Penn, Jenny - Chasing Lacie [Sea Island Wolves 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

Davis’s head snapped around, and he snarled to see Chance dick-deep inside their little woman. He’d been staring at where he’d joined their bodies, obviously enjoying the sight of her little cunt eating up his dick as he slid her along his length. It took Davis’s friend a moment, but he paused as his gaze glanced up and he caught Davis’s smoldering glare.

“What?” Chance asked, all innocent.

“Don’t you what me,” Davis barked. “I’m the one who should be what-ing here, as in what the hell do you think you are doing?”

“This?” Chance started fucking their woman with that smooth, easy glide that had Lacie back to moaning as she twisted beneath Davis. “I’m taking care of my business. Besides, you seemed busy.”

“I had plans for that pussy,” Davis growled.

“Well…that’ll just have to wait until I’m done.”

He could see by the determined set of Chance’s jaw and the pointed fucking he was giving their mate that his friend wouldn’t be stepping back until he’d wrung his dick dry. Nothing short of violence would stop him, and Davis didn’t want to waste any of his annoyance on Chance. Not when he had Lacie to entertain him.

“Fine then, but be quick about it. It’s supposed to be my turn.”

Chance rolled his eyes at that but lifted Lacie’s hips right off the gate so he could get the right angle to give the vixen a screwing she’d refused to beg for. She’d beg eventually. Chance would see to it. That was his hang-up.

Davis was just happy to have her wet and willing, even if all he had was her mouth. Turning back to twine a fist in her hair, he knew how to make that work to his advantage. Lifting her head up, he took grip on his dick again before brushing the head against Lacie’s lips.

“Come on, honey, open up. If this is all I get then I better be getting good.”

Davis grunted as she took him back into the sweet heaven of her mouth, but this time he set the pace. Using his grip on her hair, he pumped his cock past the velvety gate of her lips and deep into her moist depth, fucking her mouth slow and easy until he felt the prickle of ecstasy’s flames break out along his spine.

His fingers tightened, forcing her head to bob over his dick in an ever-escalating beat as he rushed to fuel the maddening pleasure spearing straight down into his balls. At the last second, he wrenched back, saving everything he had for that pussy he could hear getting reamed. Only when he fucked her, Lacie would beg for more.

He had the erection to guarantee it. That would get Chance back, to hear Lacie plea for Davis when all he could get was incoherent moans. Mouth freed, Lacie cried out as she twisted and bucked between his thighs. Behind him, Chance grunted with the exertions. He was screwing her hard enough to make the heavy pickup bounce and sway.

Then the dumbass let her come. That certainly wouldn’t get them the submission they were looking for, but she did make such a pretty sight, flushed and shuddering with her release. Davis’s lips curled up as he watched her climax wash over her.

It pulled every single one of her muscles tight, and her head bent back as her neck strained upward under the force. Like a flag of victory unfurling a blush swept up from her chest to roll over her face and surround the scream that split her sweet lips wide. A second later she collapsed, going completely limp as her head rolled to the side.

Her eyes drifted shut even as her breath panted out and she continued to shift under Chance’s own race toward release. That happened with a roar from behind Davis. The bastard came for the third time, showing who had the least amount of control in their group. Davis snorted at his own conclusion, losing some of his humor when Chance’s weight collapsed onto his back.

With an aggravated growl, Davis turned, shoving Chance onto his feet as he gained his own. The pickup dipped and bounced as Davis stepped over Lacie and down off the bed, forcing Chance to move far enough back to free their woman. Landing on the ground, Davis found himself almost nose to nose with an annoyed Chance. Not that his friend had any right to that emotion.

“You could give me a moment,” Chance complained.

Davis had a response to that bit of selfishness, but he didn’t get a chance to voice his objection. Before he could blast his partner, Chance’s cell phone pierced the air with a shrill shriek. The sound had the effect of ice water filling Davis’s veins.

