Objection Overruled (21 page)

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Authors: J.K. O'Hanlon

Tags: #Suspense, #Contemporary

The corner of his mouth turned up to put his dimple into relief even with the stubbly beard’s covering. “What do you have in mind?” His concentration on the road was unwavering, although he squirmed subtly in his seat.

“Take your shirt off.” She moved her hand from his head to his chest. Flat palm against his pecs, she pressed against him as her hand moved down to the waist of his shorts. She took the wheel to steer. “You heard me. I want to see you naked.”

“Naked?” He gripped the steering wheel tightly.


“As in completely naked?” His Adam’s apple bobbed in his neck.

“Mr. Marshfield, you are an educated man. How many variations of naked are there?” Jackie shot him what she hoped would be a devilish grin. Seeing the color rise in his cheeks was sweet.

He removed his sunglasses and slid them into a cubby on the dashboard. With a few flicks of switches, he put the car into cruise control mode. “Got the wheel?”

“Ready when you are.” Jackie leaned in to ensure she had control over the vehicle. She squinted in the bright sun as she watched traffic on the highway.

Warm skin brushed against her forearm. His shirt was off. He resumed steering with his hand wrapped around hers on the wheel.

“That was speedy. You must be experienced in this area.” Jackie pulled her hand out from under his and wet the tip of her middle finger with her tongue. She stroked his nipple. It hardened at her touch.

A swift intake of air expanded his chest beneath her hand. Through his drawn-out exhale, he moaned low.

His tan shone bronze, warm against the cool gray of the car’s seat. With the backs of her fingers, she lightly brushed every square inch of his skin within reach. First, she traced his lips. He opened his mouth invitingly. Jackie accepted and probed. His lips closed around her finger. He rolled her finger in his tongue and sucked hard.

Their moans harmonized with each other and the hum of the wheels speeding under them. Jackie drew slow ovals with her hips on the seat, spreading the wetness seeping between her legs. She slid her left hand inside the front of Brandon’s shorts. Even below his waist, his abs were tight and hard against her palm. With her other hand, she pulled her skirt up to the tops of her wide-spread thighs.

Jackie purred, “You’re going commando?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “I was in a hurry.”

Her hand circled his cock, and she tightened her grip. He hardened instantly in her hand.

“Oh Jesus,” he whispered as his head tilted back and his eyes creased into slits.

“Hey, watch the road.” She gave him another tight squeeze, causing his cock to swell more.

Brandon opened his mouth slightly and kept his gaze fixed on the road. He flicked his tongue over his lips and then bit into his bottom lip. “I am.”

“Unbutton your pants.” Jackie’s voice was husky and deep.

With one hand on the wheel, he used the other to unbutton and unzip his shorts.

The freedom to move allowed Jackie to move her hand up and down his shaft. Soft, pliable skin sheathed his thick, hard cock. He filled her fist as she squeezed rhythmically at the root.

“Slide your shorts off,” she whispered in his ear, then ran her tongue along the lobe.

Brandon complied with haste. One hand kept a tight hold on the steering wheel while the other slid his shorts down to his knees. Jackie surveyed his body. Last time she’d seen him naked, moonlight had hidden the deep bronze of his skin. In the sunlit car, his tan formed a clear line of demarcation.

On his stomach, chest, and arms, the sun had tanned him to a golden-brown color, the same shade as the highlights in his hair. The hair on his chest was a honey blond. Just the right amount. He was manly but not cavemanly. The trail of hair led south over a taut stomach where it darkened as it spread around his cock.

Exposed ivory skin on his hips and upper thighs prickled in the car’s air-conditioning. A run of her fingertip over his hipbone elicited a deep intake of breath from Brandon.

He panted, then said, “You’re killing me.”

Jackie slid her hand between his legs to cup his balls; they contracted at her touch. Holding him, she caressed the side of his scrotum using her thumb to make soft circles. His balls tightened and the ridges on his sac shifted under her touch.

“Are you ready?” She cupped him tighter.

“That’s a rhetorical question, right?”

The car safely on cruise control, he spread his legs wider and pressed against Jackie’s hand. With a click, Jackie unlatched her seat belt, leaned across the gearshift, and placed her lips over his erection.

