Red Flags (35 page)

Read Red Flags Online

Authors: C.C. Brown

Tags: #romance, #love relationships, #love romance, #adult and young adult, #sex and relationships fiction

Chase walked up and hugged me and wished me a
happy birthday before walking off with some of our friends from
school. Chelsea came up screeching with a much mellower Hunter in
tow and threw her arms around me. “Are you surprised?” She yelled,
as if I were much further away than I really was.

“Yes, I had no idea. Thank you all so

“Well, don’t thank me. I was left out in the
cold on this, so you’ll have to thank Mila and your ex-boyfriend.”
She could barely complete the end of the sentence without laughing.
I remembered that through all of the assumed nonsense that I had
broken up with Jason. He walked up and put his arm around my

“Yeah. Some guy must be a real idiot to do
all of this for his ex-girlfriend.” He smiled at me, and before
giving in to him, I decided to give him a hard time.

“Well, I was promised La Bellezza, and that
was taken away from me, so I might become this idiot’s girlfriend
when I get it.” I smiled back, and Jason took my hand and led me to
the patio area.

Besides the servers walking around with
appetizer platters, and glasses of champagne, there was a full
serving station set up at the outdoor kitchen.

“I thought it would be a little difficult to
take everyone to the restaurant, so I brought the restaurant to
you.” I looked up and down the patio and saw that the staff of La
Bellezza had set up a makeshift restaurant in Jason’s backyard. The
sweet aroma of lamb and marinara overwhelmed the air in a good way.
There were numerous other entrees that I couldn’t pinpoint, and I
was suddenly mesmerized by the transformation that had taken place
in Jason’s backyard.

There were white canopies propped up all over
the yard, strewn with tea white lights, and light pink chandeliers
hanging from the center. Although there were servers serving
champagne to the guests, Jason had stayed true to himself by
providing multiple kegs and even had an ice sculpted shooter
station. There was a wide plank stretching over the pool, and as
guests mingled on it, I turned to Jason and kissed him

“I’m ready to have my boyfriend back, if he’s
ready to have me.”

“I was ready the day you broke up with me,”
he smiled and kissed me again.

“Where are everyone’s cars? How did you pull
this off?”

“Well, the guests were instructed to park
down at the parking stalls at the end of the road, and I had
vehicles bring them up. This took a shit ton of planning babe,
that’s why I was on the phone so much with Mila.”

“I feel like such a jackass.”

“As you should, but tonight, we will just
settle for you having a good time.”

We set off to mingle with the rest of the
guests. I looked around and couldn’t help but stare at Jason with
deep appreciation. He had put up with quite a bit for this, and
could have easily said forget it, and told me what was going on. My
surprise was worth the headache that I inflicted on him and Mila.
He pulled me to the center of the backyard, and whispered that
there was another surprise. I heard the beginning cords to the
Make Me Believe
by the SD’s. I threw my hand over my
mouth, and looked up to Jason who had an accomplished smile on his
face. I fell in love with the song the other night at the bar, and
I was momentarily shocked that he got the band to come on such
short notice.

Reality smacked me upside my head and I was
reminded that the restaurant staff was in his backyard serving
food, so having this local band play their hot songs was as good a
gift for them as it was for me. Most of the attendees knew the
song, so as the band played; they got help from the audience.

The lead singer looked different in black
jeans and a skin tight black shirt. Jason must have instructed him
to cover up for the party. When they finished their song, they came
over to introduce themselves and wished me a happy birthday.

A raucous crowd had gathered at the ice
sculpted shooter station, and I found my mom taking a shot. My dad
was standing over her in disbelief, while Ryan led the crowd egging
her on. I couldn’t find anything else to do but laugh at the
situation. My mom was in her pearls, and taking shots. Classy!