It wouldn’t be good news. Nobody would bother to call and interrupt them unless it was bad, really bad news. Not one to handle the stress of the unknown well, Davis didn’t wait for Chance to jerk free of Lacie before reaching for his partner’s phone.

Chance’s daddy’s number flashed on the screen, all but confirming Davis’s grim suspicions. “Yeah?”

“Davis?” Ron Dillon’s bark held as much bite on the phone as it did in real life. “Where’s Chance?”

Davis cast an eye at where Ron’s son waited, hand stretched out for the phone. “Busy. What’s up?”

“We got some info on Carver. It’s not good.” That was probably an understatement, but Ron didn’t give Davis a chance to ask for any details. “You need to pack Lacie up and head for the cabin. I’ll meet you there.”

“Okay. We’ll—”

Give me that
.” Chance yanked the phone clear of Davis’s ear. “Dad? What’s going on?”

Having gotten everything he needed for the moment, Davis didn’t bother to fight over the phone. Instead he stepped around Chance to gather up their limp and dazed mate.

* * * *

Blinking sleepily up at him, Lacie didn’t resist as Davis began pulling her up. Offering him a small smile, she couldn’t control the yawn that overwhelmed the gesture. “Mmm. I need a nap.”

“And a bath,” Davis agreed. “And I know just where you can get both.”

“Really?” Roused enough by his insistence that she sit up, Lacie stretched and glanced around. “You going to throw me into the pond again?”

“Actually I was thinking of bubbles and jets.” Davis winked at her, his devilish smile assuring her he was thinking of other things too. “Sound good?”

“Sounds heavenly.” It also sounded like a distraction. One probably designed to keep her from noticing that Chance had moved off with his phone. “It also sounds like we’re leaving.”

“You’re looking a little red.” Davis assisted her to the ground, focusing more on making sure she could stand on her own two feet than answering her. “We don’t want you to get burned, so it’s time to take things inside.”

He was lying. Something else was going on, and Lacie strongly suspected it was going wrong. Her mouth opened with the sudden surge of questions, but the words stilled on her lips as reason and emotion warred for control of her actions.

Her pride demanded she stand up to him and make sure both her mates understood she would be included on all conversations regarding their safety. Reason, though, had Lacie hesitating. She didn’t know how to fight demons and had never proven herself to be good in a panicky situation.

Knowing the details would only leave her with nightmares, something Lacie suspected she’d be suffering from anyway. It might be cowardly to keep her lips sealed, but Lacie could live with that more than she could with whatever had Chance’s features hardening.

“Come on, honey.” Davis handed her a clean, dry shirt. It was long enough to be one of theirs and had come from the storage box bolted onto the bed.

Tentatively, unsure of how much to prod, Lacie curled her fingers into the soft fabric and accepted Davis’s gift. “Where are we going?”

“A cabin.” Chance’s curt answer didn’t invite any follow-up questions as he reappeared looking grim enough to scare her. Not daring to tempt his anger, Lacie nodded and busied herself with pulling on the first bit of clothing they’d allowed her all morning.

“It’s secluded,” Davis explained, his tone as soft and coaxing as the hold he took on her elbow. Guiding her toward the cab, he gave her a reassuring squeeze of his fingers. “We’ll be safe there.”

“Safe?” That comment broke the leash Lacie had over her fear, letting her worries roll right off her tongue unchecked. “What are you saying? Aren’t we safe here? Did something happen? Did you find Carver? What’s going on?”

“Relax, honey.” Davis tugged her into his arms for a quick hug. “It’s going to be all right.”

“Then you found him,” because that’s the only thing that would make her feel any better.

“I don’t know.” Davis pushed her back enough to meet her gaze. “Won’t know until we get to the cabin, and then I’ll answer whatever questions you have. Okay?”

Lacie nodded numbly. It really wasn’t all right, but Davis couldn’t be faulted for that. Neither would being difficult help Lacie’s circumstances. All she really could do was climb up into the cab and leave the rest to them.

