No easy way out (10 page)

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Authors: Elaine Raco Chase

True, he was the strong, silent type and rather predictable.
Silent because his voice box was lying in little pieces on the
workbench; strong because his muscles, joints, and bones were
steel, visible through an acrylic body; and predictable because
Roger was a robot whose behavior was determined by microchips
programmed by Virginia.

Roger had yet to acquire the surface coat of human-looking,
synthetic skin, hair and facial movements that would turn him into
an audioanimatronic marvel who would dazzle Disney World visitors.
But soon, using sophisticated, almost science-fiction techniques
and biological electronic implants, Roger would be as charming and
personable as any android could be.

Virginia patted the robot's cheek, then let her eyes slide to
her colleague's empty desk. It was easy to understand Roger's
makeup-not so with Alex Braddock. Alex was infinitely more

He had spent the last four days extolling in great detail the
plans he had made for his impending date with Ginger. Here it was
past noon on the
big day,
and the man had yet to mention
her. What nerve! Especially when Virginia had gone through so many
sleepless nights and indecisive days, not to mention personal
expense and humbling, to make sure Ginger would appear.

Finally she couldn't stand the suspense anymore and decided to
start the ball rolling herself. Positioned at her desk, hand on the
telephone, Virginia waited for Alex to step through the air

"Oh, darn!" Her hand rattled the receiver. "Alex, you just
missed her." Virginia's voice was deceptively calm, belying the
erratic pulse beating beneath the collar of her kelly green

"And whom did I just miss?" he inquired, his smooth forehead
furrowed in confusion.

"Ginger." She smiled at him, her blue eyes wide and guileless.
The lies rolled off her tongue as easily as they had in high
school. "She just got in from the airport. I told her how insistent
you were about tonight." Virginia picked up the Rubik's Cube™
that doubled as a paper weight. "She's very flattered. She's going
to take a nap to conquer the jet lag, and she'll be ready at

Alex started to say something, then checked himself. He slid his
hands into the pockets of his charcoal slacks and sauntered over to
her desk. "I hope this isn't going to complicate matters for us."
His eyes reflected the steel tones in his pewter-colored shirt.

"I ... I don't understand." The lilt in her voice faded as her
blue eyes blinked questioningly.

"Well," he paused, choosing his words with care as he settled
his hip on the desk corner. "We've become such good friends, and we
work so well together..." Alex stopped, his face inches from hers.
"My relationship with Ginger is destined to be more . . . urn . . .
intimate. It's just her nature."

Virginia's long fingers began to twist the multicolored puzzle
squares in order. "I gather you don't think I have the same
came her acidic rejoinder.

Alex shrugged and merely smiled, watching with interest as two
sides of the cube already formed a solid color.

"I hazard a guess, Alex," Virginia continued in a rather
belligerent tone, "that you'll find an evening with Ginger totally
beneath your intellect, your patience, and your endurance. I think
I mentioned before, Ginger runs through men the way most people eat
potato chips-one after the other." She slammed the realigned puzzle
on the desk. "That's

"Maybe I'm conceited enough to think I can change her," he said,
a philosophical look crossing his lean features.

"You're right." Virginia stood up. "You are conceited."

His deep, vibrant laugh echoed around the lab. "What will you be
doing tonight?"

"Not cramping your style!" she countered on a brusque note.
Virginia walked around the desk back to the work table. "I'm going
to work on Roger, here. I think I can have him talking in a more
natural tone."

Alex looked at the cluttered workbench. "That looks like an all
night job." He rubbed his chin, then in an expressionless voice
added, "I'm coming in later tomorrow to try the solar pack. Now
I'll have Roger's talking to keep me company."

Virginia cast him a sidelong glance, her fingers curled around a
precision screwdriver. "I'm sure Roger's conversation will prove
more intelligent than Ginger's."

It was almost six when Alex hung up his lab coat and packed his
briefcase. Virginia, still engrossed in reassembling tiny
electrodes, mumbled a cryptic good-bye.

When the air-lock door hissed closed, she exhaled a pent-up
breath and smiled. She had less than two hours to complete her
metamorphosis. Reaching into the bench drawer, Virginia pulled out
a preassembled voice pack and fit it neatly into the robot's chest.
She double-checked it, then pulled the plug on Roger's chatter.