Jason’s voice came over the speaker and asked
that everyone make their way around the pool so that he could
present me with my birthday present. Another present, hadn’t he
given me enough? He stepped off the stage and came over to me,
wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck. I heard my
present before I saw it, and when the beginning chords of the
Slither song we heard on our first night together started playing,
my mouth dropped as I saw Dustin McCreed, the lead singer, walk out
on the stage. Jason had truly gone above and beyond. The song could
be labeled our song. I turned to face him, and before I could thank
him, he planted the warmest, sweetest kiss on my lips. I closed my
eyes and lay my head on his chest and gently swayed to the song.
Thoughts of our first night danced through my head, and while I was
ashamed of my behavior that night, I realized that the night meant
a lot to Jason, and him having Dustin McCreed sing the song at my
birthday party was his way of showing his appreciation of our
beginning. I opened my eyes and locked gazes with Chase, who lifted
his shot glass to toast me, threw it back, and walked off with a
short blond.

When the song finished, Dustin came over and
shook hands with Jason, who introduced the two of us.

“Nice to meet you Cara, and happy

“Thank you so much. Oh My Gosh! I can’t even
believe you pulled this off.” I said, smiling at Dustin but turning
towards Jason.

He took a couple of beers being handed out by
the servers, “well, part of my time in Texas, I met up with Dustin,
since my dad has shares in his record company’s stock. They set up
our meeting, and I planned this out.”

“It’s my pleasure,” Dustin threw in, and took
a short swig of his beer. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to try some
of that food. Thank you for having me, and again, happy birthday.”
He winked and walked away, leaving me to Jason’s warm embrace.

“Was this a good birthday?” He asked with
reservation on his face.

“Of course it was. What would you have done
if I hadn’t agreed to go to dinner with you?”

He pondered the question for a minute before
answering. “That never really crossed my mind. I guess I would have
had to use Ryan some sort of way.”

“Thank you Jason, for everything. You’ve
really gone too far, but thank you.” I threw my arms around his
neck and held on tightly.

He laughed and pulled me onto the stage
overlapping the pool.

“Can I get everyone’s attention? I really
want to thank ya’ll for comin’ out for Cara’s birthday tonight, and
for keeping it a secret. Thank you to Ryan and Mila for helping me
pull this off, and enduring the abuse of Cara for all of this
time.” He drew laughter from the crowd.

Two servers rolled out a cake in the shape of
a softball, with “Happy Birthday Gorgeous” written in beautiful
calligraphy. The lead singer from the SD’s led the Happy Birthday
song, and Jason planted a deep, passionate kiss on my lips once
they finished. I made a wish before blowing out the candles, and
the servers rolled the cake away, sliced it, and started to pass it
around to the guests.

Jason and I stood in each other’s arms, and I
looked deep into his eyes and blurted out, “I love you,” and
immediately all blood drained from my face. I was embarrassed for
allowing myself to speak before thinking. Jason grabbed my chin and
lightly kissed my lips.

“I love you too Cara Pinkston.”

The rest of the night felt like an out of my
body experience. The people I loved most were all together,
celebrating me, and enjoying themselves. We spent the rest of the
night drinking, taking pictures, and reminiscing about the wrath I
had inflicted on both Jason and Mila, finding humor in the
situation. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday or a better
present. Hearing Jason say those words meant more than any of the
remarkable gifts that he gave me, and they were all pretty

Chapter 17

Waking up in Jason’s arms had me not wanting
to ever leave his side. I slowly opened my eyes, blinking to adjust
to the bright sunlight peering in through the windows. When I
finally focused, I stared into Jason’s beautiful brown eyes, and
found him staring back with a slight grin on his face. Last night
was incredible. I went out with him feeling very apprehensive, and
still slightly angry, yet I woke up to him, feeling loved, desired,
and very much sated.

Last night, before going to bed, Jason did
the one thing I couldn’t have imagined him doing when I first met
him; make love to someone. He was an amazing screw, but the ability
to make love to someone required deep, uninhibited free falling of
you into someone else. Jason was all of that and more. He went
slow, devouring every inch of me, in a slow, melodic rhythm, that
built up our orgasms and allowed us to come down as one. The tingle
of every stroke he made sent my toes curling, my fingers grasping,
and my eyes rolling. When you make love to someone, there are no
words; you are left to the pull of your hearts and the feel of your
bodies. The orgasm was methodical and electrifying. My legs shook;
Jason placated that with thrust after thrust, and poured every
ounce of his love into me, while I quietly did the same.

