Professional Boundaries (14 page)

Read Professional Boundaries Online

Authors: Jennifer Peel

There was a line of hugs. Holly held on just a bit longer. “You look absolutely beautiful, but there is something different about you,” she whispered in my ear.

It made me feel better. At least I wasn’t crazy thinking the same thing.

“I can’t put my finger on it, but it suits you,” she said.

Boss was also flattering. Luke was at the end of the line. He hugged me tighter than I would have liked. “Hi gorgeous,” he whispered low in my ear. Then he kissed my cheek.

I backed away quickly. “Thank you.”  I tried to convey in my tone his advances wouldn’t be welcome. By the look in his eye, he didn’t get it.
One more man to avoid
, I thought. I quickly turned to Holly and Boss and asked them to tell me about their trip. I also had plenty to catch up on with Ethan and Bethany, but I didn’t get a lot of info as they were busy chasing kids.

Of course Boss and Holly were anxious to hear about how things were going at the office. I was very positive. I didn’t want to give them any reason to worry, especially not tonight. Boss was particularly pleased to hear about the meeting we had the day before.  I noticed Luke listening intently; I’m sure he was still bitter his Dad fired him, but he only had himself to blame. Thankfully he decided our conversation wasn’t to his liking and he left. From there I enjoyed pictures of Cancun and playing with baby Camden. He was an adorable curly redhead that had the most addicting giggle ever. I wanted one.

Before too long, guests begin to arrive. I think I knew everyone, from clients, to employees, to people we all went to church with. I was happy that Amanda and Zane showed up before my new boss. I wanted to make sure they were going to be on their very best behavior and not embarrass me. They had been teasing me all week about what they were going to say to Mr. Greyson when they met him tonight. It ranged from the absurd all the way to blush-worthy inappropriate.

As soon as they got there, I cornered them, but it did no good. They had evil glints in their eyes. I didn’t like it one bit. I even reminded them that there was another woman and the reason he moved here had nothing to do with me. They weren’t buying it.

“I’m telling you, Kelli, the woman he’s talking about is you,” Zane said.

My sister shook her head in agreement.

“You both have lost your ever-living minds,” I commented.

I just walked away toward the patio and prayed the good Lord would have mercy on me and Mr. Greyson wouldn’t come. But just as I thought it, he appeared. It was eerie.

“Kelli,” he said.

“Mr. Greyson.”

He cocked his head to the side and shook it. “I almost think you call me that just for enjoyment now.”

“Now, Mr. Greyson, why would you think such a thing?”

He moved closer and lowered his voice. “I, too, can read people.”

“Oh really?” I raised my fingers so they touched my temple. “So what am I thinking now then?”

He stepped even closer. “You’re thinking, ‘How come he hasn’t complimented me yet on how amazing I look.’ ”

My eyes popped and I dropped my hand.

He smiled.

“Um …” I bit my lip. “Not even close.”

“Oh, well I tried.” He winked.

All of a sudden I felt very warm, and of course it was then my sister and Zane decided to grace us with their presence.

“Kelli, who is this?” Oh my gosh, like she didn’t know. She practically sang the words. I was going to kill her later.

“Mr. Greyson, let me introduce my sister, Amanda, and my brother-in-law, Dr. Zane Culver.”

Ian shook both of their hands. “Please call me Ian.” He looked over to me as he said it.

I just shook my head no.

My sister and brother-in-law looked to be enjoying the show.

“You’re a doctor? What is your field of medicine?” he asked Zane.

“I can’t believe you didn’t mention already that I was the best dentist in Nashville,” Zane teased me.

I rolled my eyes. “My apologies, oh great one.”

“Bryant women are so sassy.” He winked at me.

“Tell me about it,” Ian said.

My sister playfully smacked her husband, and I just smiled like I was proud of the characterization. Zane and Mr. Greyson seemed to hit it off immediately. I wasn’t sure what to make of that or how to feel about it.

While they chatted like old college buddies, my sister pulled me over to the side. “Whoa Kelli, how do you get any work done with him around?” she asked, just for my ears.

“It’s easy, I ignore him.”

“Why would you want to? Look at him.”

