaced, haven’t I?”

She tenses and I catch it, but I also caught what came next. “That’s the thing, you’ve never had a place. Not with me.”

“Drew,” he tried again.

“Let me finish, please,” she says looking up to the ceiling. Then meeting his eyes, she blurts, “You were a mercy fuck.”

“A what, now?”

“Mercy fuck.”

“Baby, come on,” he says getting a hold of her this time and pulling her close. “Mercy fuck? Naw, Drew, I ain’t that.”

“You were, they all were,” she says with shame in her voice.

“Baby,” he said kissing her which I did not fucking like. “Like I said, I ain’t that. But what I was, was honored.”

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, D. So fucking sorry.”

“I hoped one day I’d get in there…is it him?” he asks nodding over to me and I found another patch of dirt that needed my attention. This bar top was going to shine if it killed me.

“Yes,” she says glancing over. “It’s him, it’s always been him.”

“He’s big for a white boy,” he tries to joke, but the guy was hurting and did I care? No. “He got money? He take care of you?”

I may be big but I did not have money. However, I wanted to spend my life taking care of her if she’d let me. Watching her let him down, it hit me in the gut. The realization that any guy at any time could have stolen her from me. Had she opened herself up just a little bit, some motherfucker would have found his way in and done whatever the fuck he could to stay there. Had she done that, I wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t be happy for the first time in nine years either.

“He’s good to me,” she says wrapping herself around him again.

Resting his chin on the top of her head, I watch him hold her close and for the last time. “He fucking better be.” Eyes on me he offers the barest nod, kisses her forehead and left the way he came.

She stood there for an extra minute composing herself and I stayed back to let her do it. Even the crowd gave her space. Turning to face me, she gives me a small smile before joining me. “You alright?” I ask her.

“I’m okay,” she says patting my ass. “Just learning from my mistakes is all.”


It was pushing three a.m. when the crew left, Shane went up to crash and Drew was counting money. Syncing my phone to the receiver, I hit play, turned it up loud and when she looked up I said, “Come here, Drew.”

Leaving the money where she stood, she cleared that bar and made her way into my arms.




“Dance with me,” he said opening his arms.

“What?” I asked looking around the room because my nerves refused to let me stay still. We were used to be being alone but this was different. I had propositioned him for sex and he’d agreed. Now he wanted to dance? I was completely confused.

“I asked you to dance with me,” he urged stepping forward. “Before we do this, I’d like to dance with you, Drew.”

“Okay,” I swallowed moving into his space.

“Hey,” he said lifting my chin. “Are you sure about this? About me?”

Losing the nerves, I reach for his face, pull him toward me and promise him, “One hundred percent sure about this and you.”

“Fuck,” he said closing his eyes. “She’s sure about me. Thank God.”



The one night I’d spent with Axle, he’d played a CD he’d burned and sang every song to me.

At the time I thought it was romantic but looking back I realized it was his way of telling me how he felt and gauging my reaction to it. Nineteen years old…I thought I knew everything. Axle had tried and it took me until right now to figure it out. Arms around his waist, head on his chest with his mouth close to my ear, I absorb every word that comes out of it.


Now at last I hold you

Now all is said and done

The search has come full circle

Our destinies are one


Trying not to cry into his shirt, he holds me tight and he keeps singing to me. So I continued to listen, to finally

Gripping him, never wanting to let him go, he lifts my chin and whispers,
The search is over, love is right before my eyes

“Axle,” I manage before taking his mouth. Then kissing his cheeks, his chin and even his nose I didn’t stop until he says, “Should have said it sooner.” Every time he’d sang to me, looked at me, smiled at me, he was trying to tell me.

“I should have been a better listener.”

Tracing my lip, he asks me, “Are you listening now?”

To this all I could do was nod while we swayed.

“When I said they were using you, that you were just pussy…Drew,” he sighs. “I was way off.”

“No, you weren’t.”

“Yeah, I was. Darius cares for you, I saw it. I also saw the look on your face when you figured it out. They didn’t keep coming back to you because you were pussy. They came back to you because they saw what I see and wanted that for themselves. I can’t blame a guy for that, Drew.”

“Stop,” I say pitifully but he didn’t.

“Had you let your guard down even once, I wouldn’t be here right now,” he says gripping me. “Do you get that? We wouldn’t be here right now, Drew.”

Losing my temper, I push back, square off and ask him, “What do you want me to say right now, Axle? Every step I take forward with you puts us back where we started. I had sex with other men but I never gave a fuck about a single one, this is not a new song, so can we please stop fucking replaying it?”

“Christ,” he says looking frustrated. “I was fucking apologizing.”

“You don’t have to!”

“Wrong time,” he mumbles sliding out his phone and killing the music. “Let’s just call it a night.”

“No,” I say holding my ground. “I’m not done. I’m not even close to being done. You show up out of nowhere and weasel your way back into my life like no time has passed. We cleared the air, are trying the whole start fresh thing, but it’s not fresh. It’s fucking festering. Not for me but for you. What are you holding onto, Axle?” At his silence, I push further. “What are you holding onto!”

“You!” he roars. “I’m trying to hold onto to you! But you do not make it fucking easy! You used to be easy!”

“I used to be nineteen!” I shout back. “I used to think the sun rose and set with you too, but guess what? Shit happens! I am giving you more than I have ever given anyone else and it’s not enough for you?”

“Fuck no, it’s not enough,” he snaps. “I want you to love me like you used to!”

“I’m not her anymore!”

“God dammit, I know that!”

“Then what’s the fucking issue?”

“The issue is that I want you to be, alright?”


Backing away, I hug myself to prevent my hands from choking him. Hurt and pissed off, I move away when he rushes me. Taking me by my shoulders he says, “That came out wrong.”

“No it didn’t. You want me to be the girl that never said no, that followed you around and ignored the world in favor of you. And you know what? Even if we had stayed together that would not have been our story because you can’t tune the fucking world out for one person.” I lie. Because you can. I did and it bent me over.

So much for keeping your feelings in storage, Drew…

“Shit. You don’t get it.”

“Yes I do, but you don’t want me to love you like I used to,” I whisper. “Maybe you fucked it up then but odds are outstanding that I’ll fuck it up now.” When he stares at his feet I kept going. “I spent two years silently loving you. I spent the nine years following, hating you. We’ve been reconnected for two weeks, Axle and if you’re looking for me to tune the world out for you, if that’s what you need, I can’t give that to you. I can’t be her again.”

And that’s when Axle lost his shit.




“That girl has nothing to offer except a pregnancy to trap you and a prenuptial agreement,” my father said flipping his paper over. Did he care she was all of eighteen years old? No. In his eyes, she should already have her ten-year plan worked out. Hell, I didn’t even have my own plan. My future was planned for me and it wasn’t the future I envisioned for myself either. Honestly, Drew had the right idea and I respected her for it. “She works in a bar for heaven’s sake.”

“I’ve never seen her in anything except jeans and t-shirt,” my mother said in disgust. “I bet they’re even used.”

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