Last night was the beginning of our true to
the core relationship. I haphazardly blurted out what I had been
feeling for so long, and yet, through all of my unwarranted fear,
he repeated the sentiment. Last night was definitely the beginning
of us.

“Good morning gorgeous,” he breathed, and I
could feel my body prepping for round two.

“Good morning.” He began rubbing his fingers
in my hair, and just as I was preparing to pull him on top of me,
he kissed my forehead and got out of bed.

“Where are you going?” I asked, slightly
disappointed, and allowing it to be traced in my tone.

“We need showers, and to get going if we are
going to make it on time for breakfast at your parents’ house.” He
walked into the bathroom, wearing absolutely nothing, teasing me
with a picture perfect view of what I came to believe was the
prototype of the perfect ass, supported by the perfect pair of
legs. His look back told me he knew exactly what he was doing, and
since I was shamelessly wanting, I made no qualms about joining him
in the shower.

The drive north to my parents’ house was
especially peaceful. Jason and I had shown each other just how much
we loved each other from the words, to the affections, and finally,
to the depth of our intimacy. I couldn’t recall a time in this
turbulent relationship that we had both felt so at peace, and
completely in sync. We arrived to find Ryan’s car parked in the
driveway and from somewhere deep down inside, I knew that I had to
push my pride aside, and deeply apologize to Mila. I had been
nothing but nasty to her, so groveling at her feet was not beneath

My mom opened the door before I had a chance
to ring the bell, and smothered me in her embrace of hugs, kisses,
and numerous happy birthday wishes. She took Jason in her arms and
kissed him a few times on the cheek, shocking him, but entertaining
me. Jason looked visibly uncomfortable, but my mom was either
oblivious, or just didn’t care. I think the outpouring of affection
stemmed from the party the night before. My dad was much more
demure, but that came as no surprise. He wrapped his arms around
me, and kissed the top of my head while wishing me a happy
birthday. He simply extended his hand out to Jason, and patted his
arm as they shook. For my dad, it was a huge step and it warmed my
heart to see the embrace.

Jason put his hand on the small of my back as
I led us into the house. The scent of maple invaded my nose, and I
found Ryan and Mila slaving away in the kitchen, flipping pancakes,
and rolling sausages. They both looked up to greet us and shouted
in unison, “happy birthday.” I rushed over to give them a hug,
removing the spatula from Mila’s hands and tossing it to Jason.
Leading her out to the back patio, the look of confusion spread
throughout her face. Once outside, I threw my arms around her neck
and repeated just how apologetic I was.

“Whoa Pinks. You’ve apologized already, we’re

“No Mila, that was generic. I need to
apologize for being such a bitch on so many levels. I didn’t think
you would do right by Ryan, I didn’t trust you with Jason…” she
held up her hand and stopped me short of my confession.

“I know all of that. Trust me, there were
certainly moments where I wanted to kick your ass, and I think I
should have, but Jason is totally into you, and he said it would
all be worth it, so I put my can of whoop ass away and went with
the flow.” I shook my head and hugged her again. Thinking about the
way I’d treated Mila over the past few weeks had me embarrassed and
remorseful. It also enlightened me on just how deep in I was where
Jason was concerned.

“What about Ryan and Chelsea?”

“Ryan knew, but I begged him to play along,
and just be the supportive big brother. Chelsea didn’t know because
she has a big mouth and would have told you. Trust me -- I
contemplated telling her too, because she was achin’ to get her ass
kicked.” She laughed, grabbed me by the arm and took me back into
the house.

Breakfast was delicious, but now my dad,
being my dad, initiated more pressing topics, convoluting the light
and airy feel of the breakfast table.

“So, graduation is this week? What are you
kids planning on doing with yourselves?”

Jason took the reins, and I was grateful
because I was sure the bulk of that question was aimed at him.

“Well sir, as you know, I do a little side
work for my dad out here, so I plan to take that on full- time. My
dad is expanding his West Coast accounting holds, and I’m going to
head that up.”

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