Pussycat in Peril (Pussycat Death Squad Book 3) (12 page)

“Come on habibti,” he said softly against her neck as his fingers teased her with greater and greater insistence. His other hand held her swollen breast flicking the distended nipple to the point that it felt as though her nipple and clit were connected along a continuous route of pleasure arcing back and forth until she was conscious of nothing else but his touch and her desperate need. “You’re so fucking wet for me. Cream all over my hand the way you’re going to cream all over my cock. I love your pussy. So pretty and pink, opening for me, inviting me in. That’s it baby, give me all that cream.” He brought his fingers to his mouth and tasted each one as though indulging in a delicacy.

Then he turned and moved her until she was sitting on the edge of the bed. He spread her legs then knelt between them. She watched, unbearably aroused by the sensuality of his dark head between her widespread legs, but when he began to slide his tongue over her delicate folds she fell back on the bed unable to even hold herself upright anymore. His beard abraded the tender flesh of her inner thighs setting the sensitive nerve endings aflame.

He grew ever more aggressive, demanding nothing less than her complete surrender. He spread her legs farther apart as he delved deeper, feasting on her with a carnality that nearly drove her out of her mind. When her orgasm hit, she lost it for a moment and cried out, though she’d been trying to remain quiet for fear of awakening their hosts. It was too much. She tried to squirm away but when he raised his head she begged for more. He pushed his pajamas off his hips freeing the powerful length of his cock. She sat up then, reaching out to touch him. His cock was slick with pre-come and she slid her hand up and down, loving the velvety feel of his flesh. He groaned, arching his back to give in to the sensation. Then he grabbed her hand to stop the motion.

“What’s wrong? Was I not supposed to touch you? Doesn’t it feel good?” she asked looking down at him. His cock literally looked good enough to eat, and more than anything she wanted to taste him, but if she didn’t even know how to touch him properly…

He chuckled. “Oh touching me is good. Real good. I’m into it a bit too much. I need to calm down.”

“But aren’t you supposed to be into it?”

“Sure, if you want it to be over in like ninety seconds,” he said with another self-deprecating chuckle. “Come here baby. We’re going to take this real slow. I want it to be sweet and wonderful for you.” He brought her head down for another kiss. This time it was slow and languorous yet still so hot it curled her toes. He grabbed a condom from the box on the chair next to the bed.

She watched avidly as he ripped the package open, then slipped the condom over his erect penis. Breathless as she studied its length and dimension.

He followed her down on the bed until she was lying flat once again with her legs over the edge. He kissed her again. This time the kiss was lascivious, almost violent. The kiss of a man holding on by a thread.

“Are you ready for me habibti? Do you want me?”

She nodded. “Yes. Yes I want you.”

Then he was there pressing against the opening of her pussy. The broad head of his penis spread her wider and then wider again easing and then increasing the tension. He pushed in slowly, setting her nerve endings on edge while paradoxically lessening the delicious ache. She was so wet his cock slid in easily. The feel of his heated length sliding into her was amazing. He slipped a hand between their striving bodies and stroked her clit gently sending her orgasm coursing through her body.  He was so big. Filling her to the point she didn’t think she could take more, but there was more and more and more. He felt so good. He was there, all the way in.

“Look at me baby,” he groaned. And she slowly opened her eyes, staring into his face. The tendons in his neck stood out, reflecting the strain as he struggled to control his need.

“That’s it baby. You took all of me. So good. So fucking good.” He paused for moment as though to gather himself. “Are you ready? I’m going to let you set the pace, baby, take me at your own speed as much as you want,” he said his jaw clenched.

She nodded wanting more. Needing more.

He began moving slowly in and out and then with increasing force. His eyes remained closed and he gasped with each motion of his powerful hips.

The luscious feel of him was driving her higher and higher. The intensity was tightening along her nerve endings like a rubber band being wound again and then again. Every cell in her body was hypersensitive and pulsating with need. More. More. A little bit more. She rocked her hips forward so that her clit rested against the base of his cock, again and again she rocked, moaning gently. She ground down harder feeling that release just a bit away. Then like a sudden shift in plate tectonics it broke over her and she had to bury her face in the bedding to keep from screaming. He slowed his movements down to a slow grind to lengthen the arc of her climax as she struggled to remain silent.

He buried his face in the curve of her neck, his hips moving more erratically until with a shout he came as well.

They lay there, the room silent except for the sound of their tremulous breaths. Finally he collapsed beside her. She was totally incapable of movement. Even licking her lips would require too much effort.

She had no idea how long they lay there, whether a few minutes or a hundred minutes she lost all concept of time as her racing heartbeat slowed. Kaeden sat up as though in slow motion. He leaned down to press a soft kiss against her mouth.

“You okay, baby? I wasn’t too rough?”

It took some effort, but she managed to smile. “No. It was wonderful.”

He smiled back as color rose in his face almost as if he was bashful. “I’ll get a towel from down the hall,” he murmured as he removed the condom. After tying the end he slipped his pajama bottoms back on. Before long he returned from the bathroom with the wet towel, which he used to gently wipe the evidence of their lovemaking from her thighs. He put the towel on the chair. Then picked up her gown from the floor.

She sat up and slipped the gown back on.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.

“More than okay. That was great.”

Then he grinned and sat down on the bed. She crawled over him to her side and spooned up against his back. He said something, but the words were so soft she didn’t hear him.


“Do you love me?” he said turning his head a bit so she could hear him.

Astaria stared at him. “Why are you asking me that?”

“Because I want to know,” he said.

“Do you love me?” she asked.

“I told you that already. I’ve loved you for years.”

“You said you wanted me, you didn’t say you loved me,” Astaria said, but she knew she was just being contrary. He’d made his feelings clear.