The phone rang. Diane's voice rushed into her ear. "Alex's car
just nosed past the security guard. Wash your hair, and I'll be
there in a minute."

Golden highlights were poured and combed through her freshly
shampooed hair. With infinite care Diane rolled the strands on rag
curlers while Virginia deftly applied plum polish to her nails.

Head covered by a scarf, hands and fingers held stiff to protect
the new enamel, Virginia slid into the passenger's seat of the
yellow VW for the fifteen-minute drive to the apartment.

"I thought Alex would never leave," Diane breathed, pulling into
the high-speed lane. "Joan called. She's got a hot bubble bath
ready and is whipping up an egg facial."

"I don't think I can do it." Virginia swallowed the flood of
saliva that poured into her mouth. "Look at me. I'm shaking!" She
held her hands out for inspection. "I'm not even sure Alex believes
there are two of us!" Her voice splintered.

"Stop it!" Diane ordered angrily. "That's your whole problem.
You end up convincing yourself that you can't do something before
you even try." She cast Virginia a disgusted look. "Do you ever say
'can't' when you're working on a project? No! You put all your
energies into your work. Now it's time to put them into

"I want you to take a deep breath, lean your head back, and
close your eyes. Go on." Her gaze left the slow-moving traffic long
enough to ensure Virginia was following directions. "Sex appeal
depends on self-appreciation. Think about all your accomplishments.
Think how they've helped society." Diane paused; her voice
underwent a subtle, soothing change.

"Remember Halloween night. Remember the laughter, the fun, the
romance. Think how great you looked in those new clothes: how they
accented your body, enhanced your femininity. Think how wonderful
your hair looked, shiny and sparkling with light. You're going to
make an impression that will dazzle. You'll cause a stir-you'll
finally tap your potential.

"Repeat after me," Diane ordered. "I am a sensuous, sexy,
alluring, vibrant, witty woman who is going to enjoy tonight to the

Virginia repeated it all the way home, repeated it in the
elevator, repeated it while Joan smoothed on a facial, then ten
minutes later as her makeup was being applied. It wasn't until she
had marinated in a tub of scented frothy water and consumed two
fingers of brandy that she really began to believe it.

Lolling in the fragrant water, an earthy Lou Rawls serenade
drifting in from stereo speakers in the living room, Virginia's
attitude began to change.

Plum-dazzled fingertips and toenails winked like jewels against
the white blanket of bubbles. The warm water flowed like silk over
her sensuous, sleek curves. She was reveling in the pampering and
enjoying the crescendo of excitement building inside her.

It was as if her entire body formed an erogenous zone. She felt
crisp and sassy. Loose and nonchalant. Exotic and stimulating.

All thoughts of driving Alex away by being boring, stupid, and
shallow were replaced by the knowledge she could be a sensuous,
cosmopolitan woman. A woman who would spark a man's appetite-a
woman who would be the consummate aphrodisiac.

Suddenly Virginia found she was anxious to get dressed and have
her hair combed. And more than that, she was anxious for Alex to
arrive, anxious for his reaction.

Diane and Joan looked at each other, shook hands, and were
visibly in awe of their creation. Their creation could hardly tear
herself away from the mirror when the doorbell rang.


When Virginia opened the door, anticipation was replaced by
reality. She did what she had wanted to do all week.

"Darling Bandit!" Taking his hands, she pulled him into the
apartment. Virginia ignored Alex's overwhelmed, paralyzed silence,
letting her curvaceous anatomy speak to his rugged body.

"I thought I'd never see you again," she breathed,
diamond-bright eyes brazenly fastened on his stunned features. Her
fingers lifted the thick waves of silver hair that highlighted his
temples before pushing his head the scant few inches needed for
more intimate connections.

Her tongue teased apart his lips, caressed even white teeth,
then probed further into the delicious recesses of his mouth. She
savored the taste of him as if he were aged wine, her fingertips
exploring his freshly shaven jaw before moving on to torment his

Her behavior was guided by her own needs, her own desires. She
was finding pleasure overtly and without shame, enjoying the role
of relentless seductress.