I did look at him, and he looked great. He was wearing some brown dress slacks paired with an off-white shirt and vest. I looked away quickly. He was my boss, end of story. “So he’s good looking. So what?”

“You’re not fooling anyone, Kelli, and neither is he. I saw the way you two were looking at each other when we walked out here.”

“You got the whole loathing vibe then?”

She squeezed my shoulder and laughed. I just rested my head against hers briefly. For some reason, I needed the comfort only she could give. I wasn’t sure why I needed it at that particular moment, but it felt nice. The feeling of peace that brought only lasted for a moment until we were joined by Delfia and Matt. They looked like they were together; I thought there might be a little something going on between the two of them. I noticed, when Matt came up to work with me, the stolen glances between the two. I thought he was like ten years younger than her, but they looked great together.

 She seemed a little nervous, which was unlike her, and he looked like he had just hit the jackpot. Amanda knew both already from our monthly lunch dates, so there was no need for introductions. I also tried not to draw attention to the fact they were together; they seemed unsure about it. But it only took me a minute to wish I had brought up my suspicions, as my sister and Delfia started talking about me and my boss, who, at the moment, was engrossed in conversation with my brother-in-law. Amanda was trying to extricate any juicy details from her on what went on in the office, and she also spilled the beans that I had once dated the new boss and I had it pretty bad for him. I kept trying to hush her.

Delfia was delighted to get the scoop. “I knew there was a past there. You should see the fireworks in the office,” she eagerly told my sister.

Matt kept looking at me, somewhat embarrassedly. I finally couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m off to find Boss and Holly.” No one cared that I left; they were enjoying their gossip fest. I walked past Zane and Mr. Greyson on my way back in; they were now sitting and talking like two old men on a front porch. It made me nervous. I didn’t want him to be friends with my family, and where was the family loyalty, for crying out loud? I just shook my head at Zane and glared at Mr. Greyson, who looked at me curiously as I walked by.

Ever since he walked back into my life, it had been nothing but unpredictability. Unfortunately, the one thing I could predict tonight was Luke, and he didn’t disappoint. As I walked into the house, he was coming out. He already looked like he had had too much to drink.

“Baby doll, I’ve been looking for you.”

I hated when he called me that, but I just ignored it. The last thing I wanted was for him to blow up at his parents’ party, and when he drank you never knew what would set him off.

“Do you know where your parents are?” I asked instead.

He just shook his head and looked me up and down from head to toe. I could see the sinister gleam in his eye; it gave me the willies. I couldn’t believe this was the Luke I used to know. He grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back outside. I pulled back, but for a drunken guy, he was still well in control of his bodily functions, and he sure didn’t lack strength.

“Luke, please let go.”

“Come on, Baby.”

He drew closer, and I almost puked from the smell.

“Luke, knock it off,” I tried to keep my voice down. I didn’t want to make a scene. His parents deserved better, but he still didn’t let go, and now he was disgustingly licking his lips. That was it. I yanked as hard as I could. That did the trick, but it set him off. He tried to grab me again, all while lobbing a few choice words my way. Thankfully Mr. Greyson and Zane were alerted, and they came to my rescue just as Luke got a hold of my arm again.

Mr. Greyson grabbed his hand while Zane grabbed the back of his shirt.

“I suggest if you want to keep that hand you let go of her immediately,” Mr. Greyson said with absolute authority. I had never seen him look so furious. His eyes blazed with hatred toward Luke.

Luke let go, and Zane directed him forcefully out the door. Luke kept spouting out vile words, letting the world know how I had ruined his life because I couldn’t love him for who he was, if only I would have married him, and what a witch I was (but he didn’t use that nice of a word). I was so embarrassed.

“Thank you,” was all I could say quietly to a stunned Mr. Greyson. I walked off as fast as I could. I made my way through a crowd of people to the front porch, and there I sat on the porch swing, trying not to cry. It didn’t work very well. No matter whether you believe them when a person says such things to you, it still hurts. The hurt and embarrassment were too much, and the tears began to spill over. After just a minute or two, the front door opened and out walked Mr. Greyson with eyes full of concern.

He looked at me for just a second before he made his way to me. I tried to wipe at the tears furiously, but to no avail—they kept coming.