She focused on the top of his penis, where with brief licks at the edge of the head, a well-choreographed dance of seduction brought him to attention. She tightened her grip at the base of his dick to engorge him fully.
God, he’s huge.
Her hand could barely reach around him.

Gentle nibbles followed long, hard sucks at the tip. Brandon rhythmically clenched his glutes, causing his hips to rock. His hand lay warm and moist on Jackie’s neck.

She owned him.

Jackie wrapped her lips around the head and slid her mouth lower on his cock. As she moved up and down on him, her tongue feathered him in short light licks. Midway, she paused to suck as hard as possible. Slowly, Jackie pulled up to the end of his dick, releasing the suction with an audible

“Don’t stop,” he begged between pants for air.

Jackie smiled. The blowjob was an art form she’d perfected. At least there was one thing in her life that hadn’t fallen apart.

With tender kisses and nibbles at the end of his cock, his salty taste tingled her tongue. His rigidity was strong, a statement of his sensuous nature and power. Yet, he was completely vulnerable to her in this position. A forceful closing of her hand around his balls and a clamping down of her jaw would incapacitate him.

Was it merely lust or also trust?

His hand brushed her hair off her face. He cradled the back of her head, the nape of her neck nestled in his palm.

“Oh, Jackie,” he murmured over and over, his voice husky and dry.

She took him deep as she closed her lips tight around his shaft and rubbed her tongue up and down. Suddenly stiffer and more swollen, his balls contracted in her hand and his cock convulsed as he came.

The ridges in the shoulder of the road rattled the car. Jackie jerked up and whipped her seat belt back on.

“It’s okay,” Brandon said. He grabbed the wheel with both hands. He wet his dry lips.

Jackie pulled back. “I thought it was slightly better than average, if I may so myself.”

“I meant our position on the road was fine.” With a deep exhalation, his shoulders slumped. “You, my dear, could make a dead man come.”

His relaxed upper body contrasted with his still-erect dick. Jackie couldn’t resist reaching over and giving his cock a playful flick with her finger.

“Hey, watch it.” In a flash, Brandon snatched her wrist.

“Well, I’m just checking to see if you’re up for more.” She tugged unsuccessfully.

“I think the answer to that is obvious, don’t you? But, there’s some other business first.”

Jackie’s breath caught. Had she not given him what he wanted?

Brandon let go of her wrist and slid his hand over her thigh.

“Yeah, other business, like getting you as naked as I am.” Brandon moved his hand up her thigh.

“Now?” Jackie squirmed.

He steered the car to exit the highway.

Jackie looked around for signs of development. Brandon pressed his hand harder against her. Her pussy ached for him. “Here?”

He winked at her when they stopped at the bottom of the exit ramp. “Maybe.”

Brandon pulled the car from the stop into a tight left-hand turn. Jackie braced.

“Maybe not,” he said, his face suddenly serious and focused on the road ahead.

Brandon moved through a series of curves at speeds too fast for the rental car, yet his hand remained tight against her sex.

The scenery opened up as the road straightened. The car sped along, an arrow through lush, green woods. Light at the end of the canopied tunnel sparkled silvery white on the horizon. The Chesapeake Bay lay ahead. Jackie let out the breath she didn’t realized she’d been holding. They must be heading to his boat. They were somewhere between Baltimore and Annapolis. But where? And why?

Brandon slid his hand inside her hose, found the edge of her panties and sneaked a finger in. The rest of his fingers followed suit, burrowing themselves between the fabric and Jackie’s body. He rubbed her roughly, gliding one finger between her lips. Another followed to spread her apart. Wet from when she’d blown him, her body offered little resistance.

“Mmm,” was all she could say. She tipped her head back against the seat. She spread her knees apart to open herself to his touch.

The car decelerated and stopped.

Brandon’s sailboat bobbed in the water twenty yards ahead.

“Jackie.” Brandon slid a finger, and then another, into her.

The sensation of fullness took her breath away. “What?” she said with a sharp intake of air.

“My right hand is a little busy. Would you mind turning the car off for me?”

With her left hand, Jackie reached over, put the car into Park, and turned the engine off. “Now what?”

“I was thinking that I would lead you by your pussy onto my boat, where I’d take off your clothes, lay you on the deck, then lick every inch of your body until you come and then beg me to drive my cock into you.”