Back arched, she reveled in the sensuous penetration his rougher
black suit material made against her delicate violet silk evening
pants. The taste of his mouth, the crisp, assertive scent of his
skin, the sureness of his touch, made her glad she had kept the
fantasy alive.

Her excitement aroused him. Alex felt the need to take charge
and found no barriers. He pressed her submissive body closer, her
femininity branding him with her womanly imprint.

His lips were hard and demanding, his tongue a tenacious
predator that plundered the lush treasure of her mouth. His hands
sought to conquer every enticing inch of skin visible beneath the
skimpy metal-mesh halter.

"Still the passionate Rabbit," came his rasping whisper, his
warm breath moving the slender silver leaf that dangled from her

"Ummm." The sound was a low, throaty purr. Virginia straightened
his striped tie and neatened the collar on his granite-toned shirt.
"Am I all that you remembered, Alex?" Her gaze locked into his, her
attitude pure coquette.

He was hypnotized by kohl-rimmed eyes that looked like a clear
mountain stream variegated with violets. "Perhaps even more," Alex
admitted, reaching out to playfully tug spun gold curls that fell
in a tumbled cascade to her collarbone.

A delighted laugh escaped her full plum-glossed lips. "That's
wonderful!" She clapped her hands like a giddy child, virtually
intoxicated with the success of her sleight of hand.

"What about you?" Alex inquired, his large hands curving around
her slender upper arms. "Am I what you expected?" His gray eyes
left her glowing face to follow the breathtaking, plunging neckline
on the meager silver halter. He became mesmerized by the luscious
hollow between her. full breasts.

She kissed his fingertips, then pressed them against her lips.
"Darling Alex, you're all that I desire." Virginia had meant to
blend the words with an enchanting giggle, but instead they came
out like a sworn statement.

Black mascared lashes fluttering in discomfort, she pulled away.
"And what delights does this evening hold?" She moved to retrieve
her purse and oriental-style jacket.

Alex followed her provocative movements. The fluid trousers
clung to her firm, rounded derriere and draped long, sleek legs.
The snaky metal halter absorbed and reflected light, illuminating
creamy shoulders and a supple spine. He cleared his throat and
shook his head. "I made reservations at the Rendezvous Room, do you
know it?"

"No, but I'm sure it will be perfect." Her voice was low and
sultry. Slowly and deliberately she walked toward him, a judicious
jiggle in each step that made the halter move with scandalous
abandon. "I want to know everything about you." Virginia smiled,
her eyes glittering with promised pleasures. "All your secrets. All
your desires."

Alex took the jacket, guided it over her arms, and adjusted the
shoulders. "It seems you and your sister have the monopoly on
secrets," he countered smoothly. His cheek nuzzled her neck before
turning her around. "I was quite surprised to find twins."

"Virginia told me." She lifted the blond curls free of the
mandarin collar. "I never meant to fool you, Alex." She looked at
him with wide-eyed gravity, her tongue moistening suddenly dry
lips. "In fact, I never expected to see you again." Her fingers
crawled up his lapel and tickled his chin. "Am I forgiven?"

He captured her hand and brought it to his mouth. "I could
forgive you anything." His lips moved against her palm, and as his
teeth nipped the fleshy mound near her thumb he felt her pulse

"Now I want to hear all about your adventures in Japan," Alex
announced, holding the door. "What exactly were you modeling?" He
cast an amused glance at her tall, well-proportioned figure.
"Somehow I don't think it was clothing."

"Actually," her computerlike brain raced through assorted lies
while Alex pressed the elevator into action, "I spent the entire
week draping myself over various subcompacts at the Tokyo Auto
Show." Virginia congratulated herself; it was amazing how inventive
one could be in a pinch.

"Is that your usual type of assignment?" he inquired, guiding
her through the lobby doors out onto the street.

She gave an inward groan. Alex was annoyingly persistent. "I do
mostly catalog work." She favored him with a disarming smile and
tucked her hand in the crook of his arm. "I'm sure you've seen me
in Sears or Wards or J. C. Penny." Keeping all the lies straight
was going to be a monumental feat.

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