“May I join you?” he asked.

He looked so sweet. He looked like my Ian. I stopped swinging and scooted over. He sat right next to me and handed me a tissue.

I gladly accepted the tissue. “Thank you. Where did you get this?”

“Your sister thought you would need one.”

She knew me so well, but I wondered why she hadn’t come to find me as I dabbed my eyes and cheeks.

“Did Luke leave?” I asked.

“He won’t be bothering you anymore.”

That didn’t really answer the question, but it made me feel better. I just didn’t want his parents’ party to be spoiled.

“Do Gary and Holly know?”

He reached over and gently picked up my arm and began carefully pulling up my sleeve. “Quit worrying about everyone else right now. Are you alright?”

His concern and gentle behavior made the tears start up again. He lightly touched the finger marks left by Luke. “Does that hurt?”

I shook my head no.

He delicately placed my hand back in my lap. Then he reached up and brushed a few tears away.

I smiled. “Doesn’t this cross some professional boundaries?”

He brushed my cheek one more time and grinned. “I guess it’s a good thing were not in the office.”

Without thinking, I reached up and grabbed his hand as he touched my face. It was so natural. It was an old habit, and my heart leapt. For a moment our eyes locked, and there I saw …“Ian.”

He grinned wide.

I dropped my hand, and his smile dropped.

“I mean, Mr. Greyson …Thank you, but we should probably get back to the party now.”

His shoulders dropped, and he sighed. “Someday, Kelli,” he responded.

“Someday, what?”

He came to himself again. “Just someday.”

I stood up and smoothed out my dress. “Do I look like a mess?”

He laughed. “After everything that just happened, that’s what you’re worried about?”

“I don’t want to worry Boss and Holly. Plus, a girl never knows when Mr. Right will pop up.”

He shook his head at me and stood up. I looked up at that beautiful face of his.

“You still look amazing, but …” he replied.


He gave me a mischievous grin. “But … the question is will you ever call Mr. Right by his first name?”

What a weird response,
I thought, but I responded the only way I could. “Unless his name is Mr. Darcy.”

He shook his head at me. “You still love that book?”

“Doesn’t every available woman in her thirties?”

“That I wouldn’t know,” he responded.

I began walking toward the door.

He didn’t follow. “I need to take off,” he said. 

I turned back toward him. “So soon?”

Why did I sound disappointed?

“I have an early flight tomorrow.”


“I’m heading to Colorado. I have some personal things that have come up.”

“How long will you be gone?”
Not like I really cared.

“A week, maybe two. But don’t worry, I’ll be checking in everyday.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh thank you, you don’t know how worried I was just there.”

He shook his head at me again.

“Goodnight, Kelli. I’ll call you.”

Wow that sounded familiar. I caught my breath for a second.

“Goodnight, Mr. Greyson.”

He walked off saying, “Someday, Kelli, someday …”

I watched him walk off, and I felt a tiny tug in my chest. I chalked it up to heartburn.

Chapter 11


I felt like I kept saying this lately, but that did not go how I had anticipated it. I just wanted a nice evening with family and friends to celebrate the milestone of one of the greatest men on earth, but instead I ended up being manhandled, to put it nicely. That led me to kind of a moment on the porch with my boss, which caused all sorts of confusion, and to top it off, Mr. Greyson was now my brother-in-law’s new BFF; they were even going golfing when he got back from Colorado. Oh yeah, and now the whole office would know that I had a thing with Mr. Greyson, and if that wasn’t enough, Mr. Greyson now knew about my history with Luke. It was like my life was coming undone stitch by stitch. My sister said this was a good thing, because I needed a change of wardrobe.

And of course Mr. Greyson was her favorite now, too, since he played hero. I admit I was truly grateful for that. Not like Luke could’ve really done anything, even if he did get me outside, but I appreciated him and Zane remedying the situation quickly.

As I lay there in bed thinking about the weirdness that had become my life, my phone rang. I picked it up and was surprised by the name that appeared and by the lateness of the hour. I was intrigued with why he would call so late, so I picked up. “Mr. Greyson. Let me guess, you already have a list of directives for me to follow while you’re gone.”

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