* * * *

Chance waited for Lacie to slide on into her seat before nodding at Davis to shut the door. He didn’t want Lacie overhearing what his father had told him. They only had bits and pieces right then, not enough to build a full picture but more than enough to drain the rest of the color from Lacie’s cheeks.

“What’d he say?” Davis didn’t hesitate to get right to the point as he came around the back of the truck, keeping his voice low and out of range of Lacie’s tender ears.

“There is no TJ Carver.” Yanking out a pair of fresh jeans from the storage box, Chance tossed them at Davis before returning to work on his own buttons. “But the FBI has been tracking a serial killer who’s been dubbed ‘The Carver.’”

“Could be coincidental.” Tugging his jeans over his erection, Davis grimaced.

Chance shared that anguish with his friend. Despite the gloom and doom, his cock hadn’t deflated a bit, just the opposite. Knowing a threat loomed over his mate had sent a rising surge of primitive emotions that had flooded Chance’s dick with a need more painful than before.

The only thing worse was trying to button his fly down over the massive bulge. Grunting, he sucked in a breath and managed to shove the final three buttons slipped through their holes.

“Dad says no.” Chance released his breath, testing how hard it would be to move in his condition. “All the victims had demonic symbols carved in them.”

Davis fingers stilled as his whole body tensed. “What kind of symbols?”

“Blood spells.” That’s all his father had said. Chance didn’t need to hear anymore to be overwhelmed by the itch to get Lacie to safety. It made him rush as he moved around Davis to start packing up everything spewed across the bed.

Davis on the other hand hadn’t even appeared to take a breath when all of sudden he jolted, turning around to confront Chance. “What kind of spells? Most magic doesn’t work in this world.”

“Most,” Chance agreed, balling up the quilt. “And which spells do, I don’t know. Dad’s getting the answers now.”

“Jesus,” Davis sighed.

“Don’t start sweating.” Chance snapped the lid down on the picnic basket and sent it sliding across the bed. “Our perimeter is secure and the kings are headed this way.”

“Yeah, that’s relaxing,” Davis muttered, turning his attention to buttoning up his own jeans. “The kings aren’t coming all the way out here for nothing.”

“True enough.” Chance snapped the tailgate closed and headed for the cab, pausing to give Davis his own truth. “But I’d rather have the fight now than have to wait for it.”

Chance could see Davis consider that point before his gaze sharpened with renewed focus. “I’ll keep Lacie covered. You make sure this son of a bitch ends up dead.”

“His own mother won’t be able to identify him,” Chance vowed, meaning every word.

Chapter 10

A half hour later Lacie stood rooted in the doorway of the secluded cabin Chance had driven them to. The ride had been quiet and tense, a perfect breeding ground for worries. Her head had filled with an endless list of them.

Of course, arriving to find a swarm of trucks and a large group of grim-faced lycans milling about in the front yard hadn’t helped her nerves. Something really bad had either happened or was about to.

More importantly, nobody intended on filling her in. Chance hadn’t even bothered to introduce her to his father before he’d ordered her into the cabin. His curt, dismissive manner had hurt, but Lacie hadn’t dared to defy him in front of so many witnesses.

Instinctively she knew that would only make the situation worse. Instead she’d let Davis lead her away without objection. Beyond her annoyance with Chance’s attitude, Lacie really did want to escape. Wearing nothing more than a T-shirt that barely covered her ass made Lacie all too aware of the number of men looking in her direction. She did not appreciate the attention.

Blushing, she’d rushed for cover. All those concerns, though, had evaporated the second Davis had thrown the door to the cabin open. Almost instantly, Lacie completely forgot about the audience behind her.

Flowers littered the room, filling in almost every corner from the foil-wrapped pots cluttering the bookcases to the thick-glass vases lining a pathway through the veritable indoor jungle. There were even baskets brimming with brightly colored buds hanging from the ceiling.

“You like?” Clearly tickled by her shock, Davis waited just inside the small, wooden house. The tough looking lycan wore a grin wide enough to tell her how pleased he was with himself. “Another thing I arranged just for you.”

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