“You haven’t answered my question,” he said.

“I love you, too,” she said and was rewarded with a kiss. And though just a second ago she could have sworn she was incapable of being aroused again, the brief contact proved her wrong. She leaned forward to intensify the kiss and felt his groan against her lips.

“Baby, you’re not ready for anything more. You’re going to be sore in the morning,” he whispered trying to pull away.

“I’ll worry about that tomorrow. Or are you too tired?”

“I’ve waited years for this. I’ll never be too tired for you,” he said.

Chapter Nine

They had talked through several different scenarios the previous evening. Even so, when the children arrived the next day Astaria almost forgot her role. After the long night of lovemaking she was more than a bit sleep-deprived, so much so that Sarai had corrected her several times, but with a knowing smile.

Making love with Kaeden had been a revelation and the more she had, the more she wanted. He’d warned her she’d be sorry today and yes, she was more than a bit tender, but she had no regrets. For once there were actually customers in the store, so she had to recover quickly when the strange man walked up and referred to her as his cousin. She stared at him blindly for a long moment. He did have the look of her family about him, being both tall and large in the way of the Ibrahims. He was dressed casually in jeans and a pale green polo shirt. His bearded face was broad and his deep brown eyes were kind. She had more family than anyone had ever been able to count and they were scattered throughout the country. She also had numerous relatives she hadn’t seen since childhood, but she was certain she’d never seen this man before.

It was only after looking at the children—a small-framed girl of about eight and a sturdy boy who looked to be around five years old -- that she realized what was occurring. Both children had dark coloring. The boy’s wavy hair being cut in an almost military style, while the girl’s hair was a huge curly mess that was nearly as big as she was.

She dropped to her knees to embrace the children. Apparently they’d been coached or maybe they were just surprised because they hugged her back. Clearly they’d grown accustomed to strange goings on and had learned to go along with the script so to speak. She rose from the floor to give the strange man a hug as well. This wasn’t really appropriate, but she couldn’t think of any other way to ask a crucial question.

“Your name? What’s your name?” she hissed in his ear not daring to pick a name as it was possible he was a local and known by others. They’d already drawn the curious eyes of a couple customers in the store.

“Hamid,” he whispered in return before she stepped back.

“Dear cousin Hamid, how lovely for you to bring my babies all this way. Surely you will stay for refreshment? Amati Sarai just brewed a pot of tea and we have some cakes.” This was said for the benefit of the customers in the store, it would be unusual for a visitor to an Arab household to not be offered refreshment, but Astaria primarily wanted an opportunity to get additional information from the man if it was possible.

“I would love to cousin, but as you know, I have come a long way, and must get back before the fall of night,” the man said.

“I understand. Again, thank you ever so much,” she said before giving the man another hug. As soon as he left the store, she bent down to pick the little boy up pausing for a moment to inhale his sweet little boy smell. After planting him firmly on her hip she took the little girl’s hand and rushed to the back into the workroom.

“Kaeden, Kaeden, our babies are here.”

” Kaeden said looking up from his worktable.

“Kaeden! Please don’t swear in front of the children.” She gave him a sharp look, a reminder that he could be overheard from the front of the store.

,” he said obviously abashed. “I’d hoped, well you know what I’d hoped.”

Astaria nodded even as heat rose to her face. Kaeden had never used endearments before, but now he seemed to use them all the time. Of course, considering what went on last night she shouldn’t be surprised, but hearing him call her ‘my love,’ sent a rush of emotion through her. Now’s not the time. She forced herself to think about what he’d just said. Kaeden had hoped their speculation was off base. That Boulos wanted them to smuggle something far more innocuous than two royal orphans, one of whom was the crown prince. “Let’s take them up to the kitchen. I’m sure they’re tired and hungry. I think Amati Sarai has some cakes.”

“I remember you.”

Astaria looked down and gave the much too serious little girl a questioning look. “You do?”

“You used to come to our house when I was little,” Ravia said.

Astaria had to smile at that because Ravia was still tiny now. She had to be seven or eight, but she could easily be mistaken for a five-year-old. Princess Nevea had been petite as well. Astaria had never met their father, but he must have been a large man because Prince Abdullah was oversized for his age, almost as big as his sister. Both children wore clothing much like that which had arrived in the parcel—off the rack and available at any retailer. Astaria knew their mother had shopped in specialty boutiques in Laritrea and even in Paris for the children. Obviously they couldn’t be seen in designer clothes, they would stand out too much, but it was another loss for these children. They couldn’t even keep their own clothes.

“You’re right Ravia. I guarded you and your mother.”

“Abdullah hadn’t been born yet. Maybe if you’d still been here they wouldn’t have killed my mama and babba,” Ravia said. Her large brown were much too solemn for a child her age.

Well that answered the other question Astaria had. Clearly they both knew what had happened to their parents though little Abdullah was probably too young to truly understand what death meant.

“I’m so sorry Ravia. Your mother was a lovely woman. I liked her a lot. I never met your father.”

“He went to war,” Abdullah piped up.

Astaria nodded. “Are you tired? It would probably be a good idea to take a nap.”

Ravia agreed. “We’re both tired. Dula hasn’t been sleeping well. He’s been waking us up with his nightmares.”

“Yes, I would imagine so,” Astaria said.

“Can we sleep with you? Mama said you were a very good guard and would always protect us,” Ravia said, taking Astaria’s hand.

“Of course, sweetheart. You can sleep in our room. I will keep you safe.” She didn’t make eye contact with Kaeden, though keeping the children with them made the most sense. If authorities came in the middle of the night they had a better chance of escaping if they were all together. But that would definitely conclude any further usage of the overpriced condoms he’d purchased.

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