With a gulp, Jackie gripped Brandon’s fingers with her vaginal muscles. “How are we supposed to get to the boat?” The expanse of water between the shore and the boat stretched on for miles in Jackie’s nonswimming mind.

“Afraid of getting wet?” Brandon inserted another finger deep into her and held her tight.

He pulled his fingers out from her body and ran his them over his own lips before he opened his mouth and sucked her juice from his fingertips. “I’d say you’re wet enough already. What are a few drops of water?”

“I can’t swim!”

“I’ll take care of you. Just trust me.”

He took her face in his hands and kissed her hard.

Chapter Nineteen

Jackie watched Brandon jog to a dinghy nestled under a nearby sweet bay magnolia at the shoreline. With a small heave, he freed it from its resting place. Brandon gave Jackie an elaborate flourish of arms and a stately bow and announced, “Your carriage awaits, my lady.”

Jackie remained fixed in place leaning against the car’s hood, arms crossed over her chest. “Before I get in that thing, where are we going?”

Brandon returned to the car and gave her a kiss on the lips. “To my boat, where else? Come on.” He retrieved a duffel bag from the trunk and loaded it into the dinghy. It hit with a heavy
as if full of lead weights.

Jackie’s entire body tensed. She hated the water. Sipping cocktails on a boat tied to a dock was tolerable; being in the middle of a big body of water terrified her. Unless she got some answers, she’d stay on dry land. She drew a long breath. “I’m smart enough to have figured out we’re going to your boat. Where are we going after we get onto it? And how long are we going to be gone? And, why the hell are we going on a boat? Are you in hiding or something?”

“I thought we were getting a little closer to that thing called trust. You’re like a female John Wayne, out to save the world by her lonesome. Can you try to imagine how two might be stronger than one?”

“You want to talk about trust? Fine. What happened in Charlottesville years ago with you, Ashe, and the girl?”

Brandon stiffened. “That has nothing to do with what’s going on now.”

Jackie’s eyes narrowed to ice him over. “Are you sure? Because when I started sniffing around that matter, things started getting dicey. Ashe was involved then, and he’s involved now. You conveniently show up as his witness at the last minute, when Ashe knew he was going to lose. Gary Stone is walking around like a bumbling zombie, warning me right and left in between interfering—”

“Shit!” Brandon ran full speed at her.

Jackie turned. A car was barreling down the narrow road straight at them. Was it the same one that had run her over in the park? She pulled her briefcase out of the car, kicked off her impractical shoes, and ran into Brandon’s arms.

“Come on, we’ve got to get out of here.” Brandon gripped her tight around the upper arm and pulled her in the direction of the dinghy.

Brandon pushed her roughly into the dinghy. Sweat poured off his face and neck as he pushed the boat into the water. Wet up to his knees, he hopped in and started up the outboard motor.

After they started moving, he glanced over his shoulder to the shore. “Get down,” he yelled at Jackie while he pushed her head down.

Distant pops peppered the rhythmic lapping of the water. “What was that? What that gunfire?”

Brandon cut the motor as they approached the sailboat. “Stay down.” He pulled the little boat against the sailboat and held it close to a ladder. “Climb up and lie down in the cockpit.”

This time, Jackie didn’t ask questions or hesitate. The boat rocked under her weight on the ladder, but she scampered up the ladder and into the boat. She tossed her briefcase in. Before she threw herself down, she looked back to the shore. Two men stood there watching.

Other than being the approximate size and shape of small gorillas, they were nondescript in jeans, T-shirts, and ball caps pulled low over sunglass-shaded eyes. Their hands were at their waists, holding something. Guns? Brandon was right. Stay down.

Brandon’s mop of hair showed over the back near the ladder. He climbed on board and quickly finished tying up the dinghy to the back of the boat.

He’d made it. Thank God.

Jackie crawled to her knees to see what was going on. The grainy, nonslip paint of the boat dug into her skin. Brandon crouched, moving catlike around the boat. He untied and tied ropes and removed covers from things.

“Jackie,” he called, “I think we’re out of their guns’ ranges, but let’s get out of here fast. Can you help?”

Despite having grown up in Baltimore, a sailing mecca, Jackie had never been in the yachting group. That caste was several steps above her blue-collar upbringing. Everything on the boat was as foreign to her as a spacecraft. She hated feeling incompetent. He couldn’t see her that way.

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